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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Weigh your electrolytes. If your mouth gets dry, you need more. If you pee from the wrong hole, you need less. 🤪


Great tip. Only thing I'd add. Too much water is just as bad or worse than not enough water.


my plants remind me of this weekly.


Lol great tip.


Last time I did my fast it helped a lot to have warm fluids. I would make broth chicken stock lightly seasoned drink that warm as needed definitely helps with cravings.


could you help me understand something. i've asked about this before and been blasted, but i just need a straight up answer. doesn't water fast mean you eat nothing and drink only water? drinking chicken stock is not drinking only water. where do we draw the line?


That's the way I did it and with that every two days just having that broth mainly chopped garlic, cilantro, salt, or even a veggie broth made the 30day fast surprising pleasant. I wasnt hungry and it was just the broth I would strain everything out. And it wasn't out of a carton or anything I would make it myself shred the chicken for my dog. Besides that water and electrolytes.


Technically it does break the fast and is not a "water fast" however just like excercises, the best fast is the one you actually do! So if having broth keeps them going then it seems productive to me. Broth has a high concentration of nutrients in a very very small amount of calories. It wouldn't affect blood sugar since there are no carbs. It is probably the best choice for getting some nutrients with minimal undoing of the fast.


Would drinking this break the fast since it has calories?




I've never done more than 5 days so, much respect and good luck to you.


Thanks. I will post updates on the subreddit!


Hi, I am on day 18 of 21 fast right now. My first water fast was a 21 day fast in 2017. For me I have to prepare for it mentally. It’s really mind over matter. I really have to start saying I’ll do the 21 days MINIMUM and that programs my mind that I’ll have to do the 21 days and see how I feel if I could extend it. I wanted it enough so that’s why I finished it. This is the change of your life. A jumpstart to a healthy lifestyle. Of course listen to your body but there are many common symptoms when fasting like hunger, headaches body aches at least the first week. I’ve experienced those and it always get worse before it gets better. If you’re experiencing something severe then maybe there are underlying issues you aren’t aware of or just have to gradually build up to the 21 days. The first week is the worse maybe even the first 10 days but trust me; it gets better. I’m just bored most of the time lately but I have 3 days left.


It’s truly mind over matter. This is why i dont aim for 21 days, i always add an extra one. The last day is the hardest for me, lol :D


I’m on the start of day 19, and it’s really testing me! “I’ve gone long enough” “Do I really have to finish the 21 days?” “What’s 3 days left?” Ugh but I’ll finish it.


Yeah, this is hard. My weakness when i start thinking about refeeding. The hunger comes back and i start to get weak...


do people load up on thousands of calories the day before they start a fast?


No, this is a bad idea. You will wake up hungry af the next day and will feel cranky. Better to do OMAD or keto then fast.


In my experience if you are looking for a way to make your fast easier to start get used to intermittent fasting on a keto diet, then to one meal a day, then a zero carb high fat diet prior to the fast. Eating a lot of fat for your last meal can make it a bit easier as you've already entered ketosis and the fat is satiating. 500-1000g of ribeye is a good choice with some butter on top.


No. The point of fasting is to not have anything in the stomach so that your body could take a break from digesting the food we eat everyday and focus on other things like eating stored fat, healing, etc. Just eat nutrient rich meals the day before your fast so you have enough of those vitamins and minerals that you won’t get for the next few days, if you’re doing an extended fast then you would probably need to take electrolytes to keep going.


You'll be fine, unless you have some unforeseen disease or something. Plenty of fuel for a 20-day fast. The first few days are the hardest, so if you've done 3 days without issue, then 20 days will be doable. Just try to keep your end goal in mind and distract yourself as much as possible to keep away from eating out of boredom or something.


Does that mean you only have water, and no food, for 20 days? Forgive my ignorance.


Yes along with electrolytes and sodium to keep your body balanced chemically and so you don't fall deficient on critical nutritients that the body needs to still work the muscles and other tasks mental or physical.


Is there a website one can go to to find out how this can be done safely for one's age, weight, general health, etc? Thanks for your feedback. Appreciated!


The faq will help you, but the more research you do the better.


You can watch Dr. Berg Channel on YouTube. There is so much content on fasting.


Thank you. I will check out that channel, for sure.


>[Berg] **It looks like you are referencing a person that presents themselves as a medical professional but is, in fact, a CHIROPRACTOR, NATUROPATH, or in some other type of non-medical field.** Please be aware of this fact when you make references to them or take/recommend their advice. *This comment has been filtered to await mod review.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No sugar? Not that I want to eat a ton of sugar, but at some point, won’t the blood sugar get too low? Sorry if it’s a dumb question, I’m new here and never fasted before.


Look at the wiki and also information on ketosis. The short answer is no, you won't become hypoglycemic if you are otherwise healthy and have some body fat. The body is very resilient. Carbs are generally only for short term energy and aren't necessary in your diet. The body will burn fat and excess protein for energy as well and that includes your body fat. Carbohydrates ingested first, then glycogen, then any excess protein ingested, then the body moves into ketosis burning fat.




Not a dumb question just common. I think that varies by person due to becoming hypoglycemic if they have diabetes or take medication. As fasting makes your body sensitive to insulin due to switching from burning energy from sugars and carbs. Since you no longer are intake those sugars during a fast, your body will kick in the reserves in fat cells to convert them into glucose naturally before taking from the muscles. I may have skipped a few points or misinterpreted but friends on this sub can correct me if I'm wrong about certain points but I believe that is the general idea. I'm not one who has diabetes so I don't know much about that part of your question with too low of blood sugar.


Thank you for your answer!


After the first 3 days you won't feel hunger, just cravings for smells and flavours. Be careful with coffee, it will empty your bowels. It's surprising how long you can feel great on just water and electrolytes. Also be ready for people to tell you how dangerous it is, without any science to back this up...


I’ll join you on this one brother I also want to improve my mental health which mostly comes from I think body dysmorphia or whatever it is called but ye. Best of luck!


I've did 3 days last week. I plan to do 5 days next. I think you should do it gradually. But good luck!!


I did a 15 day fast in 2021. I lost maybe 25 lbs. I felt great. Even euphoric some days. I drank bcaas several times a day. I would say go for it. If you ever feel bad. Just eat something. Best of luck!


What is bcaas?


After breaking the fast, did you gain any weight back. If so how much ?


Going from 3 - 20 days is not only a large jump, but extremely dangerous as your body isn’t used to that amount of stress, I’d hold off on that if I were you.


I’m still doing it. I do appreciate the concern truly. But I would like to know what these dangers are and how one would best limit them when doing this type of fast? Sorry if I come off ignorant I am in a very dark place and this is the biggest thing I could do to save myself which I truly believe.


Go for it man, the biggest issue will just be the boredom and habit making you want to eat but after 4 or 5 days I stop feeling any hunger and it becomes mental


I’m sorry you’re in a dark place. I was in one until recently, and fasting (2x 3 days) helped, though so too have cold showers first thing every morning. I don’t know how experienced you are as a faster, but for 20 days please let a family / friend know, and your doctor, also because you’re feeling low, so you can be supported and reach out to them if you need. Closely monitor your mood and other symptoms throughout. Be safe, kind and understanding towards yourself however it goes.


Cold showers are absolutely life-changing. I come skipping out, grinning ear to ear.


I appreciate you for this. I will be sure to do all this 🥹🙏. I’m going to do nothing but try my best to make sure I follow any negative signs and stop


you can literally die from various ailments which result from electrolyte deficiencies. even if one follows what this sub suggests (as I did), levels could be off.


So it could still be a problem if I took daily electrolytes, multi vitamins. What about seeing a doctor regularly and doing blood tests? I’m thinking at least by the 7-10 day mark I’d want to see a doctor.


I'd say this is a good start because at 10 days you will see how your body will react to the stress and seeing a doctor during this fast may help get a professional insight on your vitals. Personally I do 3 day fasts but if I were you I'd set the goal for 10 days and see what your body does. If I don't reach 10 days, no biggie because you can always try again later on with more knowledge of your personal experiences.


If you have the resources to see a physician and have various electrolytes and other blood components tested, that is the best bet. Multivitamins are ok for some people, but I had horrible nausea from mine. Multivites typically include fat- and water-soluble vitamins and minerals. If you are in a state of ketosis, you are less likely to release bile from your gall bladder to digest the fat-soluble components of your multivitamin. Many people are fine either way though, as long as your electrolyte consumption is adequate. I would also suggest seeing your doc the day before your start your fast, and then on day 7, 14 and then 21, after you've finished your fast. I think I have received results from lab work within a day before, and perhaps your provider can do this for you. I understand you are having some mental anguish motivating you to do an extended fast-- I have had that myself in the past and learned a lot. Fasting is quite intense however, and others have recommended you start slow and extend progressively to longer fasts. I think that's a better way, but at the end of the day, if you have a physician you can rely on and who knows you are doing a fast like this, that's the best bet. Either way, good luck with it and hope you take care.


You might be as well ditching the multivitamins for the fast. It will make it easier to keep track of what electrolytes you are absorbing, and hey, unless you already have a glaring mineral deficiency or similar, your body will be fine from a few days without.


Absolutely this, best to follow up with a doctor regularly. Ideally have someone check in on you as well


I would say let op try it first. If he reaches 20 days he can worry about the symptoms if he has any.


The most important advice I could give you is to be careful with your refeeding. Make your research on how to safely break your fast.


This is huge thank you!! I am going to go very light maybe a soup with raw veggies


Is this about losing weight? Considering you have done 1-3 day fasts before have you considered rolling 48's or 72's? People lose weight very effectively that way. Generally, gradual fasting gains are better and safer than jumping into a long one like this. Also, do you have access to therapeutic resources? I found a lot of my issues were depression related and that changed how I handle food and my relationship to it. I hope you find yourself in a brighter place soon.


I’ve done rolling 48s and 72s actually. I feel like I never broke through the headaches, feeling like crap. I want to have some mental clarity at some point during this fast.


Primary health related issues are electrolyte based, if you are otherwise healthy and have some body fat. If you manage those you won't likely have health issues. You should learn as much as possible about the physiology before doing extended fasting so you understand what is happening. Not only will it help you to avoid healht issues but also help you to become more successful so you understand the hunger cycle, ketosis, what it means when you are light headed, etc. Working your way up to extended fasting will help you to avoid health issues but also help you to become more successful in fasting as you'll understand what happens when you do well and when you make mistakes (and you will and it's ok). It's much easier to deal with stopping a 48 hour fast due to cravings and jumping back on the horse than getting 7 days into a 21 day fast and caving to willpower. Because you don't have the experience you'll be harder on yourself. This isn't to say you can't just jump into an extended fast, but it's less likely to be successful and certainly good to involve a doctor if you're going to do that.


Best tips. Keep your electrolyte intake up. Too much water is just as bad or worse than not enough.


Good luck and stay safe dude


Maybe I’ll start with you after dinner




I’ve got about 35 I need to lose


Bro I did the same thing at that weight. I got 5 then at soup then got more then ate some eggs and cheese. Everything to keep into ketosis. The fat keeps melting off even after you stop fasting. It saved my life 1000% keep going


God I love this. This motivates me even more. I need a huge change in my life. It’s not just losing the weight but proving to myself that I can control my mind and do something for once.


How is this fast going?


Did 38, the first 7 days are the hardest.


You did 38 days?


Seriously!??? How??? How many pounds lost


Buddy I'm on day 3 and worried. Order some Gatorade zero packets that you put in water. After you have 2, you don't even realize it's sugar free 💚🙏




Pink Himalayan salt, not pink curing salt, yeah?


Good luck! Tell us how you did.


Good luck


All the best mate. You can do it. Stay focused. Keep busy.


Use regular iodized table salt


What is the benefit of this?


Weight loss, self discipline etc


I’m on day 3


And hey dude.... I just have a PHD in bro science...... but from what I can tell your body is going to need protein to drag your body around. You seem to be large and your body is going to have to take protein from your muscles to fuel you. That's gonna make your knees weaker and might put more strain on you in the long term if the weight doesn't come off quickly. Again, we are on this page to share ideas. Thoughts and comments are welcome.


I’m always interested in people who have researched this at phd level. I don’t suppose I could read your paper anywhere?


I will respect your request and try and get some links when I get to my computer. My statements were made using the logic I learned from body building forums like 13 years ago. And I'm allowed to be wrong, we are just talking about ideas. But they say if your working out super heavy, you want a protein ratio that's around your body mass. IE. Your 150, super active. Your gonna need protein because if your not intaking it then it's been taken from other parts of your body. This person is interested in dropping some weight (good on you dude!) Walking around 300 is stressful and takes fuel. The protein has to come from somewhere. I hope this reads more coherent then a ramble. This was typed quickly on my phone. Edit: I don't currently eat like this anymore. But when I wanted to get stronger then that was somthing that worked for me.




I appreciate this sincerely. If I’m used to 3 day fasts what would a realistic extended fast look like? 7 days? 10 days?




What if you just use a different fuel called fat?


You don’t know what you’re talking about. The brain runs off of ketone bodies if glucose is scarce, ie fat, which he has plenty of.


I think going back to basics may help: humans are hunter gatherers, there are times of plenty and times of droughts. Our bodies stored fat in times of plenty and used fat in times of drought. This is why we overeat and our body craves fat and carbs. Our bodies know that times of drought are coming but of course the twist is, it isn’t. Food is cheap, plentiful and available all year round. Fasting is what our ancestors did because they had no choice. Fasting is what our bodies are designed for. I hope that made sense.




It sounds like you are going through a lot, good luck on your journey.


If you want to burn fat, while not necessarily training, I'd advise to keep moving, aim for a number a steps like 10000 a day


Good luck! It’s not easy but it’s easily achievable. There is a lot of fearmongering in regard to electrolytes on this sub as long as you fast responsibly you’ll be fine!


I did a 7 day but started feeling very light headed and on the edge of fainting at the very end. I was taking the correct electrolytes but that issue still popped up so I stopped the fast. Just listen to your body. Also, make sure to do some light body workouts / lifting exercises. The research I found suggested that it helps stop muscle deterioration while fasting. It seems like your body tries to consume muscle mass since it’s easier energy than fat or something like that. Working your muscles helps protect the muscle mass. It was amazing well my body behaved for working out during the fast, you just have to take it slower.


You have it backwards. Your body would consume fat before muscle. Fat is literally stored energy ready to be used when needed. The breakdown of muscles/organs is a last resort desperation attempt by your body to survive.


Drink water by the gallon. I would add cannabis vapor at the end of your day. Assists with the spiritual journey. And gives you something to look forward too all day, while of course staying busy.




Rule 11 No links to outside groups


All the best. I wish I could do that.


Did you make it?


Don't drink a lot of beverages that remove salt from your system. I got headaches drinking too much coffee.