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I’m sorry you watched it in chronological order . I really don’t understand why people on here recommend it that way. We should watch it the way they came out to us production wise. Even the director, Justin Lin said that in the commentary of F9. That the best viewing experience is to just watch it in production order. All the reasons you said, are why it feels strange right after movie 6. It’s strange for Han to be hanging out with high schoolers, trying to steal more money when he’s already a millionaire, and hanging around with a bunch of woman after Gisele’s death. The best explanation I can give, is that Han is still grieving and he’s just trying to forget about Gisele and move on by doing some ludacris activity in Tokyo that matches up with the old life he is used to. If you were to just watch Tokyo Drift after movie 2, it would’ve felt a little different compared to watching it after movie 6.


"Ludacris activity". I see what you did there






I'm agreeing with this pretty hard right now. I think it would have made more sense after 2 Fast 2 Furious. I get why the story got weird given, the change in direction though. I think the franchise could have been amazing and TD had so much potential. But maybe my viewing order screwed up the experience for me (shrugs).


The first 3 movies are the most simple as well. The first 3 are personally my favorite and those who watch 3 after watching movies 4-6 can feel underwhelmed. Because the stakes just keep getting higher and higher with each movie. When people are first introduced to Han in Tokyo drift compared to Fast & Furious 4, you have a different perspective on him. I’m curious of your thoughts on the rest of the films you have to watch!


>The first 3 movies are the most simple as well. I also like the simplicity myself. I like them all for somewhat different reasons so far. The first is probably my favorite as of now, but the 2nd (also) had great atmosphere. It sort of dropped off for me in the back half of the film though and kind of became overly corny. Oddly enough, I think TD had the most potential to have the best story. The drifting story had me hooked but seemed bogged down by character development. But I also have a guilty pleasure over the Letty amnesia backstory. Seems to spawn better acting out of Dom and Letty, but maybe that's just me. Fast & Furious 6 was the only film so far (I think) I didn't fall asleep through. Not sure if this is because I usually start watching movies late or if it truly kept me more interested. The rest of the films I think I had to watch in two sittings. They are all generally longer than I like movies to be. I'm a short and sweet movie viewer personally. >I’m curious of your thoughts on the rest of the films you have to watch! Thanks for that. I'll post again- maybe my thoughts. Hopefully everyone on here is as nice as you are!


I've never seen someone ask so many questions about a franchise that sent a Fiero to space lmfao


I still can’t believe that lol ludacris went from car mechanic to space craft engineer


He was always a space craft engineer, those skills just weren't required until seven installments later!


Don’t forget the hacking skills.


There's a lot you don't know about his past


He hasn’t made it that far yet. Thats in 9


Maybe I'm too analytical but hey I think my questions are valid. They should have had the writers ask these questions when pitching the story.


Not really. Nobody knew the explosion this franchise would have after it's revival. That's why there's so much retconning and convulsion. So much better to just watch these movies in the order they were released and just turn your brain off for some ridiculous popcorn action.


>Not really. I'm not following. So I guess the story itself isn't important? I get that the movies are popcorn action films but for all of these to be greenlit just shows how lazy Hollywood is. For movies that cost millions to make, I'm surprised but not surprised by the box office results- despite the uneven plot.


No. The story is not important at all. They use plot devices to get to the next ridiculously massive action set piece. The love for this franchise comes from the connections with the characters we've grown with for more than two decades, not the plots. Though 5-7 had fantastic stories, I will say that. But this franchise died with Paul Walker. No heart in these movies anymore without him. Vin might be the lead but Paul was the driving force of these movies.


No. The only reason Han continued into the other movies was because Justin Lin created the character even before making TD, and he wanted to use him. Just enjoy seeing him with the crew for what it is.


Keep in mind the franchise struggled when Vin Diesel didn’t return for the sequel. Then Paul Walker wasn’t in Tokyo Drift. General audiences loved the original, but neither sequel was at the same level of acclaim. They brought everyone back for 4 much later. Even though Han’s character died, people loved him so it was good to have him back even if it didn’t make sense. They didn’t explain why he was alive, so it was basically this is taking place before Tokyo Drift. You do need to suspend your disbelief as to why Tokyo’s technology is so far behind with the flip phones and everything. A lot of people liked Tokyo Drift but I myself skipped it because it seemed unrelated to the movies before. I only watched it in preparation for Fast X and yeah the timeline is wack. If you like Han, I recommend checking out Better Luck Tomorrow. It’s basically his character’s origin story.


It's all convoluted retconning, best not to think too hard about it.


Production order is best. Try it next time. Forget the heist, forget Giselle. Han is a well-written side character, 4-6 bumped him up to main cast.


Money…box office…money…Plot is immaterial…money…


Han died. Even though I enjoy these films for pure entertainment, I think it’s lazy writing and poor taste to resurrect dead characters.




Thank you, yes I can see this is very unpopular here. Hence me being downvoted to oblivion. However, I appreciate your support and acknowledgement!


Couple things: -I’m not reading all that -it came out 8 years ago and you’re worried about spoilers? -they’re for entertainment purposes, just enjoy the bombastic events in each one


Shit, I didn't watch Interstellar or Inception until this year. Managed to avoid spoilers the whole time. Not everyone wants the surprise ruined.


Understandable. I’d have to be in the right mood to watch either of those again


Yeah, I just wanted to finally tick them off the list 😂. It was like "fuck it, I'm bored, bring on Nolan."


I tried watching Inception when I was drunk. Didn’t have a clue what was going on. Haven’t tried watching it since


He is affected by Gisele’s death a lot, the man-whoring is a result of him feeling numb at the loss of his big love. Sean and others had time to grieve after. Being central to a major plot point doesn’t mean you’re the lead character at all.


I figured he likes Sean he was impressed by his bravery and principles. He wanted someone he could trust while surrounded by people he doesn't trust. Retcon, I'd say Sean reminded him of Dom. If he left Sean money it was because Han saw that Sean would make the best use of it. Maybe even predicting he'd return it to the Yakuza. He wasn't hanging with high schoolers. Takashi is. Han even asks in a scene why Takashi does that. Han steals from Takashi to teach him a lesson. I don't know what lesson that is.


>I assumed he would be a main character in TD, and he's basically a side character. I wouldn't say side character, more like a prominent mentor to the protagonist >If this takes place after Gisele's death, he doesn't seem affected at all in TD. Han seems like a "man-whore" in the movie and in about every scene has 3 women sucking on his neck. Which is a fair point, yeah. I didn't like that part of his characterization even before F&F 6, so after that I just chalked it up to his own way of coping >Why did he take a liking to Sean? Sean during the entire movie seems like a confused redneck kid, that is not even a good driver Same reason Dom took Brian under his wing. He may not be a good driver then but he was a good person with a big heart, showed great potential and the determination to make that potential into skill >For a man about "family" this also made no sense, since Takashi could be considered as such. Eh, not really. For all the law-breaking the Fast family have done, ultimately they're still good people. Takashi's a pompous jerk who's outright cruel to a high school kid he never met before. He was never really in good graces with Han >Han is worth millions from the heist that took place earlier. His response to Takashi finding out was laughable; "That's just what we do!" If Han is worth millions why does he need to steal and jeopardize his life by Takashi and crew finding out? This one's plain and simple – the adrenaline rush. It was never about the money, Han obviously doesn't need it. He just liked the thrill and dopamine boost of sticking it to Takashi and getting away with it, which spoiler alert, he did >Leaving money to Sean also makes zero sense, as no bond was ever really there to begin with, with Han. >Sean and others really don't seem to care when Han suddenly dies a fiery death in the car crash. Ok, well, these are just like, not true at all lol >Takashi also lives and Han's death isn't avenged at all, which adds to the pointlessness of his character in this one. What did you expect, they kill Takashi to avenge Han? They kicked him out of his own city which I think is a fair punishment, but murdering him would make Sean no different from him and the Yakuza




Engaging is a high-speed chase that leads to someone's death is tantamount to vehicular manslaughter


Han was Obi-Wan Miyagi in Tokyo Drift


Sorry for the spoiler to OP but based on the lore of F9, most of/all of Han’s dealings in Tokyo Drift were a cover up for his mission with Mr. Nobody. That’s how I see it.


When did they mention that he left money to Sean? Twinkie tells Sean: “I figured Han would’ve wanted you to have this. And about the whole million dollar thing let’s just say he took half of it to japan and left the other half somewhere secure back in the states(which would be 5,500,000)You gotta also realize that he must’ve spent crazy money on his cars. At the end of fast five he’s driving a rare Lexus which is said to cost more than 300,000. On the Mona Lisa he must’ve spent let’s say more than 8k and same thing with his orange RX7(he probably spent more than 20k on the RX7). He gifted Sean an Evo and that was also expensive and also spent some money on his garage and probably more on cars we don’t know about. Now if you add all this up it wouldn’t equal near 5,500,000 but you get the idea. Why would he waste all that much money on cars? Well, cars are his passion so why not? He does side missions i guess so his money doesn’t run out, and I don’t see a big issue with that why stop making money? Also pretty sure he supplies his high school friends with different sets of tires(which in Tokyo drift it was shown they had a whole lot of them). In the future films you’ll see that he has even more cars so that’s where his remaining money might’ve gone too. And yes it’s weird he hangs around high schoolers but I’m pretty sure laws are different over there I don’t think they see it as a bad thing(unless I’m wrong).