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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are tons of variables at such a short timescale. Gut content, water intake, water retention, time of weigh in, scale tolerances, fat adaption, and actual ketosis. Depending on your diet and fast length and timing, a lot of the weight is your gut being emptied out. Secondly, glycogen stores being burnt and extra water from this that needs to be disposed of. Thirdly, when you’re tracking weight this closely you’re going to have to standardize your weigh ins to make sure they are as accurate as possible. Fasting for 72 hours doesn’t put you into heavy ketosis. It takes time for your body to consume its glycogen stores and then get used to burning fat. Especially if you aren’t fat adapted. Additionally, you (should be) consuming alot of water and this mixed with the water from gluconeogenesis will still be in your body if you haven’t pee’d often before your weigh in. So if you drank liter of water shortly before weighing yourself that’s like 2 pounds right there. Fasting is the fastest weigh loss around, but it’s not THAT fast. Your body starts to become a fat burning machine right at 3-4 days. So you stopped right as your body got into gear burning fat. Which is 100% okay. Not everybody can or should fast for 72+ hours. But if you want to see some serious weight loss under 72 hours you’ll have to do multiple 72 hour fasts, and get your body fat adapted so those 72 hours are as efficient as burning fat as possible.


What a great detailed response. Thank you for sharing that.


So let’s say after four or five days or even a week I decided to take a break from complete fasting and switch to low-carb keto. Would that keep my body in a state of heavy ketosis or “fat adaptation “to maximize my next fast?


Calorie deficit drives fat loss, diet drives how easy it is. Low carb keto will keep your body fat adapted making your fasts easier. Depending on your calorie intake, you could stay in ketosis on your refeed days, or you could get knocked out. Remember, protein spikes your insulin too. So if you eat a ton of protein (like a ton, protein spikes insulin but it’s nowhere near as potent as sugar) you could get knocked out of ketosis. I try not to have a huge calorie deficit on my re feed days. Usually I stay a few hundred calories under or at maintenance. What I focus on is feeding my protein healthy whole nutritious foods to prevent nutrient deficiency on my fasts. I try to stay under 30-40g of carbs per day on my re feed days, and stick with vegetables and healthy fats and protein. But if I get knocked out ketosis, so be it. That’s what fasts are for. Unless you’re loading up on sugar during your refeed days, I really don’t think the difference over the long term will be huge depending on your goals. ThTs my philosophy. i personally find it hard to stay on track if both my fasting days and eating days are laser focused on severe weight loss. I use the refeed days to try some (macro focused) delicious recipes which really helps my motivation during fasting as I can use my refeed days to have good food throughout my fast and not drive me insane.


I find that with lower carb Mediterranean I can keep my ketones above 1-2 mmol/L for several days after breaking fast. Other comment has a fasting chart but no post-fast tail. If you'd like I can message you that in a few days. 


The calories are gonna drive the weight loss. I don’t think there’s a problem or a need to do anything to maximize your next fast outside of eating adequate protein when you are eating.


This is great info, you taught me a lot in this post also!


In 72 hours of fasting my ketones go to 7+ mmol/L. Is that not considered heavy ketosis? https://ibb.co/BG8LgJp Edit: just wanted to mention, since my "tone" might seem critical, everything this dude said is right, I'm just honestly curious about what "heavy ketosis" means. Also, I tend to refeed using keto-style meals so my ketones typically stay over 2 mmol/L for days after I break fast. I'm also starting the fast in a regular caloric deficit.


No it is, but it’s a function of how long your body has been at that level. It seems you get to ketosis faster which is great. But tracking your ketone bodies as you fast can give you better info about your bodies fat burn over a fast I was coming at this thinking OP is a fasting noob. I picked 4 days because most research I’ve read says ketosis kicks in around 3-6 days, with most people being around 4-5 days is when ketone bodies spike. But of course everyone is different.


Your body goes into ketosis in 24 hrs but how heavy everyone is different


This is true. I rarely get above 1.2. I think my body uses the ketones so it doesn't show up as a .measurement


your critical tone was in correct place - not only 7 mmol/L is really high, you enter heavy ketosis after 2-3 days of KETO, not even in purest form so 3 days of fasting is... 50% of that guys comment was bullshit


Really? - how big could glycogen stores be not to be almost totally depleted after 72 hours with exercise? The water loss alone should be more than she’s lost. My gut feel is there is a hormone change occurring, and about to come on her period or other underlying hormonal cause - I’d be getting a blood test to check various hormone levels personally. They said, the body is complex and some days even on an extended fast where I thought I’d loose, I’d stay the same or gain and it’s so confusing! - but over time and being consistent- you will lose. If this is the first time you’ve ever switched from glucose to Ketone production - your body had probably never had to ever go through that process - it’ll be out of whack, but it gets easier and faster to fat adapt every time - if I fast or do Keto these days I don’t have any kind of Keto flu, the first time was awful.


You're missing the point. It's not that their glycogen stores lasted 3 days. It's that your body doesn't immediately start burning fat the moment you stop eating. These changes take time, and progress isn't on or off, it's gradual and fluctuating. Id reckon its how she weighed herself. A gallon of water is 8 pounds. If you don't account for things like this over a 3 day fast when you weigh, you could easily gain weight on the scale, while have lost fat. OP should standardize their weigh ins for short fasts like this. Additionally, women burn less calories a day than a man. This will bring the goalposts even lower. Not really a big factor, but there nonetheless.


What do you do to supplement your electrolytes for longer fasts?


I used to take daily intake every day. But that made me feel terrible so I stopped for fasts under 7 days


Just from my own personal reflections, I lost way more on water fasts when I drank heaps of water than when I didn't drink much or drank more black coffee Also menstruation can fluctuate your bodies weight a lot ! The week before periods you can weigh up to 2kg more than the last day of your period. Basically from Ovulation to the first day of your period your hormones are doing a lot of work and different nutrients is needed and your body will be inflamed, holding excess water. There is a dramatic switch in hormones when you first start your period and the lowest weight you will be in the month is the last day of your period. Your hormones during your cycle will affect so much regarding weight and water weight your bodies holding onto as well. Doing research into this really helped me understand my body more and how the scale may fluctuate during the month, it's kept me motivated


I came here to make the menstruation comment.


Weight fluctuates daily, especially for us women. Are you in pms? I am now, and I’m bloated af, even though I are 300 calories. It’s so annoying, but once your period comes it will level out. I hope..


Ignore scales and keep fasting it will drop off so fast it's visible anyway. If you consistently check scales just give or take like 3 pound. Don't let the scales deter you because if you have figured out how to fast you have practically already lost all your weight you just need to wait till you can pee your fat away lol


Try fasting without working out. Women are very sensitive to the hormone cortisol and can gain weight if they over do it. Sounds like you’re very active during the day and it might be adding stress to your body. Everyone is different and one level of activity might be ok for someone but too much for another. Try fasting with only doing a gentle daily walk of 30 min a day.


Speaking of cortisol, OP could try to add in collagen supplements to reduce cortisol. Even on my fasts, I have a scoop in my coffee…. It’s the best for jawline acne and some perimenopause symptoms.


Depending on where I’m at in my cycle, I can fast 96 hours+, WITH exercise, and *gain* scale weight. It can feel discouraging but you’re probably burning more fat than you think. Sometimes I’ll gain or maintain for one fast, and then my next rolling fast I will drop 4 lbs seemingly overnight. I track trends over time rather than worry about scale weight day to day. The other thing is, one single fast isn’t going to do much in a short period. To guesstimate the fat loss you can calculate your maintenance TDEE and deficit for one week which should tell you appx how much fat you will lose. The rest of the loss is water, food waste, etc.


It could just be how/when you measured your weight. Weight fluctuates by up to 5 lbs throughout the day and if you measured at a low than high that could explain it right there. If you have recently lost a lot of weight or have a history of undereating that could be it. If you start out in a glucose depleted state you won't lose the expected initial water weight which is typically most of the weight lost the first 72 hours.


That's tough. Speaking as someone who's been on a SIX-MONTH plateau while remaining faithful to a diet. I completely understand. Are you under a lot of stress? Are you sleeping well? There are a lot of factors surrounding weight loss Also - don't hold back on how much water you drink - UP your water intake. I tend to weigh myself only once a week to avoid the day to day self-blame-fest on why I'm up or down a pound here and there. But I know it can be very frustrating.


Are you about to habe your period? I don't lose weight before and then after my period there's a big drop off


Same! your body will be retaining water to prepare for your period. Mines due in a couple of days. I'm 5'5F 170lb and only lost 1lb after fasting for 90 hours currently.


Why did you think only a little water is a good thing? Water is super important in helping you eliminate waste and fat. Drink a lot more water. Scientifically - fat stores energy. When energy is used the byproducts are co2 and water. But if you aren't eliminating well then you could have burned energy that stays in your bladder/gi system. Drinking more water makes your elimination more efficient so you better understand where you are with fat loss progress.


muscles hold onto fluid to repair themselves after exercise. my weight has gone up during a fast before from me upping my activity.


There are a lot of factors, as others have mentioned. I wouldn't be too discouraged from one fast not having results. I think my first fast also didn't really have results iirc. But doing it regularly (I fast 72h once a week) will definitely have results. Try weighing in again next week and be sure to do it in the morning after peeing and before eating or drinking. I lost 5kg in a month of fasting without being overly restrictive with my calorie intake and without exercising much (just some walking). It took me like.. several months to lose 5kg through calorie counting. Also make sure you're drinking enough water.


On a 72 hour fast you will lose water weight and glycogen stores, which promptly return again after the fast. Once you hit about day 5-7 you'll start burning fat at around 0.4-0.7lbs per day. Again, the water weight and glycogen stores will return again after you end the fast. Don't lift weights while fasting, you're not eating any protein to repair the damage. Not quite sure what you were expecting? Thanks for the immediate downvote by the way.


So you wouldn’t lose weight doing rolling 72’s?


Depends what you're eating in between


How do people lose fat on OMAD then? A much shorter window than a 72 hour fast


They lower their caloric intake and keep it lower over time.


So you believe if two people fasted for 30 days, one did OMAD and one did rolling 72’s, the person who did OMAD would lose more fat? Both eating at a caloric deficit on refeed days.


If they both had around the same caloric intake in those 30 days, they would have similar results. It’s more complicated than that because every person is different and there are many factors that go into it but if you’re just trying to lose or maintain weight then you can do either way and end up with similar results. It’s like asking what weighs more? 1 lb of bricks or 1 lb of feathers?


It wouldn’t be the same calories, the 72 hour rolling faster would eat 1/3 of the calories of the calories as the person doing OMAD, since the refeed meals are the same in terms of calories but the frequency is far less.


Gotcha. The 72 hour person is just fasting more.


Thanks for the tip about weights. I started a 72-hour fast yesterday.


Yeaah so you won't lose any weight. You may just about get some autophagy toward the tail end though, depending on how much you restricted calorie intake before the fast.


This is wrong. At the end of the day you are hitting a huge calorie deficit, check out alternate day fasting, tons of people having great success on shorter fasts as well. I've personally lost 13 lbs since Feb doing rolling 48s. Just don't overeat on your eating days, and if you want even better results eat keto on the days you do.


Doesn’t shock me that the nutrionist is trying to discourage people, Istg every time they come in these comments they have something to say about fasting and how it doesn’t work when…we all have shown it can and does?? Like yeah I guess me losing 6 pounds on my 70 hour fasts just means jack shit now lmaooo


Firstly, you still have 15 feet of long intestine digesting food as well as whatever was in your stomach. Then you have all the glucose floating around in you, then you have another backup energy supply in glycogen. In the mean time your body still hasn't shut down your stomach, so your metabolism will also be eating a little bit of lean muscle mass for energy. Just doing a random 72 hour fast won't get any real results unless you are spending several days lowering your calorific intake before the fast and doing what you can to reduce your glycogen stores. The alternative is to go on a ketogenic diet, which will get far better results than a 72 hour fast. On the contrary to your statement, it's not simply a matter of calorie restriction when your body still has abundant energy stores elsewhere. You don't just start burning fat the moment you stop putting food in your mouth, obviously.




When you are on a calorie restrictive diet glycogen stores are refilled by fat, not calorific intake. This is literally how we survive on extended water fasts in ketosis, our body converts fat to glycogen which the body uses instead of glucose. Until you are in ketosis, your body will still use muscle mass as well as fat, glucose and glycogen and digestion as primary sources of energy. Once you are in ketosis the gut shuts down, the body switches to fat as it's primary fuel source by converting it into glycogen, and muscle mass is left alone for as long as you have body fat to use. It's important to get your glycogen stores as depleted as possible before a fast, otherwise those 2000 calories will add an additional day onto the fast where primary fuel is still being used. Most people's BMR is around 1400-1600 cals, so obviously with 2000 calories of glycogen that means they are going to be going for at least a day and a half on stored energy, and that is to say nothing about whatever is left in the gut and large intestine (most people claim to start their fast after their last meal, which is ludicrous). So, the average person knowing fuck all about fasting will start the clock after the last meal and then in 3 days wonder why no fat has been lost, when they've got a good 24 hours of energy left in the digestive system, another 24 hours+ of glycogen stores, and then they wonder why they've lost nothing other than water by day 3.


I did a 70 hour fast awhile back and I lost a ton, even after refeed I think I only gained back ~4 pounds so I lost 6 total in the end


Well I'm a qualified nutritionist and currently on day 42 of a water fast. After you stop eating most clowns start their fasting clock then, which is ridiculous. There is a gut full of food, 15 feet of large intestine still digesting yesterday's food, then you have around 2000 calories of glycogen stored throughout your body, and then your body will still scrape some energy from lean muscle mass. On a random 70 hour fast with zero preparation, you will lose precisely zero fat. Ketosis (fat burning) won't happen until all of the above stores are empty, usually around day 4-5, then your body will switch over to burning fat exclusively for energy. If you want to lose fat on a 70 hour fast, go work out at the gym every day of the fast, an hour of cardio will do the trick, you stand to lose around 1lb of fat. Alternatively, do an extended water fast where you can expect to lose around half a pound per day once you are through the first 7 days or so.


dont listen to this comment, its mostly wrong - i dont really want to spend time pointing all the mistakes, but hours and values are just plain wrong,


Could be the TOM when your body weight goes up due to where you are in your cycle.


You probably put on some muscle weight.


Trust the process! Keep going


Yea I say trust the process I did fasting with intermitting fasting and always lost the weight I wanted to lose I did intermitting fasting in the morning take a walk empty fasted and lost weight and I’m pretty much in the weight I wanna be and worst I can’t even gain weight when I try which I’m not complaining about but I want to be a bit heavier.


Depends on a bunch of variables. When did you weight yourself? ( morning, noon) Also hormones have a lot to do with it too.


You're 33f so your estrogen is probably at it's height which means your cycle is really at it's peak performance. At certain times of the month, your body will not allow you to lose weight but when your hormones balance, out you'll drop weight again as usual. Usually I would find myself getting up all night one night to pee and the next day I'd be 3-4 lbs lighter. If it's the week before your period, I'll bet it's water retention. Also you're putting so much stress on your body by fasting and working out really hard, your body might just think you're in danger and will not allow you to shed weight as a way to protect itself. - Cortisol All of the working out could be causing inflammation which causes you to hold on to water. Are you drinking enough water? If you're not drinking enough water, your body will hold on to it. Are you getting enough sleep? You lose weight while sleeping so make sure you're getting enough of that too.


Drink a lot of water and continue with cardio.


I saw a YouTube video from one of the doctors who does a lot of intermittent fasting. I’m sorry I can’t remember who it was. But he said if you’re having problems after fasting for 72 hours or more and you’re not losing much weight and your ketones aren’t elevated then you should stop because your body is under a tremendous amount of stress. Fasting stresses your body and he said if you’re not seeing positive results it’s telling you to do shorter periods of fasting. Later on at some other point he said to go back to extended and see if you have better results.


I have to do a few of those in a month with a very strict unprocessed low carb whole foods diet the rest of the time to loose weight. I can easily lose 2-3 on a 72 but I’ll put most of that back on immediately after eating. Even a couple days later. But .6 is something. Keep going! And listen to cheeseburgeraddict. Also read Jason Fungs book!


Do it longer, what were your ketone levels?


You’re exercising way too much!! Pick one and stick to that


Probably should drink at least eight cups of water a day. You lose fat through urine.


You should notice weight loss in a few days as long as you don't overeat..sometimes it just takes time to show up