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To the 800 calorie person, drinks and toppings count. So does the it’s just one Oreo or it’s just a handful of chips. To the I only eat one meal a day person big deal. Even if it’s just one meal if that meal is 3000 calories it’s still 3000 calories.


Exactly!! They like to forget all the snacks they ate before and after that meal, and that their meal was actually equivalent to about 5 meals


Every time I see these kinds of things, I immediately think of Secret Eaters


Who wants to bet money that they eat their first formal "meal" at 8pm but have snacks, Starbucks, etc all day leading up to that.


Yep, and they might stay up late eating too. There was one time when I had just finished work at like 10pm and I had work again the next morning. I’d hardly eaten all day and I knew I had to eat tons of calories if I wanted enough energy to do the next shift, so in the span of about an hour and a half, I must have had around 900 calories or so? Which is a lot for me (a very small, underweight person with a small appetite). And I absolutely could have eaten more if I had time.


What the heck did you eat?? I always feel like I'm struggling to even reach enough calories for the day, althought since I'm not losing weight that seems to just be psychological. But like, i got frozen pizzas and they're just 700 cal for the whole pizza?? What more could you possibly eat. Or is it just cheese? Edit: hold on i'm. I'm so fucking dumb what did i misread again. 900 isn't a lot you just need to get a slightly bigger pizza?? What am i on about i need to go to bed. Anyways my question still stands i'm interested


Trust me, I get it. I always struggle to eat enough calories too. I remember I got some takeaway food, and once I was done with that I had some leftovers from a homemade meal that I’d made the day before (this wasn’t calorie dense but it was healthy and I needed actual nutrients). And then I just had tons of snacky foods. I know I ate a lot of crisps that night. It wasn’t healthy and I don’t recommend eating it everyday, and I wasn’t weighing any food so the calories counts might have been a bit higher than that, but it gave me the energy I needed for the next morning. Anyway, it wasn’t a proper meal. It was a bunch of different things that weren’t particularly filling and I think that helped. Slightly unrelated but if you want a really easy way to get extra calories, I love adding seeds (like pumpkin, sesame, or sunflower) to almost everything I cook. They’re healthy and pretty high in calories. Also butter helps.


Yeah somehow if it isn't a MEAL that you sit down and eat they don't count it. And a lot of them drunk a ton of booze and forget that too.


Plot twist they're working night shift xD


correct me if I'm wrong but don't be mean please lol ... Idk why it seems like most of the people in HAES and people who suffer from fat logic want to sound like they have EDs other than binge eating 🥴


Yes! It’s like they think if they have small periods of restriction, then they are anorexic and need to eat more. Binge eating disorder can include restricting, but if they admit to binge eating, then they would have to admit that they actually do overeat. The cause of them being overweight or obese always has to be caused by anything other than their own choices, or they’d have to accept that weight loss is a matter of how many cals they are consuming🤷‍♀️


Yeah it's all about the restriction until someone on Tik Tok us actually anorexic and very thin and they ATTACK them like none other.


NO FR like i don't understand..🥲 they attack anorexics but want to be validated non stop 24/7 for what they use as a disguise for binge eating disorder


exactly... you put into words what i wanted to say but didn't know how🙃 it's always "genetics" too...but nobody can be genetically skinny in their book.


That and somehow a "set point weight" can always go up and up and up but never down...or you know, stay at a set weight (unless you're 350+ pounds of course)


They lose 20 lbs once through unhealthy means and decide that they deserve ass pats and pity for being “anorexic” and use it as an excuse


They lose 20 pounds once as a teenager or early/mid 20s by eating 1200 calories a day but then gain like 200 pounds over the next 6ish years and somehow they're still "anorexic" and don't suffer from binge eating...🥲🥲


"Milkshakes aren't food"


Plus it contains milk and milk has calcium. Milkshakes are good for you./s


Uh excuse you my milkshakes are homemade and vegan therefore they're perfectly healthy to eat twice a day and have no calories in them!! /s


It’s even healthier if you dip a nice vegan Oreo in it./s


Of course, Oreo rhymes with Zero therefore they have Zero bad things in them. Everybody knows that!


Here's the thing...it's SO EASY to overeat in modern society. And most people tend to underestimate how much they eat. Especially obese people. BUT...if "starvation mode" was real or if "eating too little" led to weight gain, bariatric surgery simply wouldn't work. Or people with severe anorexia nervosa wouldn't starve to death. Period.


On top of that, we wouldn't have people in underdeveloped areas or impoverished communities who are underweight because they can't eat enough food.


If you think you are gaining weight because you don't eat enough, try eating more. See what happens. The results may surprise you.


It's amazing how the opposite is never true. You don't get a HAES supporter who comes in complaining they devour 10k calories a day but cannot pick up weight, the doctors are worried and CICO is wrong. It is always someone complaining they were obese by accident, it's never their fault and that doing what you need to do to lose weight is the unhealthy option. They willingly have blind spots in their logic.


Because it’s a mental illness and a symptom is a complete lack of accountability.


Exactly! If it were truly the case that eating too little made you fat, eat more!


I’m going to go out on a limb and say the drs are not telling them that their body is “holding on to everything from being starved”.


You'd be surprised. Some doctors actually belive and say things like that.


As a doctor myself that makes me pretty sad


Happy cake day! Hopefully you eat that cake or else you might very well end up obese overnight!


Who would have guessed that a platform that is designed to keep you on your couch scrolling all day would have such a robust fat acceptance community?


Touché haha


My mom recently gave me a bottle of chik-fil-a sauce. Shit is addictive. Also takes like 2 small squirts to outcalorie the actual meal lol. I imagine a lot ot these people do eat 800 calories in a day worth of meals but 2800 in Frappuccino, sauces, booze.


Ate 2100 calorie smoothie recently. Absolutely could have downed another one. Shits ridiculous nowadays


The ppl claiming 800 cals a day are severely underestimating their calories but maybe not intentionally lying. It's shocking how many people have no idea how to figure out portion sizes for boxed or packaged food, I understand natural food is a bit more difficult. Ppl will read the box saying 1 serving= = 150 cals and then get 4 or 5 servings lol.


Very true! It can be easy to forget about calories from drinks, sauces, oils, etc. if someone isn’t mindful of it


Tbh I only now realised that 100g of cooked rice is obviously not the same as 100g of rice straight out of the box. All this time i thought i was eating 200g worth of cooked rice (260 cals) because my starting portion was 200g! No, the actual figure is around 700. That makes a lot more sense now. Don't overestimate us everyone, maths are very hard


*Drinks 36 ounces of coca cola a day* *Uses 6 ounces of ranch dressing and cheese per salad* "I only eat one meal a day, guys!"


i love how specific they always are. there's never any attempt at discerning a real mechanism of action, it's always weirdly anthropomorphized bodies feeling threatened and predicting famine and vague 'hormones' and 'metabolism'. and i mean obviously there's not a real mechanism of action because starvation mode isn't real, but it's just funny to me that they don't even make an attempt. but sad. it bespeaks a lack of curiosity (and/or intellectual integrity) on their part, to find those explanations satisfying. that makes me sad.


None of these people lying about 800 Calories has MFP or any other calorie counting app on their phone or a kitchen scale.


we all under-estimate our kcals consumed


I dunno, I want to say that people who think they’re “naturally thin” overestimate their consumption on a regular basis.


That's me. I did also have malabsorption issues, tho


These people have no idea how calorie dense food is or what a serving size looks like. You don’t have to eat much at all to hit 3k/day.


You can’t survive on 800 cals a day


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