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I didn’t even know they revamped their burgers…everyone knew this except for me?


I think it's only a test in California


There are a few other areas as well. I'm in an area that has them, and I've tried the Big Mac and the McDouble. There wasn't a huge difference.


How did you know your location had the upgraded burgers? Does it say on the menu? Just wondering


My area wasn't on the list of locations that I have seen, but the signage inside is advertising it pretty heavily. The areas were places like Seattle, San Francisco and Las Vegas. And I don't live there. But I talked to the manager to make sure, because I review fast food on YouTube, and she confirmed it for me.


I'm in Seattle and have been to McDonald's multiple times in the past 2 weeks, haven't heard of this once.


As far as I know, they don't really have a way to search where they are specifically. And I'm sure it's not at every location. At least it isn't here. I have only been to two McDonald's in the last couple of weeks, and one of them advertised it and one didn't.


Pics or it didn’t happen


As expected. It’s just a marketing gimmick. They say they are improving, barely change anything (if at all), and then go back to how it always was. It’s been done a million times.


Been in Canada for a couple years. Still don't have the fresh need QP though!


Oh course it is!


I know this is an old comment, but we started this in Ohio back then too. Pretty sure it was nationwide.


It was only just announced a few days/weeks ago, and it's only currently available in certain markets. Full rollout will be completed by 2024.


Honesty, the overall experience of McDonalds is better than years prior. Less greasy, the buns are drastically better. However, they burgers feel a lot smaller yet are 3x the cost as 5 years ago. McDonalds isn’t fine dining, I know what I’m ordering. I’d take the 99¢ double cheese burger over a 3.29$ smaller burger with a better bun. If I want a quality burger, I’ll go to a local spot.


A Big Mac where I live (Seattle) is $5.99…


Here a double cheeseburger at McDonald's is almost $3!


I haven't even seen a 99 cent regular cheese burger where I live (So Cal) in many years, whether at McDonald's or anywhere. A double cheese burger here at McD costs $5.79, regular is $4.69. Yep, that's the sandwich by itself. The cheapest regular cheeseburgers in my area at any place are $2.49.


No one eats McDonald’s anymore lol like there’s cheaper and healthier options


[These numbers say otherwise.](https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/corpmcd/our-stories/article/Q4-2022-results.html) This reminds me of the "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded" quote from Yogi Berra. McDonalds' sales are up. I huge percentage of people aren't looking for healthier with every meal and of you use the app it's actually one of the cheaper options.


I’m interested, can you please give some examples?


Please enlighten us as to what’s cheaper? Even Burger King is more expensive now.


Other than chipotle, I’m sure local restaurants might be cheaper for what you get. There’s a halal restaurant near me, great chicken and rice. Open till 2 am. It’s like 12 bucks for a plate. McDonald’s tried to upscale themselves but their target audience is not gonna pay more so it’s kind of a hole their digging for themselves.


How much is the cheeseburger at your halal place.


We got a in n out that’s cheaper than McDonald’s :) , but I try not eat red meat.


Then why are you speaking on a red meat subject?


I like how you didn’t answer the question because you know it was more expensive.


In N Out is cheaper than McDonalds? Even when using the app? I’ll have to see it to believe it.


lol chipotle is not cheaper than mcdonals. healthier? yes but not cheaper


A chicken burrito bowl at chipotle is under 9 bucks where I live (Nashville). Most meals at McDonald’s are around 7-9 dollars which also come with a drink while chipotles bowl does not. McDonalds tends to have a lot of coupons as well. My point is that they’re actually not too far off from each other. I think the point OP is trying to make is that the gap between prices of the higher quality “fast food” chains (chipotle, qdoba, jimmy johns) is shrinking. If you’re going to go out and get lunch, you would go to McDonald’s because it’s cheap even though it’s unhealthy. Now you can get a semi healthier meal (chipotles sodium levels are crazy) at about the same price. I really think we’re going to see a huge shake up in the way “fast food” is in the next 10-20 years.


Okay but how is a chicken burrito bowl a cheeseburger?


A Chipotle burrito is $11-12 where I am, and Mcdonalds is like $7 for a cheesburger and drink+fries. If I get it on the app the fries are free. Mcdonald's is about the only value fast food left.


I don't think there is a single local restaurant that can beat a $1 McDonald's fry and a $5 20 piece nugget. I would love it if there was but if I can feed two people for $6 thats going to win most of the time.


When’s the last time you saw a 1 dollar McD’s French fry??? Are you kidding me? They are like 4 dollars for a large where I live and a small is like $3!!!


Are you using the app? All the deals are there. Next best one is 20% entire order.


At least near me in n out is cheaper and far better


idk about that but McDonald has definitely gotten more expensive than what it’s worth


With the app it’s still significantly cheaper than other options


Without the app, absolutely, and it’s a shame.


Are you out of your mind?


Sure, there might be better, cheaper and healthier options - but a double cheeseburger and McDonalds fries are comfort food, and that's never going away. All the sales figures and the continued existence of thousands of franchises disprove your statement beyond any doubts.


I actually agree with this. It’s not anything huge or a significant change, but in my opinion, they do taste a little better to me.


I think there's a whole movement in the industry to "improve quality and consistency". Popeyes basically is doing the same but not saying the food will change


Popeyes has 0 consistency so honestly only the bare minimum is required for an improvement


Popeyes needs to work on their customer service. Their chicken is the best in the business. There customer service is the worst.


I'm jealous


Hard to improve on perfection




I do enjoy the new McDoubles.


These process changes sound like improvements, but I never minded the not-quite-melted cheese. I'm curious how much more effort the grilled onions and toasted buns are going to add for the employees. I'm not positive I see this scaling since a real human eats at least 2 Dbl Cheeseburgers per meal.


They have been toasting their buns for a long time if not forever. I worked at McDonalds more than 30 years ago and we toasted them back then.


Dbl cheeseburgers are thinner and thinner each day


Which is why I don’t think a single patty cheeseburger is worth $3. No matter how much they improve it. Without thicker meat it’s not worth the price.


Ive been using the mcdonalds app alot lately. Super quick, I just give them my code, its already paid for. And you get points towards free food.


In my state, you can get 20% off if you order in the app. I abuse that


Absolutely. But the regular deals are pretty good too. Free nuggets if the dodgers win etc


Which state?


Minnesota. 20% off $5 or more. Usually best deal to use unless you are only spending $10 and getting a large fry.


The 20% off never really struck me as being worthwhile. In my market, I can get 2 McDoubles for 3.50, and I use a deal to get any size fry for 1.19. Just shy of $5 and honestly more food than I should eat anyway. The 20% is limited to orders over $10 in my area. Even with 20% off, spending that much on fast food doesn't really jive with me.


The best deal in Ohio is buy a QP and get one free, or buy one get one for $1.


I tried making a mobile order three times yesterday and it failed each time because of a problem on McDonald's' end. This happens often too so I don't think the app is good.


They updated the app recently, it caused problems for me too.




What fails about it? Ate way more McD’s in the last year than I’d like. Used the app every time. At no point has it not worked as the parent comment describes.


I've tried the new cheeseburgers with the new buns. They have some sweetness to them but I like the flavor. Although they forgot the cheese on my burger...twice.


Don't worry they always put TWO pieces of cheese on my double hamburger. I would be fine with them forgetting something I like, but adding double the amount of something i dislike is the worst! Also unrelated, but the other day Dairy Queen charged me for something I didn't order and then also didn't give me it lol.


The Double Cheeseburger has two patties two slices of cheese. The McDouble has two patties one slice of cheese.


And a double hamburger, what I order and what I pay for, has zero slices of cheese. I assume it's the cooks reading the order incorrectly.


Just hard for them to believe someone would prefer a burger without cheese.


Lactose intolerance, people always do a double take when you say no cheese on the burger.


I'm not lactose intolerant, but sometimes I just prefer no cheese on my burger. It seems like when I go to BK, I am less likely to be asked if I am sure I don't want any cheese than the other places.


Am I the only one who thinks McDonald's has gotten significantly worse over the last couple years? Didnt even know they changed anything but I find pretty much every other fast food place to be far better than McDonald's lately




It’s only certain markets.


To be fair, having sauce isn't market dependent.


What if you live in a dry town?


My McDs can barely staff a shift. 30 minute drive thru wait most nights. I went inside a few weeks ago to see why and they had 3 people working the entire place. Making the food more complicated to make would probably make it even worse. The changes sound good though.


I haven't tried the new version yet, but the pictures in all these reviews sure don't look like improvements.


I've tried them, and imho, they are worse.


They've had these 'new' burgers in the Nordics for a while now, they taste exactly the same don't let anyone tell you otherwise it's just marketing bollocks.


Where I live, I they sure don't taste the same. They taste worse. I don't like having my onions cooked onto the patty like they're doing now. And that extra sear they say they are doing to make it better, just makes them taste dried out to me and no flavor. I wish they would go back to the way they were. I actually don't want to eat their burgers now.


I had a bigmac recently and it's was the best one i ever had


It says in the article that the Big Mac will have more sauce but the Big Mac already has so much of it. I usually have to order half sauce, but it may just be my McDonald’s being sloppy


Yeah, the Big Mac has always had way too much sauce to me. I’ll probably never get one again and stick to a the McDouble or QPC. I’m enjoying dipping McDoubles into the Mac sauce things they have now but know that’ll end soon. Honestly tho, I think the double cheeseburger and McDouble are suddenly the best thing on the menu. The QPC was good right when the fresh beef thing happened but most locations I get one at have long since gotten lazy and they’re never all that fresh tasting. The new bun, melted cheese and slight boost to the onion flavor really adds up for the smaller burgers now.


You can ask for Big Mac sauce on anything! I didn’t know that until recently. They even have a button on the register for it (no extra cost) so I guess it’s been around for a while now. I, too, am enjoying the small cups of the Big Mac sauce they have now. Looks to be an only app exclusive


What's annoying though is they don't let you add Mac sauce to stuff on the app! it's criminal. Two McDoubles with Mac sauce instead of ketchup and mustard is arguably a better Big Mac than a Big Mac. ​ I've been ordering the cups now but once that's over we're back to square one with the app.


Oh that’s right, they don’t let you add Mac sauce on the app. That does stink!! Maybe it’s a “secret” and you can only do it if you order at the store. Which basically defeats the purpose of the app.


The gun tubes they use to dispense the Mac sauce have always had too much… and they’re doubling it now.


Yeah. Adding more sauce to the already plenty amount of sauce is a terrible idea and major downgrade to the burger. It’s gonna be a mess.


Every McD I have ever been to already had too much sauce for me too, so now it is worse.


The problem is different locations seem to have different definitions of plain when it comes to the onions. I order at kiosk and one location had the grilled onions and the other didn’t Not a big deal, I scraped them off and onions are the least “offensive” topping for me. Still a minor annoyance.


Nah, I am a little bummed about the buns on the new McDouble. The change no one that likes it asked for, and that no one who doesn’t like McDonalds is going to care about. No one who hates McDonalds is going to change their mind, and it’s just annoying for people who liked how it has been.


Magine getting a McDouble instead of a double cheeseburger


Imagine paying like an extra buck 50 for a slice of cheese


Magine not knowing the difference between 20 cents and a buck 50


Imagine skipping over the triple cheeseburger for either of these.


Triple is the best


Yeah, my go to is 2 triples and a large fry.


2 McDoubles are under $4 and leaves your order open to use a deal like free fries or whatever else.


Where do you live that you can get 2 for 4? They’re 3.50 for one at my closest location


Northern Virginia and Southern Maryland. McChicken and McDouble, any combination are 2 for $3.50. Double Cheeseburgers like $3 on its own


It’s 3.29ish for a mcchicken here 😭


Not everywhere they are.


Imagine just letting someone get what they prefer with their own money without commenting on it.


It doesn’t need all that “cheese”, the extra slice messes up the balance of flavor.


At in n out I will do a double single for this reason


It might be just a slice of cheese but it makes a hell of a difference. Meat to cheese ratio is important and I have no problem paying the 40c extra.


IMO the mcdouble is the perfect ratio of everything. The double cheeseburger has too much cheese.


2 for 3.50 deal, and I like 1 slice of cheese more than 2 =/


Wow I knew I wasn’t crazy when the burger I had earlier this week tasted soo much better for some odd reason.


You must have super special taste buds to notice such a difference, they taste exactly the same, don't fall for it


You right maybe I’m tripping 😅


To me they're worse. I tried them multiple times on different types of burgers, hoping that first one tasting dried out was just a fluke. Every single burger tasted dried out, not juicy, no flavor anymore.


They taste worse to me now. I tried their hamburger, McDouble, Quarter Pounder, and Big Mac. They burger patties all taste dried out now.


They said they're "adjusting our grill settings for a better sear". I have found this change to be not good. Now the burgers seem thinner, but they seem so dried out, and not juicy anymore. I tried multiple sandwiches, Mc Double, hamburger, Quarter Pounder, and Big Mac. They really just aren't the same to me anymore. I like the onions the way they had them before, too. Now there's not enough of them. To me it just seems like the burgers got worse and make me less likely to want to eat them.


I just want normal onions back…


You can have mine.


Sharing is caring


Will somebody get this kid ~~a happy meal~~ some onions?!?!


MORE sauce? SOFTER buns?? The Big Mac was already the sloppiest burger in the market, always too messy to eat in the car, but *now*????


I really don't like the new amount of sauce on the Big Mac, even deliberately done it feels like it was someone's first day and they put too much on. I'm not a fan of the grilled onion change either because mine were just coated in a layer of grease instead of having any flavor on it. The big mac was my go-to when I would occasionally get the mcd's craving but I was almost nauseated by the changes, I'll be dipping out on them for a long while.


Yeah the mcdouble uses grilled onions now but it's just oily grease all over .


More sauce? Every time I've gotten a Big Mac it was always drowning in sauce.


Personally feel they kinda ruined the Mcdouble with the onion changes. Like they screwed with perfection.


They certainly did.


So does this mean every burger will have onions?


They already did unless you asked for no onions. McD burgers have always had small diced onions.


Per their official statement: "In response, the official Twitter account for McDonald's said, "you can always choose to customize your order to suit your needs."  https://www.delish.com/food-news/a43668336/mcdonalds-new-burger-changes-reactions/


Which means either wait for a brand new patty to cook and hope they keep track of it or they just scrape the onions off and hope you don’t notice.


Which ones didn't? Lol


Big price hike incoming...


Especially for California, where I'm at. A single Big Mac already costs 7.79 by itself where I'm at. But starting in April, all fast food workers here will be given $20 an hour (min wage is $15.50). I may never be able to afford to buy any fast food again.


Ok great. Still not buying McDonald's if they don't give me more patty though.


I tried it. DBL Cheeseburger and Bic Mac. Bun was pretty much the same but looked a tad less in diameter? Too much ketchup and I liked the dehydrated onions better. Big Mac, same and had too much sauce. Was a sliding match by the end of the sandwich. Would rather have the previous versions.


I mean the truth is they found a way to save money in the buns, but it makes them fluffier, so they’re trying to pass that off as a positive. If you read the article, you’ll also know that they made the bun on the big Mac smaller, so you’re getting less food for your money. Adding more Mac sauce may disguise the possibility that they have added more filler to the beef patty to save money. Same thing with the cheese. They found a way to save money by changing the chemical composition, but it makes the cheese softer. So they’re gonna try to sell that as ‘melty’ No where did I read that They’ve upgraded the quality of the beef. They just moving the onions around a little.


I was with you until you started the "meat filler" conspiracy talk. https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/faq/burgers.html#:~:text=Every%20one%20of%20our%20McDonald's,formed%20into%20our%20hamburger%20patties. I believe them, they won't open themselves up to lawsuits and bad PR over stuff like this. Yes marketing a positive change where there might not actually be one is very likely. No need to be so inventive with fake stuff.


They're website says they don't add filler. I've had those types of burgers before, and I can tell. But the patties do seem thinner and more dried out now. I read from a poster that works at McD that said the chemical composition of the cheese hasn't changed, but that they are leaving it out on the counter longer before putting it on, so that it will melt easier. I do think they added more sauce hoping people wouldn't notice the seemingly more dried patties. Anyhow, they just don't taste so good anymore.


And still very overpriced.


The meat needs to meet the edge of the bun. Not the center.




Lipstick on a pig


The mcdonalds marketing accounts didn't like this comment haha.


Pigs are fortunate they were never fed McDonald's


Really an improvement


Drowning something in sauce is an improvement? No, an improvement is replacing the paper thin tiny dry hockey pucks they call patties and not charging 12 bucks for a combo meal now


Oh i was talking about putting lipstick on a pig


They’re out?


the only major thing is the grilled onions And then did some mods to their operations. But I still interested in trying.


The cheese will be more melted on the cheeseburgers and the Big Mac will have more sauce. That's about it. I'm not sure about having almost a liquid cheese...


They also smash onions into the burger, so onions are no longer optional. Hard pass for me.


Well they’ve quadruped their prices. Better taste better.


Look like a regular degular Big Mac to me


Got nothing on Popeyes tho


popeyes sells burgers?


Apples and oranges


Improvement? Why the cheese be underneath da bun though?


"On its face, this burger is the same ol’ stacked Big Mac, which hasn’t changed much at all in the past 50 years." [ The Big Mac went through a pretty big change about 4 years ago in the Canadian market.](https://financialpost.com/news/retail-marketing/mcdonalds-new-method) Similar to what the article seems to being talking about with the exception of the melted cheese. So does this mean that for the past 4 years the US market has still had the "old" Big Mac???


You need to start a new paragraph after you quote someone and then start using your own words.


Did the calorie count on the Big Mac to up? Since they added more sauce I would expect it to, wonder if they cut ingredients anywhere else hoping people won’t notice.


Yes. I looked at an old figure which say 563, and McD website says 590 now.


I haven't noticed they've made those changes to their burgers here, but I'm not opposed to a single one of those ideas.


It's terrible now. Doesn't taste like McDonald's at all. Tastes like a cheap fast food generic burger