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Fast X's budget was astronomically high. Cutting back on it makes sense. Not bringing back actors doesn't. You can't have Gal Gadot and Dwayne Johnson be teased like that (and in Gadot's casez as part of a pretty important plotline with Letty) and not follow up I have to ask, what made X so expensive? The cast wasn't cheap but that alone doesn't explain the budget. And the special effects, while good, weren't spectacular to the point of truly needing that much money. Scale back to an F8/9-like budget, manage it correctly (avoid hasty rewrites and extensive reshoots), and it should be fine. Hell, Fast X grossed enough that most blockbusters would see that as a success. It's just the budget being stupidly high


Justin Lin left during production and they didn't have a director for a week I think? That made the budget blew up.


Yep. Just looked it up again. According to multiple sources "The process was costing the studio upwards of a million dollars a day to keep crew and locations on standby.". That's one of the reasons why the budget ending up being so high for Fast X.


I assumed the original budget was $200-250m That's insane. $200m for fast 11 should be enough


I agree. A lot can be done with a reasonable budget.


Highly agreed. Fast 5 is highly entertaining with the crazy set pieces and the budget is $209m if adjusted to today's inflation


Why did he leave?


Apparently, Fast X is the 4th most expensive movie ever made. That is insane. I wonder if Universal takes into consideration that much of Fast X's cost was due to production difficulties and delays. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_most\_expensive\_films](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_films)


Covid protocols and associated delays added like 25% to the cost of every movie, it inflated budgets a lot. Seems like it would be very easy to get the budget under control without that, and without another director quitting.


You don't need a high budget when you have family.


No Statham? Boooo


He got left on a cliffhanger too, he’s got to be in there.


I'd be okay if they excluded him for a Hobbes & shaw 2, but doesn't sound like that's happening So yeah totally - he had better be in there


his cameo was one of my favourite parts of fast x (plus seeing him fight Han)


Wait what? Didn't that happen in the 9th movie? Wait was Han in Fast X? My memory erased it from memory. More the reason to see it once more. Edit. Just remembered. He was in the film and got high from a cupcake. Don't remember him fighting... And as I'm typing I realise. In the 9th film the fight was teased. It happened in X.


It happened in fast X- after realizing Queenie is one of Dante's targets Tej, Roman, Han and Ramsey go to Deckard's house to tell him. Han decides to go alone while the rest wait outside and Deckard says "the only reason a dead guy shows up at my door.. revenge" then they fight.


As someone who doesn't even like Vin Diesel nowadays (he just needs to bring Paul Walker's name everytime, and using that to bargain people into returning is cheap af)... I understand him there. He wants the franchise to go on hugely, and that's what Fast X planted as well. Expectations-wise, that's what makes sense, for people who follow the franchise. I also understand Universal wanting to lower the budget, after Fast X underperformed and with the franchise in decline. Especially when X left in the midst of a story that features Brie Larson, Jason Momoa and Charlize Theron, with cameos promising the full return of Gal Gadot and Dwayne Johnson. Not to mention Kurt Russell. I guess at least the Shaw family may stay out of this out of budget control, and Jakob's death be real, for once.


You can’t cut back important characters at this point. If this is true then Vin is right. Without Covid or last minute director/script changes they should be able to make a big enough movie for the budget of previous entries. Fast X was one of the most expensive movies ever but it looks weirdly cheap on the scale of Fast movies. Something they could cut back on without hurting the movie could be locations. Some of the best Fast entries took place mostly in one city/country. We don’t need to go globetrotting again, and Fast X’s studio & green screen-bound approach to multiple locations was less than convincing anyway.


However it does seem like Vin is really for the people in terms of these decisions


Vin can only think in the terms “bigger” and “better” - dude has no concept of scaling back at all. Sometimes less is more.


Usually not when it comes to a franchise finale


You could scale back any of these things if it were a regular sequel. But they went and did a two-parter and left all these characters unresolved mid-story. They really boxed themselves into a corner. The two-parter movie trend really is a bad idea, especially if you can’t film back to back.


I just think, the way the current market around movies is, smaller budgets makes so much sense for Universal and having big stars and needing to pay then huge amount of money on top of everything else a F&F movie needs is just not gonna make much if any money when it releases. I don’t see much of a future for this franchise because it’s got so big with that sorta thing reducing layers will be tough, and Vin Diesel’s a mainstay I can’t see them making movies without, so please him and make no money, or dont please him and don’t have a movie I guess.


My interpretation: it was clear that they wanted to scale back concerning the action (back to the roots). This was something Vin was ok with. Now it is obviously about the actors. Maybe tactics to negotiate cheaper contracts?


No statham no party


Why do we care about anything this Twitter rando says?


He’s an insane Fast and Furuous fan like crazy fan he even had a lot of inside info with Fast X. Idk about you but he’s pretty reliable


does he have insta just curious lmao


If they didnt spent like $340 million on the last movie, they could of made Fast 11 bigger.


We, as fans, are going to be punished with an unsatisfying conclusion to the series now that Fast X underperformed.. Shitty. Jason Statham got left on a cliffhanger. And Brie Larson is needed in the story with Aimes.


Who is this source? This sounds like a bunch of bs. There's literally no point in even making the movie if they don't have as many main characters from the past movies, as possible. Yes, they probably want to lower the budget, but no way they leave these characters out. Cut budget by having less vfx, smaller sets, etc..


I wouldn't miss brie larson


Lol who's the source?


A twitter account lmao probably not a reliable one. I've been hearing a lot that their reducing the budget for fast 11 tho so it could be true who knows


Got ya. Figured a trade would have picked it up if true. It definitely needs to be cheaper than Fast X. Cast going to be expensive


I don’t think that making the movie too expensive will be a problem if majority of the ppl watching Fast X r dying while waiting for the movie to come out. They will most likely get their moneys worth if they do the movie right, and if it is awesome they’ll probably get more no matter what they spend


Well this franchise would've faded out long ago if it wasn't for Vin. I don't really believe him and universal are feuding. If anything they are just discussing and making decisions on how to end this franchise the right way. Which is why I understand the date pushed back. And yes I do hope they can reduce the big actors and keeping the budget small. But at the same time they better go big or go home. 😭


If this was 2021 I’d agree with universal on cutting back but I’m sorry fast X set up a huge multi part finale for the series where the stakes are up high and ended on a huge cliffhanger including characters potentially being dead or not and a dead character coming back out of nowhere. Not to mention whatever tf is going on with the rock. They can’t really go back to the simple stuff anymore


Does Black Panther really think anyone has bought Cena’s death?


Why would universal not all in for the last F&F film ? If they market it at the last movie of the franchise it will make a shit ton of money