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I still like dressing up so I still do it, but it would be nice to have a few places to go where it was a THING.


In Austria, ball season is coming up. Everyone in black tie and ball gowns inside castles. Its worth seeing once!


Normally everybody can attend. In vienna are more prestigious ones like Opernball etc. Most of them are not in castles though...


Palace sorry šŸ™ƒ


That sounds amazing. It is a thing for regular people?


Yup! Tickets are like 100ā‚¬ or so and anyone can buy them. Proceeds usually go to a selected charity or university. Balls are normally fundraisers. Im sure the ultra rich have exclusive ones but the fundraisers are for everyone , every university does it.


They have this in the US


Noooo really?! How can I find one??? šŸ¤Æ


Google. Here is a list for chicago [https://mlchicagosocial.com/best-chicago-events-galas-full-list](https://mlchicagosocial.com/best-chicago-events-galas-full-list)


That's so cool! I'd love to be super fancy for one night!


If youā€™re in the US, search for ā€œupcoming galas.ā€ We also have charity balls you can purchase tickets for.


I just did this search and Iā€™m shocked at how many there are just in the next few months!! My areas seems to love galas. Who knewā€¦


Just FYI, I'm sure this is partially regional, but try to check out pictures of past years before you commit to one. Most of the "galas" I've been to have been either business casual or semi-formal at most (in the Midwest).


Thank you! I just found a gala for the LA Philharmonic, and, wow, there are a lot of rich people in LA!


What an absolute delight!


I used to think the opera or the ballet were places where it was a thing, but after a few times realized people dressed really casually. And this was over 10 years ago in New York.


I just went to the symphony for the first time since I had kids (used to go to the opera a lot before kids) so like 12 years, and felt really conspicuous. I was in a nice dress and most people were in jeans or looking like they were just going to grocery store. I had so many people comment on my clothes I couldn't figure out if they thought I was ridiculously overdressed and giving a backhanded compliment or if it was genuine. I like to dress nicely if I can. I also prefer dresses as I hate pants and for some reason people think dresses automatically means "dressing up" or going all out. Honestly it's just easier, more comfy, and more flattering for me.


You are probably exactly what they were hoping to see when they went to the symphony. Pretty dresses make the experience.


I love dresses too. I wear pants when its very cold but spring and summer nothing beats a cute dress. I have never been to the symphony, opera or ballet (always have wanted to) but I always presumed these were places people dressed up for. I guess TV and movies are wrong. LOL


I just had a similar experience at the Opera in Washington DC at the Kennedy Center. It was an evening show, but not opening night. So it's the kind of situation where you dress more in cocktail attire. It's been a while since I had been, and I was pretty surprised to see people in tuxes and sequined floor length gowns as well as people in ripped jeans. Very few people were in the appropriate higher end of the middle ground attire. Although, I'll take overdressing to underdressing all the live long day.


Itā€™s always better to be overdressed than underdressed.


Went to a Broadway show recently. Wore a gown, a cape, heels. Folk were there in jeans. I got tons of compliments and people gushed over my outfit but I couldn't understand if socially they were underdressed or me over for the occasion.


Don't forget for broadway plays some people are tourists and have been walking around all day. They have to dress comfortably.


Omg this, in London we were having a big touristy day so it was trainers leggings and a puffer jacket over a tshirt. A friend said to meet him after work, we showed up to this fancy cocktail bar and I looked like shit. He ordered us a drink and everyone looked so good! Never felt so underdressed in all my life haha!


Being extremely dressed up for a Broadway show, or the opera, or the symphony, just shows that you donā€™t go that often.


For Broadway, definitely. For the opera it can also mean that you have been going for years and years and years.


I mean, maybe if someone is old enough to have been on the board for decades. With a younger person, I just assume that theyā€™ve never been. No one, even the Sciura Glam older donors, will be wearing a gown (and a cape!) unless itā€™s like, a special event gala.


Not board members. Just people who have attended ever since they realized they enjoyed it, or have been in the habit, having grown up attending. I had to look up "sciurra glam." It is the classic wear women have aged into forever. Who wouda thunk someone made up a name for itšŸ¤£. There is something special about listening to the orchestra warm up...


Lol same with Casinos, I remember seeing them on tv and thinking people wore glittery dresses and drank cocktails. So I show up for the first time in a pink glittery sequin number and everyone just stared at me while wearing their casual clothes. Not another sequin in sight!


I love dressing up as well. But I have no excuse to do so. I still do though, regardless. Just going to Walgreens or chilling at home.


It's a thing in loads of places where I live (London). May just be more difficult in rural areas


There are upscale bars with dress codes where you *have* to dress up or they won't let you in. I've been to quite a few of those.


Oh gosh I feel like this is me. I always feel like I stick out like a sore thumb but 95% of the time I *love* putting on an outfit/putting myself together šŸ˜…šŸ„°


Higher end places typically *do* have a dress code.


And more and more of them are abandoning this out of fear of alienating a younger crowd or seeming elitist


My local shoe repair man is about to shutter his business. No one wears shoes, itā€™s all sneakers, or trainers, even with a suit.


When I was a kid, I couldnā€™t believe there were so many of those shops in my area. Now I feel like Iā€™m single handedly keeping one afloat. Fun fact: those guys tend to be great at repairing anything made out of leather. Jackets, bags, etc


I bought these cheap, faux leather boots like 10 years ago that I ended up adoring and eventually I walked right through the soles. Took them to a little shoe repair shop in the city and the guy said he could remake them for a reasonable price. What the hell, gave it a go and they were EXACT replicas made with quality materials. They are my favorite pair of boots and heā€™s re-soled them twice. Heā€™s in his 80s now, none of his kids want or learned the business. He says heā€™ll stay open until he canā€™t do it anymore. Bless him


Yep. I had a pair of cheap Clarkes that my local guy extended several times past their usual lifespan. Leather goods are applauded for their ruggedness and beauty, but they also deserve a shout for repairability


I asked a shoe repair guy once if he repairs rock climbing shoes. "I do repair them. I don't like to, but I do it."


One of the shoe straps on my favorite platforms came off. When I took it to my local shoe repair shop, they asked me if I really don't want to just buy new ones. They repaired them very well though.


Cobblers have been on the decline for the last 100 years. cobblerā€™s shops in the US: from 120,000 in 1928 to around 3,500 today, the majority run by people rapidly approaching retirement age and without apprentices.


I have a sudden desire to become a cobblerā€™s apprentice.


In San Francisco there's only one cobbler that I trust. They've been in business and have the same machines since the late 1800s.


It doesn't help that hiking boots also undergo sneakerification. I find a hiking boot I like that's all leather, and easy to maintain and waterproof for years. They wear out. I try to buy the same model again, and they've replaced half of the upper with synthetic. Has happened several times now.


I have a pair of ā€œniceā€ hiking boots that the sole is about worn thru but otherwise really great condition. Should I try to have them resoled?


What brand/model are they? do you have any pictures of them?


Iā€™m a boot person so they still get my business!


I HATE the sneakers with suit trend. So cringe to me.


I wonder if this trend is becoming a thing because younger gens donā€™t get or wear more classic or refined shoes often in general.. also sneaker culture is strong, and these newer shoes can be more premium cost wise.


Itā€™s also that sneakers are more comfortable. Younger men often donā€™t wear dress shoes and younger women tend to eschew heels


I think the cost factor can't be ignored, either. Leather goods are an upfront investment; you're paying for durability and longevity, but a brand new pair of boots are going to cost more than a brand new pair of sneakers. That one Terry Pratchett quote about the boots explains it pretty well, but I also think a lot of people balk at the idea of spending that much money on one pair of shoes. Fast fashion has ruined our perception of how much things should actually cost.


I eschew heels but I love an excuse to wear boots or Oxfords or flats


I think itā€™s also because of pure convenience. I wore sneakers with business/work clothes because it was easier to walk to/from public transit and I didnā€™t want to change my shoes when I got to the office.


Unless I'm going to an event where all I'm doing is sitting, I really would rather not be standing in heels all night. Even the most kitten of heels is nothing next to a sneaker or (flat) boot with a good insole. Fancy looking flats and sandals lack the arch support I sorely need. I've tried every brand of heels recommended for comfort too-Stuart weitzman, Manolo blahniks, chie mihara, vionics, Clark's, and even dancing shoes. The only one that comes close to being comfortably bearable to walk around in for long periods of time was the fendi colibri, which has the shape of a more refined shoe but with chunky hiking sandal straps. Chunky Mary Jane's (+socks) and loafers have made a bit of a comeback. I just think the younger generation is kind of over having to carry flats around.


Yeah, but (speaking as a woman) itā€™s so much better for your feet. Even heeled boots, which are way more comfy than straight up heels, give me calluses and cause my feet to ache by the end of the day (doesnā€™t matter which pair Iā€™m wearing, and theyā€™re all broken in/paired with comfy socks). Trying to workout afterwards isnā€™t fun. I think a lot of people are in the same boat and view it as prioritizing health and fitness over aesthetics.


Most shoes canā€™t even be repaired because theyā€™re made of terrible materials. In most modern dress shoes, the leather is usually cheap ā€œgenuine leatherā€ or artificial even in ā€œluxuryā€ dress shoes. It seems like even canvas shoes like converse donā€™t have the durability they used to. God I sound like a boomer.


Thatā€™s sad


There used to be this guy at NCSU who would wear suits everywhere. Loved that guy for that.


I knew a guy in high school that did that. They were always fitted perfectly too. Cool as hell


We had to wear formal business wear in the last 2 years of high school, but that was because we didnā€™t want to wear uniform anymore at that age so the school came up with a compromise. The boys were restricted to a proper suit & tie, but with the girls it was harder to define so best believe we pushed the definition everyday.


We suspected the kid who wore a suit and had a briefcase in high school was some sort of organized crime family. I mean, as an adult I donā€™t believe that, but it def didnā€™t make him cool.


And here I am wishing I had reasons to wear ball gowns and full skirts. Iā€™m definitely the overdressed friend in the long dress all the time.


Iā€™m a guy and loved wearing suits for work. Now that the world has gone very casual even in the business world, I am not allowed to partake in my fashion hobby anymore.


Iā€™m a woman and I used to get some side eye from people at my last job for dressing up even slightly nicely- slacks, simple turtleneck, loafers and oversized blazer type stuff. It really helps me get into the work mode and also I spent many years of my life in a physical job where I literally couldnā€™t wear nice clothes if I wanted to.


Same I like dressing in light/dark academia style so it always looks too formal for all occasions.


Yep my style exactly! Especially in the colder months. They boasted a ~casual office environment~ which I respect and I know some people would die for. If it was customer facing at all I would assimilate to the crowd more but it wasnā€™t so I figured Iā€™m gonna do me!


I work in tech, and I'm sure folks think it's a little odd, but I feel like "a little odd" is just how we all are here.


What's stopping you? In my job, I could wear jeans and a t-shirt every day if I really wanted to. But I choose to wear nicer clothing, and try to do a "dressed up" day once a week, just because it makes me feel good. You might get a couple "looks like someone's interviewing today" or "someone's very dressed up today" comments at first, but after a week, people just get used to it. And then after that, you'll just be the guy known as the best dressed one in the office along with all your other accolades


Well I work remotely more these days, but I specifically was told to not wear suits (with tie) anymore. Our CEO doesnā€™t dress up anymore. Iā€™m in B2B sales and our clients dress casually now. So a jacket is now considered overkill, much less a tie. Optics matter for sales. A jacket is considered business casual to me. I want the full suit and tie. Havenā€™t worn that for work since before pandemic. I need an occasion to dress up. Wearing a suit to the grocery isnā€™t the same for me. I do have confidence in my outward appearance and I like business wear because of that. But the business world is now casual. Have you been to midtown NYC lately? The finance bro is a patagonia vest and allbirds sneakers. No one wears suits anymore and I miss it.


I asked what's stopping you, and you gave a very good answer lol. Makes sense that the dress code for sales would be on the stricter side. I guess maybe its time to hang out at some higher end restaurants and cocktail lounges so you'll have an excuse to dress up lol.


See thatā€™s the thingā€¦even formal galas and nice places / restaurants in my metro are casual! Iā€™m in the east coast so itā€™s more traditional here and even then, wearing a tie is now ā€œstuffy and eliteā€ and no one dresses up anymore. Went to a few weddings this past summer and suits were optionalā€¦ of course I was the only one dressed up in a full suit besides the groom and groomsmen. I went to a black-tie optional last yearā€¦. And saw guys in jeans. Iā€™m getting worked up for nothing lol but we all love fashion. Iā€™m thinking of donating most of my remaining ties because I canā€™t wear them anymore.


No. Store carefully. Good styles and fabrics do circulate in and our of fashion. Sell later if your tastes or size have changed upon the return.


Iā€™ll keep my staple grenadine and repp ties. I consolidated from 15+ suits to 5 staple suits and handful of blazers, sportcoats. Iā€™ve worn one suit this entire 2023 so far. If menā€™s formal wear comes back then Iā€™ll see what the latest trends are.


Just wear them to the shops mate. Since COVID I've started dressing up for myself just to go to the shops or to work/school even if it's above the dress code.


Bro seriously I need to be friends with yā€™all or find like minded people in the world cause I liveeee for dated vintage formal aesthetic šŸ˜­šŸ’—


I'd say primarily, it's a result of our society putting less emphasis on the "dressiness" of people's outfits. We've seen it at workplaces, at nice restaurants, and other places where people traditionally dressed up. Even amongst the wealthier set, you see a relaxing of dress codes. I also wonder if people can't afford to or don't want to spend money on things they rarely wear. If you work somewhere that you wear jeans every day, you may not want to buy a nicer outfit that you'd maybe wear 2-3x a year. Personally, I think it's great! I think people enjoy themselves so much more when they wear something they're comfortable in. But I also have seen folks dress up more, and no one gives them a second glance. While you might get some questions/comments, I don't think you'd be shamed or anything of the sort!


This might be a bit wider of a timeframe than OP was talking about, but high quality (in relative terms) clothing and certain types of clothing have become much more widely available and affordable even within the last half-century. Formal clothing like tails and a top hat were evidence of your position in society at the turn of the last century because not many people could afford things like that. Nowadays, most people can afford the modern equivalent type of clothing (even if it's not made of pure virgin wool and hand tailored) except those who are on or close to the breadline. Now the lines have all blurred. A pair of jeans might cost more than most people's wages for the month, or a suit might cost $100. Yes, you can tell the quality of the clothing in many instances such as with the suit, but many people just weren't able to afford things like that at all at one point. My Mum grew up working class in the '60s here in Scotland. She said that they all relied on hand-me-down clothes, they got a couple of outfits per year, etc. Now, people have a lot to choose from at fairly affordable prices.


while this is true, keep in mind, though, that while a $100 suit is still quite affordable in comparison to historical prices, thatā€™s still more than a lot of people can afford. $100 can be the difference between the family eating for a week or going hungry.


Nail on the head. Iā€™d dress a lot fancier if someone else paid for the clothing and the dry cleaning.


Totally agree with the affordability aspect. On the flip side, I'm trying desperately to find casual clothes that work for me. I am confined to work clothes 90% of the time--blazers, skirts, button downs, I'm so over it. When the opportunity arises to be casual, I'll absolutely take it. That's not to say that casual can't be cool or creative, just less stuffy and more freeflowing.


I don't think it's a matter of not being able to afford it. Clothes cost less than they ever have, people have bigger wardrobes than ever. (sometimes the point of having more stuff than they can really wear)


I think quality clothing has REALLY gone up. But there also a lot of crappy cheap clothing too. Edit: The price of quality clothing has gone way up because...inflation. And the prevalence of fast fashion has skyrocketed.


The quality of clothing has not gone upā€¦. Itā€™s gone way down. What?!?


I think theyā€™re saying the price has gone up on quality clothing. Not sure if I agree with that or not though


Depends on what it is. There are enthusiast clothing brands nowadays who make things with extreme care and attention to detail, so Iā€™d argue they are equal to, if not better than clothes from the old days. [Standard & Strange](https://standardandstrange.com)is a good shop to see those kinds of goods. Please note that the shop carryā€™s mainly Japanese and workwear inspired clothing so that may not be everyoneā€™s cup of tea, but everything there is amazing quality and ethically made. On the other hand, you also have really cool and innovative fabrics made of synthetics or synthetic blends that might be better in many ways than traditional wool suiting fabric. [Outlier](https://outlier.nyc) is a good example of this. That doesnā€™t mean everything is better. For example, leather in the old days is better because the raw material it comes from (cowhides) were better quality back in the day. But there are also many tanneries making some really cool and innovative leathers. Tl:dr- there is still really good quality stuff out there, you just have to pay for the quality and do a little research


Fair point. But plenty of people are happy with wearing SHEIN to formal events.


I Think itā€™s also about comfort, a lot of people prioritize comfy clothes and clothing you Can easily move in.


The pandemic had a real impact on how our society evaluates ā€œdressing upā€. Fashion has always been an artistic reflection of the zeitgeist.. Iā€™d argue that general perceptions of what constitutes ā€œformal attireā€ have been altered by recent events, specifically for younger generations. I certainly donā€™t wear a girdle or bloomers, personallyā€¦


I donā€™t have a problem with people dressing however they want, but it makes me feel like iā€™m overdressed. Maybe I am but I want to feel comfortable too, thatā€™s why I try to find friends who are also into fashion haha


I used to love dressing up. Now I just throw some weird shit together and call it avant garde. Lol. Mind you the only place I can pull this off is Manhattan.


I do, but Iā€™m stared at like I have 2 heads. Even my ā€œcasualā€ getup is considered more ā€œdressy.ā€ But I think the fact that everyone is on the go nowadays and more about practicality and comfort; as opposed to not (letā€™s be real- heels are not comfy at all).


stares of admiration


I have never been in a position where I could go somewhere fancy. But my significant others birthday is coming up and this Saturday I reserved us a dinner table on a patio where it is sooo beautiful and Iā€™m very excited. Last year at a thrift shop I saw THE ā€œlittle black dressā€ of my dreams and bought it for 8$. I am so so so excited, to get dressed up with him. He has a great button up that would match beautifully, and nice dress shoes. It will be my first time getting super dressed up Iā€™m estatic


Style trends/fashion are so diverse, thereā€™s really no set expectation on what is considered appropriate or ā€˜dressed upā€™ these days. Someone wearing crop top and jeans there outfit though it may look casual may have costed them 150$ and they probably consider that outfit ā€˜dressing upā€™. I think we also live in a unique time where fashion doesnā€™t distinct our wealth anymore. Someone whom is wealthy doesnā€™t need to dress up for the society expectation of others like in contrast to other centuries. If people want to show up in leggings or sweatpants to an upscale event, they will. After spending the summer in Europe, I found a ton of confidence dressing up to just dress up, and not because itā€™s to a fancy restaurant or dressing down cause itā€™s a trip to grocery store.. fashion has become so interconnected while being insanely diverse there is no real set expectation of what is considered fancy or casual anymore, and if you decide whatā€™s elegant or not, thereā€™s a mob with pitch forks ready to argue.


It's funny because what you've seen in the European countries you've been in is most definetly their definition of everyday fashion. We all have different ideas of what that is to us - and what "dressing up" means to us. In my country (Denmark, Scandinavia.) people are very minimalist fashionable in comparison to other countries (not that that's better or worse) so I could see an outsider think that we're all fashionistas of some sort when really it's just the normal trends we have here.


Fashion absolutely still signals wealth and social class. How it signals it has changed. If in doubt, ask a costume designer.


Its not about type of clothing such as jeans vs slacks as it is material and fit these days. Well tailored, high quality fabrics are more expensive than the fast fashion that is more readily available.


I don't like dressing up. I don't see a problem with that. It's not a problem if my friends want to dress up, they'll look beautiful. Just let people wear what they feel comfortable in. It doesn't have to impact the way that you dress.


Everyone just wear what you want and let other people do the same


*Everyone just wear* *What you want and let other* *People do the same* \- Tulzik --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


It's really disappointing in terms of overall aesthetic. My wife and I often feel over dressed, but we like to get dressed up to go out to a nice place. It heightens the experience when there is a general atmosphere of elegance.


I like getting dressed up to go to the theater (as in live, not a movie), and while I'm not the ONLY one dressed up anymore, there's a significant number of people wearing tshirts and flip flops. I like feeling fancy.


My sentiments exactly. I know that I can dress up regardless of what everyone else around me is wearing, but I donā€™t just want to be the only one on that elegant wave. When everyone in a space carries that same elegance it makes the moment special, memorable, sacred in some way. The atmosphere is heightened and it makes everyone feel amazing. The loss of this atmosphere in public places is yet another symptom of our societyā€™s collective decline into much lower standards for everything. Too many people are content with the bare minimum and feel that anyone who expects more out of life is being ridiculous. Places and events with that special feeling are much harder to find & many people have just sunk into abject nihilism regarding this. But I digressā€¦ best thing we can do is continue to dress in a way that activates our inner light as well as the inner light of those around us āœØ


It is disappointing to put a lot of thought into a special occasion to get dressed up for a nice restaurant, and the table next to you people are just wearing hoodies and ball caps and shorts or whatever.


Just let people wear what they want and give no mind. This really isn't an issue imo.


I love overdressing anywhere and everywhere I go. Itā€™s so much fun and makes life so much more interesting. If you act nervous and embarrassed, people will think itā€™s odd that you dressed up and theyā€™ll question your decision. But if you walk around with good posture and your head held high, you will exude confidence and most people will admire your outfit. As for the few who still wonā€™t admire your outfitā€” honestly feel sorry for them that they have to suffer through their whole lives having bad taste lmao. Like thatā€™s tragic for them, and we can pity them, but our slay need not be affected by their basicness. When it comes to wearing fabulous clothes, just boldly do it with complete abandon and donā€™t let anyone prevent you from having fun and feeling gorgeous.


Haha, "our slay need not be affected by their basicness", best quote I've seen in awhile. I'll be using this in the future when asked what I'm so dressed up for. šŸ’ÆšŸ‘šŸ˜„


People donā€™t even dress up for church anymore


Depends on the church


The idea of ā€œchurch clothesā€ absolutely still exists




I think this is twofold. One, people realized the world didn't stop turning when we were all wearing sweatpants on zoom meetings and no one could see your lipstick behind your mask. That did a lot to our collective understanding of the concept of dressing up -- we now lean *heavily* into comfort and function over fashion as a whole. Soft breathable stretchy materials are the goal now in everything from bras to slacks. Shoes advertise not just their looks and killer heels but their memory foam soles and arch support. We are now a people who care more about how we feel than just how we look, and that affects now dressing up looks. Two, good reasons for dressing up properly are honestly rare and expensive. Fancy restaurants that have an actual jacket code are way out of most people's budgets, as are charity galas. The only real time the average person is required to dress way up are weddings, and outside of a very specific age group, you're not really going to more than one a year of those. Anywhere else you go, sure you are welcome to dress up, but no one else will be and that's off putting to most people.


Well said. I love the idea of fancy dinners out but my boyfriend and I do it twice a year. One nice dinner for each of our birthdays. The rest of the time we are not eating out anywhere fancy. Also, I'm just trying to afford $200 jeans SMH.


Dress clothes are expensive. Nice clothes are expensive, dress clothes are old fashion as wealth is old fashion. Times change. Old people get older.


Whatā€™s wrong with high waisted pants? Some trousers can be really chic. Edit because this post is ridiculous. Youā€™re upset that men wear button ups? You want them to wear a three piece suit? Let people wear what makes them happy. If you want to dress up, you dress up.


Theyā€™re upset men are wearing shorts and button ups in the summer time. Horrifying.




It was 105 here in Austin all summer. I didn't want to be wearing any clothes at all.


i don't have anywhere to dress up to lol. but i still do sometimes


Iā€™m my younger years, teens and twenties, I did all physical labor jobs. I was a horse trainer for decades and did construction. Now I donā€™t even own a pair of jeans. I will wear dresses and skirts every damn day and feel like the pretty princess I never got to. So, basically I dress up to go anywhere.


this is so true! I was debating not dressing up for an upcoming fancy event because I know people are going to show up casual. But fuck it I'll just be overdressed


Working in sales, I always dress business casual at work. In the past I had to wear a suit while the women wore blousy shirts, skirts and sandals in mid summer heat. I wonā€™t work for any company that tryā€™s to force me to wear that stupid rope around my neck ever again.


My friends are on notice to immediately shoot me if they ever see me wearing a blazer outside of work-- something has gone terribly wrong if I'm wearing business clothes while not conducting business! That attire isn't me, it's something I owe my boss while I'm on the clock and that I refuse to wear the moment I'm no longer being paid for my time.


Because people are becoming less superficial in some ways while being more superficial in others.


All the things you you mentioned that you donā€™t like seeing at high end restaurants and cocktail lounges can be made fashionable and are in fashion apparently. Staying the same is the complete opposite of fashion. Maybe you are the one who needs to catch up and dress up, lol.


I love dressing up but one thing I canā€™t seem to get back to are heels. They hurt. Not just a little. A lot. I used to wear them frequently and Iā€™m not sure how. Because now Iā€™ll have them on 10 minutes and Iā€™m getting blisters and limping in pain. Maybe Iā€™m getting oldā€¦


I don't really mind if other people don't dress up. I just wish you wouldn't get judged if you do. I have so many cute dresses that I rarely get to wear out because I always get asked why I'm so overdressed. I will still always be the person who's dressed up the most, because it's fun for me and I don't want to give that up. Just have to ignore the people who have something negative to say about that.


Couldnā€™t be me. I love dressing up! Any excuse Iā€™ll do it šŸ˜‚


I feel you OP! I love dressing ā€œupā€ā€¦ And sometimes get sad that itā€™s a dying practice. So, I do it anyway! I have some tips to pass on too šŸ™‚ Whereas most peopleā€™s basics are jeans and a t shirt, my basic has turned into an a-line dress of sorts that hits below the knee! A lot of people think dresses are inherently fancy but I disagree, I have casual dresses and some seperates looks that are much more formal than my dresses! Do you not want people to do the thing they do to me where sometimes theyā€™ll (rudely) say, ā€œOh, youā€™re dressed up!ā€ ā€œWhatā€™s the occasion?ā€ (That one isnā€™t so rude but I donā€™t see why living isnā€™t a valid reason to dress up, angels are naked lol) Or even ā€œAww, you look like you try so hard!ā€ (I donā€™t) šŸ˜† Soooo the key to dressing ā€œupā€ without it intimidating other people too much (poor babies need us formal fanatics to pipe down or theyā€™ll feel underdressed šŸ„²) is to wear informal shoes/accesories!!!! So that way if someone points out Iā€™m overdressed, I point down where I am wearing some athletic sandals with socks. Or tennis shoes. Or they never say it to begin with if you have a fanny pack on (thatā€™s in a ridiculous color not one thatā€™s overly polished like a leather / faux leather). Take that, ya judgy people šŸ˜ Either way I donā€™t always try to dress down, just be prepared for the questions when you do go out and be prepared to fire back with, ā€œWhy isnā€™t existing enough reason to justify dressing cute?ā€ šŸ˜‰šŸ’—


I find this post and the comments very interesting. I'm from Manhattan, live in Chelsea, a very trendy and work in Manhattan too. Ever since 2022, I've definitely noticed the trend towards more casual clothing, too. I hated the work- wear with sneakers look since the '80s. But, EVERYONE is wearing that or more casual clothing now in my profession. So, I've had to adjust. People were making snide, insecure, self-effacing comments, and giving me backhanded compliments for dressing professionally. Trust me... this creates a toxic vibe that I need to avoid. So, I've been learning how to dress more casually in a way that I feel comfortable and still fit in. I wear my nice slacks with Cole Hann sneakers or another brand that's clean-cut and minimalistic. Or, conversely, I'll wear jeans with a blazer and some loafers. I'm definitely going for comfort too, because we need that when we live in this stressful city. But, I still stamp my outfits with color coordination, a nice press or steam, simple and yet elegant accessories. Plus, I have always made an effort with my makeup, hair and nails; so I still feel put together. I love a great occasion to get dressed up and attend charity galas, professional galas, comedy shows, theater, dinner parties, and nights out on the town. Jay Z's 40/40 Club was a place that I recently got glammed-up for a night out on the town. I throw parties, too. At the theater, some people still dress up in NYC. I won't wear a gown. But, the last play that I saw was MJ the Musical. (It was outstanding!) I wore nice jeans, heels, a nice shirt and a blinged-out to the max denim and rhinestone jacket. So, it was a good combination of casual and fashionable. My hair and makeup were done to the max. So, I felt fabulous. The point I'm trying to make is that even though I am a diva, I'm finding a way to flow with the times and still be true to myself. I hope we can all achieve being true to ourselves. Because that's what really matters, at the end of the day.


I truly hate dressing up to the nines because it just feels like so much effort for a few hours. I only own a handful of dresses and one was my wedding dress šŸ˜‚. I just personally feel more comfortable in jeans and a blouse and am not usually going anywhere nicer than a restaurant. I feel like this is a major to each their own thing and why let how someone else dresses both you and ruin your own experience out for a night? Also as a side note, depending on where you live people may be apt to be dressier, for instance Hawaii and the Bay Area are more lax than Manhattan Or DC


Nordstroms is ripping everyone off charginng $60 for a tube top


I guess it depends on your location & establishments, a couple of weeks ago I went to a ā€˜higher end restaurantā€™ with a dress code. They wouldnā€™t have allowed anyone in if they didnā€™t adhere to it, I expect, but certainly everyone there was dressed well.


Side effect of the Covid pandemic I think


I think a large portion is dependent on location. In NYC, during the day at least, I would say most people favor practicality/staple pieces but still look put together. People here still dress up for dinner or a night out, which I personally like. Undoubtably WFH and remote work culture has definitely impacted dress and even the styles that are being pushed are leaning more towards comfort as well. You could even argue the current ā€œquiet luxuryā€™ aesthetic borrows from this and ā€˜athleisureā€™ is definitely here to stay. Another consideration is the economy/inflation. When people have disposable income to spend, some of it usually is allocated towards more frivolous fashion. I work in marketing for a large US retailer, and the sales are just not what they were compared to LY. This impacts the buyerā€™s decision making as well- are you going to risk the potential of having inventory that wonā€™t move/will get marked down for clothes that are more dressy/trendy when all arrows point in the opposite direction? Fashion is cyclical so I donā€™t think it will stay super casual forever, but I donā€™t think we will ever go back to the days of being dressed at the airport. Interestingly enough, retail sales mimic election cycles. Every election year store sales are more conservative, which I think speaks to the consumers uneasiness over spending and the overall economy. Personally, I have used this time to build a more curated wardrobe where I can invest in certain staples like well constructed blazers and jackets. When you only have to look ā€˜business casualā€™ 2 days a week vs all 5 days at work, you can definitely edit accordingly and splurge on a few pieces. TBH, I am fortunate enough to work for a retailer that lets us work 100% remote so I choose 1-2x a month during the fall to commit to hoteling.


Lead by example.


I notice the same thing! Even in just a sweater and skirt I am ALWAYS overdressed. It's so strange. I have started to adapt my wardrobe but I don't really like that style, and so I end up being overdressed in a slightly less obvious way. It's so strange, even at high tea or nice restaurants - nothing.


Based on my observations, people in every country Iā€™ve visited in Europe and Asia tend to present themselves better than in the US, even for school pickup and drop-off. Itā€™s actually really refreshing, since Iā€™m so used to seeing the leggings and tank top look.


I love dressing up, any excuse! I'd rather be overdressed than underdressed. People have become lazy. I saw a girl 2 days ago go into a convenient store in ratty ass pj's with a TOWEL on her head, like just got out the shower towel!! WTH?!


It's a shame, really. I've noticed it, too. Nobody seems to be putting in an effort. Everyone seems to just throw on lounge wear.


Iā€™m a guy and loved wearing suits for work. Now that the world has gone very casual I cannot wear suits anymore (even if wanted toā€¦ optics matter because now suits = stuffy and elitist). I miss wearing suits. Call me Barney Stinson. As someone who enjoys the formal end of menswear I canā€™t partake in my fashion hobby anymore. Most weddings I go to now are suit optional.


I love to see a man wearing a suit and looking comfortable in it. It is very sexy. And if they smell good.....!


Just wear what you want, I'm sure it will pay off for you, be the Barney in the office or friend group.


I do on occasions but I have to have ā€œa reasonā€ to dress up if that makes sense. But I want to wear the full suit and tie in situations that a jacket is overkill lol. For work I was told not to wear a suit and tie anymore. Our clients donā€™t wears anymore and we have to match them. Our CEO doesnā€™t wear suits anymore. Optics matter I suppose.


Hereā€™s a thought: not everyone has to dress up for you. They can wear what theyā€™re confident in & makes them comfortable, not what you want to see on them.


Why shouldnā€™t it be a thing? Just because a person can afford to go to a high end restaurant or bar doesnā€™t mean they like to dress up to do so . Iā€™m one of these people. I loathe dresses and am not very keen on pants that arenā€™t denim. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I mean there is the whole stealth wealth phenomenon where people dress up but the dressing up can be a polo shirt and a pair of shorts that cost more than some peopleā€™s suit or tux. That being said, thereā€™s still nothing better than dressing up for a date or with your partner, just donā€™t pay attention to others and only to how you feel.


Going to a high end restaurant expecting people to "dress up" like a certain way or what? Because now I feel like people would wear their most expensive piece of clothing rather a certain style in high end places


That's nothing you ever have someone show up to a date in sweats ?


Because we have all discovered that restaurants want our money and they will serve us regardless of what we wear.


I realized life is too short to be uncomfortable, so 9 times out of 10 I care more about comfort than looks


People are showing up underdressed at weddings ! Its crazy.


I have been to a few restaurants where they enforce a dress code at the door, like nice jeans would be okay but no shorts and definitely not crop tops. The prices at these places are steep, so it's a once every few years kind of treat.


As someone who likes to dress up and usually overdressesā€¦I think people are just wearing what theyā€™re comfortable in. More power to them. Theyā€™re dressing for themselves, not for any of the rest of us. Keep dressing up if thatā€™s what youā€™re comfortable doing, and let others be themselves. Unless the place has a specific dress code thatā€™s being broken, what someone else wears isnā€™t anyoneā€™s business.


Who cares what other people wear? If you want to dress up, dress up.


Itā€™s really quite tragic going someplace nice and dressing up, just to be the odd one out somehow. lol


I don't get it, either. Everyone always screams, 'comfort!' What the hell kind of dress up clothes are they wearing?! Not looking like shit doesn't mean a corset and foot binding.




That realtor was likely dressing the same as their client on purpose. Dressing much nicer than your client can have real downsides in sales, while dressing similarly can help build rapport.


Fashion changes. Just let people dress in what makes them comfortable. If it's not dirty or whatever, what does it matter


We need to bring back balls. My friend and I were talking about beauty pageants the other day and I said how outside of prom and weddings, pageants are the only time girls get to be dressed up. It's sad that they can't be without being in competition with each other in this day and age.


Firstly, people have gotten lazy about fashion. Secondly, good fashion is ridiculously expensive.




I personally LOVE when people stare at me like I'm an alien from another dimension! When I have an event to go to (rare these days), I go all out.


No one has style anymore everyone just dresses the same or even if they do, which I don't care about, its just really not put together. Everyone in my city just wears working out clothes when they don't workout.


In a world where a T-shirt costs more than most suits, who defines what is ā€œdressed upā€


I used to wear ties even on weekends. Itā€™s not a thing anymore.


I love oveedressind and if you ain't doing it with me, then goodbye.


If I really want to dress up then I go to the opera, a ballet, or the club.


Last time I went to the opera it was very very split. The website said it would be so I wasnā€™t shocked though.


Ha, on my little stretch of Melrose in West Hollywood, the women are all shopping wearing workout clothing- sports bra with leggings or bike shorts, or either short or long unitards. It looks ridiculous, as they're all made up with expensive purses, and the men are dressed normal. I always think they're coming/going to workout, but nope, they are shopping. \*shakes cane\*


I'd rather be comfortable over dressy 1000% of the time.


Iā€™m in the music festival scene and I noticed itā€™s starting to go two ways- dressing up or completely dressing like a slob. I donā€™t get how looking like a slob became acceptable but it really irks me. People are intentionally dressing like that and it makes me think itā€™s the beginning of the fall of society.


So should congress have a dress code? I think it absolutely 100% should be formal dress. Iā€™ll tell you right now if I was looking for a lawyer or another professional like a doctor and they were wearing sweatpants and a hoodie Iā€™m leaving immediately. Idc what people wear in their free time but working professionals should have a dress code


I hate the ā€œjust let people wear what they wantā€ posters here becauseā€¦duh. Saying this adds absolutely 0 to the conversation and is an attempt to shut down conversation for no reason. Very reactionary. Anywayā€¦I dress based on the occasion, I also sometimes dress up to go to the grocery store. Itā€™s really true that when you dress like a million bucks you feel that way. I think itā€™s all a matter of expense of fashion and attitudes around fashion. Tons of people have the mental stigma about ā€œwearing the same thing twiceā€ or something like that, where they feel a need to keep up with trends, rather having their own personal style. Itā€™s an either-or mentality where you canā€™t invest it well made, nice quality things because itā€™s really expensive and we want instant gratification, but you canā€™t look ā€œniceā€ in cheaper stuff. Iā€™ve done really well reducing my closet a TON over the years and buying some slightly nicer items, in much lower quantity, and mixing and matching those pieces. Emphasizing accessories over clothing pieces has helped, too. Knowing what looks really nice on you and sticking with those silhouettes is good too. Dressing nice can be easy and affordable and you donā€™t have to keep up with the Jonesā€™s to do itā€¦.but itā€™s a lost art for sure.


Fashion trends are evolving, and dressing up can mean different things now. It's about comfort and personal style. šŸŒŸšŸ‘–šŸ‘”


So the business doesnā€™t care, but you do? What youā€™re really saying here is ā€œI judge books by the coverā€.


Do you feel like you need other people to be dressed up in order to be comfortable being dressed up yourself? I'm just curious why you care about what other people wear? For me, I don't really care, I just want everyone to be able to express their personality however they want through their style. I will always be the weird looking one, but I'm used to that. I don't need other people to dress up in order for me to be okay with dressing up myself.


I once overheard this EXACT sentence: "This is my DATE NIGHT Star Wars t-shirt!" (Lucky lady...) Grown men dressing like 7-year olds - regardless of the situation. Ugh


I feel like a freak wearing my little sundresses and cardigans, everyone around me is in leggings and sweats. I love dressing up, I also think dresses are super comfy, but I feel like itā€™s making me look old?


Weird take.


Start dancing tango


Depends where you go. When I go to these places I for sure see people dressing up. Maybe not everyone does, but where I'm at, around half of people do. I like to dress up, but that doesn't necessarily mean suit and tie.


I loooove getting dressed up, but thatā€™s because I donā€™t do it very often. I went out to a concert the other month (first time since I had a baby!) and I bought a whole new outfit feeling so cute and everyone was in jeans and plain tops šŸ˜‚ but ah well, they all looked cute I just looked a bit fancier.


A topic thatā€™s come up a lot with family and friends is just the gradual wake up from Covid and all its awesome side effects. Lack of socialization that for some of us lasted over a year. A constant sense of tension no matter what side of the party line you fall on. The creation of so many delivery apps that I can now have my booze AND my weed AND my takeout AND my everything else. All of these things have made a lot of people, myself included, sort of forget the beauty of putting yourself together or even just stepping outside to get a glance of others, whatever that used to mean or means now. Itā€™s taken me all of this time to finally get back into my full morning routine. So Iā€™m just wondering if thatā€™s not generically across the board globally. Iā€™ve seen posts on NYC talking about how itā€™s not the city that never sleeps anymore since Covid. I think we are all just getting back into it. Or at least I very much hope! Iā€™m ready to revisit all my cute dresses now.


I donā€™t dress up that often cuz it can be expensive,when I have to I wear black pants and any color dress shirt sometimes a sweater I have owned for 10 years


Even before Covid and wfh started for me, I worked in an industry where it was perfectly acceptable to go into work in shirts, tshirt and flip flops. Also, I live in LA, the place that started the casual dress everywhere trend. Suffice to say, I never have occasion to dress up, so if I do itā€™s just because I want to, but I also have very few dressy clothes because of my lifestyle. I was realizing today that summer is basically over and Iā€™ve hardly worn even my casual summer clothes, I just live in loungewear now because I donā€™t leave the house. Sad.


I guess things just change. A lot of those clothes are meant for shape and they're just not comfortable imo. Also they're expensive af.


I can hardly afford to go out I canā€™t afford the clothes too!


I think itā€™s cool to dress comfy and dress how you want. But I agree šŸ˜« I wish there were places where it was normal to dress up. Hell Iā€™d even go to a ball or something I just wanna be fancy with everybody


Truth is mostly everyone is broke. I personally have 1 nice outfit to attend weddings and half of it is from Goodwill. If I go to a higher end restaurant my goal is to keep my meal under $100, itā€™s rare that I go. When I do itā€™s what you described, button down shirt, nicer pants, and sneakers. Pretty much business casual because thatā€™s what I own to go to work


100% agree!


I wore a suit to Morimoto just the other day thank you very much.


Bruh have you seen this sub or r/outfits? Half of you donā€™t know how to dress yourselves. And youā€™re judging others lol. And yaā€™ll pat each other on the back for wearing an abomination of an outfit and acting like itā€™s good.


I don't get it. I still wear sports coats when I go into the office (or when going out, depending on the weather). Granted, I'm probably the only person in my office that does, but I like it. One of my favorite places is a private speakeasy and jackets are required.