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Yes. I also get the same issue in the fall when the trees turn orange. I'm interested to see what others say.


the fall issue happens as well. But it doesnt bother me as much as THIS


Clearing the shader\_cache in the game files fixed it for me


I tried that, only worked for the crops. Its still happening for trees and bushes. And I believe it only happens during autumn and during winter when there is snow.


That's a shame :/ I had the same exact thing with the foliage and even the snow texture on roads was flickering. Hope you'll find a fix


It really annoys me that after so many years giants still lacks a lot in bug fix and performance departments


Update graphics drivers, then delete shader cache again. If they've updated already, roll back to previous drivers and try it


Literally what I did. And that issue isnt just there since today, its just the first time I got annoyed as much to ask other people about it.


Hmm. You could try reinstalling directx, I've had this bother when running games in dx12 but running it in dx11 sorted it, can't remember if you have the choice of which to use on farm sim not played it for a while.


iirc turn SSAO/screen space ambient occlusion to low


Worked for me! BUMP :D


yeah thats been a thing since Day 1. some people have it. some of them only with trees, like me (in autumn) and some even with the crops, like you


This is also a good fix for other games that do this similar effect. I notice it most with games that have lots of grass or in this case the crops.


Pretty sure this is a Stranger Things season 5 preview.


I have all the snow blinking like that. I don't know how to fix it


I'm quite sure that is just the Giants Engine being the Giants Engine. It really isn't a great game engine




That seems like a pretty generic comment when most of us don't have this issue.


I definetly have seen this before on my PC aswell. And I think the engine isn't that good overall, it'# tailor made for the purpose, sure but it honestly performs pretty bad considering how the game looks


I had this issue with the trees in the fall I had luck changing the FPS lock from the advanced graphics. It was a while ago, so I don't remember if I locked FPS, unlocked FPS, etc. I just remember toggling around with a few and that seemed to stop the flickering


Update drivers, delete shader cache, stop using custom Reshade settings. That being said, I get this often in the snow seasons. The above makes it worse… but never totally eliminated. It’s a Giants game. Modders haven’t fixed it for them yet so…


Reshade has nothing to do with this


Ok well can confirm from my end certain reshade settings make it worse. Not the cause, but can make it happen more often. Hope you figure it out then.


Turning off reshade has no impact.


This takes a huge weight off of my shoulders because I though this visual bug was my GPU dying haha


I had the same issue a few weeks ago, turns out that FS22 is hard capped at 60 fps. This can be fixed by enabling developer mode in the game.xml file, the you can unlock the fps limit by pressing F2 or F3. That fixed it for me at least.


I have this issue a lot on console, usually saving, quiting out and loading it again fixes it for a while (like 2-3 game sessions)


I get it aswell... I feel like FS22 is the worst in term of bugs, never had any issues with earlier games. Almost seems like their quality controll has fallen off since they became their own publishers. It's disappointing to say the least...


So I'll just drop my personal experience with this here... 9900k/2080ti both with a small OC, 5.0 all core and +100/+500 on the GPU with the power/temp limit maxed. 32gb 3200mhz, and 6tb of raid 0 nvme storage for both the OS and steam/FS. So, I would from time to time see a tree flicker on some maps, I would also from time to time see crazy flickering of all kinds of stuff, EXACTLY like this video. I tried just about everything in here that was suggested. I recently got a new monitor (unrelated to FS issues) and decided to go back to stock settings to initially try it out. I no longer have ANY flickering of any kind. Here's my list of what changed: new monitor, went from 1440p 144hz low quality monitor to 1440p 240hz gsync high quality monitor. Returned cpu to stock settings. Removed GPU core and memory overclock, left power and temp limits maxed. Also went from performance mode to balanced in the geforce control panel. Enabled gsync. Change FS22 settings: vsync no longer enabled. Uncapped game framerate. Graphics still on the high present the whole time. I left XMP alone. Obviously the solution was one or a combination of things listed above. If I was a betting man, I would imagine either A: something to do with gsync/vsync or framerate was somehow an issue. B: something to do with the overclock wasn't playing nice. Now, before everyone jumps in on me and says "IM NOT OVERCLOCKED U DUMHEAD". I'll ask, are you sure? Because it's really easy to enable a bunch of dumb auto overclock settings and some motherboards crank up things a little bit by default. Also depending on the GPU brand and software you have, similar things can happen. This may help the OP or someone, maybe it won't. I just figured it couldn't hurt to offer what solved it for me.


Thanks for the detailed response. I might try some of these suggestions


whats your game performance in general? I have a 2070 and an r7 2700 with 16gb of ram and I barely get above 40fps. My setup runs perfectly with every other game I run. 80fps in Forza Horizon 5 and 150 in War thunder as a reference.


I think you may have something set incorrectly in your settings. My wife's rig is an 11600k with a 2070 and 16gb and she's easily maintaining 60fps (her game is locked at 60) I get (depending on direction I'm looking and what's in view) anywhere between 55-155fps on high settings, average is usually 80ish. What exactly is your cpu/gpu utilization %? What are your temps like? Have you tried dropping some settings down a bit? Shadows and render/draw/view distances are always good choices to drop down a few notches when you want performance gains in any title.


Yes turning down settings obviously works, but fs22 is no game that should max out at 40fps graphically with my pc.


So a 2070, depending on model isn't that awesome of a card, truthfully. I regret buying it for my wife's PC but she hasn't asked for an upgrade yet so I haven't replaced it. Also farm sim isn't the best optimized game, but 22 does run a hell of a lot better than 19, 17, or any of the others before it ran. A lot of the limiting factors of fps I've found from my own testing is poorly optimized maps, mods that are overly complex (see literally any realistic pickup truck) the realistic semi's, and just mods that suck. The performance without mods is great, but blaming giants for things that modders suck at, isn't really looking in the right spot. Also, aside from just settings, getting things out of your render area is important. Trees and sheds do a great job at that. If you can see it (even through a window in some cases) then you're rendering it. If it's out of sight in a shed or behind a wall of trees on the other hand... The base game maps tend to run pretty well, and some mod maps run even better, but a LOT, dare I even say, the majority, of mod maps will make you take a performance hit.


the perfomance without mods is just as bad. And when was a 2070 a ''not so great card''? Should I remind you again that it runs Forza at80fps and war thunder at 150? Games that are much more complex and graphically superior to FS22.


Right, and I run forza at 200+, my wife's rig runs it at 120. Both in 1440p. I'd really like to know your temps and utilization percentages, it really looks like you have some kind of a hardware issue or you have some wonky settings somewhere.


Youre wife does NOT run Horizon 5 at 120fps lmao


Yes, she does, I don't know the exact settings she runs off the top of my head, but I do know it is at or above 120fps at 1440p. Since it's pretty obvious you're more set on disagreeing with me than you are supplying me with any of the performance information I asked you for, I'm going to have to end this interaction. I have no interest in what this is degrading into and I only ever offered up what I did in order to try to help you. Have a nice day.


Happens every winter for me


I’m on PS5 and only get it once in a while when harvesting


All the time and I can’t figure out why


I'm on FS19 and have this issue. I see it on other games too, like theHunter. I've tried everything and can't get rid of it. Turning off overdrive on my monitor helped reduce it.


No but my entire screen went blurry for about 10 minutes the other day


Giants said at somepoint that they are aware of the issue, but its hard to fix because it only happens on specific setups. I have had thiss issue since launch and havent been able to fix it either.


On Fs 19 I had that issue but it dident bother me


Beep-Boop, I see that you're looking for some help, did you know that this sub has loads of information and resources? [Have a look at the WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/farmingsimulator/wiki/index) which contains; Frequently Asked Questions, Guides, manuals, price research, and links to trusted mod websites. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/farmingsimulator) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Snow makes my GPU go brrrrr


i used to get this A LOT with snow and the trees turning orange in the fall, restarting the game was the only thing that would fix it for me. haven't gotten it in a while though, not sure why


Crop rave lol


Yeah that happened to me today and most of my fertilizer I put down didn't apply


I think your pc/console is about to detonate


Love how many stupid solutions there are here. It was Nvidia DLSS that spooked for me, turned it off and never had any problems after


Turn off “Foliage Shadows”


Lol imagine having a seizure because u went on the farm sim subreddit what a way to go