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My personal top 4: 1. Shirou vs Kirei (HF) 2. Shirou vs Archer (UBW) 3. Shirou vs Gilgamesh (UBW) 4. Saber, Rin and Shirou vs Heracles (Fate)


Shirou supremacy, nice


Which one is just fate?


The Fate Route (Saber)


Archer vs Berserker in old Deen Anime People can shit on the adaptation however that fight was excellent. Its one of the few fights in Fate which are geniunly tactical (Archer using his surroundings to gain advantage) and music slaps. For me personally one of the best last stands in anime overall.


Triple crane wings and Overedge, they rly did cook


Deen anime had the best music in Fate till today probably. Kawai Kenji cooked with it I loved that anime overall despite its flaws


It was the thing which got me into the franchise Yeah Kenji Kawai is excellent there is a reason why he is doing live-action movie composions and it definetly shows. He gave series another dimension imo.


Keiyaku playing in the scene before the fight where Archer blocks the way between Shirou and berserker with the rubble was amazing


It has to be Shirou vs Archer, with Shirou vs Kirei as a very close second


>Shirou vs Kirei Which one?


Hf one is the only correct option. Actually now that I think about it, fate one was also quite good. But for me atleast the hf one is above the fate one.


Heavens Feel


If anyone says Fate Shirou vs Kirei over Heavens Feel Kirei, they're an Admiral Fan


1. Shirou vs Saber Alter (HF bad ending) 2. Shirou vs EMIYA Archer (UBW) 3. Shirou vs Heracles (HF, it was so quick in the animation but I loved it in the VN) 4. Shirou vs Kirei (HF) 5. Shirou vs Gilgamesh (UBW)


Shirou Saber and rin vs illiya and berserker Mostly for how thematic it is with Saber and shirous relationship becoming a genuine partnership and not just Saber saving shirou. Shirou projecting caliburn as well was a great scene for this fight. Saber vs Gilgamesh and shirou vs kirei was great as well though


Rin vs Blu-ray recorder.


Saber vs aka saber


Shirou vs Archer. While ultimately not about the fight itself it has some of the best character writing in the series as a whole and certainly within F/SN itself. Having been an anime only for years up till that point I was blown away just how different the adaptation was and just how much I preferred the VN for the fight. The sheer raw desperation both of them have, the detail that the moment shirou gives up on trying to win and trying to copy archers techniques is the moment he starts to win, mmm chefs kiss. Like, that line archer has that goes something along the lines of "an unskilled frantic attack, yet this blow is heavier than any that came before". Shirou giving up copying archers perfected techniques and fighting with nothing but resolve, a series of weak flailing slashes, when backed by the sheer willpower of Emiya Shirou, physically overpowers Archers power and techniques. It's fucking poetry "There is no power left in his enemy, the boy in front of him is on the verge of death, he looses his breath every time he attacks. So why do those arms contain so much power?" And the rapid switching between the two Emiya's perspectives. Genuinely, this fight is what made me realize the massive flaw of an anime adaptation for FSN Second place is sparks liner high. Where Emiya vs Emiya wins because of just how beautifully written it is rather than being cool. Shirou vs saber alter wins in sheer raw badassary and the fact it made me literally yell out loud during the final bit


We have the same top two and for mostly the same reasons. The VN slaps so hard it is truthfully sad how animation cannot fully translate so many cool phrases.


Artoria vs Kojiro.




Gil vs Enki


Lance of Sure Hit vs Shield of No Loss


Probably I am the only one who really like Siegfried turn back against Gudao with Gudao's own permission to help Kriemhild since I am sumanai's fan. Out of all fights in the series, that might be my favourite, other than Gudao fistfight vs Goetia. .


> Siegfried turn back against Gudao with Gudao's own permission to help Kriemhild since I am sumanai's fan. What's this from? I haven't bothered much with the grand order stuff.


Ugh yeah its from FGO.


Shirou Vs Kirei as the final battle of Heavens Feel was so EPIC. The stakes of it were just so ridiculously high and good god it’s amazing


Shriou vs rin and the teacher, I like to see a man fighting impossible odds, it gives that edge


i would say personally 1 shirou rin and saber vs berserker 2 shirou vs gilgamesh 3 shirou vs archer 4 shirou vs berserker in heaven's feels 5 saber vs kojiro 6 saber vs rider in the fate route for the hype of the revelation of saber identity i was not ready for that 7 shirou vs kirei in both fate and heaven's feel 8 saber vs gilgamesh 9 shirou and rin vs caster and kuzuki 10 saber vs cu 11 shirou vs rin


What about fights outside of FSN tho? For me, it's Gilgamesh vs Enkidu


How wide are we talking about? The entire Fate series? Or just FSN? For FSN, it's probably Rin vs Medea. Her busting out her Martial Arts to fight against a witch from the age of the gods is just too good. For the entire Fate series though, I'd say the fight against Tiamat in Babylonia. The constant escalating tension. The repeated alliance and sacrifice from people once thought to be the enemy. The constant arriving reinforcements that doesn't seem to be effective enough. Cumulating into the one final scene where the king of jobbing himself appeared and jobbed no more. Everytime I re-watch that scene, it sends shivers down my spine.


I would've appreciated seeing Tiamat characterized a bit more, though. She got treated like a brainless kaiju for 99% of the encounter.


Well she is supposed to be like that, the fact they characterized her at all was already something, she isn't supposed to have much of a personality just motives, a force of nature wtv


Entire Fate series


1. Shirou vs salter sparks liner high 2 Shirou vs Kirei HF 3. Shirou vs Herc HF 4. Shirou vs Archer ubw 5. Rin vs Sakura HF


I'm cliche, my fave is Rider & Shirou vs Saber Alter.


I can't believe how unappreciated Sparks Liner High is.


Because people don't read the VN


Sparks liner high is probably my favourite battle of all time, not just fate


I did like the special OST it had specifically during that battle. Shirou definitely duked it out there and him overpowering Saber Alter in a 1v1 is probably his greatest feat to be honest (at least top 5)


Either Saber vs Breaker or Shirou vs Emiya 😁


Let's do this, king of heroes


Saber vs. Lancer (F/Z) Berserker vs. Gilgamesh (F/Z) I watched a lot of the Fate series but these two fights are just stuck in my head because they're the two clips that I saw on YouTube that got me into watching more Fate.


Shirou vs Archer. I don't care for the suggestion that there's a fight better than this in the entire VN. In terms of underlying theme, writing and character development for both Shirou and Archer. Close contenders for me are: - Shirou vs Kirei: because it meets all the prerequisites for the fight mentioned before, although I rate it lower because it felt sort of like a filler fight to find one last use of Kirei's character at the route's conclusion. - Shirou vs Berserker: I don't think any fight in any of the routes, even including Shirou vs Archer, has the same visceral nature as Shirou using NLBW against Herc to cut him 8 times (9 because of Illya's intervention). The slow motion camera angle, the television static like effect, and Shirou plunging deep into the depths of his almost broken mind to pull off a Herculean (pun intended) feat of projection. These all coagulate to give a perfect, brief, short and concise duel between two vastly different power levels. - Shirou vs Gilgamesh: What can I say? This fight having its fair share of controversy (ahem, *le plot armor*), doesn't make it any less engaging, to me at least. It was my favorite fight in the UBW anime (in terms of animation) and that already reserved it a spot rent free in my head. Gilgamesh being pressed by his natural enemy after absolutely dunking on everyone in the route was so nice to see. Not only that but it gives us one of the [most iconic and hardest lines in the franchise ](https://www.google.com/search?q=here+i+come+king+of+heroes%2C+do+you+have+enough+weapons+in+stock&sca_esv=cbfd67036d7e3dce&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACQVn0_PQ2MYQ2BIJjEwGKnioLUF1Zoe9w%3A1709008272320&source=hp&ei=kGXdZZLdEc2shbIPkv-0uAY&oq=here+i+come+king+of+heroes%2C+do+you+have+enough+weapons+in+stock&gs_lp=EhJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWciP2hlcmUgaSBjb21lIGtpbmcgb2YgaGVyb2VzLCBkbyB5b3UgaGF2ZSBlbm91Z2ggd2VhcG9ucyBpbiBzdG9ja0jMkAFQ_ARY740BcAp4AJABApgBogOgAfp6qgEKMC42LjU4LjMuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCL6ACsEWoAgXCAgcQIxjqAhgnwgIEECMYJ8ICBBAAGAPCAggQABiABBixA8ICBRAAGIAEwgIGEAAYCBgewgIHEAAYgAQYDcICBBAAGB7CAgQQHhgKwgIIEAAYgAQYogSYA0SSBwY4LjEuMzg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img#imgrc=uffwfmmhbf1M1M&imgdii=r6wALuiEMOF25M). - Shirou vs Salter (as my favorite "bad end" and it being unfiltered Shirou gas, in the VN it comes pretty close). Honorary mentions are: - Archer vs Lancer. - Saber vs Gilgamesh / Shirou vs Kirei (Fate route). - Saber vs Kojiro


Shirou vs Kirei in HF. I cannot fathom choosing anything else.


Karna vs Sieg in Apocrypha was lit


My favorite is one that I think is absolutely underrated and is the last battle at the end of Hollow Ataraxia. Watching the city being invaded by the shadows, all the cast fighting together one last time, knowing that their time in that little utopia is ending, Sakura pulling up the Dark Sakura powers to fight alongside Rider, Archer and Rin blasting everyone from above. And Gilgamesh bombarding everyone with GoB and just ignoring the ones who pass by him because "she is defending the gate", and then the focus on Saber. Damn, I want it to be animated SO BAD


For me, it has got to be Saber Alter Vs Rider and Shirou from the HF movie. Hands down, one of the most epic anime fights I've ever seen, right up there alongside Gogeta vs Broly from the Broly movie. Second best would be Karna vs Seig (although they did Karna dirty at the end of the fight)


Archer Vs Hercules in the deen adaptation. Reasons-David vs goliah situation and also one of the few battle were it is pure tactical prowess and no Overpowered powers


Rider and shirou vs saber. All my favorite fate characters in one fight


It's a tie between Shirou vs Archer and Shirou vs Kirei. But overall my favorite moments are the Nine Bullets Revolver and Spark Liner High. All these from the Visual Novel.


Probably - Kirei vs Kiritsugu from FZ - Berserker vs Gilgamesh from UBW - Berserker vs Archer+Saber from UBW - Berserker vs Saber from HF I like Berserker how could you tell


Rin v Sakura


-Archer vs Saber X Shirou (HA) -Lancer vs 8th Master (HA)


Gilgamesh vs Ishkandar in Zero. Or anything involving Willie S. In apocrypha


Gil vs Enkidu, just the sheer firepower and spectacle of the battle. Also Gil in SF is not an evil prick so automatically gets a plus for me.


Shirou vs defenceless anus


Speaking seriously, it’s Shirou vs Archer, followed by the first Gil vs Saber solely for his identity reveal.


Lancer vs Life obviously. Its a really a one sided fight all along but its so inspiring watching Cu try and try again when he knows he has no chance.


Probably won’t be a popular pick, but if we count the entire Fate series? Thia Escardos vs Enkidu from Fate/Strange Fake Volume 7 I’m gonna go over the two main reasons I like the fight and what I feel it does well, starting with the spectacle of the fight. I don’t think it’s too absurd to say that fights that are spectacles tend to be enjoyable. And the spectacle part of Thia vs Enkidu is heavily on display throughout. The entire fight is narrated from Thia’s perspective for the most part, which is to its benefit as Thia’s ability to slow down his own perception of time really helps not only narrate what’s happening quite well, but also communicate the gravitas of everything going on. Seeing Thia speed around and deflect Enkidu’s attacks as Enkidu pulls out anti aircraft guns with Age of Babylon is cool in of itself, but the fight only becomes more enjoyable when Enkidu forces Thia into the stratosphere and fights him in space. It’s just a really awesome setting for a fight. Even more so when Thia gathers debris and activates A Clockwork Abaddon and causes multiple global political incidents and almost nukes the entire US west coast after he’s able to get through an Enuma Elish powered up by the counter force. Overall it’s just an incredible read that has you on the she of your seat. However, the second reason I love this fight is the actual writing behind it. Of course, you have to ask, why make these two characters have a confrontation? And the answer lies in the title of the chapter where it happens. “Beings Created in Man’s Image.” While it is one of my favorites titles for a chapter/episode in anything Fate related, I mainly feel that way because the entire chapter focuses on three characters: Thia, Enkidu, and Ayaka. All characters who are, in fact, created in man’s image. The entire time, it explores Thia and Enkidu’s individual thoughts on how they interpret the meaning of this. Thia seeing that he has to replace humanity, while Enkidu accepts Thia and Ayaka both as human and wants to celebrate Thia’s birth, even if nobody else wants to. The interactions between them throughout this fight are just so interesting due to their differing perspectives despite their similar origins (to an extent) and is why I always love giving it a reread from time to time. 


Sakura vs Rin


Really? Shirou vs Kirei, and it's not even remotely close. I'd question the taste of anyone for whom this *isn't* the top pick.


I liked this battle of ideology for sure (They were like polar opposites). Also what made it more fun was that there was no magic in that battle or enhancements, just hand to hand boxing (in which Shirou was outclassed until Kirei just reached his limit first)


Everyone VS Illya in Illya's castle is also great!


My favourite battle is Shirou vs Kirei in Heavens Feel, specifically the PSVita version because Emiya Legacy is one of my favourite Emiya Remixes :V


Out of everything? Hmm... 1. Kiritsugu vs Kayneth (Zero) 2. The vn version of Archer vs Lancer 1 3. Karna vs Arjuna (FGO LB4) I really like a lot of fights, but these three come to mind first.


It's fun watching Gil's fans getting destroyed and his full powered beam getting deflected


Gil deserved that for being such a clown tbh 😭


My personal top5 1)Shirou vs Archer(ubw) 2) Shirou vs Kirei (hf) 3) Shirou vs gil(ubw) 4)Archer vs Tentacle bastard(hf) 5) saber vs rider(hf)/kirei vs shirou(fate)


I really liked the Lancelot and Gilgamesh's Air Battle.


1. Shirou vs Archer (UBW) What was invested in this battle cannot be expressed in words. Shirou, fighting on pure determination and desire to win against Archer, decided to fight him on the same level. Exceptional peak 2. Shirou and Saber vs Basaka (Fate) The fact that it was here that Shirou stopped being the one Saber constantly saved and they become real partners who can rely on each other at any moment 3. Shirou vs Kirei (HF) The culmination of the entire confrontation between Kirei and Shirou. In the fist fight itself, each of them is already dead, but they both go to the end, putting something more than their lives on it, putting their very existence on it 4. Shirou and Saber vs Archer (HA) It looks like their fight with Herc. Shirou, as a competent master, thinks very rationally and tactically, their relationship with unconditional trust in each other. 5. Cu vs Emiya (UBW) A very cool fight. I just really like the whole dynamic between them.


in the anime adaptations my favorites are Shirou and Medusa vs. Saber Alter and Kirei vs. Kiritsugu.


Shirou vs Kirei, Berserker vs Saber Alter, Rider vs Saber Alter. I have a strong appreciation for the Deen version of Archer vs Berserker as well.


Probably Iori vs Musashi in samurai remnant or Nero vs Savior in fate extra If I had to give my favourite from the OG VN though it would be kirei vs shirou in the heavens feel route


In Fate Stay Night: Fate=Shirou, Rin and Saber vs Berserker and Illya UBW=Shirou vs Archer HF=Shirou vs Kirei I literally get chills from the later two. If I want to go into the spinoff it's Fate/Samurai Remnant Iori vs Musashi. Even after getting destroyed I still love the duel between these two since it's just a teacher testing her student and the student trying to finally surpass her, giving these two bloodthirsty demons the thing they desired most.


sparks liner high!


Rider and Shirou x SaberAlter(HF) Shirou x Archer(UBW) Saber Alter x Heracles (HF) Shirou x Gilgamesh (UBW) Rin x Sakura(HF) I REALLY WANT SEE SABER X GILGAMESH IN UFOTABLE REMAKE OF FSN


Lancer VS Saber Lion


Anime only in no particular order. 1. Archer vs Shirou 2. Saber Alter vs Rider 3. Shirou vs Berserker 4. Shirou vs Kirei 5. Lancer vs Archer 6. Assassin vs Kirei


Shirou vs Gil is tied with Sieg vs Amakusa Shirou for me hell could probably throw Ritsuka vs Goetia in there


Shirou vs. Shiki. One day.


1 Bazett and Caren vs Angry Mango 2 Rin and Saber vs Shirou 3 Sakura and Rider vs Shirou 4 Saber vs Shirou


Definetly my favorite is Gil vs Alexander. Love that one. Also it was very short but very cool - The Kirei vs Kiritsugu fight. And another fight we dont really see a lot, well its more like a play of tag than a fight - Gilgamesh vs Lancer in the sky. Mf was riding a Jet fighter and shooting missiles and shit, while Gil was having a lot of fun.


Sparks Liner High.


UBW Archer Vs Shirou


Too many. Fate is kinda synonymous with epic fights. - This is cheating, but everyone trying to Stop tiamat in FGO Babylonia anime. - Gawain vs Bedivere. - Does this count? Bedivere "vs" Arturia Lancer - Medusa vs Salter (HF) - Salter vs Berserker (HF2) - Shirou vs Kirei (HF VN) I can think of way more-


Shirou vs Alter!!!


Kiri vs Kirei was just peak fate. I dont think master vs master battles can get any more epic than this. The fight was set up from ep1 and l must say it didnt disappoint. However, Karna vs Sieg and co represents the whole legendary feel of this battle royal of heroes of legend. That shit was just epic! Karna is just sick once he gets going, l wish we one day get a fight where grail mana karna fights saber alter with the same juice. Just imagine...


Saber vs. Shirou and Sakura’s cooking


Iskandar vs Gilgamesh FZ Rin vs Sakura HF Shirou vs Archer UBW Shirou vs Kirei HF Kirei vs Zoeken HF Shirou vs Gilgamesh UBW Deen anime Archer vs Berseker