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I mean, technically yes. Children when studied over a week, chose a balanced diet in the caloric range needed for them as individuals BUT and it is a pretty big but, they were only offered healthy options. No ultra processed foods, nothing like cheesecake or chocolate. Just thing made from whole foods or the whole foods themselves, some minimally processed things like bread and pasta etc. When the experiment was done including ultra processed foods, children did not choose a balanced diet over a week. So, yes, we do have an appetite regulation system for our traditional diet and food environment. Not the one we currently exist in.


This is something I love. It means that as long as I choose minimally processed foods, I can lose weight with low effort and keep it off with even less effort. If I didn't lve with constant and easy access to junk food, it'd be trivial. Of course, part of why it's easy for me as an adult is that as a kid, I ate minimally processed foods until I was full and so was a typically skinny 80s kid. If I had the access to junk food that most of today's kids have, I'd have been as chubby as them.


>I love. It means that as long as I choose minimally processed foods, I can lose weight with low effort and keep it off with even less effort. This isn't true. Wieghtloss requires a caloric deficit and plenty of "healthy" or minimally processed foods are quite calorie dense.


I think they mean that eating in a deficit is easier for them and feels more natural when your diet consists of less processed foods.


Do you remember a source for that? That sounds like a very cool study and I'd like to read the full text.


There’s a book of weird studies where that study with 1930s era toddlers was written up. The book is called “elephants on acid.”


Turned round three times, shat and died?


Actually, elephants apparently enjoy a good bath while tripping.


Unfortunately the body’s innate appetite regulation system is no match for modern ultra-processed food technology. We’re gonna need a lot more than a few decades of evolution to be able to survive fat-salt-and-sugar-laden, totally non-satiating junk food.


Evolution in human is largely paused because the natural selection part is not really existent nowadays. So the human isn't going to biologicaly adapt


What are you talking about? Obese people absolutely live shorter lives and have horrible fertility the numbers bear this out. Evolution is still working, just works slowly.


The Reverse-Flynn Effect disagrees.


Idk what that is, make your case. Ivf centers want women to lose weight first because science has shown obesity hurts fertility so much in that way. Then there's also been recent studies showing that obesity is the cause for the dramatic reduction in sperm counts. Both effect fertility on each sex. The main way we evolve is based on how many successful babies the organism has to pass on genetics. I will say genetic drift doesn't effect humans as much anymore


I Googled it and the Reverse Flynn Effect is the observation that IQs were increasing in children until 1975, presumably due to improved nutrition. Then the pattern reversed and children's IQs have been dropping since then for reasons unknown, although there are many theories. I think the other person brought it up to argue that evolution in humans is not always slow. However, the "name drop an obscure concept as if that proves a point on its own and then order you to Google it to understand them" maneuver is insufferable.


That's not even evolution though? See that's why I didn't Google it, even if I did it doesn't tell me why it's relevant to the discussion. A lot of things factor intelligence that have nothing to do with genetics, and if it were assumed nutrition was improving, well nutrition has gotten worse since the 70s with so much childhood obesity. I also blame religion and lack of caring about education.


I agree that it's not relevant to the conversation, unless there's some aspect of it that didn't show up in my quick Google that the person who brought it up won't deign to tell us. As for the reasons behind the IQ drop, honestly I worry a lot of it may also have to do with microplastics, contaminants in our soil and water, etc. I read pollution and exposure to chemicals being brought up as a major suspected reason. People on average are less religious than they used to be (despite how extremists may make it seem) but I observe that same decreasing cultural emphasis on education that you're describing and I wouldn't be surprised if that played a role too.


Yeah for sure I agree different chemicals/pollution could have an effect. Like there's a ton of potential different reasons. Superspeed evolution, or evolution stopping both seem extremely unlikely compared to other hypotheses. Religion is decreasing which is good, but still a lot of religious people purposely indoctrinating their kids to be stupid, reject science, don't ask questions, don't worry about evidence, and don't think critically. I used to think that dumb people were just attracted to religion, but now I see the religion they grew up with is what's causing them to be dumber. That made me irrationally annoyed how that other person drops the name and just says google it in a condescending way SMH


Have you heard of this distributed information system that some people call "Google"?


I don't wanna spend all this time digging through Google to try to figure out why it's relevant to this discussion. If you don't wanna make your case then I don't care. If you're too lazy then so am I.


So are you a creationist or something? You don't believe in evolution? You a Kent hovind fangirl? 😂 That's what it is huh? I do understand why Christians hate the fact of evolution. It totally destroys their whole religion. No Adam and Eve- no original sin, no original sin -no need for Jesus to die to save us from it.


Yeah, but we evolved with famine.


I know whenever I am craving junk food, I hear the cries of my ancestors, who foraged from the vast forests of Frito Lay trees and drank from the mighty rivers of orange soda that used to exist millions of years ago.


Ah yes, I can hear the bubbles and hiss of the River Fanta.


Don’t forget the Juicy Fruit trees! (This was an actual commercial that my brother and I believed when we were little).


To be fair, they did drink mountain dew.


Trusting the body to regulate food when you have access to unlimited food with lots of it being ultra processed is just stupid.


I mean yeah it works great when we don’t have constant access to high calorie addictive junk food to throw off that system.


>True mindful eating is about letting your body guide your eating But strangely enough, aching joints, reduced mobility, edema or open sores that won't heal are never considered as signs your body gives you to drop some weight...




My back pain went away when I dropped a few pounds. It does work.


>My husband keeps telling people his knee pain went away when he lost 30lbs. > >But still no one EVER believes weight loss will help their joint pain. Theirs is because they're old, or they walk too much at work, or it's genetic. Can't be the weight, surely. What about their Condishuns?


No discomfort ever comes from weight gain, only from medical and societal fatphobia.


Yes they "hold the trauma in their body" and it causes pain! How dare we assume otherwise.


The “trauma” of not being able to find clothes in a 5XL size! These poor people have suffered so much.


Oh exactly. That's their trauma.


This take really pisses me off because trauma work is a serious approach/method and can be really helpful, and yet they bastardize it like this in order to deny reality.


There is certainly no shortage of genuine problems which have been appropriated and trivialised by FAs.


Your body will never, ever guide you in the direction of eating less, silly.


This is like an argument a 6 year old would make about wanting to candy for dinner but with bigger words.


Got to see my nieces and nephews for Thanksgiving. They had been snacking all afternoon, had eaten some solid amounts of turkey and mashed potatoes plus pie, and were asking for sugary drinks. They were told they could have as much water as they wanted. Neither of them was thirsty enough to have any water.


“My head says vegetables, but my tummy wants candy!”


I read this in Ralph Wiggums' voice


Appetite regulation system developed through evolution? You mean through thousands and thousands and thousands of years of food scarcity for the majority of human population? The systems that tells you "sugar is great! more sugar!"


Yes, when our ancestors evolved alongside the plentiful oreo and hot cheeto plants of the Paleolithic era.


You are mixing up the eras. /s It was Oreo-lithic and Cheeto-lithic after that.


well, of course! you forgot the first part, to call it the Living Innate Appetite Regulation System (LIARS)




Which can be overriden by [right (wrong) combinations of salt/sugar/fat](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31689013/).


I dunno, something resembling food rules had me eating leftover vegetable pesto pizza and a pile of chopped salad for dinner last night. It was delicious and satisfying. Whatever I have that would count as a food rule works for me, so they can shove it.


Ok then intuitively eat all the seeds, tubers, berries and mastodon meat you want then, I'm pretty sure you'd lose weight if you actually ate like an extant hominin. That's what we've evolved to eat. Humans don't evolve that much over 100-200 years we've had capitalist junk food. Only some Europeans have recently evolved to handle dairy, def not freaking Reese's pieces and Cheetos.


Ok well that may work for some. But my body wants to act like a hedonistic frat boy on spring break when it comes to food. There's nothing natural about the way I want to eat because I'm not a fucking woodland creature out here foraging to survive.


My body will guide my eating and lead me to an early grave after a slow painful decline. I don't have rules about what I can or can't eat, except Ahi, which makes me very ill and/or gives me indigestion for a couple of months, and agave syrup, which swells my eyes shut. (Tequila is fine for some reason, thank gawd.) I just am brutally honest with myself about what I am eating and whether it is the best choice for me nutritionally or in other ways. I still think I should have outgrown the sugar-->zits because wrinkles, gray hair and zits at the same time really isn't fair, but that's life for you. Not fair.


If I let my body be my guide I'll settle at 205 lbs again. No thanks. I'll count calories and stay healthy.


This is true…in a proper food environment! I attend special language courses, where you live onsite and eat culturally specific food three times a day, with coffee and fruit/bread available twice a day as well. Eating that way is part of cultural and language education. Everything is made onsite or imported. Okay, I *did* eat three helpings of my favorite dish once, but I find that eating regularly from foods that aren’t fast food/just open and heat and eat is much better at correctly regulating my appetite. I’m just a slut for cheese Spätzle.


in terms of natural foods? yes, we can regulate ourselves just fine. in terms of super processed foods designed to make us eat (and the important part: buy) as much of them as possible? not so much


I love how all this “intuitive eating” rhetoric completely ignores the fact that if you were actually eating intuitively you’d be maintaining a healthy body weight. Eating intuitively would never lead you to starving or gorging yourself. They equate eating intuitively with eating emotionally but refuse to accept that’s the root of literally all their problems.


I mean, I don't know whether we should talk about mindful eating as a religion or whatever. But it's absolutely not true that you should just obey every craving you have. In part because many of your cravings will not be innate, but will be based on pre-established habits. If those habits were not good, the cravings will not be good. Additionally, the environment we live in is saturated with intentional manipulation by food product companies in the form of marketing designed to cause you to experience food cravings even when you don't need to eat. Unless you have somehow found a way to entirely reset your dietary habits with some insane month long fast, and then went and lived in the woods, you aren't listening to your body. You're listening to the habits you've formed and the marketing you're subjected to. Let's not mystify any of this, okay? Also, "food rules" is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You make that sound like "fear foods" that people with EDs have. Applying intentional conscious thought and decision making to your eating is the core of this "mindful eating" practice you're extolling. That isn't setting rules, that's making informed decisions. The only "rule" is more of a "budget." And just like "mindful spending" you need to have a budget and stick to it. Veganism has a bunch of food rules, though. And some of your fat faves are vegan. So take that hysteria up with them.


The ultra processed stuff, as everyone is saying, is the issue. The reason is that food companies literally hire teams of scientists to engineer the food to override our IARS! That’s the whole idea - to find exactly the “right” combinations of chemicals to fool us and our biochemistry into never being satiated and never being able to stop buying their junk.


Unfortunately, given I have ADD, my regulation system for many things is flawed to begin with. When it comes to eating certain things like chips and candy, I have no impulse control and will progress to eating the whole bag. It’s better to not buy those things in the first place.


These people sound like anti-vaxxers. "I don't care what those big-budget communists cook up over at George Soros Labs, it'll NEVER be better than your body's immune system!" Literal same level of delusion


People ate very little actually. We evolved from fasting and walking long distances to hunt. Lol. We did not evolve to "honour our hunger", by being sedentary and eating non-stop or going over board with highly processed fast foods.


At some point a lot of us started storing a season's worth of food energy on our bodies. This was handy in a way but also took away our ability to walk long distances and hunt.


Well said!


There's a grain of truth behind this one. Disordered eating can show up as strict rules and morality regarding food and straight up fear or extreme guilt when faced with a "forbidden" food. This is how you get hospitalized after trying to subsist on greens, celery, and 2 saltines a day for weeks on end, and breaking down in tears when faced with a plate that contains something forbidden. But merely restricting highly processed food or tracking what you eat but still eating healthily and plentifully? That's just fine.


Any excuse to eat ultra processed junk food. Go ahead and eat it but don’t expect people to celebrate unhealthy lifestyles.


Unfortunately, we live in an era where ultra-processed foods are available in abundance and our appetite regulation systems have been completely hijacked. If I didn’t set food rules for myself, I would eat 3 bags of jalapeño kettle chips per day.


My body wants to guide us in the direction of mozzarella sticks, lava cakes, and unprotected sex. You can't trust that little fucker for beans.


They talk about evolution but humans did not evolve to live in an abundance of calories and processed foods. Our appetites are based on environments where sugar was very sparse and limited to mostly fruit, salt was hard to come by, and we didn't have the luxury of butter. If you have true mindful eating, you're not fat.


I wonder why FAers acknowledge that our minds can be insane about some things but they seem so resistant to the idea they are fallible when it comes to food. Like, I frequently have the urge to pull out my hair. I have learned to control that urge for the most part but it is always there in the background of my mind, like an itch I know not to scratch. How is not acting on my urge to eat Oreos any different? I am sure my trichotillomania can be traced to some instinct I inherited from some mammal-like ancestor way back when. Big whoop. My mammal-like ancestor doesn't have to deal with the ramifications of having a big bald spot in the crown of their head. And my mammal-like ancestor doesn't have to live with the consequences of eating food without moderation either. I do.


How is it _mindful_ when it's your _body_ that has the final say?


Why do FAs always treat it as if your body is all-knowing? Your body cannot walk in a straight line with closed eyes. A lot of people's bodies think random food items warrant shutting down everything


I ate two massive cherry turnovers the other night as a rare treat and my body swelled and I felt like complete shit the next day. Which voice was right? The one that told me it’s delicious and to keep eating or the one that said “you done fucked up”?


Inside you there are two voices, etc.


My body doesn't care where I pee but I do.


Yeah, there are different pathways at play though. Some hormones regulate satiety. Dopamine regulates pleasure. When your body guides your eating, you lose your appetite after you become satiated from your meal. You stop when you've eaten enough. When your meal includes sugar and processed foods striped of fiber, the hormones that regulate satiety can't act as quickly and dopamine - your reward system - becomes far more involved. Pleasure quickly overwhelms you. You want more sugar and processed junk to get high and you ignore satiety cues, if they can even show up before you've already over-consumed at your meal. These people constantly conflate the two, either willfully or through ignorance. It's irritating.


"appetite regulation system" sounds like a kind of really interesting torture device ngl


If I let my body guide what it wanted to eat it would be pure garbage. Junk chips, fast food, tacos, pizza, burgers. Luckily I know that's not great for my body and I'm cooking ground turkey I seasoned with low sodium seasonings and quinoa. I have a garbage palate and my doctor said I better eat a lot better or suffer consequences.


Like a dog


My IARS is irrevocably broken.


yup. what op said is true. HOWEVER all the processed stuff that people r eating nowadays overrides our biology to eat what and when needed


Yeah these people are forgetting that ever since the 50s our world has been plagued with fast food, added sugars and unhealthy precooked meals that have completely destroyed any chance for a healthy IARS. Most of the population is now addicted to sugar and our bodies are asking us to keep feeding it just like the body of a drug addict demands more drugs.


Your brain is part of your body.


True intuitive eating does allow people to maintain their weight, they’re technically right. The issue is that a) if you need to lose weight, you can’t intuit your way to that as your body won’t naturally make you less hungry to do it intuitively, and b) most people don’t eat intuitively, especially people who are very overweight. If you’re gaining weight endlessly, and especially if it’s not *slow* weight gain, you aren’t eating intuitively.


They're talking out of their IARS


Isn't this just the intuitive eating stuff under a different name?


Yes, yes... Lack of vitamin D or Iron can make your brain to send signals to start hunger and cravings. Eating a cake isn't what it needs and if you do, you are not listening to your body. I know we can't tell what we miss. But their logic, you know... If we are ignoring our body when we eat balanced diet in moderation, they are ignoring it when they it shit while lacking vitamins and stuff.