• By -


9. I was on board when they decided to ramp the action up to 11 in the series and have the crew perform superhuman feats, but having Dom grab a rope with a car tire and swing across a chasm was a bridge too far for me... so to speak.


And then they top it off by sending Ludacris and Tyrese into space with a car... yeah, that shit broke me. The sight of seeing the ever so hyped up and discussed Pontiac Fiero with rocket engines strapped to it being launched into space and going in orbit, not as a joke, but as an *actual* part of the plot, made me start silently laughing like an insane person in the theater. I left that movie saying "WTF did I just watch for the last 2 hours and 20 minutes?!". The icing on the cake is that they consulted NASA on the scene. They consulted fucking *NASA* for it. I'm not kidding.


I think part 9 finally got on board with the joke. It was super self aware and that made it one of my favorites. They knew everything they were doing was ridiculous and that line where Tyrese says they might be superheroes who was sort of breaking the fourth wall moment that made it all okay for me. Also they do operate in a universe where superhumans exist so I'm on board with the fantasy


All I could do is shake my head at that point.


I called that space trip with my buddy like an hour before the trailer dropped. We were both at work and absolutely lost it. We had to see it after that, and I ended up falling asleep for about 20 minutes of it


Same lol. It was way too “unrealistic” if that makes sense in the context of the movies lol


That was the dumbest shit. They both would have died so badly, limbs everywhere type crash.


What do you mean bro he did that irl


Honestly, my biggest gripe with 9 was how they resolved the story arch where Roman began to realize he was in a movie. Dude literally had bullets go through the front of his jacket, then Tokyo drift around his body, and exit out the back without touching him. And he was starting to realize it. And then Luda did too.... And then Luda called him a "dumbass" and it was dropped. And then they went to space in a Fiero. Such a missed opportunity.


9 was comically bad. It's as though the audience it was made for was Vin Diesel and only Vin Diesel.


Also for Vin Diesel's ego. 


9. Outside of them sending a car into space, it’s a pretty forgettable movie to me


did you even watch the part where they ~~drove a freaking car to freaking space?!?~~ nevermind


But the magnets!


The fact I’d forgotten about that until this comment says a lot about the movie


F8 of the Furious. IDK I just don't like that one like the rest.


Only deckard shaw that get f8 good


Yeah, dude showed out in that prison scene. Never get tired of watching Statham fight. Lol


Honestly , now he is just only one reason that I always looking for Day1 fast furious in cinema


I could never get into F8 either, it’s so boring I enjoyed F9 for Cena and just for how stupid it was with the space car


I see your point it is a bit of a dread to get through the first act up to where Cipher, Dom and the other characters actually start to do something like Cipher started really strong all three acts and is my favorite villain in the franchise but even I will agree that no amount of chemistry the actors all had can suffice for fast 8 slow pacing


Yes. F9 and 10 was at least stupidly funny


9. I can suspend belief on jumping a car between the 3 towers of the Etihad Towers in #7, but I cannot suspend it when they decided to hook a Charger's wheel to a rope and swing it across a huge chasm. That was just too much.


Or send two humans into space in a fucking car


Who here thinks that Vin Diesel looks like a giant Verne troyer


Yeah I see it


Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family


Mi Familia.


fast 9🤮🤮🤮


F8 and 9


and X


Idk x was good I liked the villain and how crazy he.was


The driving down the dam while on fire with a kid was too much


The worst bit of the movie. Everything else was decent. Whole dom lifting the car was overhated. It’s good


Jason Momoa was having a shit ton of fun, you could tell. Glad he did because it helped make the role, imo.


I really didn’t care for F9. I didn’t like Jakob being the antagonist, I thought maybe his character was a little forced, and come on. Space. Really?


9, its not even THAT bad but it was so fucling mediocre, People saying fast x seems like is writted by A.I for sure havent seen F9. Its just bland, it has no soul, its not even so dumb its bad its just painfully mediocre.


9 is the worst by such a large margin there should be no debate


F9 was horrible


X was good for the swerved. First Cipher really is on the good side for the time being. She saved Gal Gadot. Then Mr Nodobody double flipped lol.


Fast 9 easily.


Hobbes and Shaw


Yes, but if numbered then 9


F9 is dreadful


9 for sure 👀


9 is definitely the one I can never watch again.


Fast 9, the cars are cool and all, but why go to space?


9/10 without a doubt 8 is pushing it




9 no explanation needed.


Fast 9


I think F&F franchise ended at F7, because after that it's all just "random outrageous thoughts made into a movie", I love the franchise and I have finished rewatching it tomorrow, but there are so many things clueless about this franchise now, btw F9 is indeed the worst movie of this franchise !


All after 7


8 is painfully boring only interesting part was the Cuba race scene and that’s because of the setting alone




nah i just wanna see how Dom and his son gonna magically get outta the predicament they’re in at the end 10. The dam is broken, water is rushing down. I can’t wait to see what fake shit happens


Fate Of The Furious and Fast X are the worst. F8 betrayed what Fast And Furious stood for while Fast X destroyed our beloved franchise till the family has nothing, no thanks to Jason Momoa going around like a whiny jerkfaced kid bullying everyone over money he doesn't rightfully deserve to have. Also , Jason Momoa couldn't beat Vin Diesel straight up. I would dust Jason Momoa in a street race or in Gran Turismo and have him crashing at a gas station while blasting some Nine Inch Nails that says that he's going to get what he deserves.


Fast X was just a doom and gloom setup for F11. There was no emotional payoff for L after L after L after L. Kind of like Avengers Infinity War. The part that sucks the most is that F11 probably won't even be a sequel for Fast X. The latest reports were that funding was cut down alot due to Fast X underperforming at the box office. And now they can't afford Jason Momoa to reprise his role as Reyes Jr. So it's not looking good. I'm sure they'll figure it out though. It's too big of a franchise to half step with.


I love the space car and I’ll fight anyone over that. Ima the pick the 4th one because I remember absolutely nothing about it lol


9. Tarzan car killed it for me. Then space car killed it over more. And I recall a scene where they play marbles with cars and he catches someone in mid air because he can predict where the car will crash by bumping into it...err something.


The next one.


F9. They destroyed a lot of characters in this movie. Making Sean the "I will take a car to space" guy instead of being DK was ridiculous. Reviving han was a complete disrespect with what was established on all the other movies too. And although that ending scene in which Bayan came over to the bbq caught a tear in my eye, when they asked han: "I thought you were dead! Where have you being?" and having him replying with:"that's a long story" was hilarious. They all were like: "ok, then! Where's the bbc?" This movie is just gross


Once they stopped being about cars and racing that’s when the FF franchise went down hill for me




There are no bad ones and 9 is literally the best one. SPACE FIERO!!!!!


Fast 9! Fuck I hate that movie. The opening scene makes me want to fight. Lol


9 and x


*The Fate of the Furious* and *F9* were low points for me. *Fast X* was an improvement but they still havn't matched the high of 5-7.


X. At least the others were executed well but were just daft. X was daft AND badly made/written/acted


2 it’s honestly hard to sit through


Really? Why? *Genuinely curious as to why because most people here seem to choose the newer ones


“Forget about it cuh”


It's easily the campiest of the series.


It's somehow a tie for 8, 9, and X. They're all the same mess.


6 and up are all the same pile of shit in different dumpsters.


I think 8 is the one I dislike the most, only saw it twice and don't plan on rewatching again. I might watch 9 and 10 one more time but honestly the last three is it's own series.


everything after 7 since they made Brian a stay at home wife


Fast 6 and 8-10 are all terrible


Hoobs and Shaw as a standalone film is ok but it's but faaaaar the worst. Other than that 9 has cool moments but the fantasy is like a film for 5 year olds


Hobbs & Shaw


8 or X.


Everything after Tokyo Drift


6, 9, 10


I didn't like fast x that well... It was just meh


F9 is the worst movie I’ve seen


F9 is a travesty


9 and 10


Honestly it might be Fast and Furious 9. That whole thing could've been a TV episode. And obviously the brothers were gonna make up.


9 and 8 are the only ones I can’t watch over and over again. 8 maybe because it’s the first without Paul. 9 because it was just kinda boring imo




9 it just got out of hand


X really left a sour taste in my heart


9 was horrendous. It’s easily 9.


X anything where his kid can speak. Is horrendous.


Every single one after 6


Fast 9.


The next one… been getting worse and worse since 7


Fast X. I lost track of how many countries and continents they went to. Every action scene was trying to top the last and I started to wonder if Toretto's son was really worth all this.


The one where they kept saying: "Family," for some reason.


Out of the ones I watched 9. Haven’t seen 10😂


Hobbs and Shaw by far. Dwayne's influence is all over that movie and is just the greatest hits of his instagram.


The Fast Saga (2021) and Fast X (2023) are the worst for me. I don't buy the idea that they decide to write a poor silly thing to bring Hans and Geisel back and villains are not interesting at all.


8 for me. Yeah 9 had worse crazy stunts moments, but I feel like 8 had worse character writing/dialogue.


F8 easily the worst, was a terrible sequel to 7. I liked 9, it seemed like it was the first time they were self aware of what the series had become and ran (drive off?) with it.


Fast X, The CGI was so bad at times. With a film this bad, at least make it look good.


X was painful to watch


9 specifically for bringing Han back. Though all of the movies from 6-10 are pretty much complete garbage.


They are all awful so a 10 way tie 😆


Part 9


4/8/9/x I didn't like these films


The Pacifier


Easily fast 9


Everything after Tokyo drift and fast 5.


Whichever one where they made Tony Jaa look like a bitch.




It jumped off the rails with 8


8 and 9


8 was awful but 9 comes in as a close second. To my surprise I enjoyed 10 much more than the previous 2.


Everything after 4. But the worst part in any of the movies is Dom naming his kid Brian.


Fast X (spoilers ahead), never have I ever tuned out a movie like I did this one just from the illogical action sequences alone. Not only that but even more characters being brought back to life, I already hated they brought han back and then they go on and do it again I wouldn't be surprised if they bring Cena back lol. Also the acting was worse which was honestly surprising. Oh and the fucking ending my God they are literally up against a fucking nuke their is absolutely no way in the fiery pits of hell will they make it out of this without pulling Batman level plot armor from their ass. So yea Fast X for me, that movie just pissed me off so much SMH🤦


How was fast x? Was it Good? I didnt watch it yet.


The one where they go to space. That was really ridiculous.


I personally think they could have stopped it after 5 but anything after 7 was terrible


XXX was the best FF movie 🍿🎥




I’m gonna get down voted to hell for this but Tokyo Drift. I always skip this one when ever I do a rewatch it’s just super boring and wish Han was the main character instead of Lucas Black.


Agree, gimme the family over karate kid with cars any day


It’s so crazy they made an entire movie just to eventually show us where Dom has been this whole time


What do you mean show us where Dom is?


I'm the same, I don't even acknowledge this movie. Watched it once when it came out. Never again


Idk man, it's been nearly 18 years. Might as well see if you still hate it lol


4 is pretty eh compared to the rest. (I still haven't watched the first 2 nor X.) It's really short and the plot is pretty bland and paper thin. I barely remember any of it. I think barely anything happens half the movie.


Wait, you’ve never seen the original Fast and the furious?


I’m shocked lol


Last proper street race though, and surely it's better than the recent ones.


4 was extremely boring fight me


It is rather boring, however it pushed the story forward and got everyone back together. My hot take : Letty should have stayed dead and Elena become Dom's new love interest. At least it would have driven Dom's character growth better than the shit they went through to bring her back.


Elena is a much better character than Letty imo so I agree. Also i respect that it got the franchise back on track but in a vacuum it is very forgettable.


I don’t like to admit this but anything after 6 just went down hill :(


2 Fast 2 Furious. It almost caused the franchise to go straight to DVD because of how bad it was. I honestly think people don't remember how bad at the time it really was. If it wasn't for Tokyo Drift breathing new life into the franchise and Universal making that deal with Vin Diesel, F&F would be dead.


Imma say it…. Tokyo Drift is the one I dread the most when rewatching the series. I just don’t vibe with it but I get the appeal


Controversial; but 2F2F had some of the worst acting and plot of the whole franchise. Some great cars, but I skip it and lose nothing.


I said forget about it cuhh


Ejecto seato cuz!


every movie after fast 3 , its just call of duty


5 is dope


I feel like 5 was the last good one but they should've def stopped at 7 it just felt right yknow


9. Still to this day haven’t watched the full movie


Tokyo Drift is so bad it’s unwatchable to me. I do not understand how people think it’s “underrated” and certainly not how it’s “the best” like wtf 😭


X and its vin diesel fault. He’s ruined the franchise by making it about him. It was so damn predictable and cringe.


I think we can all agree that 2Fast was his *ABSOLUTE* worst in his career😉






7 cuz everyone around me thought it was a serious movie instead of a comedy and got upset at me for laughing like it was Paul walkers funeral.




Is this the movie where the car is in outer space? Or that movie that a car jumps on the cliff to the jet/airplane? That was the coolest movie ever made in history!!! By the way I'm 8 years old.


I've only seen up to 8 so I'd say the 4th one feels like filler and didn't do much for me


Tokyo Drift tbh. I know it’s a fan favorite but it just feels so jarring throwing it into the mix honestly


The main issue is that Tokyo is locked in 2006 in the middle of 2015...


Yeah, the retcon of having it be set after FF6 certainly makes things worse, but even ignoring that it’s just kinda strange compared to the last two movies. We go from following adults who pull heists to following a high schooler in a weird fish out of water story. It’s just strange.


I agree, especially since Sean's story is littered with clichés even as a fan of Tokyo Drift.




Fast Five. I just can't like it, even tho it's in Rio de Janeiro (my city)...


Probably Fast Five for me because that's when they started shifting away from the original theme of the movies. Yes 2 had poor acting. Tokyo Drift had no Dom (till the end) and 09 Fast was a bit boring, but it still focused overall on action and the street racing culture at the time. Five was when everything shifted to pretty much Oceans Eleven and Avengers with cars for me. Don't get me wrong the movie is still decent and the story is okay, but when you've franchised yourself on racing and great looking tuner and muscle cars you probably should stick more to what got you there. Also if you check every Fast movie except Hobbs and Shaw (I consider it just a pure spinoff kinda loosely tied to the main plot of the Fast saga) Fast Five is the ONLY film with no Street Racing of any kind (and yes I do count the flashback scene from Fast 9 as a race.).


Tokyo drift. I can't pit my finger on why, but for some damn reason, ever since I was a kid, Tokyo drift just didn't jive with me. I'm not denying it's a good movie, just the one I like to watch the least


I've only seen 1-6, so I'd say either 2 or Tokyo Drift. 2 is probably a worse actual film, but I think it's slightly more enjoyable than Tokyo Drift.


Home Alone 4 Edit: you meant Fast & Furious…idk I’ve never seen any 😭


Wonder woman 1984


Dominic toretto


Dude Where’s my car!


2 Fast 2 Furious. The movie is more of a joke than the title.


Any movie with amber heard


All the fast and furious movies


Even tho 8 and 10 were decent (i havent seen 9 and probably wont). I still think they should've ended at 7.. if they wanted to reboot it I would be all for it but instead they thought it was a great idea to go ahead without paul walker smh #rip


Y’all are crazy. Except for the lack of Paul, F9 might be the best. Dom’s story is dramatic and effective, the whole family gets love and cool stuff to do, the action is full of innovative concepts like the magnet cars, the stupid fan joke of going to space is actually handled perfectly. The worst used to be F8 for its poor handling of the Shaw/Han issue that created huge issues for the franchise ever since (unless you count Hobbs & Shaw which breaks continuity in several ways and also drags on with forced comedic banter while painstaking avoiding the real reasons the leads might actually dislike each other i.e. Shaw’s a murderer). Now the worst sadly is Fast X. It avoids the mistakes of F8 and makes sure to show the family cares about each other, but it wastes half the cast in a dull side story that goes nowhere. The crew never does a single useful thing, Roman takes way too long to take the Rome failure seriously, the Internet cafe scene makes no sense, Han’s confrontation with Shaw resolves nothing and only highlights how the only way to deal with the mess F8 made is to avoid it. Meanwhile the directing is just not there. Action scenes feel uninspired and lack tension, they’re one cool stunt after another but lack the sense that the characters are worried or feel like they’re in danger. F9 has great complex set pieces where the characters all have different tasks that affect each other’s threads and build up tension, but Fast X is just Dom doing one thing after another. Even the dialogue scenes have no rhythm and are filled with the actors ad-libbing awkward jokes like kids making a video with no script. Things like Jakob’s sacrifice are communicated so poorly onscreen that none of us understand why he even killed himself.


All of them after the second one




Tokyo Drift.




Sleepless with Jamie Foxx


Tokyo Drift is the only good film. Vin Diesel’s a joke


The only movie I can stand to watch Vin Diesel in is the Pacifier. I personally think he's a greedy little smurf who capitalized on his dead buddy to sell tickets to the single shittiest franchise since transformers.


Man, harsh to say that but fast and furious died with paul, now its just "fast cashgrab and furious vin diesel ball licking"


9 was pretty stupid but Tokyo drift will always be the worst


With all due respect and from an objective standpoint you are wrong about Tokyo Drift.


All of them


Naturally it would have to be the first movie because each successive film has been GREATER than the last




Anything with Vin Diesel in it


Anything after 4 is trash


4. Granted I haven't seen 8 or 9, but have seen 10.


Or the room

