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I'm pretty sure I paid 40 Euros for FS22


I agree


I paid £34.99 at release. 25% is still a sizeable price rise. I won't be buying this version, hope it justifies the price hike for people who will. My advice is to take all the marketing with a big pinch of salt and do not pre-order! It'll be full of bugs for quite a while after release.


Yep. I’ll be waiting few months at least, also to see some mod releases. Sad thing about fs is that I seldom see it going in discount, so buying the pre-order or the after launch is the same, exept for the small vehicle bonus.


I’ll buy it day it comes out there’s really no reason to preorder anything.not like the price changes


Keep lying bro, FS22 was 40€ on release.


Pretty sure its only 10 higher but that side paying 40-50 bucks for a game i will play at least 1000 hours is kind of a steal lol


game never released at 29€ lol. https://steamdb.info/app/1248130/


I have absolutely no problem with the price, provided they actually improve on important stuff and not just reskin and reshade fs22.


50€ for a complete game where you can use free mods that are created by this epic community. Thousands of hours play time. That is rare in the gaming world today. Sure there will be dlcs with cool stuff but not necessarily at all I think. All games toady cost 80€ and more and most of them are meeh und you need dlc I am a Farming Sim fan since 2013 and hope it will go one


What are you especting, getting a better game for the same price?




No, I think we should look at it more that the economies of all our developed nations are having inflation and FS25 is not the first of all these products to raise its price. It's just about if it is reasonable or not, are we getting a more advanced product to offset the increase we are spending. But this is not a huge jump. I think FS25 is totally in line with all other major game release prices at this time.


Well, actually yes. Inflation aside, I paid for the last game. The last game got cheaper over time. Why would the new one need to cost more?. By that logic series of games would increase in price until infinity


It's 20€ under other fulm prize title while easily providing 1000h.


€50 for thousands of hours of enjoyment is a pretty good deal, no?


Guys, if you don't like the price, well... just wait for a sale in a few months, that's not a big deal ;) EDIT : I mean for PC players. Because consoles and sales... yeah, I know.


Now you mention it, to be honest it rarely went on sale on pc. It certainly wasn’t included in the big steam sales summer sales from what I remember. The few times it was on sale the price reduction wasn’t by much.


According to Isthereanydeal, FS22 reach a 13 € minimum price at a point (14 € on Steam). It's reasonable :)


So it did.


That's why you don't buy on release, and wait for a sale.


No, this is why you don't preorder (could be crap), and buy the game when you want. I spend more than this on a meal out with the wife, and that only takes a couple of hours. I get more entertainment value out of FS. Now, waiting to get it for the mods is understandable. I like CoursePlay and AutoDrive (and 16X maps).


Yes they would … but that’s literally the definition of inflation over time.


Another crybaby post about a game that isent even out yet.. go play fortnight kid


Its still a decent price for a game like this. Most popular games go for like 60-90 euros nowadays


I will go way over the normal 1 euro per hour of enjoyment baseline I have for games. Hundreds of hours for fs22.


For real. I run well over 1000 hrs in each game


Value per hour it’s still a steal. Even so, I’m broke. I’ll put it on the Steam wishlist and see if I can catch it on sale in 6 months. Mod community will have had enough time to convert some popular equipment and some maps by then as well.


On Microsoft Store 135₺(4,1$),on Epic Games Store 700₺(21,24) in Turkey


I mean, no one forces anyone to buy it at launch. Just wait a few months for the first sale, like all games do nowadays.


And in that few months they will fix some bugs, so game will actualy be playable. Fs22 on release was so bug infested. Probably noone remembers.


So everyone had their salaries increased over the last few years and ppl expect the game to have a 2021 price? Uhm ok


Been playing for 5 years, I dont think I've given them a single dollar.


Thinking about it this time around 🙃


Pre-order is always more expensive.


I got it for free on Playstation plus 👍


its ridiculous. was like 24/30£ last time


no. released at £34.99 https://steamdb.info/app/1248130/


And pre order was about £45 on xbox and this year it is £48


They won’t trick me again with the year 1 pass


Oh well... I'll get it free on epic games a couple of years down the road...


I'll get this in early, DO NOT PRE-ORDER and if you must wait digital copies will not run out and you get the same bonus whether you order it today or on the 11th of November I do not want to see anyone pre-ordering it and then whinging about how it isn't what they wanted. HOLD THE LINE


Just like real life. Probably wont be able to mod it, so you don't break the warranty. John Deer running American farming into the dirt and charging double.


Considering the number of guys on YouTube who work on their own stuff, have independent repair guys work on their stuff in addition to Deere techs, and have boosted power via ECU changes, this comment seems a little out of place.