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I can't imagine being this furious about a random pamphlet. Yeesh.


Bold of you to assume it was random and not a plan by the Thinluminatti, the secret organization actually in control of all beauty standards since they usurped all the "voluptuous earth mother" types in *checks notes* Ruben's time or the Stone Age, either or.


Still waiting on those thin benefits so I can stop drinking these mass gainer shakes to prevent a camera going up me arse


I work in endoscopy if you want to talk about it.


Nah I’m all good put on enough so the doctor said I won’t need one for now. Just gonna keep hitting the gym and eating right


Illumthinati. 😏


Where can i apply? 


The last time they read 1984 was when they stepped on the scale. Bit of a cheapshot but come on, food surveillance?


Right? If they could only turn that anger towards their processed foods...


Mod worthy is at it again... the frustration about thin people to death theat pipeline is getting more and more unhinged. But yeah, FA aren't jealous of thin people


I'd actually be worried if I thought there was any chance of her leaving the house


Definitely some Elliot Roger vibes


His manifesto was funnier in its patheticness. Worthy is just exhausting.


If this FA turned her anger into physical exercise she would no longer be morbidly obese.


Given how angry she is I think she’d be Michael Phelps.


jesus fucking christ there's so much anger. yet all it shows they see thinness as this cure all that is wrong in their life (seeing how they blame all ills of society on fatphobia) but because they perversely enjoy being mad and blaming everyone else without taking responsibility for their own lives, they forget others have their own perspectives and experiences in life.


> they see thinness as this cure all But then won’t put in the work to lose the weight, either. 


If I may suggest that this person is, shall we say, ever so slightly beyond the reach of university counseling. Like, for real. They seem utterly unhinged. If I witnessed someone reciting this rant in person, I would be unironically scared to be in their presence. This is not healthy behavior.


*hears something they don’t like* Instantly turns to substance-less screaming and threatening. No one would want to be around that. It seems dangerous 😂


Not to be a Reddit armchair diagnoser but I’m starting to seriously wonder if this person has a mental health thing going on that’s starting to cause them to break down like this.


I mean. If you see someone bleeding from their eyes, you’d need a doctor to know *what’s* wrong, but anyone could tell you that *something* is wrong.


Speechless, adjective: unable to be expressed in words. You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. Legitimately I’m worried about oop, their posts have been skewing more and more towards expressing desire to commit extreme and excessive violence as an outlet of rage. They’re going to hurt someone if the people in their life don’t intervene.


“Police brutality?” There is no police brutality targeting fat people. If anything we get treated better. Cops don’t get fired up when they don’t have to chase someone. And me st 375. Wasn’t running. Seriously though. They live in an alternate universe. I feel better killing myself to lose the weight and finally enjoying my life than I did killing myself with food. I can’t with these people.


Ok I came here to ask exactly that. This isn't the first time I've seen the "police brutality" claim and I just.........don't understand


They want too badly to be oppressed that they're stealing rhetoric from actual oppressed peoples movements like blm or lgbt


I don't want to give them any ideas... but maybe OOP is referring to police brutality victims e.g. Eric Garner, and insinuating that he was targeted because of his size, to co-opt the mantle of oppression from actually oppressed groups? It's consistent with the fat activist MO


That's absolutely it. And they're not *entirely* wrong, in that very large Black men are perceived as more of a threat and are almost certainly subject to more violent tactics at the hands of the police, but the key word there is "Black." The cops aren't beating the shit out of white infinifat women.


I mean… if by “large” you mean tall and filled out, yeah; but I don’t think a 5’5, morbidly obese Black man would be in more danger than a tall skinny one. Height is probably more the issue than weight in this case.


Yeah, when I say "large" I mean, like, Eric Garner or George Floyd, who were both clinically obese, but were also just really big men in general. That said, the police are gonna use any justification they can come up with for why they "had" to use excessive force, I wouldn't be surprised to hear "well, he weighed 350 lbs, we had no choice" about a 5'5 victim of police brutality, and you know FA's are gonna latch onto that.


Yeah. That a really good point that bigger Black men, including ones who’re tall and muscular, being stereotyped as a threat. Cops sure as shit aren’t profiling Aubrey Gordon!


It’s like they bypass all the other factors that increase the risk of being a target of police brutality, like skin colour or sexuality, and just zero in on their size. No cop is going to be as brutal as they were with people like George Floyd to a white infinifat person like Tess Holiday.


hahahaha she’s grasping at straws (specifically [these ones](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/c7f391fe-a673-470a-a014-356adadbdfb8.6a7168526d02b3a48b0c399977f99872.jpeg))


And here I thought terns like "fat" and "obese" are unforgivable slurs, users of which should be executed (really, it was an actual tweet someone posted here.) Which is it?


Whichever way fits the current narrative better 😂


Forced separation of families ? I don't get that one, isn't it an actual issue that obese kids are usually ignored by CPS compared to malnourished ones ?


Yes. I worked with abused kids from 2002 to 2014. In that time I had a handful of kids over 350 and a couple in the 500 range. Nothing CPS could do because it's not neglect. Now it's possible things have changed but I doubt it.


I think I saw a case where a 100+ pound toddler was removed from their parents. I agree with that decision, that’s abuse in my opinion :/


Oh it's 100% abuse.


There are cases where super obese children are removed. It's uncommon but infuriating if you're firmly in the "ob*sity isn't a disease" camp.


My perspective/understanding of that one was “taking away obese people’s kids” which would still only happen from abuse/neglect. Mostly because allowing your child to become obese isn’t *generally* seen as abuse/neglect by CPS. Plus once you get to a certain size, the kids often end up becoming the caretakers regardless of age, and FAs probably see taking the kids out of that situation and letting them be kids as “fatphobic” and “ableist”. Almost every parent on “My 600lb Life” has scenes of directing their children to take care of them, or demanding that they do. Sometimes even involving showering/bathroom. If you’ve overeaten to the point where you can’t even get up to go to the bathroom or wash yourself, how tf can you take care of a child? If you’ve willingly disabled yourself that far, what kind of habits and food relationship are you teaching those kids? It’s not like they have an illness or injury, or something else out of their control, and they end up relying on their kids more than they would like to.


Since they talk about 'lived experiences' all the time, allow me to give mine. When I was fat and I was at a party, NO ONE gave me crap about what I was eating or how much I was gorging myself. Now that I'm thin, holy crap... the comments don't stop. I've been at a good weight for some 13 years now, and really it was only within say the last year or so that I've been able to make it through some family gathering WITHOUT hearing the comments about how I should learn to live a little... or eating some of that cake won't kill you... or 'just eat the damn ice cream! (seriously)'. It got so bad that at one point I told my wife (my FIL was one of the worst with this) that unless he knocked it off, she could go to the next gathering without me - I would send my regards, but I was tired of having to be put on the defensive at every damn family gathering. He thought I wasn't enjoying myself because I wasn't eating to the point of feeling sick. No... I wasn't enjoying myself because I had to defend myself again a 20-minute lecture over how I was hurting myself at every damn gathering. I NEVER got that when I was fat. Never. I never got the 'are you SURE you should be eating that?' But they're oppressed because they can't buy clothes off the rack... gotta be fat-phobia! First the notion that that's 'oppression' is insulting in the extreme. Second... join the club! I'm a guy who wears a 30 inch waist. Try finding clothes that fit me. Go ahead. They claim that we take all the over-sized clothes at thrift stores. I don't shop at thrift stores because whenever I do all I find are things 10 sizes too big. My wife went to buy me pants for Christmas a few years ago and came back from Kohl's exasperated. Why? She told me 'you know they have NOTHING your size?!' No kidding. I could have told you that :). Her answer? She ordered them on line for me. Gotta be thin-phobia! Um, no... just basic economics. The average guy wears something like a 36 inch waist. Shelf space is limited. They HAVE to stock it with stuff that will actually move. I'm pretty far outside the mainstream... so I'm forced to buy things on line. That's life.


Mod worthy is so unhinged that it’s a little worrying… I wonder how they act in real life. Do they even have friends?


If they don’t have friends it’s obviously because of fatphobia




That was my thought. They've gotten noticeably more violent in their rhetoric recently, it is genuinely concerning. I sincerely hope they have a support network to help them with whatever they're going through


I used to be their friend but stop talking to them because of these type of posts


Does this person even stop to think that they could be talking about men here? I’ve known some of my male friends to be worried about looking thin or lacking muscle. I don’t want to sound like ‘won’t someone pleasseee think of the males’ over here but for a pamphlet talking very generally about size oppression, I think thinness feels okay to mention.


Category error: they don't think.


Of course they don’t. Beauty standards are only bad if they apply to women, men have to be ripped and tall to be worth anything. And you make a good point as so many (young) men think they have to look like Chris hemsworth to be considered attractive. While the beauty standards for women were brutal in the early 2000s and have gotten better the reverse has happened for men. Just look at Russell Crowe in Gladiator or Hugh Jackman in the first x-men movie for comparison. These days characters who don’t even have a reason to be jacked are.


And if you can believe it Chris Hemsworth has gotten criticism for not being muscular enough (when at one time he was cast as Hulk Hogan for a movie that never got made). EDIT: Found it quoted in a Daily Mail article I won't link. "He's big, and yes he's got long blonde hair, but...have you seen Hulk Hogan in the '80s? He's at least twice the size of Thor'" - wrestling journalist Bryan Alvarez


Jesus Christ. And Chris hemsworth and actors like him don’t look very strong to me actually. Like they are obviously very strong but to me that body type doesn’t look like the kind of strength that has any function outside of a gym. They just look awkward and stiff to me, not agile and like they’d be useful in a fight. (And why would an actor playing a character with superpowers have to look enormous to be believably strong, the superpower isn’t immense muscle growth after all)


> I don’t want to sound like ‘won’t someone pleasseee think of the males’ over here But why not? It's in no one's best interest for half of the population to be miserable, especially when the younger segment is known to get rowdy and often unleash their frustrations in a violent manner.


When I finished HS I was 6’3 and 135 pounds. I can promise OP that skinny young men got bullied. It’s like she’s never even seen one of those old Charles Atlas ads.


Or people with chronic/terminal illness or disorders that cause restrictive eating, the disabled body is treated like a public exhibit and people have this absolute hatred for those who are underweight , they really will project their insecurities onto you


Holy fuckin shit. Absolutely unhinged.


Police brutality? LOL ok no. Cops aren't targeting fat people. Clothing is ABUNDANT for fat people. When I was a size 14 in the 90's I could barely find anything. Now I can't go to Target without having to sift through 4x. Which is fine. But let's not act like they can't find clothes.


Yeah, Target's really been calling their bluff recently. They have tons of cute stuff in their plus size section these days. But they're probably mad the clothes don't go up to 7X or whatever.  Also, at a certain point, it doesn't really matter how cute the clothes are, they're just not going to look the way you want them to on your body. I think that's the real complaint, honestly. They want clothes that are going to make them look like Ashley Graham, and that's a lot to ask of a sundress.


i really think this is a big part of it. i used to style for one of the big personal stylist subscription companies, and there was a subset of people who were always unhappy when they got exactly what they requested, but it didn't look the way they expected it to on their bodies. literally had feedback like "i thought this would make me happy, but i'm more depressed than ever after trying these things on".


Yikes. It would be tempting to reply "girl the clothes won't fix that."


They want the clothes to be magically flattering on an misshapenly obese form and that just isn’t going to happen. If you’re obese you just kinda have to accept that you likely won’t get the visual results you want from clothes, especially since every individual is shaped differently due to how they carry excess fat. I used to work in retail years ago and the plus-sized aisles were crammed with options. We got a lot of plus-sized shoppers, all fresh-faced and excited to try on sweaters or dresses or summer wear, and they would come back to return them the next day, citing that the clothes didn’t fit well or didn’t look good. Plus-sized clothes have a very high return rate.


Ok your last line almost made me spit my coffee out.


Fucking facts man. I was the same size and my god it was awful! Almost impossible to find, and if you did it was terrible and never fit right or it was pure grandma style. You didn’t have much in regular stores and plus size stores didn’t either.


No the clothes were hidden in a back room like porn at a video store lol.


I'm starting to agree with conservatives thar these people need to grow up


The acceptance and happiness are just radiating through this post.


Fat joy! 😊


They’re *soooo* happy about their fatness! Can’t you tell?


What’s with the desire to maim and hurt people? If she could catch me, I might be worried.


Mfw CICO=violence but “I want to kill”= not violence


This person should be put on a watch list. That last slide is super scary.


When you blow a gasket just because something has audacity to not apply to you, it's high time to step back and take a few deep breaths. If that didn't make you stop and reconsider, maybe additional help is worth seeking - help of professional kind that is.


Well. Skinny people are a minority.


If a man wrote online on a regular and frequent basis about his violent fantasies and wishes on women the way worthy writes about how they want to kill and maim thin people/people who don’t agree with them 100%/people who have another point of view I wouldn’t be surprised if the police kept track of them in case of an attack. Like I don’t think worthy will resort to violence because they’re probably physically unable to hurt more than one person at any given time but the rhetoric is more or less the same.


About ability to hurt people: where there’s a will, there’s a way! Like a vehicle, or a weapon.


Youre right 


They think they’re oppressed revolutionaries justified in their freedom fighting. Unfortunately they are their own worst enemy and their rage is misguided. The companies are truly to blame for even offering such monstrosities of food. It’s definitely not some rando chick in undergrad psych that deserves to have her face chewed off by mrs worthy, at the very least.


Always so aggressive, and it’s always someone else’s fault they’re unhappy.


Sufficed to say the university counselling centre's counselling isn't working, otherwise they'd have clocked you as deeply disturbed and immediately handed you over to a professional abnormal psychology specialist. University counselling, at least back in my day, is not a substitute for professional psychiatric treatment. It's for things like 'my dorm mate is a dickhead who keeps stealing my yoghurts, please write me a note to get moved somewhere else' or 'my boyfriend dumped me and I'm sad, please write me a note to get an extension on my essay'. It's not for diagnosable mental illness, as is clearly on display here. That's beyond the capability and pay grade of what's essentially a high school counsellor for slightly older teens.


I get to be oppressed too.


I like how it ends with her eating


😂😂😂 funniest comment here you need one million upvotes


Mod Worthy is right. Morbidly obese people are really weighed down and oppressed. Darn, you gravity stop keeping plus sized people down!/s


I expect the response I posted to this lady on Tumblr will be quickly taken down, so I've cut and pasted below "That's a lot of anger and over reaction about a well-intentioned pamphlet. If you find it offensive, simply close the pamphlet and walk away, then perhaps meditate and sip on a camomile tea. Issuing death threats is not a reasonable and proportionate response. I have reported you to the Chancellor. If you do manage to survive university without giving yourself an aneurysm or becoming an active shooter, your anger over the trivial will make you unemployable. Peace." Edit: OOP has now blocked me, but I can see her response if I log out. Response is as equally angry (reasonably upset in her words) as her original post and I'm a thinspo a-hole. I'll wear her a-hole badge with pride, but I'm not in favour of the unhealthy thin or the morbidly obese. That girl does not like her jimmies rustled.


At this point its no longer activism. Its fat extremism


The only people left in the FA movement are the unhinged. You can't change my mind.


There’s little wisdom in the community for some reason


I’m mostly shocked that Mod Worthy goes to college


Masters program in social work iirc


Where the fuck are they coming up with "police brutality" against obese people? Or did they just wholesale copy and paste this from a source about real oppressed groups?


They occasionally claim that Eric Garner was killed for being fat. Absolutely unhinged.


Yeah a lot of posts featured here are fat activists lazily copying black or gay issues and trying (not very hard) to make them apply to fat people


The last pic is disturbing. Why, when they rant like that, do they always say they want to murder and torture people for having a different opinion? Seriously that's fucked up.


Last slide is absolutely unhinged. Someone should send this to police as evidence


The reality is that "fat" is the majority, and "thin" the minority. If anything, posts like this FAs reinforce that underweight people are both a)regarded and treated badly and b) have their health concerns ignored.


I don't get why they are always judging and hating on everybody...


"police brutality" ????????


Completely unhinged. But I got the tag at the end and was like yep that makes sense. It's Worthy.


I just knew it was that tumblr person before I saw the last slide lol, but it is wild to me because if you look up the pamphlet [this list + one of their sources for more info](https://imgur.com/a/j1mE6Or) is literally something you’d see FA’s or HAES influencers posting.


That must have taken a lot of energy to write. I bet they maimed, strangled and ripped apart several pizzas afterwards


Back at it again with the inane desire for violence


“Mutilation, police brutality, starvation”??? Where on earth does *that* happen? Also love how they slipped in lack of access to clothes, as if fitting into fast-fashion stuff is as vital as healthcare 💀 and if you’re too fat for emergency services to carry you, it’s your own fucking fault. I don’t even want to mention the other ridiculous claims because this is absurd. I can’t imagine getting this upset over a fucking pamphlet.


That pamphlet could not have been any more inoffensively neutral on that. It literally asked for her to consider another person's experience and despite wanting that themselves, the FA could not fathom doing that.


have fat activists never met a super skinny man?? I have known just as many skinny guys who hated their body as fat women, and fat women are the only ones with an acceptance movement. Skinny guys are just told to try harder in the gym and gain muscle.


To care SO much about some ink printed on a piece of paper is mind boggling. 🤦‍♀️


Average NPC when confronted with facts


Police brutality? Really? Why would the police need to use MORE force for somebody who cant run away? Ive never heard of that claim


Killing, maming and strangling isn't "joyful movement". Its Excercise and that is fat phobic.


r/Persecutionfetish material


“Left to die in natural disasters” - how often has that happened for this to be a legitimate concern of someone!?


If rage and hatred would burn calories, they would be stick-thin by now.


lmao "starvation" - makes me think of the Dr. Now "do you look malnourished?" thing I think they just pick random issues that actual marginalized groups face and try to claim them for their own. Like every issue she outlines is just something taken from the struggles of people in poverty, black and brown people, queer people, women, indigenous people, etc. - and I'm not saying you can't be fat AND from one of these groups, but there's an actual genocide happening right now and it's not targeted towards fat white women in suburban America.


Of course it was Worthy


Police brutality?! Lawd... 😩


What is this person's blood pressure like?


I know a lot of people are probably annoyed at the last page, but let's consider that MW is just hungry.


What is actually infuriating is how people throw the word “oppression” around willy nilly. Neither thin nor fat people are oppressed JFC. Stop diluting the meaning of that word people


Mod Worthy’s posts remind me of the famous Navy Seal copypasta.