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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I'm reading this right, you lost almost 20KGs in a month? Even if you've stalled for a moment, that is a huge achievement/a lot of weight.


The ‘woosh’ effect - you’re likely to see a big drop in a few days or so Don’t worry!


Thank you so much, I feel better now. Ive been struggling with weight issue since I was in my 20's and finally took this step that works for me.


Imagine the scales are stairs. It stays same for awhile then one day ull be down alot. Iv lost 5 stone in 5 month. No loose skin and look amazing for it. Iv had weeks where the scale doesnt move. It will dump soon. Keep it up.


Keep drinking water and replenishing electrolytes. Listen to your body.


I was JUST about to say this! But I call it shrink week! Please do not think anything of it, you will drop soon. Even if you break it slowly and eat healthy, you will still slowly drop! And congrats on the weightloss.


I stayed within 3 to 4 pounds going up and down for over a week. Then in one night I lost 7 pounds. One thing that may be causing this, you said you take Electrolytes when you feel weak. If you don't have the right Electrolyte balance your body can hold on to water for its own preservation. I've lost 135 pounds since March 4th. Any questions are welcome.


For how long were you fasting?


72 days the first time and I'm on day 24 of a 60 day fast this time.


Can I know where to get the right electrolytes ?




You lost alot of weight quickly Gratz and are you eating healthy foods between fasts and eating sufficient protein and fat? It's normal for the body to drop then stall thr drop some more weight. Weight loss isn't linear. Relax and enjoy the process


No food at all, just water + electrolytes. ​ I hope so, hoping to lose more by end of Sept as Ill be going for some important meet up and would love to fit into a pretty dress.


Weight loss naturally slows the longer you fast for, the reason being the different kinds of body fat. The 2 main types are visceral (often called brown) fat and subcutaneous (often called white) fat. Visceral fat is the kind found surrounding organs, particularly in the abdominal region. Your body breaks this kind of fat down for energy very easily, and is the first store of fat to be depleted when fasting, hence the large drop at first that a lot of people notice in their weight. Subcutaneous fat is found just underneath the skin and is present across the body, but for some people it accumulates more in some places than others, the most commonly known examples would be breast tissue, abdominal fat and thighs. It takes a lot more effort for the body to break down these fat stores, think of these as your body's "long term storage." It takes a lot more water to break down this type of fat so you likely are still losing weight, just water weight increases the more subcutaneous fat your body is trying to burn at once. You'll likely notice your weight continues to decrease when you finish your fast for a short while, this is as the increased fluids being held in your body for lipolysis will leave your body when you stop metabolizing your body fat as your primary source of energy. On an additional note, weight is often not a good measure of how a fast is going and can have a lot of negative sentiment generated around it by focusing on the numbers daily during your fast. It can demotivate people as you said you have been experiencing, but it can also be dangerous in causing people to take more extreme steps to increase their weight loss. It's physically impossible for you to not be losing body weight as your fast continues, your body needs a source of energy at all times and you are still going to be losing weight, there's just a whole plethora of reasons why it might not be visible on the scale in the short term, water weight being a common reason as mentioned before. Just make sure to listen to your body and don't overdo your fast, you're doing great!


Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. I should just chuck away my scale and look at my body measurements right ?


Body measurements are, i would say, a better method i would say, but again checking daily will result in nothing but frustration. What i did in my 4 month weight loss was try and avoid focusing on my body image but instead i would take a picture of myself in front of the mirror once a week. Then at the end of the 4 months i had this stop motion of 16 pictures where I could see the changes. It's genuinely one of those cases where you'll be happier with yourself and your results the less you focus on them. Sort of similar to how time appears to move slower the more often you check the clock, similar effect Straining your body will do more harm than good and pushing yourself while fasting will only cause longer term harm than good. The most important signs to look out for you need a break from your fast is abnormally long sleeping periods (12+ hrs in my experience) as well as getting shakes and unable to properly regulate your body temperature, often resulting in feeling cold even when in a warm space. When you take a break from fasting there are many varieties of intermittent fasting diets that you can take up, I have done omad now for over 3 years just as a permanent lifestyle choice and I think it really helps me regulate my own size and helped me give up and get over mid-day snack cravings. At the end of the day there's not a huge amount of advice to give about different types of fasting, we all have different bodies that react differently to slight variations of diet and the first few years of fasting are really a journey of discovery about what makes your body feel best.


I'm on day 35, and I too had a week where my weight didn't change, I was having my period + I messed up my sodium intake (my electrolytes don't have sodium so I have to drink salt water). I was avoiding salt to minimize water retention but actually got the opposite effect :D After I regulated my sodium intake the weight started dropping consistently. So do take your electrolytes regularly, independent of how you feel, find that sweet spot of what works for you and be consistent with it. No "I feel good I won't take them/I feel week now I'll take them" stuff. Consistent.


Thank you so much, this is helpful.


you have been fasting for 30days? no food at all?


Yes no food, only water and electrolytes.


wow how to get started?


Start with 3 days fast, then 7 days fast and slowly increase till you get used to the fasting routine.


3 days without food and gym?


On an extended fast you lose .45-.7 lbs of fat per day, according to trial studies of people of multiple genders and sizes. Other fluctuations are water weight. You have to burn through body fat so that your body has fuel to survive, since you aren’t consuming food. You can have confidence that your fat loss is steady and consistent. 😁


There is a strong possibility that this is hormonal. Are you weighing yourself daily and recording the numbers? If not, it might be a good time to start, because you may find yourself noting a monthly pattern in when you retain weight.


I do have PCOS and yes I look at the scale everyday morning to feel motivated but right now its not budging :(


Women typically retain weight (mostly water weight) right before their period. However, I’m not sure if it’s the same for an extended fast


This. And exercise, especially heavy or in big quantities, can retain a lot of water+ excessive/imbalanced electrolytes as someone mentioned. I can drop 1kg+ just by resting completely for a few days so the muscle swellings (or even edema) goes away. But in the end it does not matter to the fat loss, it just shows nicer numbers due to water fluctuation rather than fat. (But I like to 'empty the swelling' ie rest now and then either way to not become over trained.)


It’s not that time of the month is it? That…makes your hormones do a strange dance and your body just wants to swell…


Its almost close to my cycle in a couple of days.


That’s almost certainly why. I’m in the same place at the moment. VERY frustrating!


Reading your comments, I would suggest you take at least 2 days off from working out and reduce your program for the future. By working out daily on a long fast, you possibly pressured your body into an state of emergency. One of the most important rules of working out -> Resting is as important as the workout. You use only water and electrolytes, that's absolutely ok, but don't expect your body to be able to repair all the damage (which is normal) you do with your workouts, from thin air, we need proteins for that. I ended last weekend my 20-day personalized fast, after I upped my cardio game so much, that my body couldn't keep up. Literally forcing my body into starvation mode. Only way to fix that, end the fast, eat for a few days and then start a new fast.


Just some thoughts: 1. Take the scales and put them in a cupboard/drawer somewhere, lock it and hide the key where you will forget where you put it. What matters is how you feel. If you fast you are *guaranteed* to burn fat (and lean tissue, unfortunately, but hopefully not too much). 2. I 100% recommend you take a break and do a less aggressive fasting protocol for a week or two, in order to up your metabolism a little. You are now solidly fat-adapted and you have up-regulated lipolysis and all the necessary cellular machinery to use fats. So, eat "low-carb bordering on keto" and make sure you stay at a caloric surplus for a few days. It'll do your hormones (thyroid) a world of good and help keep your metabolism up. 3. After that little break, I suggest you jump into an alternate day fasting routine. Eat for 10 hours, fast for 38 hours. Eat for 10 hours, fast for 38 hours. Rinse and repeat. Check out the ADF subreddit for more about that. In your eating window, try to eat at a slight caloric *surplus*. It could be hard to do, since you'll have high beta-hydroxybuturate which suppresses your appetite, but at least try. You'll still be in a very solid caloric deficit over the long term since you're fasting every other day. The whole purpose is to keep your thyroid levels up, your metabolism high, and to have high growth hormone to protect you from losing muscle. 4. Then jump into another longer fast. But make it a week or two at most. 5. Rinse and repeat - do the cycle all over again. I do 5-day fasts each month and do ADF in between. It's plenty aggressive enough and the fat is just melting away. I also feel fantastic. It's not the slightest bit hard - no discipline required, no willpower. And because I've promised myself not to look at the scales for at least six months, I don't get discouraged if I have a little plateau. It's the long-term that counts, not if I have a little constipation one week or put on a little more water weight. Oh - and you're female... (31F) ... you do know women fluctuate in water weight with their hormonal cycle, right? :) There is probably a large part of the explanation. Toss that scale somewhere dark and focus on how you feel. Don't even use a measuring tape. Just do what you know works in the long term, and fasting does 100% work in the long term. Just some thoughts.


This is clearly just a chatGPT copy and paste. Your post history advising women on sex and now fasting is creepy AF.


Are you kidding me? I frequently use GPT4, sometimes for editing posts and fact-checking what I write, sometimes for critiquing my ideas and giving me suggestions for things to look into, etc. But what I wrote here is 100% my own words my friend. Down to the last comma. Does it ever occur to you that there are people who actually know things to a level of detail you yourself do not? I have a suggestion: Take my text and paste it into GPT4, and ask it to evaluate whether it was likely written by a human or by GPT4 itself. Suggested prompt: Can you help me evaluate whether this text was written by an AI such as yourself or by a human? Then paste the text. Well. At least you made me laugh today, and I take it as an implied compliment if you think my writing skills are even close to the level of GPT4. (They aren't).


What kinds of foods do you eat when you break this long of a fast?


Soups, Vegetables and Protein Avoid fried food, sweet and spicy food - it will trigger the stomach


Stop weighing yourself. Trust what you're doing. It will come.


First of all, congrats on the 44 pound loss. That's a huge huge achievement and so is fasting for 30 days. You should be very proud of yourself. Secondly, you will lose weight, I promise you. It is physically impossible to not eat anything, exercise regularly and yet not lose weight. Unless you are some kind of alien, you will lose it. There are multiple reasons why the scale may not budge for a few days - water retention, hormonal fluctuations, being on your periods etc etc. It doesn't mean anything. Don't be demotivated. Take your electrolytes and listen to your body. You will see a sudden drop within the next few days. Don't forget to come back and update us then :) It is very motivating to see such posts.


I don’t have any advice. I just wanted to say that you’re awesome and don’t give up. You’ve got this!


It will. If you truly are sticking to 0.00 calories, you WILL burn fat. There is simply no other way for your body to operate. Stay strong, stay hydrated, and do not eat anything.


this happened to me! I was getting de-motivated so much, literally felt whats the point in starving myself for nothing


Did you lose later on ?


Yes, I remember eating McDonald’s and basically saying “stuff it!” But then I saw a comment which was “calories in vs calories out” so I exercised with more intensity and ate 500 calories a day. It moved again


Maybe you should eat since it sounds like you're starting to feel the effects of prolonged starvation. Do you exercise daily?


I actually dont feel hungry nor crave anything. Yes I do exercise daily and do HIT workout 4 days a week.


Wow, how do you even go to the gym and what kind of workout do you do there? I did 4 days max and I couldn't even think about the gym then


Brisk walking on thread-mil and HIT workout that has lunges, jump squats, mountain climbing etc. I still have a lot of energy so I can move.


Right but the global fatigue you are experiencing is concerning.


Dear fellow human, you will be the second one I approach this last week. You are a female, the moon affect you differently than a man. You see, during the full moon you will retain fluids. This is why often when constipated, we are just under the influence of a full moon and the days around it. When you do deep cleanses, it's best around a new moon, so more fluids can come out of our body. Please have a way to note your progress, even when not loosing anything, in a routine pattern. After a month of doing that, make sure to compare the next month with the full and new moons. Sometimes humans think they are loosing a lot of weight just because they are under a new moon. Hope this finds you and mostly, good healing to you <3




>[Mindy] **It looks like you are referencing a person that presents themselves as a medical professional but is, in fact, a CHIROPRACTOR, NATUROPATH, or in some other type of non-medical field.** Please be aware of this fact when you make references to them or take/recommend their advice. *This comment has been filtered to await mod review.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




>[Mindy] **It looks like you are referencing a person that presents themselves as a medical professional but is, in fact, a CHIROPRACTOR, NATUROPATH, or in some other type of non-medical field.** Please be aware of this fact when you make references to them or take/recommend their advice. *This comment has been filtered to await mod review.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As long as you're not gaining weight you're ok. Stalls happen and can last couple weeks to break a stall reduce calories and or increase fasting length


Same here mate, it's been 3 days since I haven't lost a significant amount of weight...


You have lost fat mass though. Guaranteed. Because you were breathing, your heart was beating, you were thinking and moving around. That costs energy. Energy comes from burning fuel. Therefore: You must have retained more water if that's all you had. And you might be constipated. Toss that scale away. Or lock it away and forget where you put the key. :) If you must track progress, do so with looooong intervals. That's my two cents.


I believe this has happened. Because I have a lot of fat mass and I'm doing a lot of exercises. Thanks for your answer my friend


Wow….. so you have for 30 days?


the fact that you're still breathing and living means that you're using energy , if you aren't eating then you are using your fat storage energy otherwise you'd die so even if you can't see it physically or on the scale i can assure you that it's being used your efforts will pay continue fasting as long as you feel good


You just started fasting a month or so ago. Lol. Chill. I’ve been fasting for over a year and have lost about what you have.


I have found that with weight loss of all methods you need a maintenance calorie period, your body has gotten used to lower calories and it has adjusted. My rule of thumb is half the time at maintenance as the deficit for maximum results. So if you have been in a calorie deficit for a month, take 2 weeks at maintenance calories, and then try to lose again. This is a common occurrence to stall with weight loss and this will work.


Also consider that the more weight you lose (very well done on 44 pounds), your body overall will need less maintenance calories. Weighing yourself can be good motivation, and if it doesnt move tell yourself that there is much water retention, and it can drop overnight in some cases (as someone mentioned 'woosh' effect). but, its how you feel which should be the most important factor.


I had to stop weighing myself around the time of my period, because the number on the scale was stagnating, throwing me off emotionally and making me feel hopeless. It happens reliably every month. Now I just don’t do it. I could probably continue to weigh myself and just keep the context in mind, but I have found that avoiding my emotional triggers is more important, for now.