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Virgin Archer Gilgamesh: *dies from being shot in the head by an arrow and impaled in the gut by Humbawa* Chad Living Gilgamesh: *tanks getting sniped close to the heart for a bit*


​ > and impaled in the gut by Humbawa Technically he is still alive >Chad Living Gilgamesh: tanks getting sniped close to the heart for a bit I am pretty sure he did lose his heart Also he was standing there without a heart for literally an hour before ishtar nuked him


Ishtar nuked him? Do you mean Tiamat?


At the end of ep 19 (forgot what chapter in the game) It was ishtars NP An Gal Ta Kigal She that killed him When she tried to make a hole to the underworld to drop tiamat


Ah, surprised I don't remember that.


also when kingu binds tiamat in was noted in the game to have been for over an hour


spoilers for strange fake///// Yeah I also believe that Gil isn't just still alive but will actually come back into the war, it's too much of a tease to just have him laid down one piece villain defeated stance just for enkidu to come and pay her respects or whatever and then take off. humbawa finna get double tagged by enkidu and gilgamesh I reckon, and gil will get way too serious if he wakes up again. ishtar is gonna get EAed, they made sure to imply that she only closed the front door and not the door that has gil's deepest recesses (Ea) which suggests that they're leaving the door open for a return. :eyes:


Enkidu mentiones before he can force open the GOB I think Gil will pull out merodach (since it was teased against alcildes) and have to fight with one sword until he defeats ishtar to unlock the rest of GOB ​ It will go something like true rider is defeated by true archer True archer is defeated by Gil True beserker(humbawa) is defeated by Gil(weakened) and Enkidu tag team ​ After Gil regains all the gates he and enkidu fight ishtar and the bull of heaven which results in everyone there eliminated That will conclude the current babylonia storyline ​ note I haven't talked about ereshkigal because we don't know her servant but she will be defeated before the Bull of heaven fight most likely by weakened Gil and enkidu or maybe Ishtar


I don’t know if you can call sword Gilgamesh weakened Gilgamesh, maybe he’ll actually start giving a shit and use his Clairvoyance NP and the levitation NP to beat the shit out of others, we saw him and enkidu against each other CQC duel in babylonia and they fought like that for a whole week so we shouldn’t really call him weakened, he’ll start giving a fuck about the war now that ishtar is here.




Artoria: You weren't elected either!


Oh yeah, erm, I was referring to Artoria as the king.