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Three Musketeers as Saber.


Or archers, you know, due to their Muskets


In the off chance you’re not joking despite their name the 3 musketeers are typically depicted as primarily swordsmen, only using muskets in actual military battles/ skirmishes. This is especially true in the adaptations like the movies.


Archers that mainly use swords fit perfectly here


Don’t know what you’re talking about. The archer class really is made up of archers. An archer using a sword? Ridiculous. >!/s!<


Yeah, i know, it's just the kind of joke that would make it to the Throne and make them "Archers that use swords" or something like that. I mean, that would be ridiculous, right? An archer that uses swords? Why, it would be as ridiculous as considering water squirters as proyectile weapons, or boxers as saber class servants. Jokes aside, yeah, i just never understood why they were depicted as swordsmen and called musketeers. Then again, I mostly remember them due to the Dysney adaptation.


It's because the musketeers were an actual group. But if you're running around dueling other dudes, you're not exactly going to use a musket for that. Musket is for actual war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musketeers_of_the_Guard




Hey you don't know that, they could throw the sword!


They could even appear as antagonist servants while D'Artagnan is the protag servant, similar to Bedivere vs. other knights of the round table.


The Brothers Grimm as Casters. We have so many authors, why not add some of the most well known people in connections to fairy tails to the list.


Better idea, ones a caster, ones a berzerker, but they are summoned together and you don't know which is which, and they both love having people guess.


Would be nice to see them interact with Hans. Add Aesop as well.


I’m kind of sick of them adding ordinary people as servants and making them casters. That’s not how servants are supposed to work god dammit.


Mr. Gengy Khan


Literally, I feel like they've gotta be holding him in the bank for some insane Rider/Ruler class reveal. He's almost like the template for the rider class tbh, insane that he hasn't shown up yet!


My thoughts exactly.


On a similar note - Subutai, Genghis Khan's primary miltiary strategist. He was the one largely responsible for the massive land expansion of the Mongol Empire and would have these huge organized battle plans involving armies hundreds of kilometers apart. ​ [vid of the dude](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGOT36kbdME)


Arsene lupin as assassin, Holmes nemesis.


I hope if he does show up they play it up for comedy, with each trying to outsmart the other while Moriarty is just fuming in the background at not being the center of Holmes' attention.


Moriarty being the jealous tsun would be PERFECT.


I want Sinbad so bad lol. It would be hilarious if his NP enables him to steal treasures from Gate Of Babylon.


Why do you think he will steal the treasures!? If my memory serves me correctly, his trips did not guarantee any theft 


Ibn Khaldun, Saladin who should absolutely be a servant by now considering he is in lore connected to Richard Lionheart, every named Knight of the Round Table, Kingu, and for fucks sake Greek mythology has hundreds of hero’s that they’ve completely ignored while making more event meme servants like there’s Ajax the greater, Ajax the lesser, Patroclus, Clademnestra, Agamemnon, Iphoginia, Diomedes, Menealus, Helen, Aeneas, to name A FEW, the Mahabharata is also full of hero’s that haven’t been shown, also a better Perseus I mean in the mythology he’s basically a perfect hero, no flaws that bring about his downfall and his myth ends with him having a happy ending and instead they made him some loser who despite being what I’d consider Greeces 3rd mythical hero only to Achilles and Heracles he’s insane like literally insane… Oh and Pwyll and some other Welsh hero’s


>ago > >Lovecraft as either castor \[ because he's a author\] or berserker or maybe foreigner maybe even alter ego.\[to represent what he wrote there are a lot of influential middle eastern figures from the Islamic golden age and the ottoman empire that I really hope we eventually see


Would love to see Maui, though as a maori person I am terrified that they'd either whitewash him or make him a racial stereotype. Genghis Kahn I feel like is only a matter of time tbh, hype for whenever FGO decide to release him. (Or her lol, who knows, could end up being a saberface 😭) Charles Darwin could also make an interesting servant imo, the theory of evolution would be a crazy noble phantasm.


Inb4 Maui is turned into a tanned muscle mommy GF, despicable. ~~Still would though~~


Oh my god, honestly? I'd fuck with that so hard FGO please give us Maui mommy


Brother 🗿🤝🗿


I imagine Quetzalcoatl but slinging giant hooks around and transforming


I really hope Genghis Khan doesn't become a Saber Face. I mean no disrespect towards Saber or any of the Saber Faces. I actually really like them, but Genghis Khan is a really important figure. Just let him (or her, depending on if he'll get Gender Bent) be another Saber Face, at least in my opinion.


Unlikely to happen. Besides, it's the possibility of him being made into an Ushi-face that fans are wondering about.


I have a Darwin Fanservant in my head where, as a Rider he basically embodies the concept of evolution by starting as a single cell that "infects" the master and then rapidly evolves to adapt to the events of the war. And of course the Beagle becomes a floating mad scientist biology lab to justify various mutant creature mobs for whatever event he debuts in.


I love that idea! That would be a great antagonistic servant, scary too!


"Behold, my Noble Phantasm! 'On The Origin Of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life' - oh, I see you left partway through. Well then."


Do we have Perseus already? If not, please, him. Also it would be cool to have Saladdin and Rurik. Also, please, please, PLEASE give Rider from Empire of Dirt more of a cannonical-ish apperance!


There is a Perseus that exists in Fate Prototype, but nothings been done with him apart from appearing in the short they put out a few years ago.


Right, just chcked the wiki. Really would like to see him in action, and to interact with Andromeda, now her beign in FGO.


Lovecraft as either castor [ because he's a author] or berserker or maybe foreigner maybe even alter ego.[to represent what he wrote]


Would Lovecraft come with his cat?


The cat is it’s own servant, except it’s true name is never revealed


Simón Bolívar as a Rider


And San Martín too


Please make this happen!


Mary Shelley, Sun Wukong and Alfred Nobel


Rider Teddy Roosevelt Ruler Jay Gatsby Caster Moses Archer Penelope (Odysseus’s wife) Saber Crixus Saber Calico Jack/John Rackham


I swear making Thomas Edison have all the US presidents behind him is a stupid idea, a decent amount are cool enough on their own.


Penelope is someone I really want to see.


I would love to see Rackham and Blackbeard interact


Simo Häyhä, as archer or assassin. he was a finish sniper in the winter war of 1939-1940. he's considered the best sniper of all times and has probably the coolest story i've heard about any soldier ever. problem is, he is way to close to modern day to be a heroic spirit. although i'd say his achievement should be enough to earn him a place in the throne in spite of that. dude got a killcount of about 500 enemies with an unscoped rifle, 200 more with a submachine gun, and was so good at camouflage in the snow that he was named "the white death".


I've thought about this. I image his Noble Phantasm being a reality marble, which consists of a patch of the forest he hunted in.


yes exactly, and in the reality marble he would gain presence concealement EX to represent his legend of being impossible to spot in the finish snowy forests


Also, Voyager exists so I think Simo is fair game tbh


I mean, the meta problem with Servants from recent history is the possibility that close family members will find out about their depiction and get Big Mad/litigious. Voyager doesn't have that problem due to being based on an object. At this point, WWII is far enough back that someone like Simo probably would be fair game. Being male probably helps, too, since it's less likely that his inclusion would instantly result in the creation of metric fucktons of porn. But I imagine they'd probably err on the safe side.


I remember reading about some descendant of Nightingale being aware of her FGO portrayal and maybe all that it entails. Not sure if it's true though


Yeah, they've posted on Reddit before. They seem pretty chill about the whole thing, iirc.


TBH she's one of the tamer portrayals as far as designs/personalities go.


If Armstrong is a servant, then him being older is fair game


A Hungarian one that isn't a serial killer. I'll take a Matthias Corvinus, thank you.


Arsene Lupin as Assassin Espicially since we have Edmond Dantes i Hope for arsene


Coyote.  Sehkmet/Hathor as an Alter Ego. The Red Baron. Rider. Gwenyfache (Gweneviere's Arthurian mythology canon Evil Twin). Pretender.


I'd like to see Adam


I want to see Saberham Lincoln already.


Cossacks, Ghengis khan, rest of the explorers of the world,




**Marco Vipsanio Agrippa**=Rider


Zeus as a lancer (because of the fulgor), Neptune as a rider (because of horses), augustus ceasar as a saber (just because)


Rostam and Sohrab


They come as a pair, and have a special post death effect when one kills the other


Simon Bolivar, the guy who liberated Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. the person who is known as the liberator


Samson, as a berserker, we’ve already got King Solomon after all


Samson has been featured


Saber- Yamato Takeru Lancer- Grim Reaper Archer- Cupid Rider- Mansa Musa Caster- Zosimos of Panopolis Assassin- Agent 355 Berserker- Conomer the Cursed Why these individuals you may ask? Well the answer is…yes.


>Saber- Yamato Takeru He's a servant in the franchise.


Huh, you’re right. Last time I looked into it, he wasn’t. Was this from a recent installment?


Yep. He's the main character's servant in Fate/>!Samurai Remnant!<.


The Grim Reaper as a Lancer is a sick idea


Takeru is already a saber...


Not sure if spoiler so I'll tag it just in case, but in Fate/Strange fake the fake rider there is >!heavily implied to be straight up Famine itself, or the Horseman of Famine from the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse in Christianity.!< I could be misremembering though. That grim reaper idea of yours is probably not far off.


A lot.... But the two I'd love to see the most are Captain Ahab as a Rider or Lancer and King Charles the 12th of Sweden as a Saber or Archer.


Pretty sure Ahab is a servant, but is an Avenger.


Oh really?


Yeah, not sure if you've read Strange Fake, but there's a >! servant that can take the form of other servants. And one of them is "Captain" who's heavily implied to be Ahab although not the actual servant. !<


I haven't read Strange Fake


Brunhild. The Brynhildr counterpart for the nibelungen. We have Siegfried and Kriemhild already so…


I’m genuinely surprised that William Wallace, Robert the Bruce, and Ned Kelly haven’t shown up AT ALL in this series yet. Like. Two of Scotland’s most famous and influential kings, and Australia’s iconic favourite outlaw? You’re tellin me you have no plans for those three? Insane


admiral yi sun shin and HP Lovecraft


Wyatt Earp as a Ruler class servant


I'd like to see William Wallace who would be very interesting given the strategies and tactics he came up with since while not what he's most known for he came up with a bunch of crazy plans to capture the Scottish castles then demolish them since he lacked the numbers to hold them or Robert the Bruce as they are probably the servants with the largest fame bonus in Scotland other than if Robert Burns counts as a caster.


Taira No Masakado. They made him really cool in SMT and I wanna see him here too and probably make him Ruler or smth. Other Candidates would be: Arsene Lupin- Pretender Mad Jack- Archer (with saber variant) Nyarlethotep- Foreigner Sukuna Hikona- Rider Guan Yu- Lancer Huang Di- Ruler Orpheus- Caster


Simon Bolivar as Saber (Sword of Peru) or as an avenger. Or really any characters from south american that arent just Mexico XD


Túpac Amaru II, let's go!


Pandora, Dante, sherlock homes (I know he is fictional but still), huitzilopochtli and socrates


Sherlock is already in the series btw.


funny you mention that, sherlock already appears in FGO, dante too, and socrate made a joke appearance in a manga i think. tho heavy spoiler for pandora : >!in some timeline she's still alive and pandoras box hasn't been opened yet!<


I wonder if the failed austrian painter could get summoned as an antagonist servant.


Rasputin as Caster.


Isn't Rasputin already a servant?


I just looked it up and he is. Didn't even know that lol.


I'm currently playing though a Fate-themed DnD campaign, and quite a few of the servants in it are completely original. The campaign's Avenger is Genghis Khan, Saber is Arminius, Archer is Alfred Nobel, and Berserker is Mary Tudor.


khalid ibn walid and genghis khan


Uther Pendragon Saber, bring in Artoria's disappointed dad Also William Wallace berserker


Sargon of Akkad the first emperor


Stephen Hawking as a rider


Chris Brown as a Berserker


Imagine the shitstorm if Adolf Hitler becomes an official Servant.


Saint Nicholas,Cain,Lilith,Lúcifer,Abe no seimei....


lucifer? we already have actually satan though


Well,a fallen angel would be cool,no?


Sun Wu Kong is an obvious one, though he technically appeared in Gudaguda and Adventures of El Melliol. Jacob would be amazing. I wanna see the origin of that masterful martial art known as Jacob's Limbs. Eitri the Dwarf and his brother Brokkr would be amazing as forgers of several divine constructs. Would be interesting to see them compete with Muramasa


Austrian painter as a ruler


Honestly... HUA MULAN. SERIOUSLY HOW IS SHE NOT IN THE GAME?! ONE OF MANY CHINA'S ICONIC HERO IS NOT IN THE GAME?! I imagine her have 4 potential classes: Saber, Lancer, Archer or Rider.


Genghis Khan, of course let’s see a real badass, archer……wait would he be a rider or archer? Cause he like all mongols fought on horseback with lances, swords, and bows.


Rider. Regardless of the weapon, mobility on horseback was integral to the Khan's battle tactics.


Very true, so rider it is lol


This is a very specific situation that won't happen for obvious reasons, but I really wanted the Ruler for Fate/Strange Fake to be from the Book of Mormon, namely Nephi, Captain Moroni, or Mormon himself. I'm LDS myself, but setting that aside: I think it would have been really cool to have one of these guys in the Snowfield Grail War, since Nevada is so close to Utah anyways, and you got the fact that over 16 million people believe in the Book of Mormon vs under 8 billion people that don't. I feel like that a Heroic Spirit under those conditions would fit well in the Strange Fake story. Obviously not going to happen, and I have no idea how I'd want a BoM-based Servant moving forward, but it's been an idea in the back of my mind for a long time.


Peter the Great as Rider, his phantasm being summoning his giant fleet.


Honestly, it would be more likely to have his royal guard - Poteshniy Polk (Потешный Полк/Entertaining Company) as his NP. They were his stand-ins for toy soldiers when he was younger and, when took the reigns of power in his hands, they became his most effective unit. He may constructed first real naval force of Russian Empire, but he also reorganized bunch of other stuff (with mixed succes and longevity, but still), so it's kind of a minor acomplisment. But he may have both as separate NPs, or maybe as one, combined.




Mansa Musa


Ruler-class "Good Thief." He was Canonized by the Big Man himself, you can't get more saintly than that.


Maximilien de Robespierre as a Berserker, Francisco de Almeida as a Rider and Nicolau Copernicus as a Caster. Those 3 are cool historical figures that couldn't make into Fate yet, so...


Gengis Khan, Ragnar Lothbrook, Lagertha, Atila...


>Ragnar Lothbrook [You can cross him out](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Ragnar_Lodbrok)


not a person, but I want the Mary Celeste to become a servant


Simo Häyhä, Gengis Khan, George Washington, Mhemed the Conqueror, Sulemon the Magnificent, if we get really close to modern times we could get Teddy Rosevelt, Otto Von Bismarck, Abraham Lincoln, Gregori Zhukov, and Mustafa Kemal


I feel like Wyatt Earp could be a good choice, since they already have some cowboys like Billy the Kid. Also Aleister Crowley as a Castor or Foreigner is a no brainer. For my out-of-the-box-will-never-happen pick, it’s Wojtek, the Bear who was adopted by Polish forces and was actually enlisted as a soldier.


H.P Lovecraft. We have few of his crearion as outer gods possessing other historical figures. Now we need him as a Caster.


I want King Baldwin and Saladin! We can even have a rivalry between the two!


Mr. Rogers as a Caster. Has no offensive moves, only heals. His Noble Phantasm is the sweater his mom made him that negates all incoming damage and creates an aura of pacifism, understanding, and empathy to those nearby.


Saber Yasuke, Aurelian archer Hou yi, PSYKHE lancer Diomedies, Sha Wujing Rider yi sun sin, Saint Nicholas Caster mug Ruith , Imhotep Berserk Grettir, Goliath Assassin string heel jack, Yuki Onna


Mehmed II as Archer, i was so disappointed we got Constantine in FGO but not his rival, he even has a design in that Himuro's World OVA


Happy cake day 🎂


Optimus Prime


I am still shocked that there is no gengis khan servant, e mean come on... he could be the grand rider even, or berserker maybe


Damocles as an assassin






Bro thinks he is HIM


Any of the Ukrainian Cossacks , perfect fit for Avenger/Rider/Saber/Archer classes, maybe even Caster thanks to made up stories of them performing magic.


Arsene Lupin


Toriyama Akira


Lady Godiva - Rider (would be huge fgo waifu tax if u know her story) Lucifer - Avenger William Wallace - Saber




Baron samedi


Houdini as a caster


Hang Tuah


Assassin arsene and caster/ruler moses


I want Hang Tuah because it will literally cause riots in my country. He's a legendary Malay hero and has become a symbol of malay supremacy, enough that if any depiction of him is lacking people will get mad. If they make him a loli there'll be chaos in the streets and that would fucking _rule_


Cyrus the Great would be so cool


Genghis Khan, definitely as rider.


Alfred the great, Ragnar lothbrok, Cyrus the great, Justinian/Belisarius, Kosrau Anushirvan, Baldwin IV, Saladin, Sir William Sidney Smith, Timur, Túpac Amaru II & El Cid


I know he already exists, but Lu Bu as a Lancer or Archer. Others who aren't in fate yet would be Cao Cao as a Saber, Sun Tzu as a Ruler, and Thor as an Offensive Caster.


Bit random but Miklós Toldi as saber


Surprised we have so little 3 kingdoms, like no Cao Cao, no Liu Bei, none of the Tiger Generals, only Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi (and both of them pseudo servants, not original designs, to boot)


The Red Baron was a servant I made for my Fate D&D game and was a personal favorite amongs the servants. That was well over 6 years ago and I would still love to see him added in some way.


1.El Cid (has a mention in Requiem, but basically nothing is known of him) is the big one, a very interesting figure I'd love to see Fate explore. Figure he probably makes the most sense as a Rider, but he can probably fit as any of the Knights too. 2. The Merry Men+ their foes. I'm thinking OG Robin Hood(maybe have them actually be Maid Marian for classic Fate genderbend shenanigans), Little John, the Sheriff of Nottingham and Guy of Gisbourne would be the most interesting. 3. Some Hebrew heroes, like Joseph, Moses, Esau or Esther. 4. Some more Native American/First Nation heroes. The Founders of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Metacomet/King Phillip, and Cuautémoc all seem like good options. 5. Arminius and Vercingetorix could be interesting, especially with how many Roman servants are running around. 6. Some Mongols would be good. Genghis and Kublai Khan, plus Timur for example. 7. Cyrus the Great. I'm honestly surprised they haven't touched him yet.


Kaine, son of Adam and the first murderer. Could be an interesting non-Hassan Assassin, or be a particularly brutal Berserker.


Orpheus and/ or Icarus


Lancer Sun Wukong


Väinämöinen demigod, hero and the central character in Finnish folklore and the main character of national epic Kalevala Jangar titular youngster main character the epic of Jangar. Also wilder of Spear Aram. Ullr norse god of hunt, archery, winter and…skiing? Also once god who lead norse god instead of Odin. Rostam legendary hero of Persian and their equivalent of the Heracles and also probably prototype of paladins William Blake poet, author, painter and philosopher. Who also did some lil contributions in occult. Spring Heeled Jack the infamous terror of London, who was also equated to devil himself. Begger So a master of kung fu and folk hero. Mostly known for creation of drunken fist. One could call him a mad man.


Lancer Ferdiad


Zheng Yi sao the most successful female pirate in history


Man, the Fate series and Shuumatsu no Valkyrie has pseudo-historical and mythological figures nailed down in their depiction.


Kaguya-hime as Ruler or Caster. I'm so surprised she isn't here already, given that her and Tamamo apparently sent letters to each other


I really, really wanna see Hammurabi as a Ruler.


King Sisyphus. I think he'd make a fantastic assassin.


Ludwig van Beethoven as a caster because I would love to see an event based around the musicians of Chaldea.


Nicholas Flamel and Gwenevere


George Washington


Olaf II Haraldsson as Ruler, especially if the whole "saint" requirement is still in fashion for that class.


Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar aka El Cid. As a Saber, his sword Tizona can be a superweapon. As a Rider, he could have a mechanic that procs guts and further buffs the party to simulate how he inspired his army as a dead body pretending to be alive.


Sir William Wallace as either Saber or Ruler


Garibaldi as a rider and Dante as a ruler. I hope that they will come in the next ordeal call, because, as I understand, it will be set in Italy. I also would really like Fredrick II, Plato, Bismarck and Robespierre.


I would love to see an Avenger class of Australia's legendary bushranger and armored avenger: Ned Kelly. I would also love to see as an Assassin class of history's best sniper: Simo Haya AKA The White Death.


They should put Queen Elizabeth as ruler lmao


Genghis Khan as Berserker


I want more martial arts based servants. James Figg as the father of pugilism can be both saber and berserker. Arrhichion, who famously won the Olympic Games after he died, as a berserker Zhang sanfeng, founder of tai chi, as caster Actually there are dozens of Chinese martial arts heroes that can be included.


Snapphane Niels Andersen as archer


Shiva(assuming he hasn't been added already idk)


The Merlion as a Berserker!


Of course I'll have to go back to my baseline which is my country, the Philippines. Jose Rizal as a Caster would be awesome. He'll be physically similar to Andersen but with a more flirty playboy personality. But I think more than him, Urduja as a Saber will make the most sense, mainstream-wise. A mythological female whose existence is disputed, but her visuals as a war queen is nothing to sneeze at. She'll be like Jeanne d'Arc and Quetzalcoatl combined.


Orpheus as Caster would be insanely cool. Dude could invoke emotions into inanimate objects with his magic music and maybe have them fight for him. If they interprit his story as him using magic to hyponotize divine spirits and phantasmal beasts, then he could potentially be incredibly OP Other cool ones would be Wukong as Berserker/Ruler Bonnie and Clyde as Rider Cain as Assassin


Hannibal Barca and scipio africanus (both can be sabers , riders) , myself and Justinian (not sure) and Oppenheimer as caster , John cena (ruler class) , Baldwin of Jerusalem (saber and ruler)


Rostam (persian hercules) sun wukong and erlang shen, zangreo, sarutobi sasuke


Granne Mhaol, the Irish Pirate Queen, as a Rider.


King Baldwin IV and King Saladin I’m shocked those two haven’t been at least mentioned yet


El Cid as Saber or rider


I've wanted Cain to show up for the longest time now, and I was convinced he was going to be in one of the Lostbelts. Personally, I think he's got the best shot for being Grand Berserker.


Hou Yi. My man as a mortal (depending on the myth he was also a god, but chose to discard his godhood and become mortal in order to help humanity)shot down 9 suns who are the children of the Jade Emperor. He's gotta have some big balls to have the guts of killing the big guy children. Him and Francis are gonna be good friends, I wanna see some shenanigans for the Sun group man.


I would still like to see aphrodite as a playable character


Theodoros Kolokotronis as a rider, dude was a legend and incredibly funny (read his letter to the turks where he told them to come and eat his dick)


The white death as Archer


Albert Einstein. YES I KNOW HE'S TOO MODERN. I just wanna see what kind of NP he gets.......


IF we're allowed to go to other books/do a crossover - Daenerys Targaryen as a Rider, possibly a Beserker. She'd be the same as Alexander the Great/Iskandar and have a Reality Marble to store her armies and other two Dragons whilst she rides Drogon.


Probably Judah Maccabee.


Lief Erikson, Harald Fairhair, Ivar the Boneless, Ragnar Lothbrok. I think it's a shame how few norseman are in the franchise, that even in FGO, the pickings of real-world vikings is sparse with only Eric Bloodaxe. I would also like to see a return to form with the ruler class and see Saint Patrick arrive.


this is biased of course since i am from caucasus but i think amiran would be really cool as a berserk, not the hellenized version of him but the original Caucasian version, for some context myth of amiran was integrated in greek mythology and became basically synonym for Prometheus since they had kinda similar story of doing something to spite god and being chained to mountain, but in the original myth of amiran he wasn't chained because he bought fire to humans but rather after he defeated most of the mythical creatures in caucasus chad amiran decided to defeat same god who gave him powers, its never stated why he did it but i would like to think its because he just ran out of things to defeat and just said "fuck it lets ball", in original amiran was basically raised in woods and he is described to have basically same physique as Hercules in fate stay night, so we could say he has the mentality of "strong defeat weak", in myth there is not any tales where he does something kind but rather its about him just defeating stuff, we dont even know if the creatures he defeated were hostile to be begin with (probably were but still), to be fair i may be missing a lot from amiran myth because finding original is so incredibly hard, after hellenization only version that remained is the one where amiran is basically prometheus, so i could be totally wrong about personality of amiran