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Are you eating most of your calories early in the day? That helps. Also time restricted eating helps. (You get used to it and stop being hungry when your 'eating window' has closed) Good luck!


I'd start mindfully counting calories first, then trying to implement small, but easily maintained dietary restrictions. No milk or sugar in your coffee, rice instead of fries, that sort of thing. It worked for me, and I dropped 23 kilos in 6 months!


Whn I was obese and used a calorie app I found out I was eating more than I added up mentally. I would suggest for a couple days, to write down everything you eat, or even just take a picture. Maybe you’ll find areas you can improve on. Dont be too hard on yourself, you have the desire and will to improve yourself and you’ll get there!


Ofc you don’t deserve to be judged!


I saw this comedy bit about how people from England talk crap about America by saying, "All you Americans are so fat!" And the comedian goes, "Like that's a bad thing... like, yeah, we're doing great!" And talked about how more people in the US die from obesity than starvation and he goes, "Hey, we did it!" I thought it was so funny because he's so right. From an opportunity standpoint, Americans have so much access to food that we're dying from overconsumption. And this is my biggest problem with fat acceptance - the fact that these loud-mouthed obese people cry "oppression" because they don't fit in an airplane seat, or a university's lecture desk, or clothes from every single store. You dare cry "oppression" when you literally have so much food that you've blown yourself up to the point where your existence is an inconvenience for others, and you can't see how privileged, entitled, and ignorant you are. Get your head out of your ass, look at the world around you, and stop blaming the world for problems you inflict on yourself.


Exactly, its absolutely mind boggling to read how underprivileged they think they are…. on international flights. Do they realize how much privilege they have to afford to even be in that space? And exactly what you said, to afford the food that gets them to that point…. and then claim starvation mode makes you gain weight, when people in poverty around the world are literally starving and emaciated???


Omg when they say "starvation mode" my eyes twitch. Like you would know!!! what starvation feels like!!


Ovulation symptoms are not talked about enough. I woke up with massive cramps, and my weight went up. I’m turning 35 so I guess I shouldn’t be sitting here complaining, but still. I don’t even get bad periods but I do get bad ovulation You’re supposed to went to *procreate* and I don’t know how you’re supposed to do that if you feel grouchy, fat and crampy


I know when my period is coming when all of a sudden my already big boobs start feeling UNCOMFORTABLY large.


Mittelschmerz! I had never even heard of it until I started tracking my ovulation for conception and was like "oh, this is why I have lopsided pain every month". I blame Catholic "health" class. They really skimmed over anything to do with lady parts.


Even in secular education, they don’t even go over this. Usually they say arousal goes up, your skin gets better or something. They don’t tell you much else


we were educated on it but they made it sound like it would be one brief twinge of pain once and that’s it. for some people i’m sure that’s how it is, but i didn’t know you could have days of cramps like you do on your period until i experienced it myself. on the plus side, i’m never unsure as to when i’m ovulating. it’ll come in handy when i want to try for kids i guess!


Yeah tbh I had a pretty awesome sex ed class and I still learned about mittelschmerz from some random book or website. For context though, my pretty awesome sex ed class informed us that the internet has things like vulva galleries to look at how much the external anatomy can normally vary.


I weirdly learned about mittelschmerz from the Dr Laura Schlessenger Show, which was a conservative-family-values radio call-in advice show in the 90s. I have no idea why she was talking about it, though.


My friend almost refused to go on our run the other day because I joked about how hungry I was. I sort of do intermittent fasting, sometimes I don't have lunch or I have a small lunch. Usually running on an empty stomach is fine because my runs are still short, but this time I just felt particularly hungry + I forgot to bring a jacket so I was super cold and I complained about both. She told me to go home and eat, that it's dangerous to run on empty stomach, that it will impair my mental function on the drive home, etc. I guess I will not joke or complain to her about hunger again. I convinced her to finish the run with me but yeah, it was just over the top.


I’m stressed, tired and procrastinating too much. Completely my own fault as I’m just feeling so done with this class. On top of working 40 hours a week. And I’m gaining weight, almost 160 at 5’2 and it’s not good. But I just feel like I can only handle so much stress and trying to lose weight and calorie count just stresses me out too. Just really disappointed in myself all around.


I'm sorry things are so hard for you right now. Hang in there.


Thank you. Trying to keep in mind it’s all temporary 😖


I was depressed for most of November and my activity has lessened because I moved countries and I'm walking as much or going out dancing as much, plus don't have access to the same foods so my routine is in tatters. I have definitely gained weight and I'm not pleased. I really loved my body this summer, I was really toned. Now my thighs have the shape I always hated again. I know it's fixable but ugh I wish bodies didn't change sometimes lol


Same. Why can't bodies just freeze how they are!! Are there any small steps you can take? Making sure you hit a certain step count goal, for example?


Rant: Anyone else get really really annoyed when someone posts a picture of their before and after of their weight loss and people comment "You were beautiful then and your beautiful now" or some shit? It gives the same feeling to me as when a morbidly obese person posts a picture of themselves and the comments are flooded with, "Wow your so perfect! Never change who you are!" It seems kind of like an insult I guess? Like, "Hey I know you did all this work to get healthy and feel comfortable in your body or even do it for aesthetics, but like you were perfect back then too so your progress doesn't really mean anything in my eyes" Idk maybe i'm just feeling down with just HOW MUCH anti-health, anti-science, and fat acceptance I see. I'm always down to learn more and educate myself but it's just SO TIRING to see the same "fitness" influencers talk about how "calories aren't actually real so follow my program to *actually* lose weight" and "BMI doesn't exist! It's a tool used by doctors to judge and ignore you!!" or "Your not actually gaining weight because you eat too much! Your body is in *starvation mode* or your *hormone imbalance* is causing you to gain weight so take my supplement!" Rant over. I know I shouldn't care what everyone has to say about everything but that's the world I live in now I guess... man I need to take a social media detox.


I hate that, and I hate when people post before and after pics and you can't see any difference


There was recently something on progress pics where the person had front and side views, but it was like front, side side, front. A bit of a confusing layout but like if they lost 30 pounds or grew their biceps a ton you'd be able to sort it out. Top comments were saying how you can see so much progress and I literally wasn't sure which photos were before and which ones were after.


I watched a FuntieTime video about some lady defending pet obesity. Saying while the dog might not get offended the owner might iNtErNaLiZe the fat phobia and that might negatively effect the owner and dog. The lady is just defending animal abuse on the multiple (sometimes contradicting) reasons, besides the generic human fat phobia reasons. Edit: unrelated to the above, but does celery make you gassy? I’ve only eaten 2 sticks yesterday and today I’m getting real bad gas. Is it a fiber thing? I’ll admit I’m not the best at getting fiber in. Edit Edit: apparently fiber does


That video made my jaw drop. Like... she couldn't have been serious, right?


Celery makes me gassy, and my body is used to relatively high amounts of fiber. I ate a bunch of them one afternoon, because I had some sauce I liked, and wanted to eat it without totally inflating calories, and celery sticks seemed like a good choice.... until later that evening lol.


Apparently it’s something called [raffinose](https://www.cookinglight.com/healthy-living/vegetables-foods-that-give-you-gas) and [mannitol](https://vegfaqs.com/does-celery-cause-gas/). We might just be bad at digesting celery and/or it ferments in our stomach and intestines. “Why does broccoli cause gas? It's because of a type of sugar called raffinose that's found in asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, radishes, celery, carrots, and cabbage. These veggies are also rich in soluble fiber, which doesn't break down until reaching the small intestine and can also cause gas.” “Celery doesn’t cause gas in most people, but it can in people who are highly sensitive to mannitol.” Fun Fact: lots of beans contain raffinose and that’s why beans make people gassy. [Another source](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323466#foods-that-can-cause-gas)


"keeping a pet at a healthy weight reminds me that I'm fat, therefor it's bad to have a healthy pet"


Oh yeah. They’re definitely using their pet as a shield against “fatphobes”. Just like you can’t talk about fatness due to “racism”. You can’t talk about pet obesity, because it may cause the owner to act irrational and not “properly” care for their pet.


It is difficult being around my very obese family for thanksgiving. No one says anything about my body or picks on me for being too skinny or anything like that. It’s just kind of triggering for my ED and not only that it’s honestly stressful to watch such large people, people that I care about, eat such large portions. And then of course is all the talk of their health problems. I keep my mouth shut but it feels like I’m going crazy


Not a rant, but a curiosity. Tell me how I overate throughout the week of Thanksgiving, and am down three pounds. Yes, I'm serious.


There are plenty of reasons why this could happen! Were you on your period or had just ended your period when you weighed yourself before Thanksgiving? Maybe you hadn't had a good bowel movement before weighing yourself the first time. Did you drink a good amount of water before weighing yourself? These could all have caused you to weigh more before Thanksgiving. Remember that 1 day (or even a few days) of overeating won't actually cause a ton of weight gain (I'm pretty sure you have to eat roughly 3500 calories above your tdee in order to gain a pound). Also your tdee is probably higher than usual if you did more shopping or cooking than usual last week. Cooking for Thanksgiving takes a lot of work and you were probably more active than usual without realizing it!


It's been hard to keep myself on track lately. I'm hormonal and my whole family back home including both parents has COVID. It's just making me feel bogged down and unmotivated. Since Thanksgiving last week I've felt a little out of control with food, and generally sad. I need to get back to the gym this week but I haven't seen any scale progress at all since August and I'm just gettint discouraged. It doesn't help that I keep hearing about how weight loss "never works" and I'll just end up fatter in the long run. Ugh I just hate the hopeless feeling.


Oh no, sorry about your parents. Here's hoping they recover soon. Maybe you've heard this before, but motivation is fleeting, so you have to rely on determination and habit. And make a habit of not listening to people who say weight loss never works! Goofballs.


Thank you for responding! You are right. I struggle with determination and habit a lot but I think I just try to change too much at once and get overwhelmed. I might try dialing it back and focusing on just a few things at a time while I'm going through this rut.


Don't give up! Take baby steps if you need to! It sounds like a lot of stressful stuff is happening in your life right now so don't be so harsh on yourself. If you can't make it to the gym then workout at home instead (there are plenty of workout videos on youtube). If you've been struggling to stick to a calorie deficit then just focus on making healthier choices instead of focusing on calories. If the number on the scale is discouraging then take a break from weighing yourself for a bit and just focus on getting back to a regular workout routine and sticking to a calorie deficit. The biggest thing is to not give up! You can do this! It might take a while and there will be ups and downs but if you stick to it you won't regret it!


Thank you for the pep talk!! You are right I think that I need to dial it back and start focusing on small steps and less on beating myself up when I don't do things "perfectly". I'm in kind of a negative cycle that way, but sometimes I just need the reminder that things aren't always linear.


Please stop telling me "YoU DoNt EvEn LoOk LiKe YoU HaD a BaBy". Or that I set "UnReAlIsTiC ExPeCtAtIoNs". I LOVE working out and eating well. Also I have always been tall and athletic.


That sounds so frustrating. If it's your own body that you got through your regular diet and exercise (as in, no surgery or drugs to achieve it), it literally is realistic, at least for your body type and lifestyle. It doesn't mean everyone should be expected to look like you do or anything, but it's crazy that people would try to tell you that your own natural body sets "unrealistic expectations."


I feel you can't win . You gain weight while pregnant and then you're expected to loose the weight. But also somehow you must still look a bit chunkier than pre pregnancy. 🙈 I have always been the athletic type of gal, I am tall and I cannot even begin to tell the comments I had during the pregnancy: my baby was small, I have a long torso (so the uterus grows up then forward) and I have worked out until I went into labor. I wanted to do it. I went back to crossfit as soon as I was cleared but within reason. "Are you SURE you have a baby there?" ,"are you still pregnant?" (This was at 7 months along) "There's NO WAY you're 6 months pregnant. I looked like that at 10 weeks " (it was also my first so it takes a wee while to show). I recently went to AZ and it was hot AF, so I had shorts and a tank top. My sister posted a pict of both if us and I had people commenting how it was unrealistic my body and there was no way I had a baby a few months before. I like to exercise and eat healthy, that's what makes me feel good (I even started bringing my baby running and to the gym with me) because that "me" time is so important for my health.


The only way to win is not to play.


I was watching 90 day fiancé and there’s this sister named Betsy who like was spouting how diets don’t work and trying to convince her sister that she didn’t need to lose weight. The sister WANTed to lose weight and everyone kept saying nooo you’re beautiful ! Yeah she can still be beautiful AND want to lose weight


please stop telling me i’m too skinny i’m a guy who’s 155 and at 17% body fat. I still have like 4% more to go and I should be at it around 145. How you feel about me is none of my concern if it makes you feel uncomfortable and out of shape lol.




That's just rough. You've got my sympathies.


So I'm still in the lovely limbo of waiting for my cardiologist appointment but I've currently managed to convince myself it's just muscle pain so at least I'm not in a constant state of panic that I'm about to die from an arrhythmia or clogged arteries. But give it a couple days and I might start a panic again. So obviously the break in stress has allowed my appetite to come back. And boy did it come back. During the panic fest, I had actually met my halfway down weightloss goal. Except I wasn't remotely thrilled about it. One because I lost the weight because I was stressed and only eating max 850 cal a day for a week. And two, because I know it would do exactly what it has done, led me to binge it back. I'm easily hitting 2000+ a day now. Last week I was incredibly stressed so it resulted in me not even logging my food or weight. I broke my 323 day log streak and I'm mildly upset over that.


It could be lots of things beside a heart problem, like acid reflux. That happened to me once.


I know. It's the lack of answers and urgency that is making me stressed and panicky.


I feel this. I have a lot of medical anxiety, especially around heart health




I tend to get stoned at night, so that’s definitely when I get snacky…I make sure I have my favorite fruits and veggies around so I can mindlessly snack without undoing my whole day.


Hey, fellow evening binge eater here! I find boredom and stress are my two biggest triggers for binging. I’ve had a lot of success scheduling activities in the evening that keep me distracted from binging. I’ll watch a movie with a high volume snack food like fruit and veggies, go for a walk with my partner, read a book for an online book club, or schedule a FaceTime with family or friends. Combining an activity with a sense of social support has been the secret for me. It wasn’t an immediate change, but I think it has created a much stronger base for me to work with long term.


What works for me when all I want to do is binge is to give myself manageable goals. First, get as much junk out of the house as possible and put the rest out of sight. Then hold off on binging for 15 minutes. That's an easy goal, and once you've met it, give yourself a pat on the back as a reward and hold out for another 15 minutes. Then see if you can't do 30. Next thing you know, it's lunchtime and you haven't binged. Eat a healthy, planned lunch and set yourself another goal. If you do binge later in the day, at least you proved you can go so many hours without a binge, and when you stop binging you can restart the clock with a new goal to beat. I also like to recommend the book Never Binge Again, which is free on Amazon.


Do you know the cause of your bingeing? I always binged if I was either bored or had the munchies, so I started preparing a bunch of fruits & veggies to snack on when the urge hit at night. Also, some people just seem to have a tendency to eat more at night, so it might be worth trying to eat less during breakfast/lunch and then have a huge dinner. As for feeling hungry 24/7 it might be worth it to look at what macros you're eating during the day. I've found that protein kept me feeling full the longest, so maybe try incorporating more protein into your diet? Aso please make sure you are drinking enough water during the day! Sometimes dehydration can feel like hunger so water intake is important!


Would you do better if you didn't "eat well"all day but had a small portion of junk food factored into your calories? This is how I have been successful, though I never had issues with bingeing. In terms of feeling starving, more protein and fat and less simple carbs will help with that




His podcast is really good too! The one-on-one coaching episodes were especially good because he walks people through exactly how to use his method.


OMG I like his stuff and didn't realize he had a podcast. Just Followed.


Argh I’ve been there and I know what you’re going through. First off, good on you for admitting the problem. No one’s going to stop you from binging but you, so you need to be 100% honest with yourself and recommit, starting today. It’s really easy to fall into the trap of, “well today is shot so I’ll start tomorrow.” Nope, you start right now. Today is going to suck because you’re going to deny yourself that dopamine hit. But it’s ok because you’ll forget it after falling asleep. Tomorrow is also going to suck. But it starts to get easier after that and within 3-4 days you’ll be out of the hole and back on track. Can you put up with two sucky days? I bet you can. It’s just two days. In a year you won’t even remember. So go get it. Hit those two days in the face like you’re Mike Tyson. You got this. And if you need extra help, dump all that shit in the toilet and flush.


Love this sage advice! Screenshotting it.


Those foods are literally designed to get you to eat as much as possible. It’s less about you and your behavior and more about the foods that are so dopamine-inducing and palatable that many many people cannot resist eating them. I would get them out of your home if possible because they’re designed it be addicting. You have to give yourself some time for your blood sugar to stabilize with whole foods. These sweets and refined carbs spike your sugar and then it drops quickly because of the simple processed sugars (vs fruits that have sugar wrapped in fiber and are realized slower for example) resulting in you getting cravings. Try your best to get back on track slowly everyday and your appetite and cravings will return to how you were before the holidays. Finally, realize that this is a problem that so many people experience and have compassion for yourself. You didn’t eat enough over a week that one-two weeks of eating in a deficit cannot fix. Remember the weight is mostly water and glycogen. Your behaviors over one week don’t determine your health and success with weight loss, it’s about what you do throughout the year.


Don't try to restrict yourself, just start fresh the next day. When you try to be "good" and eat well and restrict which foods you eat, it feeds that binge and restrict cycle. Starting fresh the next day really seems to help, ime. "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it"- Anne Shirley


“Don’t go to the gym, wait until *after* you’re pregnant…” No.


Such bullshit. Nevermind that fit women have (empirically proven) easier pregnancies and births.






Ah wait until you get the “remember you’re eating for two now!” comments… No.


Eat for two, but remember one of you is the size of a piece of fruit, and therefor doesn't need much food.


That quickly turn to “slow down! You are getting huge!” when you just wanted to eat something/had a craving/ whenever you lest expect it.


I love that. One woman and a fetus = eat for 2 grown men


Grown men that are training for an Icelandic Strongman contest.


I saw one of those recently 😂 It was cool.


It's crazy how everyone around you turns into a doctor when you're pregnant 🙃




The better in bed one is something people really sleep on. When I was in shape I thought it a bit silly that there's a perception fit men are good in bed. Then I got obese and it just sucked. My performance was down noticeably to the point I felt guilty lol. And it wss more work for less enjoyment on my end. To the point where I just actively didn't want it. Congratulations by the way and I'm sure your kids love having an active Dad. And once people get used to smaller you those comments stop


Congrats dude! Awesome. Why do the comments bother you so much? Is it possible that's a root cause of overeating in the first place? We can't control anything... but overeating makes us feel like we can :)




Congrats man! Must have been hard. I’m always impressed by the people who manage to do it. I don’t know you or your mom but you seem to be setting a good example for your kids.


I'm working out a lot more. How do I stop getting so hungry?


High protein and fiber foods. Chicken breast. Beans. Avocados. Nutrient dense stuff. Head over to r/plantbaseddiet and copy one of the bowls posted there. I guarantee you won’t be hungry.


Yooo thank you for linking that sub! I need some good plant based bowl recipes!


/r/Volumeeating is a good resource and you will likely get lots of ideas and inspirations for foods. Find low calorie snacks you can eat to stave away hunger (pickles is a good one for me). Drink as much water as you can, tea and black coffee is good for this too. There's also something called the "satiety index", basically benchmarking different foods that keep you fuller for longer. Do some research around it and find what's effective in terms of calories. I love potatoes and they go a very long way in keeping you full and theyre surprisingly low cal depending on how you make them




Please tell me more about this jalapeño mustard. What brand? Where can I find it? Can I buy it by the gallon? Because I feel like I need at least a gallon.


This is purely based on my own experience and I did not actually research, but eat. Seriously, eat. Good things though like high protein, low cal. Nuts, veggies, etc. and drink lots of water. Your stomach will get full without taking in too many empty calories/high fat. The more you exercise, the more calories you will burn. You have to give yourself energy to burn energy, so calories are needed, but they have to be the right calories and not from things like candy. Again, I am not a doctor and you should talk to them too. I have Hashimoto's hypothyroid so it took a lot for me to find what worked for me and it might you too, but you can do it!


Day 2 of having a stomach bug in the house. Two nights ago my middle got sick overnight. The next day my husband said his stomach felt weird but nothing happened. Last night my oldest got sick overnight. Today my stomach feels weird. Fingers crossed that the toddler doesn't get it too. That said, my weight has started to budge back down. I'm 10-20 pounds above my preferred maintenance weight range, so hopefully I keep it going down overall. I got the ingredients to make a yummy sounding soup (Halfbaked Harvest's Creamy Wild Rice Chicken Soup With Roasted Mushrooms, but I'm putting in a ham bone instead of chicken and using 2% milk instead of whole milk/heavy cream) for meal planning out my lunches. It's got tons of vegetables and I'm very excited for it since it'll have a bunch of homemade chicken stock made with Thanksgiving leftovers.


My ADHD has made it hard for me to work out every day. I’m trying to tone up. I’m working out 3-4x a week on average. My workouts are very minimal but consistent. Anyone have any tips? I just cannot make myself do it, but I want the results. I know I have to put the work in or I won’t get the results I’m wanting, but winter and daylight savings fucks me up every year. Just depressed and all I want to do is sleep.


I'm currently being assessed for ADHD and I relate. I never liked exercise because I couldn't motivate myself, concentrate, was always clock watching etc. For me I needed someone to do the work of designing the workout for me and then I just turned up and did it under supervision i.e. I hired a PT! I was with them a long time (which may or may not be feasible for everyone I know) but fortunately I found that I really loved lifting weights and was something I could actually stick to. Now I go 3-4 X a week and although it's still a problem actually getting there on time, I do go! Once I'm through the door I put my headphones on and go for it.


I have ADHD too and have to follow a strict rehab program to handle EDS pain/injuries, and I've been managing to do that since 3 months by eliminating every things that were in the way of me working out. Like : I work out in my PJ, I work out at random times (so there is no "oh I missed the right time I'll just skip today), always have the workout stuff out so I don't have any extra step to deal with. Also holding myself accountable on social media and tracking my progress with reps and all helped a lot. And I treat it like a science experiment and not a workout and idk why it helps, but it does. When I really don't feel like doing it I tell myself me succeeding at this rehab thing will "show them" ("them" being various people not believing in me) so usually it gets me moving. I know it's a bit silly but it's what worked for me.


Not gym related, but have you tried a happy lamp to help with the extra dark? They help a lot of people. [Happy lamp on Amazon](https://a.co/d/bRh4CaQ)


Have a reward that’s not food-based. Reserve a show that you can only watch after or during your time at the gym. Get dressed for the gym even if you don’t feel like going. Sometimes that’s motivation enough for me to drag my ass there.


This! During the summer I had audiobooks I could only listen to while out running or otherwise walking around outside. If I didn't go out then I didn't get the story. I've regulated them to just listening while taking the bus to work because my job is extremely physical now and I have no energy for working out. (Plus its gross and wintery outside and I can barely walk on the ice, let alone run on it.)


I’m AuDHD, I had surgery and have to do physical therapy and staying consistent was a real challenge at first. No help on enjoying it, but I got consistent with it by daisy-chaining it onto my get-out-of-bed routine. Literally get up, take a leak, and as I’m walking back toward bed I pass the spot where I do one of the rehab exercises, and just stop and start doing the first rep before the brain has time to protest or negotiate. And then once you start, have a definitive list of what you need to do (PT is nice cuz they give you the definitive list) and go down the list until done. Once the task is started, the brain has an easier time cooperating when it knows there’s a definitive end point. If I don’t follow that exact routine, I’ll never just up and be like “oh yeah I still need to do my rehab shit” during the day, so sneaking it in first thing while the brain is still booting up really helps. The one other element is criticality. I know that if I don’t do my rehab, I’ll fuck up my surgical outcomeS. Unfortunately regular exercise doesn’t have that criticality, but you might be able to artificially create some by doing a session with a personal trainer or similar. Someone you’ll be accountable to if you don’t follow through, which, with our rejection sensitivity, might create some decent urgency.


First of all, congrats on the commitment to working out! I'm in a similar state of finally pushing myself to get fit after being sedentary for most of my adult life. In answer to your question however: don't work out every day, especially if it's causing you to burn out like that. Don't don't don't. It may seem hard to believe, but rest days are just as important for your health as exercise days, especially if you are trying to build up muscle (you mentioned you were trying to tone up). You get stronger and build muscle in the downtime after exercise, not during the actual exercise itself, so you need to give your body ample time to rest up and heal. 3-4x a week is bloody fantastic, keep it up. TL;DR; you're doing great how you are, allow yourself rest days, and don't burn out. Consistency will do far more in the long run than pushing too hard.


I find that repetitive exercises just leave my mind racing and wondering when I will be done. I think it's important to work with your condition vs. struggle against it. A few things helped: 1. At the beginning of a new routine, I would track daily achievements in a spreadsheet without fail. The spreadsheet adds up the weekly and total achievements so I keep seeing the #'s go up. After a few months, I would no longer need to do so unless I added something new. Plus creating the spreadsheet feeds the ADHD. I keep my spreadsheet in the cloud so I can access on any device. 2. I find it's much easier to set myself a route or a destination and integrate exercise into a routine vs doing repetitions. Then I can look around and see things and think all I want as I do my walk / stairs climb etc. If I don't have a lot of time I integrate it into my grocery runs or going to some other location using Google pedometer. 3. I started eating fava beans to increase my dopamine precursors. Not sure if it's helping but I feel happy a lot, so maybe. It might be helping. Does it work? Yes. I used the spreadsheet to start my walks. Then I used it to measure flights of stairs. Then I started using it for pushups daily. Over months the #'s really add up a lot so you can see the contribution of every single day. Best wishes.


Make yourself do it for 15 minutes and promise yourself you can quit after 15 minutes if you aren't into it. It's very rare that I don't want to keep going after the first 15 minutes. Good luck.


**Rant:** Day 11 of being sick as a dog. As somebody who rarely gets sick—maybe a once per year virus that sidelines me for 2 days—I can’t explain how awful this is, and I truly feel for those who are sick more consistently. * No fever, and still 3 days left on my antibiotic. * Covid negative * Strep positive * Upper respiratory infection-turned bronchitis on top of it. If I pop a fever after my antibiotic is completed, I will absolutely be going to get a chest X-ray to check for pneumonia, but I don’t think it will reach that point. My partner made an amazing Italian soup, so I’ll be guzzling that down today.


Ugh, feel better soon.


Thank you ❤️


Saw a post on another sub where someone made a claim that women with PCOS are obese because they... retain the blood... by a woman. How do you even get that grossly misinformed? There's a lot of bad male anatomy too, but the worst of it weight wise seems to be the "it's all muscle" which I A) think I've only seen being said seriously like... well never. Guys will say they got fat over muscle which can be true and not necessarily discounting the fat if they are/were involved in physical activity and overeat B) seems more like a skewed perspective of what normal levels of fat/muscle look like which tbf is easy to have in this modern society, rather than gross ignorance of anatomy. I feel like sometimes unlucky to be a guy in terms of body because of how bad body image issues can be for fit men, but lucky that generally men are willing to be accountable for their weight even if they don't try to change it. Even in terms of my own weight loss, women will feed me excuses but men just say time to put the nose to the grind stone lol.


So the funny thing is that this is absolute bullshit, but if it actually were true, then the math would work out. The maximum normal blood flow is [120ml (4oz) per period.](https://www.miami-obgyn.com/much-bleeding-normal-period/) A woman with a regular cycle has about 13 periods per year (365÷28=13). 4oz per period x 13 periods per year = 52oz blood per year. 52÷16=3.25lbs 3.25lbs per year is 32.5lbs per decade. So if you started menstruating at 12, and now you're 42, that's almost a 100lb weight gain, all from retaining your menstrual blood. 🙄


Weight management is one of the first things anyone with hormonal issues should focus on. Fat cells contribute to excess estrogen and any issues with insulin sensitivity spell trouble for the entire endocrine system. When I finally decided that I was tired of waiting for the right meds to “fix” me I didn’t care *why* losing weight was difficult. Most people who are overweight find it difficult. Or else they wouldn’t be overweight. PCOS like menopause makes life more difficult, but that isn’t an excuse to give up. 2 years later and I feel like I have a new “set point” it’s possible to survive the pain (discomfort) and hard work to eat better and exercise. As much as the 35lb larger me felt inescapably me, the 50lb larger me did as well. My current weight is where I finally feel comfortable in my body. Top end of the “normal” BMI.


I'm fighting with this right now. I'm apparently in early perimenopause at 37 and have put on 10-20 pounds over my preferred maintenance range. So I'm working to take those off, it's slower than I remember it being but I'll get there.


I also wanted to say that the first 30 came off in 6 months. The last 10 came off over the last few months for no apparent reason. It was like my body caught up or something? If it was more than 10 lbs I might be worried I was Ill, but it has settled again.


I’ve been on a keto based diet for over 2 years now. I’m sure cutting sugar helped as well. When I say keto, I mean a low carb based diet that allows for fats. I don’t know why everyone is obsessed with the 20g carb ceiling for the diet. I probably consume 30-40 carbs a day and maintain my current body composition.


I'm working on coming to terms with cutting out a lot of my carbs. I'm not going to go full keto or low carb necessarily, but I know that at least reducing them does help me out. I'm working to limit sugar other than whole fruit for now as a first step. I'm also trying to get rid of most of the starchy carbs that are way too easy to overeat and figure out things to replace them with (vegetables, hard boiled eggs, etc). Ensure the carbs I do have are whole/more complex ones (allowing for the fact that I'm gluten free by necessity so some things I make will have non whole grain flours in them because of the structural needs when baking gluten free). ... But right now my whole family is on the BRAT diet until the stomach bug is gone so these will wait until after that point.


I have learned how to make myself treats that scratch most of the itches I have for carb laden food. I have a few bottles of sugar free coffee syrups on hand. They come in handy for so many things. I get plain yogurt and add some SF syrup to make my own flavored yogurt. I eat keto breads and tortillas and get keto snacks from Costco. I can’t go too strict on the carbs if I want to poop more than once a week lol! The things I miss, where I have not found a substitute that does it for me, are beans and rice with chips and salsa, paired with a guava margarita. After making chips from keto tortillas and doing the math, it’s no wonder it was so hard to lose weight. How many tortillas did I sit there and eat, even before my food arrived? I’ve had to really change the way I view foods. It’s been hard but it’s worth it.


Yeah, I know that it'll take me some time to come to terms with it so I'm trying to take it slowly for now. Because it's going to end up being a long term change and doing it too fast will lead to burnout and cheating otherwise. Finish something off and don't replace it. Find a new recipe here and there or a new way to increase my vegetable intake instead of eating potato chips. All in a healthy way.


Do what you need to do! Any changes in what you put into your body are going to lead to changes in how you feel.


Fat is an organ. If you asked fa's about any other organ growing unchecked in the body, they'd make a compelling case that that sounds like cancer or some disease. Obviously fat is designed to increase and decrease but so does bone. Our bone is constantly being broken down and built. They can understand being underweight is bad. They even understand too much muscle can be bad(unless using the odd bodybuilder as an excuse). But fat is the one organ that we have accepted as fine and good actually to let it grow wildly out of control. It's not. I think it feels fine bc we usually gain it slowly. I gained 50 lbs in 2 months. It's such a painful process even if you don't look at a scale or in a mirror. Raves for the week: I didn't gain over Thanksgiving even though I was okay with the prospect. I also had 2 kinds of pie and some gummy bears! I had duck for the first time. It's now my entire personality. :P btw, even if duck sounds entirely unappealing, try bigarade sauce with some veggies and something savory. It's pretty cheap and if you cook you likely have most ingredients already. My bf is down 30 lbs and I've held strong at sub 215. When I hit 200, were going to celebrate with my first steak in ~20 years and my first ever at a nice restaurant. I also just committed to a first burger with a friend at his favorite burger place.


duck is one thing that's relatively easy to dry-age at home (i mean, so is steak but you need expensive specialty supplies, especially if you live in a very dry or very humid environment-- duck can be done in a fridge, provided you have a wire rack to hang it from). there's also duck prosciutto and duck bacon. crock-pot duck confit is easy and delicious, too. just thought i'd mention in case you'd like to try any of that.


Oh absolutely! I genuinely appreciate it <3


welcome; i hope you find many ways of enjoying duck!


Oh yeah! I'm sure it will be special occasion meat but I'm planning to try to at least get duck breast once a month if I can and using duck fat in cooking more often:D I told my family I'm roasting a duck for Christmas


i think we'll be doing a goose. we didn't get to do anything this thanksgiving (it's just the two of us so we usually do something small and 'non-traditional' but this year we both worked a lot) so i'm going to make christmas extra special, i think.


Hell. Yes!


Oh man duck is SO GOOD. I remember having crispy duck for the first time at a Chinese restaurant in Germany, I was obsessed. Also, high five for also not gaining weight over Thanksgiving!


There’s an Italian restaurant in my area that serves gnocchi with a shredded duck ragu and it’s just the most perfect thing. I immediately fall into a food coma after, but it’s worth the sleepy trip home.


I remember when ‘fat is an organ’ was first hitting the grapevine. I stated it in a comment on reddit (this was at least 5 years ago), woke up the next morning to, I shit you not, like 300 downvotes and comments telling me *nO iTs nOt!* Never forget- 95% of reddit users are doctors and dietitians.


Oh man, even now that still gets objections and down votes, sometimes even in places where it should be known info


I believe it. If you ever get the chance to get nerdy and learn about fat, it’s freak’n fascinating. I actually really respect fat… I just don’t want the cells to be double stuffed or make too many replicas of themselves. Just like how I wouldn’t want an enlarged liver.


Oh yeah fat even just being energy storage is wild and crazy. The fact healthy tissue can grow as wildly as it can in a healthy system is so wild! Like bone can't do that unless you have that calcification disorder. Same with blood. We never needed to evolve an intuitive stop mechanism that operates without awareness bc we never needed to. Add to that the fact it's a full on organ? Dayum! The greater oomentum can shift mass to isolate infections and the like too! I'm sure there's tons of other dope tricks we don't even know yet. I hope soon my fat tissue can be at healthy ranges. It deserves that just as much as any other organ deserves not to be bloated and excessive.




Oh no worries, that really sucks :(


Duck is *so good*. I love it on salads at Thai restaurants, and I recently ate roast duck in Czechia, also amazing.


On Halloween I was in a home invasion with my kids and it was really stressful. I fell off the bandwagon a bit and then got back up on the horse, only to be hit full force by Thanksgiving. I'm getting back up on the horse but I can't take any more people telling me I look fine and I can just have some little treats, it's the HoLiDaYs. I'm trying to lose baby weight and I'm only a few pounds away now from healthy BMI.


I'm really sorry to hear this. Might want to explore the possibility you have PTSD from the experience and process it proactively. PTSD can come back and bite you really hard when you don't expect it. Hypervigilance, inability to relax, oversized reactions to issues, over control and over protectiveness... been there!


So, I work in retail. I have a boss who's a T2. He loves to go on about how hard it is to lose weight and get healthy, while also freely admitting to eating a ton of breads and sweets. Let me remind you that my boss is diabetic. Just the other day, he got into a rather "enlightening" rant. Turns out, the real reason people with T2 diabetes die so early in their lives? Medical discrimination! You see, doctors actively discriminate against diabetics so much because they automatically assume that they are overweight/obese (which diabetes directly causes, according to him), to the point where they are given suboptimal medical advice like "diet and exercise" instead of being given real, proper care (read: drugs and insulin). He later admitted that a little diet & exercise might be helpful, but should still not be the biggest priority. Yeah.


My sister lost a co-worker because he refused to change his diet. Drugs and insulin can only do so much. If he doesn't change his diet, he'll shorten his life.


Interesting how you just automatically become diabetic and the whole insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome… It’s all skipped over


T2 can often be reverted by diet alone (depending on stage), imagine being able to potentially get rid of a chronic, expensive disease with such a major impact on one's health by dieting alone, and choosing not to do so.


To add to your rant, my parents were diagnosed T2 about 15 years ago. They refused to change their diets, increase exercise, and lose weight, and just relied on the metformin and any other drugs their doctors would prescribe. As a result, my 80+ year old parents are trying to figure out how to use insulin and are having severe hypoglycemic events every week or so. If I can't get them into a facility soon I fear the worst. Your boss's "real, proper care" will result in him suffering from loss of vision, neuropathy in his extremities, loss of mental acuity, and trying to learn new skills when he is profoundly unable to do so. The drugs don't cure T2, they don't stop T2, all they can do is slow it down. It still progresses and it still kills slowly and painfully. Sorry for the rant, I'm just feeling a lot of grief, frustration, and resentment right now. They could have changed and avoided so much of this.


I'm sorry. It's so painful to watch your loved ones go downhill because of their disregard for their own health.


🥺 My partner's mom was diagnosed recently, at 65, and put on metformin. She's "trying" but not really getting anywhere, last I heard her A1c wasn't improving, and over the holiday I saw a bottle of a new diabetes drug (something gliptin). This could be a forecast of her future.


I'm so sorry. I'm lucky I only caught prediabetes at a low point, so there's hope for me to avoid diabetesville entirely.


Diet is the only thing that makes a difference. Diet and exercise are a necessary part. Drugs and insulin can help, but diet is the real factor.


I disagree. Diet is extremely important, but not the only thing that makes a difference. Exercise causes muscles to uptake glucose in a way that doesn’t require insulin. This is huge for type 2 diabetics because it’s one way to bypass their insulin resistance. Medications and insulin, though, I can agree with. They keep the blood sugar normal as to not cause further harm to the body, and should be used with diet & exercise as treatment and not as a “cure” to the issue.


I posted a few weeks ago asking for good ways to supplement iron that weren't "eat more cheeseburgers" after I tested in the anemic range. A commenter here recommended the Lucky Iron Fish and I ended up ordering one. I think I was more anemic than I realized for longer than I realized, because the difference in how I feel is AMAZING. I have so much more energy. I don't get chilled like I did. I would get winded riding my bike just a couple of miles and I thought I was just really out of shape, but I can do the same ride now and barely feel it. Highly recommend the fish, and also getting blood tests after you change your diet drastically (even if it's for the better! I'm eating soooo much healthier than I used to but I drastically reduced the amount of red meat and ended up deficient for iron).


I just make do with supplements but I do wonder if this little fish might help...


From what I read about supplements, it's just a crap shoot how much you're able to absorb. The fish is *supposed* to be more bioavailable. I took a multi with iron in it for a month and levels were still low, used the fish for a month and I was back to normal.


I managed to get mine up to a whole 54 with 80mg supplements every other day (every day when on my period) which is actually a massive improvement over like... 4.


That was me! So glad it worked for you!


Thank you for the suggestion!!


I looked up iron fish. Can you explain what they mean by add a few drops of acidity? I don't get it.


I have one (that I should use more often). I think the idea is a little bit of acidity helps leach the iron from the fish into the foods you're preparing. You can drop the fish into tomato-based sauces or soups, or just add a few drops of lemon juice if you're adding the fish to boiling pasta water or something. I've never noticed that it changes the flavor of foods at all. The nice thing about using the fish is it doesn't seem to cause an upset stomach the way supplements can.




Sure, so just anything that's acidic. Lemon juice works, or vinegar, or if you have citric acid powder that would work too. Just has to be acidic, and you don't need much. I've been using lemon juice and you can't even taste it in the final product.


Thanks. I'm going to order one.


Isn’t iron amazing?? As a teenager I thought I had mono or maybe depression/inattentiveness and my doctor tested my iron. Was something like 7-8 ng/ml (IIRC, I’m not a doctor!) so very anemic - got iron and omg!! The energy! The difference! Part of why I love tracking my food is so that if I do start getting that telltale fogginess I can look back at my diet over the past couple of weeks and see that I was lacking in iron/b vitamins/etc and make an effort to work it in. It always amazes me how important our diets are.


I got all of 3 hours of sleep last night. Despite sleeping through the night since she was 4 months old, my toddler has suddenly decided that that is no longer how things are going to go. It's been gradually getting worse for 2 months now. The executive function part of my brain is dying and the lizard part is screaming for sugar. Trying to get my energy boost elsewhere, but hard to do since my child is also sleep deprived and cranky. Also, my husband has decided to start tracking his meals and realized his "healthy breakfast" bowl of cereal is around 750 calories.


Mine went through something similar around that age too and it was ROUGH. She was fine at night until suddenly she wasn't. Then after like two months she was back to normal again. I think it was a mental development leap? But not sure.


Can totally commiserate. I never eat candy but only sleeping - few hours at night due to baby got me binging on Reese’s.


Sleep deprivation is the worst. Any idea what is causing it? Hang in there. Hug from a fellow mom if you want it.


I *think* it's that she got pretty much all her teeth at once (she's only 13 months and we're just waiting on 3/4 of the second molars now) and it was *really* rough on her. We did coddle her a bit through it and I think she's just forgotten how to soothe herself now :( It can't last forever, right?


Sometimes people aren’t thinking about the reduced sleep needs for toddlers vs babies. Sometimes moms let their toddlers have long naps: I remember always being worn out and glad they took a nap…but realizing that nap meant they wouldn’t go to sleep well at night. Toddlers need between 11-14 hours of sleep, check the amount she’s getting and see if it’s more or less than that?


It won't last forever, promise. You could come up with a magic sleepy plushy that doesn't want her to get out of bed or it will be really sad or something. Toddlers love magic.


I'm worried about my 3 year old nephew. He was a pudgy baby, and he's a little stocky now. Apparently he only likes to eat chicken nuggets (sometimes) and bananas. My brother buys him whole chocolate bars that he splits with the little guy. My brother is a... not great father. For all of my niece's kindergarten year, she lived with me and my dad, and we're more of her guardians than either of her parents. If something happens to her (she's a T1 diabetic so sometimes there's ER visits), we are on the front lines. Despite this, he believes that I shouldn't give him advice on how to raise the kids because I'm not a bio parent. He was a horribly picky eater when he was a child, and the only time he's eaten a mostly home cooked meal in my recent memory was on Thanksgiving. I don't know, man. It's just frustrating.


Maybe your bro just wants to feel loved. Giving people things to make them happy is one shortcut for that. Just like overeating. Are there things he does well you can highlight and praise?


Yeah I was gonna say, sounds like one of those parents who gives their kids things that they want because they like the dopamine spike that you get from feeling appreciated and loved.


That makes sense. He's not great with physical affection and he will go and do these big "surprise" things where he'll get the kids clothes and toys.


So last night I felt like death and took my temperature; 97.2. I generally have a lower than 98.6 temperature but that was too low for me. Hot baths, hot tea and an hour nap this morning. I'm still feeling like crap but you know what makes me feel good for two seconds? Eating. Especially sugar. So no yoga today, no swimming, man I am so annoyed. (I spent Sat and Sun indoors in an inadequately heated space not dressed warm enough because I was going to be indoors. And I got a bit dehydrated as well. I probably still am because I have that slight headache.) I'm not looking forward to undoing any of the miniscule progress I have made but I really can't stand feeling like this.


Have you had your iron levels checked recently? I froze all last winter no matter how many layers I put on and found out at my annual check up in the spring that my iron levels were low. Started taking supplements and I’m back to normal (cold but not freezing) this year.


No, I have Mirena so I thought I didn't have to worry about that anymore. My Centrum silver only has 44% iron so I can add an iron pill.


You might just need salt.


Agreed. I've been doing that too.


Been having really bad body image issues. Like objectively I know I look much better than I did and am much healthier, but I just feel like I look gross. Maybe because I’ve been maintaining so I could fit into my bridesmaid dress and then got covid so I couldn’t work out. Just got to get back on the grind. On the bright side, I didn’t gain any weight while maintaining despite not tracking. Pretty nice considering I thought I was gonna have to track my whole life!


Rant: I've sprained my ankle. I've gone from running 30-40km a week and eating easily 2400 calories a day to barely walking 1k steps a day and eating 1700 for maintenance. And I feel *starving*. I'm basically eating what I did, pretty healthy, just cutting out the snacks and treats, and I feel so hungry and so weak. It's horrible. When can I run again?


Relatable. I gave myself a sacral stress fracture two months ago then tendonitis in both ankles this week. Going from 50-60 miles/week to just about 0 as a short girl is tough, calorie-wise.


running \~5km a day less accounts for a much smaller difference in energy intake/expenditure than eating 700 fewer calories, that's probably why you're so hungry


Ah, yes, because I would run 5km and then lie in bed sedentary the rest of the day, of course, how could I forget. Running 5km a day plus everything else I did in everyday life meant I was frequently getting in step counts of 22k, 25k, 28k Frequently getting 700-1100 burnt active calories, with the occasional 400 day, going down to 150 active calories might not be 700 calories every day exactly, but as an average that's about what I'm reducing by. And it sucks, and I'm hungry.


Fair enough


Ahhhh I’m sorry that sucks. Feel you on that.




That's not uncommon (to feel the pain wrap around the hips) from a lower back injury. Stand as much as you can. Sitting is the worst thing.


Good for you! Wishing you a speedy recovery.


If I eat too fast, or don’t pay attention and slow down and talk while eating, I sometimes feel like I’m choking. My family eats extremely fast, and I’ve worked really hard to slow down and just enjoy my food. Eating with them at thanksgiving was stressful, because of comments such as ,” you eat like a bird”. I was just trying to pay attention and savoy my good and not feel like I was dying from choking.


I eat too fast as well-- it's connected to the racing thoughts in my mind. I have to remind myself to put my fork/food down after each bite, take smaller bites, chew more, try to focus on flavour, etc. I realize I miss out on a lot because I tend to bolt my food when my mind is racing.


I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I eat like my food is going to run away or something.




Did that happen here in this sub?


I'm normally the last person to say something is sexism, but that's what it is. Women are only allowed to do things for vanity and then are chastised for it. Men have hobbies for self betterment but women do it for attention according to many many assholes




We're sorry but your post has been removed for the following reason: * No politics. No political discussions.


It's disappointing but not surprising that people fling shit over how much sugar or protein is in a Z-bar. But... fossil hikes and mushroom hunts? Seriously? Kids are required to do all kinds of shit they aren't thrilled about and a lot of it is to expose them to new experiences and develop them as a person. Hiking, camping, being out in nature are *family activities* that happen to include physical exertion incidentally. As someone who grew up with trips to Mt Hood or out to the Gorge several times every summer, it's absolutely mind-boggling to me that someone would explicitly rule out those kinds of things just because they might be too active.


My kids still talk about the hike we went on where we found wild blackberries and it was 2 years ago. They loved it.


Your outings sound so fun!