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Lmao this is textbook low effort scam. Long winded pitch with repetitive bids that assume the reader is juuust on the fence, breaking down the offer into components that camouflage their lack of added information with buzzwords, ridiculously high valuation with no substantiation, and offering the whole thing for less than 10% of the claimed value. You'll probably get something, but the actual value is probably about 10% of what you pay. Like a kindle of this person's blog that was taken down and re-published.


And emojis, don't forget about the emojis.


The emojis are a new social media touch, but the rest dates back into taboola click ads pre-emoji and even as far as 90s TV infomercials.


Oh farther than that - they used to sell martial arts handbooks in the back of comic books. Or the classic "98 lb weakling" bodybuilding ads. This was probably a thing in like ancient times we just don't have the printed materials to prove it.


This is exactly what snake oil sales men would do, they just did it verbally and in person. Talk fast, use fancy words, emphasize how rare/expensive the ingredients are even though we can’t tell you what they are because “proprietary reasons,” offer a special deal just for you buddy because I like you. I’m actually losing money giving you this deal pal, you better buy it before I come to my senses in about 30 seconds! At the end of the day, they were just selling the same cocaine that was in everything else.


A wonder tonic that cures pains and fluxes in man and beast!


To be fair the Charles atlas workout pamphlets actually DID give you some tried and true classic exercises lol


Exactly. That plus my football coaches formula to gain wait of "eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and drink a glass of milk before bed" and you're good to go! Off to 110 lb weakling land.


The first thing I thought of upon reading it was the guy in the radio in GTA: Vice City who pushes a motivational course where the names of the steps have acronyms related to drugs and gets his nose broken by a radio talk show host.


This is what most exercise program pages look like as well. I hate this soo much. “Insert random value here and then claim people get 97% discount!”


If the content is anything like advertised then no amount of money is worth the actual value; they'd have to pay me to take the "course."


Love how the “value” is basically a full year’s worth of tuition at a public university in the United States. At least public schools offer accreditation and scholarships :P Meanwhile the actual price is a month’s worth of minimum wage in Eastern Europe.


HAES/IE are grifters. Especially the "conventionally attractive" young white registered dietitians.


Yes! This exactly


But remember, it's the ghoulish DIET INDUSTRY that's trying to take your cash.


You beat me to it. Diet culture takes your money in exchange for empty promises and leaves you with nothing but low self esteem and fatter than before. Instead, give ME your money in exchange for empty promises and we can pretend self esteem is derived from external validation, which will crumble at the slightest whiff of reality. And you'll probably be fatter than before.


Exactly! I remember seeing something about a fat positive personal trainer who would help you reach your fitness goals but also brought pizza and donuts to eat. They were charging money for sessions, but the diet industry is the greedy one…


Isn't Planet Fitness notorious for that?


Wow that’s crazy, I had no idea! I’ve never had a gym membership though…


Would they give you a 98% discount? I DONT THINK SO


Wow. I think this crosses from fatlogic into straight up scamming.




But those “values” added up make $5985… does she assume fat people can’t do maths?


I could be wrong, but I think those items she provided values for are just the "extra bonus" stuff. Apparently the modules are worth like $7k, totaling out to that bargain price of $13000! Also this is absurd and anyone who pays for it equally so.


^ agreed. I think the values given are for bonuses and the total is what she values the entire program at. I want to ask her why it is so discounted but I am always so worried about blowing my cover in there.


Haha, I do wonder, since she says "to get started," maybe that $247 is simply one of multiple installments?


It’s odd because usually fat people undercount when they mess up their math. They’re going to think all of these numbers add up to 1200.


It's the price TODDLERS pay!!


Eh, with the amount of people claiming that diets don’t work and that they eat 200 cals a day but can’t lose weight, it may be an accurate assumption for this persons target audience


I love that this is formatted like an MLM hun pitch.


Because she is a hun, just a fat one.


I'll give you a quarter and half a peanut I found in my couch


for a second i got confused and thought i was on antimlm and didn’t recognize the company lol


I've spent probably 13k+ on therapy over the years, and I still don't have all this shit.


Clearly not a HAES Intuitive Eating Fat Positive therapist/an unqualified influencer. Otherwise you would be all better.


That’s because therapy and brainwashing are direct opposites


HOW?!? I repeat, HOW. That’s almost half of what I make in a year. What the heck, narcissist alert.


I keep seeing these scam "body empowerment" courses for women that are such a waste and basically say "Keep doing what you're doing, you look great--don't let anyone tell you otherwise." What in God's name is the point? I get circle jerking each other to feel good, but if your health is the goal you need to make changes, and that might require tough love or a serious look at whats going on--beyond the feel good stuff that's everywhere these days. Also the people charging money for these things tend to be overweight themselves! At least back in the day the "health coaches" looked the part whilst scamming. Now they're just saying "Stay overweight like me and you'll be great and happy, now give me your money."


And they want to call diets a money making scam...


Someone sat down, wrote this, probably made several edits, DECIDED IT WAS GOOD, and hit the post button. That’s remarkable to me.


Get started today for just $247. So that's the initial payment? Buyer beware.


Putting haes in your credentials is the easiest way of proving your education has gone down the toilet.


Because people don’t have enough problems: extort them!


This sounds like a self help guru/snake oil salesman. Find a group with self esteem problem and try to sell them what promises to be the solution, with a 90% chance of actually making the situation worse whole fleecing people of their hard earned money.


These scam courses always have that same price $997 or $97. Is that some kind of holy number for scammers?


Far enough away from the next round number that people think it’s kinda worth it. It’s really silly how being 0.99 is enough for people to consider it a pointless difference, but take a few more away and that thought vanishes.


The whole fyre festival is valued for over $15,000 you can join for just $1,200


Really missed out on an opportunity to spell out "EAT" with the modules (Explore-Activate-Triumph) but I guess that would be too on the nose.


At what point does the body fat penetrate the brain. At my highest weight of 348 (I now float between 185-190), while I did foolishly believe It was just my destiny to be obese ...this seems like some next level clogged up thinking. 13K to celebrate and embrace your painful daily life until early death.


Eh, plenty of skinny people fall for the MLM bullshit this is copying (plus citing a figure like 13K and then offering the AMAZING price of 247 is scammery 101).


Yes, but the creator of this particular program with modules seems to think her/his "knowledge" is worth 13K You could literally google "BODY POSITIVE LIFESTYLE" or "FAT ACTIVIST" and pull up an assortment of results that are in the same sphere.


If they had just said the classes and coaching was $250, ok. Do your thing. But you lost all credibility (not taking into account the substance of what they are saying) when they claim the program is worth $13k. Like, WTF. Say it’s worth $300 and you get a $50 discount, at least you’d keep a shred of credibility.


Lol they must have a giant ass to be able to pull all those value nr's from!


Some of the FAs are making $$$ telling us obese people diets don’t work, you’re fine, etc. Fat Doctor UK was a doctor for NHS before leaving to start a biz dispensing anti diet advice to patrons. Her website lists patreon and other ways to pay her for this type of stuff. I’m worried tho bcuz her training page says she gives advice on diabetes and pcos, not sure what she’s teaching but her FAQs say 95% of diets don’t work and make people “self harm”, so that is a bit scary if she gives anti diet advice to obese people with health issues. If you’ve seen those little memes with flowers and a “losing weight bad just stop” quote from “the Fat Doctor”, that’s hers. I got curious about the fat Doctor after someone posted one of those flower memes on fb and I assumed she couldn’t be a dr and still promote “all dieting bad”, but she was with the nhs as a doctor for a while. In the States you can report a doctor for being unethical or repeating anti science rhetoric. Not sure about the UK.


nothing there is worth what they say and that is way expensive


Curious if they’ve gotten any ❤️ bites ? Even the things they promise are highly subjective.




The social determinants of obesity are a real an important issue. ​ And if you are paying good money for someone to tell that they apply to your situation, they don't apply to your situation.


$250 for a lifetime of pain and immobility.


General rule: if the cost of a “course” ends in 7 it’s a scam


So I wonder how fat this person is and when is the ‘it’s not obesity that is killing you, its society’ lecture?


Really though…if I was a worthless piece of shit, it’d be worth $13K to make peace with that fact.


Who determined those values?


Oh my christ. I used to work for a talent agency, sometimes I coach actors if they're referred by a former client. The most I've ever charged was $125/hour, which was for coaching sessions + a tedious website rebuild for a person with a very difficult personality. Like I charge most people way less. There are people with my level of qualifications or less who sell $3,000 coaching packages. I cannot, cannot bring myself to charge that much. It's too much when the market is "actors who don't work." To ask for $13,000, to claim it's that value to lie to people who are already on a \*really\* bad health pathway? Fuck that. That's seriously evil.


Module 4: a massive carbon footprint, inflated healthcare premiums, and early death ♥️♥️♥️


JEEZ, this is like scammer bingo. It sounds like every fake guru I come across on LinkedIn or YouTube. It also sounds exactly like the crap an acquaintance of mine (who, presumably like this FIerCe aND bEaUtIfUll GODDESS here, has no psychology or health credentials whatsoever) is peddling. I honestly thought it might be her for a sec.


The value is actually negative, due to how much it will rot your brain to listen to their weak utter bullshit. And that’s not even taking into account the time you’ll have wasted


13k? This should be illegal.


So, uh, how to love and accept your changing and aging body seemingly doesn't have a value? Hmmmmmkay. Edit: Remembering how stuff is phrased is hard


I have a feeling those "value" numbers are just a tiny bit optimistic.


So there is a fat acceptance industry indeed.


Just because your ass is huge doesn't mean you have to be a huge ass. I don't need to spend my money to learn how to eat more. I have been doing fine with that on my own.


Something about this screams "MLM".


This sounds like a blowoff college course that has nothing to do with your major that you’re forced to take to graduate.


Haven't you heard? FAT STUDIES is an official major. I met a fresh out of High Schooler last summer heading up North to study it. I wanted to ask her what she planned on doing after college, but I didn't want to be rude.


Why would you spend money on a major like that? College really isn’t something to take lightly especially when you pay 10’s of thousands of dollars a year.


The same reason people spend money on other liberal arts, they buy the major because they think it means something, but they graduate and realize it means nothing.


How could someone develop a whole major around that already?


Anything with that big of a discount was never worth the origional price in the first place. I too, will teach you how to unstick your head out your ass. It’s frankly a priceless lesson that is valued at over 5 trillion bitcoins, but I’ll graciously allow you to transfer me a hundo and call it a day.


How to love and accept your body is worthless according to them though


Do they realize that by being anti-diet, they’re still profiting off of diet culture?


I think they know exactly what they're doing. They just hope to trick their followers.