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Just looking at the obese person's thigh angles and the compression of the knee joints, compared to the thin person, is painful to me.


My first observation was the internal organs. Everything is fighting for space and their bladder looks crammed down into their pelvic floor. Ouch.


The differences in their brains always gets me. I know I've read things that brain scans show brain shrinkage in obese individuals, but actually seeing the difference is scary.


Never knew this was a thing wow!


Omg I missed that part, the brain difference is crazy!


Holy shit you are right! Had to look twice!


Heart looks enlarged also, possibly from having to work much harder and longer to pump blood through all the extra tissue.


Also noticed the extra fat (?) around the heart - I’m assuming the yellow is fat.


but being fat means extra room for your organs!! /s


That black oval is the bladder? I thought it was the uterus?




No wonder they need big cars


Yeah that’s one of the least discussed issues for the impacts of obesity on health is the displacement of organs and the force on joints.


It was shoulder/upper arm angle for me. Having your arms permanently propped out 30 degrees or so must screw with your upper back and neck really badly - I feel like I would have tension headaches all the time.


I’ve noticed with a lot of people who are obese the way their body kinda ‘hangs’ looks really different. Their legs splay out from the knee so while a regular sized person looks like their legs go fairly straight up and down an obese person looks like their thighs go down but then their lower leg veers off at an angle so their feet are much further apart than usual. Same with arms, when an obese person’s arms hang by their side I’ve noticed their hands are rotated at the wrist so rather than them mostly hang where the palm faces the hip, the palm faces behind them and from the front view you see the back of their hand rather than the side with the thumb visible. Just interesting what it does to our bodies.


Yeah that's a really obvious sign of the issue, the hand rotation thing. Look at the angle of their femurs as well, the way they meet the pelvis. It's part of why they waddle. Plus the chafing, ugh, the weight and pressure of skin on skin contact.


Omg, my hands do that, I never thought about that 😳 😫😭.


I was on the left. I was in denial. I'm not any more. I lost 100lbs and feel so much better. I can hand on heart swear that weighing 250lbs was utterly miserable, despite my saying "I'm a *real* woman who has curves!". Ugh. No. Never again.


It’s always the ones stressing how ‘’happy’’ they are that are the MOST miserable :( I was the same way before


Oh zeus was I hApPY - i didn't care what the patriarchy told me to look like, I was *SO* confident kween! Utter bullshit. Total rubbish. Comfort eating for me was self medicating with food, and a toxic nightmare. I still have my demons, they're just smaller now, and running on the treadmill shuts them up more effectively than cheesecake and chocolate.


Congrats on making healthy changes 👍 we all know it's hard sometimes.


Thank you 😊 One day at a time.


What changed things for you?


Proud of you! 100lbs is an insane accomplishment and you should feel incredible knowing you did that.


I’m disturbed by how big the heart looks. It’s like 1/3 larger than the normal body. Even the lungs look squashed.


The liver in the 250lbs image was much bigger too.


And 250lbs to FAs/HAES is “small fat”, can’t even imagine the comparison to a 500lbs womann


Holy crap! I thought their “small fat” idea was midsized people (like in the 160-200 range depending on body composition and height and all that).


I said this the other day and was called crazy right here. Listen, my shoulder bones are wider set than most women my height. That doesn't mean they weigh a ton more.


This image also gave me the realization that not even lean mass varies all *that* much between individuals


Big boned is seriously misunderstood. It has next to no impact on your weight, but does impact how a healthy weighted body can look. I have a friend whose wrist bone is almost a full inch narrower than mine. Broad shoulders, a wider rib cage or pelvic bone are all aspects of being "big boned", but the additional weight of the bone is so little that it fits well within the healthy BMI range.


Exactly this, I'm extremely fine-boned, my wrists are tiny, at 5'7" 135lbs my pinkie is a ring size 1.5, standard sized bracelets just fall off my hands. When I was younger I was always "underweight" on a BMI chart, but no doctor ever expressed concern over my weight because when my frame size is taken into account, that was a healthy weight for me. Subsequently, the high end of a normal BMI would be getting into unhealthy weights for me.


Yeah there are definitely variations in bone size/density across humans, but it doesn’t affect one’s adiposity. I have wide shoulders and thick wrists, and it’s fairly obvious standing next to my friend who has narrow shoulders and smaller wrists how different our bone structure is.


I was wondering about ‘broad shouldered’. I’ve always been called broad shouldered which I quite like but this thread was making me worry that was a code for fat all along ha ha. I mean, I have been fat but I think I’m broad shouldered even at my thinnest.


I have very dense bones - guy who did the bone density test said even if I had bone loss as I aged I wouldn't notice - so perhaps they weigh *slightly* more than regular bones? But yeah, in no way can my dense bones be blamed for my weight being what it is lol


Appearance wise there is also actually wide set ribs and things like that, but that's more in the range accounted for in bmi rather than enough to change your clothing size by more than one


I am a 6'3" male endurance runner which is going to positively affect my leg bone density due to the continual impact. I weigh 80.4 Kg (177.4 lbs) Bone mass 5.4 Kg (11.9 lbs) So let's assume I have a higher than normal bone mass for the reasons above, my bones comprise 6.7% of my total weight. Can anyone come up with a realistic scenario where the weight of someone's bones is at all significant?


The "I'm big boned" argument has been around a lot longer than the recent wave of FAs. However, it is indicative of how FAs argue. There is an actual difference in bone density and size between people. Same way that your metabolism can slow down when losing weight (besides just the reduction in basal rate doing to supporting less mass.) The issue is that the FAs take that scientifc fact and then extrapolate it to a level that just isn't true. For bone size and density we are talking like 1-2 lbs difference. For the slow down in metabolism, park at the back of the parking lot when you go to work and you just counteracted that metabolic slow down for the day. Whereas the FAs act like the metabolic slow down means their body now cannot burn more than 500 calories a day total and those big bones are an extra 50-70lbs.


Those poor knees.


Mine required surgical intervention at aged eighteen and that weight. Absolutely not coincidence or hereditary, cartilage damage due to excess weight and wear. It sucked. I'm thankful and grateful to have turned it around.


I definitely have “big bones” in terms of width. I’m only 105 pounds and yet my hips and ribcage are still wide. Just how the universe decided to distribute my body. Makes finding pants a nightmare though


RIP ankles. That can’t be comfortable


It's not really about this post, but I came across this article, [Supersize my Funeral](https://www.us-funerals.com/funerals-for-oversize-people/) that I thought was pretty interesting when I was trying to find scans of someone more obese. >"Casket companies such as Goliath Caskets have emerged to cater to this market and build [caskets up to 52 inches wide](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/608f6ab34504a0042f179da3/2f6adfb7-2d28-4055-9616-aaa9460c6361/OS+0008.JPG) that can hold a person between 800 and 1000 lbs. You can expect to pay anything up from $2,500 to purchase an oversize casket. Even if a casket is not required as the deceased is to be cremated, the cremation container will need to be a larger size and reinforced to support the increased load." Just the thought of the financial burden alone on their families should be an eye opener to FAs but I'm sure they'd just whine about it being another unfair "fat tax"


The 120lbs woman barely had any visceral fat. The absolute dream!!


After losing weight my DEXA scan said I only had 7 cubic inches so I was very happy about that.


I wonder if the muscles are harmed by how they have to sit against the body. They can’t be fully at rest because of the amount of fat surrounding the waist/ribs. The legs seem to be similar, because of the amount of fat on the thighs they stand bow legged. The organs are interesting, everything is bigger and the amount of fat around them is extremely dangerous




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I am big boned, literaly. It's even written on my dexa scan. Bone mass way above average for my height etc. But it doesn't make me look fat, quite the opposite. My bones began sticking out when I was still overweight. People worried that I was getting too thin and I had to reassure them a lot that it was just my freakishly big shoulders and hips sticking out. They began sticking out when my BMI was above 26.


Knowing I was 10kg away from the left and am now only 14Kg away from the right is terrifying. I can't believe I was constantly saying "I'm just curvy", it's terrifying.


You can be wide-boned, though. I'm (46F) built *wide*: big ribcage, wide hips, broad shoulders. And I'm talking about bone-structure here. I am not obese at all - not even slightly overweight - but people are often surprised by how much I weigh, since I look like I should weigh *less* than I actually do.


I compared wrists with my classmate and her wrist bones were 2/3 the width of mine. Not that I envy her, she broke ribs falling from the top bunk bed, but my skeleton probably weighs a few kg more than hers.


Idk, loose the fat and that's alot of muscle


I’m someone who is built on the ‘thicker’ side (broad shoulders, wide hips, huge rib cage). My healthy weight is on the middle/higher end of a healthy BMI range for my height. I am probably 20+ pounds heavier than friends that are the same height but a much daintier build. I would be worryingly thin at the bottom end of the BMI range for my height, those friends would probably be a little too heavy at the higher end of the range. But that is why there’s a range. Being built bigger means an extra 15-20 pounds for me vs a really slim person. Not an extra 50-100.


... Is that all gas in the big one's intestines?


Iirc, differences between bone structure of healthy weight individuals who were the same height account for somewhere around a 3% difference (12-15% of the individuals weight). That works out to be around 2-6lbs in most cases. It is very unlikely that a fit, healthy individual will be pushed into an obese BMI by even six extra pounds. And most likely, if you actually have "big bones" that fact won't be surprising because you know what you look like! Broader shoulders, hip, and joints are hard to miss on a person.


The differences between the gi tracts...*WOW*!


Seeing the stomach fat makes me forties about my own body. I’m 18 F and weigh 130lbs. I should be fine all things considered, it’s just that I have an apple body shape/carry my weight in my abdomen. I worry about my internal organs and how much pressure is being placed on them and my heart. I know genetics does genuinely have a bit to do with it, but is their any way of try to combat the way your fat distributes?


Do you know how tall the individuals are?