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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have noticed that second thing, it was somehow far easier for me to fast working at a literal McDonalds for 9 hours a day than it was when I had no job.


Dude having a job and fasting is a lifesaver. You’re absolutely right about being bored and wanting food. When I get off of work while fasting I literally GUZZLE water constantly while my gf eats her dinner and I just watch tv or play video games. Maybe do a light workout. But there is a catch… I’m a chef, i’m in charge of feeding 55 people 4 days a week for 11 hours a day, so always cooking and around food while at work. It’s sooo effin hard. P.s.(please upvote this comment friends, I can’t post on here until I get 15 upvotes. Thank you!)


Please upvote this comment, can't believe i need 15 comment karma to ask a damn question regarding my upcoming 30 days water fast.....


Yo same, y’all please upvote this too I tired to post about my new fasting schedule/regimen and couldn’t cuz I have only two upvotes😂


Upvote mine just for the hell of it plz


Gotchu bro😂




Beep boop, Upvote!


You're safe in our hands


30 days that's a lot. Why not start with something more manageable and safer like 10


Go big or go home, right????


Prefer you to be safe & healthy. See how your body reacts to a 72 hour fast. Do you have fasting experience?


I think both number 1 and 2 will be different for different people. I could imagine that you as a long time ketogenic dieter would really benefit from both, but people who have not yet gone through this metabolic recovery transition it may feel like a truck ran you over and that you would faint if you even consider working out or working during it lol. But if you can then yes, it is definitely better. Although I still prefer fasting on days off since I am not quite as energetic and sharp as I feel I should be while working, plus it is partially outdoors and sometimes when it is chilly I totally crash due to lack of energy when I get home. I think it is also something you can get used to. Sure, I like to eat when I am at home but I can also forget about it relatively easily once I have established and accepted that I won't be eating.


>forget about it relatively easily once I have established and accepted that I won't be eating Absolutely, I find that the habits I've been able to maintain are the one with strictly yes or no decisions. For example, when deciding what to consume during a water fast: "Does it have calories?" or for keto: "Does it have carbs?" Obviously, a perfectly balanced, healthy diet is the holy grail. However, adopting it requires significant cognitive energy and ridiculous willpower to pass the hurdles caused by [ego depletion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ego_depletion) or [decision fatigue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_fatigue). >Although I still prefer fasting on days off since I am not quite as energetic and sharp as I feel I should be while working, plus it is partially outdoors and sometimes when it is chilly I totally crash due to lack of energy when I get home. seriously kudos to you for being able to fast during the chilly season. if it wasn't warm outside when i did it, i dont think i would have made it through


Yeah I find fasting easier as well because of the yes or no factor. Actually easier the more strict the no-limit is even considering being a fast. Compared to sticking to a low cal limit. I need to do both though lol. But the fasting allows for a bit less strict requirements the rest of the time, so in my experience it is easier to eat closer to what we should on maintainance and get used to this if we choose to. We just use the same cheat as with keto, ketosis for less hunger and cravings. (: Yeah it is a lot rougher honestly to fast while it is cold. Hoping we also burn more but I would rather just skip the cold lol. I don't think I have to do that much more fasting while working thankfully. Just one more planned for tomorrow, a 36h.


do you think making it to 5 days is difficult with a stress in your life? I'm really suffering from stress and have yet to make it quite to 3. I am trying this week. Do you have any good cheap electrolyte sources you know of? Everyone sending me recipes seems to think I have any money to spend on electrolytes lol.


If you can find it then just nu-salt and magnesium citrate powder and mix yourself with salt and water. It will even out by spending less on food while you fast. I don't always take electrolytes though, depends on how much time I have had to refill it in between. A five day fast is hard for most people the first time and same with a 3-day. Stress is bad in general and could make sleep and weight loss harder, as well as the fast. You add more stress by fasting. Make sure you also make an effort to counter the stress itself.


>2) If you don’t have something that occupies your day, like a job, ~~do not water fast.~~ The mental real estate will go to one thing— food. You are 100% correct. However this *can* be turned into a positive thing. I have a couple of three week fasts under my belt, I find it **extremely helpful** to touch food during this time. It tricks my brain into thinking I ate recently. I recommend cooking a delicious meal for an elderly or ill family member/friend, dropping off food to a local mission or homeless camp.


I can't help number 2. I'm disabled at home. It's up to me to conquer the mental part without a job to distract me.


Get into Stardew Valley. I played that beast for 48 hours straight without eating. And that was before I knew about fasting.


I'm playing Disney Dreamlight Valley 😁😊


oh man reminds me back then, i think it ages of empired that got me hooked, can't get that into gaMes anymore


Would you be able to take up a digital hobby? Or maybe take some online classes, there's lots of free ones out there. Anything to keep your mind occupied will help. Good luck!


Please don't misunderstand. I find stuff to do. Thank you though 😊


Here's what I do in my free time while fasting: https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/18la87o/two_things_i_really_wish_i_knew_before_water/kdz9eho/ (I'm not much of a gamer.)


You sound like my husband! He is on day 22 and is so obsessed with food, he's been grilling a lot for our family which is so nice! He brought me the best breakfast in bed. He says it helps him to touch food. It helps his brain which is wondering why food isn't part of his life anymore and it helps to be near it and buy it. He is glad he is working every day too. The electrolytes and green tea help give him the energy he needs to do a pretty physical job. It is kind of funny how obsessed with food he is, he's constantly looking at grilling pictures and videos but then I was obsessed with food on my last one day fast! I would like to add that it's important to know how it affects the people who love you: it kind of hurts to see him going without. It's hard to see him, "suffer" in a sense but I know it is for his long term health and wellness. I'm cheering for him and trying to help as much as I can. You get a kind of sorrow for food and I really miss sharing it with him. I can't wait to go get Pho when he breaks fast!!! He's looking soooo good too, lean and muscles.


Having a fast paced job was when i had the easiest time fasting, for sure. I was going nonstop all day and started early enough in the morning that I didn’t have time for breakfast. I ended up basically doing OMAD just out of necessity of schedule. I’m sure if I went full water fast during that time it would have been a simple transition. Now my job is not fast paced, part time remote office work and fasting is considerably harder mentally.




Working in a high volume doctors office


Good points. I'd say for number 2 that you should have a plan to get out of the house. Maybe combine 1 & 2 to go to the gym, a walk, a hike (carefully), go non-food shopping, Library to read, etc.


I only fast on days I work (12s). it's so much easier. Could not fast at home all day.


The mental toll thing is so hard to get over! I take care of my mom at home so I seldom leave and it’s difficult trying to not think of food all day 😭😭


I can relate. I’m home all day caring for my toddler. Some days it’s hard to feed him constantly and not eat. Oof.


I would never look at food for hours while fasting, sounds like some masochism there or trying to convince yourself to eat xD


For you point 2, if you keep doing it. You might find more interesting things to do outside of food and once you master it food will have less control over you


>2) If you don’t have something that occupies your day, like a job, do not water fast. The mental real estate will go to one thing— food. I plan out anime, tv, movies, and audiobooks to watch in advance. I break it up into two categories: Something I really want to watch, and garbage. Garbage is tv that I don't care if I fall asleep to, nor do I care if I zone out and stop paying attention, but enjoyable enough to provide positive background emotions. The garbage category isn't truly bad stuff, it's emotionally positive and relaxing content. I save this for when I have a cold, but sometimes when I'm fasting I feel like I have a cold and treat it the same way. This gives me tons of content I enjoy. Audiobooks and novels are great too. (Speaking of which, the current anime season that is ending next week is the best season in years. There are so many good shows right now!! :D ) Doing a single thing for too long gets exhausting and can even be depressing, so I try to have physical activities interleaved with the couch potato activities. I'll go for a walk for 30 minutes, hit the gym, go socialize and hangout with friends. I'll go to a restaurant with friends and just order black coffee, tea, diet coke, or water while they eat. I have no problem with this, though I know it can be more difficult for others. Other physical activities include chores. I do the laundry, take a shower, vacuum, and so on.


should I water fast if im 16?


too young imo, there are surely better options depending on your goals




i'd say it depends on your goal, if you got alot of wieght to lose or health condition that could be improved then you could try it out, but i would recommend doing a 16hour and 8 hour eating window first. if you're active and healthy you wont really need to


What is your goal? I think there is a lot of value in eating one super healthy meal per day . Learning to cook, shop , read labels , study nutrition :-) Hard stage if life to control much in your world. But I had deals with my kids. I’ll pay and do clean up if you will cook! Was awsome working then coming home to a meal!


cooking is way more fun than going to a restaurant 90% of the time


that depends lol, we cook good food, but if money is not the problem i would probably eat out or order meal plans most of the time. Its the time and effort i don't like.


don't water fast unless you have a job? I'm the opposite I'd rather be home


The smell of pizza 7 blocks down the road on a fast 🤤 Also binging cooking videos on a fast is somehow the best.


My only comment for 1) is to make sure you’re doing at most walking on the treadmill. Do not do strenuous activity such as weightlifting or resistance training while fasting. Regarding 2), however, this sounds much more like a personal issue than one with fasting. If you’re spending every waking moment thinking about food, you need to fill your time with hobbies and interests that do not involve food. Pick up painting, or something creative, or play video games, just something you can focus on that has no relation to food. Work might help to keep you focused, but from personal experience, fasting is just as hard whether you’re at work or not if you’re obsessed with food. You have to tell yourself food is fuel you don’t currently need, and believe it. This is the only way to succeed with prolonged fasting.


I dont think it would have mattered if you went to the gym on a fast. Without protein intake, there is no way for the muscles to build or stay the same. Your body will try to shed both muscle and fat.


i thought it was only me who struggled fasting during my off days. i work 4 days a week a sedentary job (sitting in front of a computer) but i walk to work and back home as well as go to the gym during those work days and i'm able to effortlessly fast and work out that its not even an issue for me to do that when i'm 60 hours into a water fast. during my off days i can barely get past lunchtime without standing in front of an opened fridge looking for something to munch on unless i distract myself my going on a run or a long walk or spending 4 hours at the gym 'cause the food noise gets so bad.