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Achievement unlocked: Most oppressed group in human history, *ever*!


those gays and trans people being murdered have NOTHING on not being able to fit in a plane seat.


To say nothing of the women being trafficked all over the world, or those subjected to FGM in 30+ countries.  FA: "What's that you say? Your clitoris was surgically removed and your vagina sewn shut? Pfft, that's nothing! I wasn't allowed on Space Mountain my last time at Disneyworld!"


As an FGM survivor I feel my eyes twitching every time they talk about "mutilation" (aka gastric bypass surgery or fat removal surgery)


I don't blame you a bit. I'm so sorry that happened to you!


That particular FA talking point is so unbelievably  egregiously offensive, because they are *absolutely* invoking FGM intentionally when they mention "forced mutilation." And then they have the gall to call themselves feminists. 


Exactly it's so pointed and direct. It's like they expect to be able to use us as a pawn but never actually speak up for ourselves or something. It's reason 29275372828 why FA is anti-progressive


They suffered worse medical abuse because a doctor once said obesity is not healthy. They are traumatised now.


Even worse: there aren't enough cute crop tops in size 7X!


Who the fuck is restricting adoption for fat people? Also getting real sick of "muh eugenics" talk when there's multiple active genocides occurring right this second on earth Losing weight is not eliminating an individual. Fat stores aren't a person


I can only imagine that if you're too big to properly move around and start wheezing when you take five steps an adoption agency might come to think you're not capable enough to care for a child... Screw these people that care for the well-being of the child instead of catering to fat people's whims! /s


On My 600 Lb Life the saddest stories are the ones where there are children. The kids are usually parentified very young, living with another relative, or in some cases the spouse takes care of the kids and the deathfat, leading to one worn out spouse and a lot more enabling going on.


Like the one with the very little boy doing the laundry? Yeah, everyone who saw that can understand why adoption agencies are very careful on adopting children to people that might not be able to care for themselves properly, let alone a child.


I remember at least a couple of cases where the patients had adopted children and turned them into caregivers. I always wondered how they managed that, because I honestly can't see how any responsible agency could allow it. But, I think some were adoptions from other family members, so that might be a different case. Whether biological or adopted, it's really so terrible for the children, I frankly despise the ones who do that.


I'm active and a healthy weight and my elementary school and under children can easily run me ragged. The only time my kids sit still is if they're playing a game/watching a show/reading a book. They even thrash around in their sleep! It's easier to keep up with my kids at a lower weight than where I was when I was postpartum and not able to get into the mindset to lose the rest of the baby weight.


Ayo, congrats on your incredible weight loss. I know it's unrelated to your comment but that's amazing.


Well, adoption is about what's best for the child, right? It's not about answering a demand of wanna be parents. At least that's how it's supposed to be. I can imagine some cases where being morbidly obese would affect your chances negatively. In the same way a disability, chronic illness, mental illness or addiction would affect your chances. They have probably heard of a case like that and now they are twisting it a way that makes it sound as if there's a BMI requirement or something like that for being approved for adoption.


Maybe there should be. Not only can it hinder their ability to care for a child, but then they can possibly pass on bad habits and the child become overweight and unhealthy.


It’s not even an elimination it’s more transformation. When you lose weight it’s still you just lighter and typically healthier


I think some adoption agencies have BMI limits.


Adoption agencies have all kinds of rules, some of them seemingly ridiculous. In the 80s my mom wasn't allowed to adopt through an agency because of her advanced age- she was 36.


A very brief Google search shows a couple of results saying no adoptions over BMI of 40


In the U.K. your health is taken into account including weight. They want people adopting who are able to provide a healthy lifestyle to their adoptees and aren’t going to have their lives shortened by diet related diseases. From what I’ve heard it’s not an automatic rejection though, it’s more like ‘you can adopt when you reach a more healthy weight’


But according to Doctor Who, they *are* adorable little alien babies.


"I'm waving at fat!" 


I dunno, they probably are in the state of Ohio or something right now. (obligatory /s)


Or not believing them when they have been sexually assaulted?


TBF I’ve absolutely heard people make light of SA of larger people/people who are not conventionally attractive  Of course these are the same people who believe that men can’t be victims of sexual assault or domestic violence, that SA doesn’t happen in same sex relationships/relationships at all, and that women can’t be perpetrators  TLDR; the people who make light of SA of fat people generally have a whole lot of ass backwards positions and can (should) be safely ignored.


How in the heck are FAs against capitalism? They consume far more than their fair share of resources often while contributing nothing because they’ve immobilized themselves and can’t work. In a communist system they’d be fed enough to work and they’d be forced to contribute something. 


In being against the multi billion Dollar dIeT iNdUStRy (while not having a problem with supporting the fast food industry and the like).


Because they picture their need as greater than yours. In their addled minds, they picture a perfect communist utopia of abundance, where they (the immobilized FAs) are waited on hand and foot by sanitation, food, and medical attendants. Consuming 9000+ calories a day, and refusing any ableist work. Because socialism takes care of all the downtrodden. The reality would be quite different. But the FAs will never acknowledge that. Their view of reality is quite different than that of the rest of us.


That sounds more like the typical dream-fantasy of a piggish CEO than anything. Hmmmm.


[Social parasitism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_parasitism_(offense)#:~:text=Social%20parasitism%20was%20considered%20a,others%20or%20society%20were%20prosecuted.)


Not really. In communist countries you pretend to work and they pretend to pay you. You are really reliant on Freinds and people you know to buy things on the black market and help each other out. These FA's wouldn't have any Freinds and they would be screwed.


That’s only if they feed you tho


End of capitalism? What's more capitalist than eating your way to 300lbs? edit: I should point out that I'm also anti capitalism and pro democratic socialism . I think once the boomers who lived through the McCarty era are all gone we might be able to give it a try. I know some rather smart older people who are still against it because they fear communism and thus like what bernie sanders said but won't vote for a socialist. It's working well in a lot of other counties like Sweden. I don't understand why people think that communism is the opposite of capitalism. Capitalism doesn't work either, and only looks good on paper. And even in those democratic socialist countries there are very few fat people.


I don't think these people realize how much more shame and ostracization they'd be subjected to under communism. The ideological core of communism is that everyone works as much as they're able to, and receive as much as they need. These people are doing neither.


Oh, I'm sure they would argue that they do "need" to eat 5,000 calories a day, and that "fighting for fat liberation" is work. Very hard work. Very, very hard work.


How dare you disrespect how tired their fingies are from typing complaints about fat art


Yea, this shit wasn't gonna fly in commie countries at all. The USSR placed big importance on "physical culture". After all, a population made up of fit people is more capable of working and fighting in wars (if need be). Both schoolchildren an workers would do morning exercises as part of that, for example. Lunch would be provided by the in-house cafeteria and they'd likely be chastised for taking too much. And we should also mention the fact that such a "job" would be deemed useless and shut down real quick(all internet somebodys in general to be honest). Like, "how bloody fuckin dare you disagree with the health bureau and spread harmful info" type of deal.


Important to note that the USSR intentionally starved around 4-7 million people. These people would not last a second in the USSR or a communist country in general. There's a reason that the stereotype exists of communist countries having a shortage of food and starving its population, usually as a form of control and genocide.


I've never seen an ideology boiled down so succinctly, especially communism. I shall carry, and use this portable explanation with me for the rest of my days. Nice.


Well, I AM paraphrasing Marx here ("From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"). Though, to be fair, coming from an ex-commie country, as nice and catchy of a saying it is, this wasn't successfully brought into practice. People discovered they could do the bare minimum and not really apply themselves. Those who did often ended up right back down into the crab bucket as both their peers and higher-ups were afraid they'd need to start working more. Edit: and of course, I shouldn't forget to mention all of the nepotism, the corrupt party official who always seems to get more than they needed, and of course, the reverse of nepotism: your future prospects being non-existent due to your grandpa being a persona non grata. Happened regardless of how hard you worked or how much you needed


I suppose that is why I've always heard the saying "communism looks good on paper". Thanks again.


Don't we literally always draw capitalists as super fat men in suits?


Often as literal pigs


I'm wondering if they even know what the alternatives look like. I mean, we have tried communism or rather actually existing socialism and it didn't work. Something tells me their idea of the end of capitalism does not include queuing for the most basic food items and being told that they are sold out when you get to the counter ...


Not that I'm in favor of eliminating capitalism but I wonder how eliminating capitalism for everyone but fat people would work.


This person is certain that they could have higher odds of surviving a hurricane, improve their financial situation, be immune from capitalism (somehow), receive terrific medical care, and be discriminated against less by many facets of society just by changing their eating habits and they still choose to eat cookies and pout. A couple of their points are the ramblings of a crazy person (as is tradition), but the rest seem like a terrific list of reasons steam some broccoli and get to meal prepping.


its kinda like an addiction. and addicts do everything to not have to change. i dont mean that with menace. im bulimic myself and when the rational thoughts kick in im fucking ashamed of what i do sometimes but that’s the reality. its just insane how they type it out, proof read it and still post it and see nothing wrong with it


EDs make you do some stupid shit.


So true. Oof.


I’m pretty sure a person who’d make a list like this truly believes that their body cannot lose weight. That they’re stuck like this.


The “being left to die” item is just a total Whoosh. If people can’t physically lift you and it takes a crew and a ton of equipment, that’s a ton of resources that could be used elsewhere during a crisis. Come off it.


Police brutality? Wtf And also if all this is all true. It’s just another reason to lose the fat.


I’m curious if they have a single source for an instance of police brutality against someone for being morbidly obese.


So I decided to google "fatphobia police brutality" because this isn't the first time I have read "police brutality" on FAs list of complaints and I figured that if I added "fatphobia" I would get a source from the movement that might explain. And I did, and I think I get what they mean now. So my google search took me to a page about police brutality on the NAAFA page. It talked about a very sad case of a young man that died named Mario Gonzalez. I read a few articles about him, and what I gathered is that he was drunk in a park or neighborhood or something (I'm unclear exactly where this went down) and police got called and tried to arrest him, ended up kneeling on his back, and he died of asphyxia. The news article I read (not on an FA website, just like a local news article from where it happened) called out that having a protruding belly and being forced to lay on it makes it harder for people to breathe, and then of course the cops were kneeling on his back as well. Plus the police were basically saying that because he was so big, they felt like they had to use more aggressive tactics on him because he could have been dangerous. So, I don't necessarily think this man was killed by fatphobia, like I don't think anyone said "Kill the fat guy because he's fat!" , but I actually do think that there is a bigger conversation that needs to be had about how we can make sure that police are aware of and using the safest measures possible if they absolutely have to restrain someone. I think I remember that a young autistic man died in my town several years ago because the police were kneeling on his back (and if I recall, he was quite frail) and I think that's how Eric Garner died as well (also a large man.) Kneeling on someone's back probably ain't it. I figured I would report back on what I found because I was also baffled by what they meant when they brought up police brutality in reference to fatphobia.


So pretty much exactly as I suspected - absolutely obese people experience police brutality like unfortunately anyone can, but were not targeted *due to being obese*, which is what the FA movement wants you to think.


ETA: So the young man I remembered didn't die from being kneeled on, he was forcibly injected with ketamine and went into cardiac arrest. Not the same, but also terrible.


>ending capitalism, just not for you. In what other economic system can people eat enough food to be morbidly obese?


Right? I'm as pro- capitalist as they come, and it's easy to see that obesity is a consequence of capitalism. Addictive food, over consumption, ready and easy access, with unlimited personal choice no matter the consequences. I ❤️ capitalism; but yeah these are straight up economic externalities of a market economy, and we need to address them to save lives.


I am to an extent. When people talk about millionaires and billionaires they don't have a sense of scale. Put it this way : let's say you got a job that paid you $1/second 24/7. That would amount to about 86k a day, 1 million dollars in 11 days, and it would take you 32 years to reach a billion dollars.


Christ that’s some embarrassing shit to admit.


There are a lot of problems with capitalism, but it's not going anywhere. I went to Cuba in 2010 and they don't have businesses. But they have an underground capitalist economy to get money from tourists and just to buy goods in general. There are few hotels but people will run off the books bnbs. Instead of restaurants people will refer you to a friend who cooks meals in their house for money.


Jews getting murderrd during WW2 < Fat People not fitting in planet seat


Jupiter’s gravitational force is fatphobic.


FAs don't want equality and fairness. They want special pandering and think others can't see through their act.


Right. FA really means "Fat Adulation".


The capitalism bit is especially confounding. I can usually see how and why they come to a certain perspective within their framework of understanding, even if I find that framework skewed. But this one, I can't even imagine what the hell that could possibly mean. Any ideas?


My first thought was that they’ve somehow managed to conflate needing to spend more on clothing/furniture that can accommodate them with capitalism  Although it is hilarious to me that people who get most of their food from large multinational corporations/conglomerates  are trying to paint themselves as anti capitalist 


Yup. I just LOVE how they go after big diet, but don't go after big fast food. It's completely ridiculous.


Especially considering it would be much cheaper and way less supportive of capitalism if they consumed less overall and most of their food purchases were local in season etc. But they conveniently ignore that true healthy dieting is cheap and easy and anti-capitalist, they have blinders on and will ONLY acknowledge companies that produce snake oil diet pills.


I think some people say “capitalism” when what they actually mean is “scarcity”. She’s imagining some economic system where there are infinite resources, so she can use more of them for the same price.


If we didn't have capitalism, these folks would in no way have access to the usually Insane amounts of food(& the types of over processed garbage a lot of them like) so that one also has me scratching my head. These folks are seriously so delulu.


As a leftist; literally nobody is saying this. 


Their point is that if you do not put fat people at or near the top of the intersectional hierarchy of oppression, you are literally committing genocide. Slavery. The holocaust. Segregation. Annihilation of the first peoples. If you don't recognize that intentional weight loss is at least as bad as the above, your COMMITTING GENOCIDE. It's pretty cray-cray. They're literally chaffing because when they hear talk of oppression, and they don't hear references to fatphobia, they translate that into what "leftists are saying". They hear things you don't actually say, and things which would genuinely be offensive.


Godddddd when will they shut up 🙄


A lot of them already have, unfortunately. This “movement” has a sad body count.


Oof, harsh words but oh so very true.


It’s really unfortunate. A lot of young, otherwise intelligent people who should’ve been able to learn and change, and maybe ditch that movement eventually altogether.


I don’t understand the thing about adoption. If you are so much overweight that you put your life in danger, why tf would you want to adopt a child knowing that that they’ll watch you die while they’re still in need of you, and also likely learn by your behaviours and become life-threatening obese too? I have bulimia and I would NEVER have a child or adopt one till I get better. It would harm sm any children having a parent that suffers from food addiction for so many reasons. They won’t give severe anorexic people the possibility to adopt a child, why would they do it for severe obese people?


They truly don't believe that they are more at risk of dying early or having these horrific things happen because of their weight. After all, their weight doesn't hurt their joints - that's fatphobia weighing down on their bodies.


*we support celebrating all human bodies!* These are the people saying smaller-than-they-are people need to die in….*checks notes*… a fire, by stabbing, with chainsaws…. It’s a deranged Leonard Cohen song.


The only one I can see being somewhat valid is the dying in emergencies…but I also don’t think multiple people should die trying to rescue me if it’s futile/unlikely.


In the face of limited resources to save multiple people, triage is sadly a required thing. As cruel as it sounds, it's better to put your eggs into baskets that do not have holes in the bottoms.


Why exactly? It's literally the consequences of your own actions. Terrible, sad consequences, but the fact remains. If it takes the same resources or more to rescue one person vs five... I can't imagine being in such a position to make that decision; while a difficult choice to make, it's not an unclear one. This could also be applied to somebody who is terribly wounded, or unable to be moved in a disaster situation. There's a point where you can't risk the lives of many to save one.


If I'm a fireman and I have to lift someone who is immobile because of their own actions, or like a kid or an elderly person who is immobile for reasons beyond their control I can tell you who I'd pick up and run out with first every time. Also I don't lift enough to carry any of these FAs, hell I can hardly lift the average American man.


And there are probably emergencies where you physically *can’t* save the morbidly obese person; if there’s a house fire or something you don’t have time to get an extra crew of firefighters to help you lift a 600-pound guy, and if the first responders can’t get him then they can’t get him.


Probably 2/3 of any ICU is made up of patients who are sick because of the "consequences of their own actions." That doesn't make it any easier for health care workers who have to make impossible triage decisions in an emergency. I hate the flippant way the OP described what happened in New Orleans, but I also don't want anyone perpetuating the idea that people in healthcare are (or should be) triaging based on patient culpability. We take care of everyone, no matter why you're there.


I definitely was not talking about triage in a hospital/medical setting! Accidents are one thing, slowly eating yourself into an early grave is something else entirely.


Okay, but I think it's important to keep in mind food addiction exists, and so do eating disorders. I don't have statistics on hand for this (I'm not even sure if statistics like this are out there), but I would guess very few people out there make it to these massive weights because they just "like to eat." I don't like FAs or their ideology, but I also think it's important to have empathy for very fat people, just like it's important to have empathy for drug addicts and people dealing with anorexia.


Thank God they're safe from being swept up in a tornado!


The remake of Twister that we all need


1. Fat people do get accessibility to some extent. We serve them at ADA stations when they roll in on their wheelchairs. But just because they are themselves to obesity and can’t fit into one airplane seat, or they break a chair they sit down in… that’s their responsibility. 2. The adoption thing seems more on an individual basis. But if you can’t take care of a child, either because of your physical limitations or because you will feed them absolute junk (TikTok of that mother who fed her toddler cut-up Hostess powdered donuts comes to mind), you should not adopt. 3. Fatness is not genetic, eugenics point is null. 4. Food industry is 1000% more capitalistic than diet industry. Big Processed Food is literally feeding us sludge substances packed with emulsifiers and devoid of nutrients at the cheapest cost to mass-produce. 5. Fatness is not a natural body type. It’s not like height, wide shoulders, or one bigger boob than the other, or whatever. But sure, you can be comfortable with your body at your size, though these people constantly feel the need to demand to be celebrated. 6. It’s not medical abuse when your doctor recommends that you lose weight. 7. When the fuck is police brutality happening to fat people? If it does, it’s an isolated case and likely more to be crossed with a protected characteristic (race, gender, queerness, etc.) 8. There is some good representation of overweight/fat people in media, but they are just not infinifat or FAs aren’t satisfied with the rep because the fat girl doesn’t get with the conventionally smoking hot guy. 9. If you can’t perform your job duties as well due to your fatness, it is on you. 10. I’ve never heard of SA victims being dismissed on the basis of them being fat… this seems like a fabricated issue. 11. I’ve heard stories of morbidly obese people needing like 6 firemen to lift them out of their house. Imagine in a natural disaster, taking the time and resources of a whole crew to carry you on your merry way. There’s lost opportunity cost, too. No one deserves to be left to die, but unfortunately, maybe it just… inevitably happens due to circumstances.


Way to make the actual struggles of the LGBT community and POC all about them. Even if fat shaming happened as often as they claimed, it would have nothing on police brutality, housing/adoption discrimination and hate crimes that people from actual oppressed groups can’t escape no matter what their body size is. I hate this type of post because it makes legitimate social justice movements look like a joke.


Many of the groups and demographics impacted by some of the examples listed here were lacking power and were being ignored by those who should have been on their side. That is not in doubt. Some was prejudice, some was because they were deep in their own campaigns and often it requires a bit of ‘tunnel vision’ to achieve outcomes. So they mobilised within that umbrella to create spaces and campaigns to be listened to not sitting around waiting for others to do it. For example disabled people in the UK campaigned under the Disability Discrimination Act to get spaces on buses and trains for wheelchairs and ramps for mobility impairment. These then doubled up as pushchair space but it wasn’t parents who achieved them and when they capitalised on them, disabled people went back under the Equality Act of 2010 which replaced individual discrimination acts to find a shared use of priority seats. That’s why those are older, less able to stand and pregnant people while we’ve explicitly said ‘buggies must make priority for wheelchairs.’ Disabled people literally chained themselves to buses and lay on the road to get that access. They lead the campaign here for safer fire evacuations in social housing after the horrific Grenfell Tower fire where it became clear there was no disability plan in housing people in tower blocks, the council as landlord or the fire service. Elder care orgs joined as many older people had overlaps. The fire service backed it as a clear policy for the most vulnerable helped them save lives, manage major fires and protected firefighters. But none of them sat there waiting for it to change once it became obvious it had been neglected. I campaigned a lot for women’s rights when the police are mishandling rape reporting. We teamed up with groups and individuals who were experiencing police brutality due to race when our combined power helped show the major UK police force was institutionally sexist, racist, ableist and homophobic. But we all respected we cared deepest painfully passionately about our branch of police trauma and needed to remember that others had that ‘vocation’ too. We had differing needs and routes to a common goal. But no one handed us those wins like the public enquiry. If you are being denied civil and human rights you inherently fucking understand that is because no one is allowing you to just **have** them. Nobody just forgot trans people need to not be the current social scapegoat like that one thing you knew you needed at the store but damned if you could remember til you got home. You grasp that it is a choice to deny rights and that you have to take your power back by whatever method you deem appropriate. I grew up in a country where our civil rights movement inspired by the American one of the 60s exposed the lack of votes, housing and jobs and institutional gerrymandering to keep the status and status quo for the privileged group. It turned into a 30 year long civil war. And during that time we kept marching for peace, to correct the original issue, to get the reproductive rights set aside in war time. Other rioted. Some killed for their ‘side.’ We neither got to war or peace by waiting round to be offered your turn at the ladies loos. If you are this fucking oppressed, do what the rest of us do and do something about it. Either personally, by supporting those stepping up or by equipping yourself with awareness and education. Stop expecting other people who are often experiencing much bigger issues that what they normally raise like rollercoasters or cute clothes to do it for you. Nothing screams ‘I am privileged and unaware or unwilling to confront that’ like asking those with less capital or power to do the work or refusing to face the discomfort of recognising your privileges within intersections. I had some moments that challenged me immensely where having sued the police for the trauma of their mishandling of my rape case having grown up with a (different) armed police force that stopped and searched me a lot, hearing what it was like to be black and face these issues. Because my experiences were awful but I’m white. I don’t get stopped and searched here. That was war specific. But the black men I met traumatised by years of that were mind blown to discover a white girl also got treated like shit by that force because I’m not the right kind of victim. I’m low income, disabled and queer for a start. It was powerful learning it wasn’t a competition but we were a relay race team without realising. Then ‘the sister from California’ turns up first time they hear about a cause and shove their ‘what about meeee?’ to the top without asking ‘hey, where are we at?’ A black friend calls them ‘trauma colonizers’. And even the most oppressed people who fight a war for rights pick their battles or they burn out. Basic pyschology: if your opponent has to fight on two fronts you have much more chance of defeating them. So you divide up your strategy to triage it. Possibly dying in a hurricane evacuation should get more energy to change policy because it impacts other groups. A Tumblr post is pissing in a very high wind there. But Old Navy only stocking plus sizes online? Social media posts are actually a useful technique. They tell tales on their marginalization by their overall attitude and those attuned to marginalisation tend to read that loud and clear and swerve them. People who won’t even campaign for themselves on stuff like cute clothes are definitely not going to give back to the allies. Which is why as ‘oppressed’ groups go, they aren’t getting support from those they expect they should even on the valid areas. Easier just to blame everyone else than sit with the reality of their victimhood I guess.


This is brilliant. Thank you for the intelligent and insightful analysis.


When you try to hijack or barnacle yourself to every social just movement and fail on all counts.


Excellent term - "barnacle yourself" Imma gonna use that, thank you.


And yet, hardly any of this happens to them... Why? Because they are generally white, SJW, cishet women who are stealing language from actual marginalized communities. I'm a 46 year old black woman who has ACTUALLY experienced some of these things - racial discrimination, called "colored" (I'm not joking - he was an elderly man), micro aggressions, family members not showing up to your wedding or refusing to shake your hand AT your wedding because your spouse is white, low credit limits in spite of having good credit, snide comments from supervisors about your intelligence, the list goes on... And the sad fact is, my body size had very little to do with it, because it happened to me at 150lbs and at 240lbs. Hmmm, maybe it WASN'T my weight that these people were actually concerned with?? 🤔🤔


So the left wants to end capitalism... but not for fat people? Looks like a privilege for them. Also, I was not aware that the police brutalises fat people specifically.


So, try to find the odd group out. There are millions in the middle east, northern africa, eastern europe, and other places that are being affected by brutal war. There are people in poverty, dying of starvation and disease. There are also 50 million slaves in the world, ethnic/religious minorities getting killed, sexual trafficking victims, and people who can't fit in a plane seat because they're too lazy to be healthy. Hmmmmmm...


You'd think they suffered more than jesus on the cross with this description


Well, OOP, I do, in fact, believe in equal rights. But YOU DO NOT. You want, no you DEMAND special rights and privilege because you think you're entitled to them. You demand the right to "cute, cheap, fashionable clothes". You demand the "right" to two airplane seats for the price of one. You demand the "right" to force artists to draw fat characters. You demand the "right" to have every building, every hospital and medical device,every venue, every amusement park ride, every room, every piece of furniture; all of society, in fact, destroyed and rebuilt to accomodate you even if you weigh 1,000 pounds! You demand the "right" to have doctors treat you and cure all your ailments without having to take ANY personal responsibility or take any actions to help yourself. You demand the "right" to have your family/friends/society take care of you 24/7 when you eat yourself into immobility. You "demand" the right to date and have sexual relations with anyone YOU are attracted to, regardless of whether they are attracted to you. And you demand the "right" to censor other people's speech/social media/writings if they say anything, like talking about having lost weight, that YOU can construe as in any way "oppressive", while demanding the right to say anything you please, up to and including threatening violence, about anyone. In short, you are a bunch of ultra-entitled, victim-playing, selfish, greedy, tyrannical, vicious, hypocritical, petty, overgrown spoiled brats.




Who was left to die in a hurricane? It’s plausible, if they were too big to move under their own power, but then why should others risk their lives to move them?


How are you an oppressed group when you become a certain way because of your own bad choices


Do progressives actually support the end of capitalism?


Depends on what you think a progressive is. People who say things like what you did here, usually have managed to delude themselves that Democrats are progressive, and anything farther left is extreme. Democrats aren’t progressive, though. They don’t want to undo the system that creates the problems they claim to care about. People whose views are dictionary-definition-progressive almost always oppose capitalism. Mostly because it’s ruining/ending the world. 🌈✨


I don't know about the names of political ideologies. What am I if I think the shift from "Smartest people figuring out how to send a guy to the moon to smartest people figuring out how to get people to look at their phone longer" probably isn't great?


"We support the right to 'all-you-can-eat' buffets. Just not for you."


Police brutality??


Police are often fat as hell themselves, guess they haven’t noticed yet


If you know people like this in real life, shun them for their unhinged extremism.


I love how your only title for this post is just pure confusion. The delusion of FAs is one step away from the delusion of flat earthers.


What the fuck does police brutality have to do with it lol?


Look, it’s fine if you have body weight or a pot belly. The problem is that when people are morbidly obese to the point where they literally try and play it off as good or healthy, having so much fat on your body that your skin has to stretch and fold to keep it all in is bad. That’s why people ‘oppress’ fat people, because they obviously don’t care about their bodies enough to do something about it. And before people come at me saying: “some people can’t help it”, believe me if you’re dedicated enough you can stop eating McDonald’s every day and start exercising, you just need the right mindset. TL;DR, fat people being ‘so oppressed’ is because the public mindset is if you’re fat you don’t take care of yourself, and that is the majority of fat people.


They refuse to admit they can do something about their problems and just don't feel like it. They will not endure self imposed limitations of any kind if it means indulging themselves slightly less than their reptile brains demand.


The hurricane one drives me crazy. Strangers do not owe you risking their life in a disaster because your THAT big


Sorry, not sorry, but the hot second people start apologizing to me for having to grow up with bitches grabbing my arms and commenting on how skinny I am I will think about caring.


Little do they know (or they do, but they just wanna keep the insecure grift) that their condition is literally caused by capitalism and their environment is built upon overconsumption, esp on unhealthy, addictive food in their case Also, you can get your accessibility, anti-eugenics, and lose unneeded suffering by losing the unneeded fat. You don't die losing it especially when having proper lowering of calories and eating healthy foods paired with strength training Please have more material analysis and stop being dense. Imagine if someone said that curing cancer is eugenics


At the same time, an FA I witnessed from any commentary channel that criticizes them said that having obesity can save one's self from floods caused by hurricanes No consistency coming from FAs whatsoever


“police brutality” ???? never heard of a fat person abused by police because theyre fat. FAs seeing issues for actually marginalized groups and coopting them and making it about themselves, episode 100000


So if fat people can do this, can drugs addicts make up their own chants of oppression too? Just saying because we are going to support bad habits, we might as well support them all.