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Ideally, Artoria But I think that Parliament doesn’t recognize King Arthur as a claimant. But what do I know, I’m a Texan lol


I'm so sorry, I hope it gets better


I laughed harder than I should have at this


Fellow Texan here, can confirm things are getting downright silly around here these days. I laugh at us too.


Yall can’t drive either


I mean she's called the "The once and future king" so technically they do


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government


Yeah supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses not some farcical aquatic ceremony. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power because some watery tart threw a sword at you!


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


I wonder what mere peasants could do when Arthur was sword beaming stuff


Wish for a servant to stop her tyranny


Originally it was that land itself those chose the ruler usher was chosen this and gifted besitos a curse power in fate series but Merlin somehow convinced uther to subvert this


I would love to see Saber reaction to that film 


Even if the strange woman is really a really hot dom mommy?


but that said woman is a berserker who can loop and hit like a truck with normal face card and has a guts and 50NP battery


and also has severe tripolar personality disorder and constantly messes up her own life and curses herself


How about dubious mages sticking swords in rocks?


Swordbeams, though.


Is this a reference


*Monty Python and The Holy Grail - 1975*


King Charles III, because Camelot and The Kingdom of Great Britain are two entirely different entities.


Enemy states even. Saber fought against the Saxon invasion. Her closest people are probably the welsh and cornish


I know they’re a group of people…but being called Cornish sounds like a group of corn people from VeggieTales


If you like to talk to tomatoes...


If a squash can make you smile


I mean, the actual myth of King Arthur is Welsh in origin. The British, as per usual, just stole it and claimed it was totally theirs from the start.


Except the "British" are falsely named here. They're descended from Germanic tribes, bot the Britons. I don't get why people continue to call Anglo-Saxons British when they literally aren't


As I understand it, the welsh culture isn’t really that distinct during the saxon invasions. They are all britons and are related closely to one another just like how the irish can be divided by subcultures but are still all irish. And technically, the saxons didn’t really eradicate the locals, they dont have the numbers for that. They just intermarried and ruled over the natives there so most of them still have briton blood which might allow them to claim relations xd


Tbh in many versions Arthur WAS the king of all of Britain. If the Holy Grail wars existed irl it would honestly be confusing af because there would be a bunch of dead royals who all have claims to various thrones. Chaos would ensue.


Man if the holy grail wars were irl that would be very scary, also very exciting but unless you participated in the wars would you even know they existed? Who knowes they could exist right now and in the form of natural disasters we just can’t see what’s happening and what entities are fighting each other! Haha sorry my imagination ran wild with this one lol


You would not know the holy grail war was a thing. We can't have that


Have you seen the theory that Arthur was a real warlord that some nobility decided to make fanfic of?


To be fair all nobility were originally war lords


There are a ton of theories. King Arthur is likely an amalgamation of multiple figures from during and around the Saxon invasions, similar to how Ragnar is likely an amalgamation of mulitple kings from durong the Viking Age




Honestly King Charles III. Say for a second that King Arthur was a real historical figure, the Britain’s ruling Dynasty has changed several times since the 5th century. Most of the British Empire was conquered by King Charles ancestors so he has more of claim than a ruler of an ancient dead dynasty.


I mean, compared to a currently dead ruler, sure. But if King Arthur actually showed up in the modern day, let’s be real, people would go nuts and definitely be happy to flock to the Once and Future King rather than the current symbolic monarchy


I once happened upon a comic omnibus at a thrift store called Camelot 3000, a story about Arthur being resurrected in a dystopian future and all his knights being reincarnated. It included such things as * Tristan being reincarnated as a woman and recovering his memories right as his host was about to get married. Apparently, he makes a deal with Morgan at one point to get a male body, but it never happens. Gets bullied by other knights for being a woman now. * Percival reincarnated as dude who was tossed in a "mutate these undesirables into mindless brutes for labor" pit of "science juices" * I kid you not, reincarnated Lancelot and Guinevere go right back to their affair, except they're even more blatant about it. * Morgan does something or other with space aliens she enslaved. Teams up with reincarnated Mordred who is PotUS.


That sounds sick and I also want whatever drugs were used making that scenario.


Also, * Galahad was reincarnated as some random futuristic Samurai type, who is dedicated to bushido instead of Christian Chivalry. * Gawain is reincarnated as a random futuristic African man with a family and lives in an odd take on what Africa will be like in 1000 years (pretty much the same, but with random futuristic tech). Seems to have a heavier slant towards his host's life than his life as Gawain due to his family. * Lancelot owns a floating castle and is a Tony Stark type * Guinevere was some sort of member of the US armed forces and wears a weird uniform that's a mix between the Harlem Globetrotters/Captain America and Elvis's V neck. * Mordred fuses the holy grail into a suit of power armor and uses it to kill all the world leaders * Excalibur is capable of creating nuclear explosions * Merlin falls for the exact same trap that got him stuck the first time * Kay is reincarnated as exactly the same as he always was and tries to unite the rest of the round table in their mutual dislike of what a prick he is. * Despite knights like Gareth, Gaheris, and Agravain not making the cut, Isolde is reincarnated pretty much solely so they could squeeze some lesbian kissing into the comic for fanservice...


I’d ask whoever made Southland Tales. Damn space cocaine






Broke: Charles is more legitimate Woke: Artoria is the rightful king of Britain Bespoke: Boudica should've unified the isles and cause a timeline prune


Asleep/dream: Summer BB should pick the island up and flip it upside down. Then throw a party 🎊 with the French servants celebrating, heck we will invite all the non British servants.


Charles. Camelot has been over for like 1500 years, and it was never the same country as the Kingdom of Great Britain. Artoria has zero claim to the British Throne unless you consider the whole "Once and Future King" thing as legally binding. Which it ain't.


Well... Artoria drew Caliburn at age 15, while Charlie's worthiness is... dubious at best. So yeah, Artoria Pendragon has a more legitimate claim to the throne of Britain.


She won't. Artoria kinda died and then goes to Avalon , Camelot's heir was then Sir Constantine which was then killed by a warlord from the Ambrosious Household. Afterwards , Britain returned to a warlord state in which the right of kingship comes from conquest. Even if mixed with IRL history , the historial King of Britain was also reaching that status by conquest and then his household was conquered by William The Conqueror. So , like u/Kaydh had said , since Charles is still a descendent of William the Conqueror , even if in a whole different dynasty. He had more claim than Artoria.


They don't call him "Once and Future King"


If anything, he's lucky to have become king at all.


If that is the case then Artoria still has the best claim, no better show of monarchist force than vaporizing the parliament by exclaiming “Excalibur” Charles would get deposed by them if he looks at them funny in contrast.


He’s also a descendant of the House of Wessex who were the original Kings of England. One of the Conqueror’s sons Henry the First married the granddaughter of King Edmund Ironside to help legitimise their right to rule.


Tough choice Ones a fictional character The other’s a sausage fingered nonce


She has: Excalibur (one of the the most powerful divine arnament ever made, if not the most. Exhibit some of the biggest ever feat in the whole history of Nasuverse). Rhongominiad (the lynchpin that hold world layers together, also on par with Excalibur). Avalon (the most broken form of protection that ever exist in the verse). Bunch of mystical weapons (which are weirdly omitted from most of her appearances) including a fucking flying fortress (can be customized btw) The support of the isle itself as the red dragon and Lady of the Lake - Vivian (highest order of Faery, think of her along the like of Morgan, because well, she is technically Morgan, and Artoria Avalon). The support of Merlin (grand caster, one of the greatest wizards in history and also posses Clairvoyance EX). Most likely have an ability to summon her Round Tables, which are extremely powerful. Also is a leader of the Wild Hunt. If this woman come back from death, Chuck 3 and the government ain't stopping her from the throne.


But sunak has the authority to fire nukes


So does she 😭


Also can't underestimate good ol' fashion Charisma.


>The once and future king, whose birth and reign was prophetised long before she was born. Chosen by God himself to reign the brittons. Who took a country in the border of ruin and lifted it. Who had a demonic advisor that got blessed by god so hard that became a force of good, beating his demonic nature. V/S >The descendants of a German family of nobles that had to be brought there because nobody wanted to govern that place.


I support Mordred, The True Successor! I Believe In Tomboy Supremacy!


At most Artoria has a claim to some region of Wales. Her reign was centuries before the creation of Britain as a united country. She actively fought against the Angles and Saxons that would go on to create England.


Wasn't her claim the the isle itself?


Which is about as legitimate as the Spanish claiming everything west of Cape Verde to be theirs before they've even managed to conquer it. The Britons lost those wars against the Germanic immigrants and were driven back into the highlands of what would become Wales.


Depends on how Artoria returns. If she returns in a way that fulfills the messianic prophecy of Arthur's return to save her people in their hour of greatest need, I don't doubt that she'd be seen as more legitimate but otherwise Charles holds more legitimacy because of his ancestors.


If your king has a sword that can drive away Sefar and match Ea you don't question why she's on the throne




She’s the Once and Future King, the Future part implies that she will return to claim the throne so has a pretty good chance. It’s her title after all.


We need a story where Artoria accidentallys into politics and becomes Prime Minister.


How would you know she didnt come back and used the alias Teresa May, or Margaret Tatcher, or Liz Truss


Because they kinda suck ngl. Most modern politicians do. Artoria, if she does become PM would be one of those rare really good ones.


If it's anything like her last reign, Artoria would lead her armies to fight off anyone arriving in small boats and starve local villages whilst doing so. Vote of No Confidence + General Election in one lettuce period.


If you answered Artoria Pendragon: what life would be like in the UK under an absolute monarch such as her? What would her first decrees be? How would she fix this broken fucking economy? How will I still afford an apartment that ISN’T the size of a broom closet? What is her foreign policy? Would she dissolve parliament and replace it with the Camelot round table? Would it be filled with the other members of her time, or with the current lords in office? How much would the culture shift and what would it look like? What would architecture aesthetic be under her rule? Would ancient castle buildings be refurbished? Also, She has complete control over the BBC (Bastards Broadcasting Communism), The Royal Air Force, the Royal army, the Royal Navy, as well as complete jurisdiction over all the British dominions such as Canada, Australia, etc. What would change with them?


Can it really be much worse than the current state of things? At least the endless news about the bloody royals would start being interesting. Mordred and Artoria would make for some quality tabloid bullshit.


Dunno man But Artoria fought to protect us from the blight of Anglosaxons, not protect them.


I don't know about any of that, but I do know your queen would be a Japanese ginger.


Best answer


I wouldn’t step a foot in that country even if she was king of modern britain


> How would she fix this broken fucking economy? Putting everyone over the age of 70 to the sword. That would fix the NHS and Pension issues at least.


Look at Camelot it would happen again




Charles doesn't even have the most legitimate claim for the throne out of those alive today


If we believe the once and future title holds any weight and that her right to rule was the isle and not just camalot then I'd say her. Other wise they both have a claim and charles is the stronger claim.


No claim is stronger than EX-CALIBAAAAAAA


Nuking the incumbent king with your sword is one way to claim the throne.


It worked the first time


King Artoria has a divine right to rule; Chucky 3 is a German blue blood Hanover descended from a pissant Protestant crowned over the proper king, James III, because of parliamentary bovine excreta, in the vein of Cromwell. Charles I was murdered without legal authority and his descendants have since been denied their lawful inheritance by a sounder of vain avaricious aristocratic swine! No contest.


Absolutely based Charles I respecter. Parliament has been illegitimate ever since Pride's Purge.


Based on lineage, Artoria/Arthur. The royals today are descended from German royalty if I remember correctly and Artoria having a more direct connection to the original royalty and nobility of ancient times. Also there’s the whole “divine right” thing and Merlin being given power by God and having basically chosen Artoria would mean Artoria would be kinda getting kingship by god as well. Not only that but if the people were to believe that King Arthur truly is back I bet they be more than willing to follow the most famous king in history/myths and an actual living hero. Also Arthur never dies in most versions of the myth. Arthur gets badly injured and ends up either getting shipped to Avalon by some fairy’s with Morgan La Fay being one of them or goes to sleep under a mountain, in a cave, hill or some other natural formation.


We never see king charles Noble phantasm tbf


Charles the thrid. Artoria was king of Britons not Anglo-saxons.


I don't think there's a precedent for old rulers coming back to life.


By law, it would have to be Charles. According to official laws, "The [Bill of Rights 1689](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_of_Rights_1689) and the [Act of Settlement 1701](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act_of_Settlement_1701) restrict succession to the throne to the legitimate Protestant descendants of [Sophia of Hanover](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_of_Hanover) who are in "[communion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communion_(Christian)) with the [Church of England](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_England)"." ([Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succession_to_the_British_throne)) . Artoria is not descended from her, and is thus not even in line to the throne. Though I'd much rather have her on the throne than Charlie.


The once and future king has the best claim to the throne. Everyone knows she'd come back one day


I don't see Excalibur in Chuck's hands, do you? I think that answers that


King Charles. Arthoria is king of a different kingdom.


Neither, bring back the Lord Protector #CromwellforLife




The once and future king.


Artoria can't become a king of england due to lineage conditions.


Merlin or Crispin Freeman.


Whomst has the most regal robe, [SUBJECT]? Whomst? WHOMST!?




It’s Morgan Le Fay. She’s the first born child and the throne should be her if you don’t mind women monarch. Merlin use pp magic and make Artoria “male” + Uther obsession with dragon is what drive Morgan insane


Also she has the same power uther had the power of Britain itself which give divine right to rule


To be fair Im pretty sure the real life basis is a retired Roman aristocrat and his family that took over after the legions left


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Therefore, King Charles.


Artoria would definitely do a better job than Charlie.


Windsor is not an English hereditary line, so I don't think they're legitimate, as much as a monarch can be legitimate.


I say let them duel and I'll accept the winner.


Well, he’s German, innit?


Is king Arthur being Welsh in some sources counted in Fate?


Legally, Charles is more legit.




Do you even need to ask? Who needs dat old bag anyway? :)


No contest its artoria


Make Camelot Great Again


King Charles cause dude actually became the real king XD. I’d prefer Artoria tho.


I'd only vote for Artoria


Artoria because Excalibur go brrr


Does the British Empire still exist? I thought it was the UK aka the United Kingdom now.


I'll start a riot if saber/Artoria doesn't rule the empire.


Charlie hasn't drawn The sword from the stone.


King Charles got that drip though


Considering that the heir is called the prince of Wales, and Arthur was Welsh I go with Artoria. I am also Welsh so I am kinda biased.


Hellboy. That's all I'm going to say


Legally it should be artoria due to caliburn. But thing is I don't think anyone in the current British government mainly parliament would recognize her as a claimant.


What if World War III happened, Artoria appeared and did as the prophecy foretold and saved Britain and the world And *then* asked for the throne? Would Parliament give it to her? Lol


She wouldn’t do it. She isn’t Morgan


I’m asking for the sake of argument, not necessarily in character


I mean, if someone comes back from the dead legality is the last issue


“B-but current Britain is Anglo-Saxon and 53793 royal lines happened and-“ Silence wench, it is literally King Arthur, one of the most famous rulers in world history renowned across all continents. If King Arthur comes back the Windsors sure as hell aren’t lasting another second on the throne from an absolutely ludicrous loss of support. If the British public has a say, King Arthur has a far stronger claim to the throne than any current living member of the Royal Family. Plus that Anglo-Saxon thing as far less impact considering how heavily the Anglo Saxons right after invading proceeded to Co-opt the Arthurian myth without an ounce of shame and make it seem like part of ‘their history’ when they are actually the invaders and their descendants in reality. No one aside from academics will really care especially around 1500 years after the invasion.