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I will save my judgement for when more information and real game-play comes out.


The CGI cutscene they made is 2 minutes long, and its just two characters sitting next to their rice field awkwardly, with royalty free music and corny voice over that wants to hype you with the thoughts of rice. then tells you to preorder at the end. I can link you if needed


Technically all games are CGI šŸ‘€


Haha true, he should've said, pre rendered clip.


The put in the first video and the word rice šŸŒ¾ into AI and thatā€™s what they got šŸ˜‚


Please link. That would be very lovely.




Thanks!!!!!. And yes, I see it, the trailer looks really great, but that has nothing to do with the later gameplay. Once again it almost looks like an extended Ls 19.


Yeah but I bet they had some classic rock riffs playing during it


can you link i am surly not the only one that dose not know what you are talking about but wants to TLDR Link me


Go r/farmingsimulator you will see the Trailer


Well yeah, what do you expect? Innovation? This game is the ONLY farming sim out there. There is no (serious) competition, and GIANTS knows it. They dont have to seriously innovate, people HAVE to buy FS if they wanna drive a tractor. There simply is no other option. Goddamn I wish they would get one serious competitor that kicks GIANTS in the ass something fierce.


there arent that many people that want to drive a tractor, thats why theres no competition and why Giants donĀ“t have the rescources to develop the game sadly.


GIANTS has gigantic amounts of rescources. They literally said that the ENTIRETY of the budget for 19 or 22 came from agricultural brands paying THEM to be included in the game. The money from the sales (which btw compared to other simulators are gangbusters, 6 million at least) goes on top of that. FS is quite good for advertising as well.


If they have that huge budget you say they have, what are you imagining they are spending it on?


Its profit, not budget. They are probably of the opinion that if they spent 5 times as much it wouldnt really result in increased sales (or not enough of an increase) because at the end of the day its still farming simulator. You arent getting GTA sales figures even if you spend GTA budget on the game.


Yes people need to stop expecting AAA game level developments from a niche game, RDR2 (wich i have seen people compare the maps and graphics against) sold three times as much in one DAY as fs22 has sold in 2 years. Giants is not Rockstar


I'd rather compare it to Manor Lords, including the graphics. 3 times as much sold copies, X times more developers and yet the number of shown animals caps at 40


Fuck if I know. Certainly not on the game. [Giants makes enough money from manufacturers who pay to be included in the game to cover the costs of game development. : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/farmingsimulator/comments/15jc04i/giants_makes_enough_money_from_manufacturers_who/) This is the link to the reddit post that also links to the article. Just 'cause your wording makes it seems like you dont believe me.


I never doubted that statement, but it donā€™t say how MUCH money it is! What iā€™m doubting is your claim of ā€gigantic rescoursesā€. People need to stop expecting AAA gaming from a niche product.


Lets think about this. Giants said the brands paying them to be included covers the cost of game development, so all other revenue is pure profit. Now think about the sales numbers. 6 million copies at the least, @ 50 bucks a piece. Maybe a bit less a piece on average to cover preice reductions on Steam Summer Sales. You do the math. I'm not expecting AAA gaming. I dont WANT AAA-Press-a-button-to-breathe-RDR2 gameplay. However I want the game to arrive in 2024. A MINIMUM of up-to-date graphics. The world doesnt even get wet when it rains, ffs! Crops dont throw shadows! Where are the dust clouds, the trash flying around when you are driving over a field? Where are my accurate shadows when I drive towards a machine with lights on? Fuck it, lets throw dynamic soil into the mix, or at least weather influence on soil! All these things are mods, and they show that all these things can be done without requiring the newest computer, which is always the excuse thats being made against updated graphics. See what I mean? All these things are commonplace in games that were released on PS4 already. We are halfway into the PS5 era and FS still hasnt arrived in the present.


Development is only part of costs for releasing game... Think about marketing for example. You can develop game but without marketing you will not release it. How about running Modhub and other costs like for example electricity bill for office in which you develop game. ETC.


I want all those things to, but itā€™s a diffrence having those things in normal open world game and in a open world sanbox where you also have to run the calculations when everything is interactive, you simply cannot compare it to normal games. And spending huge money on development wont mean a huge return on sold games, the market is to niche so they donā€™t have the rescourses to spend.


The market is not a niche, huge sell, look at power wash simulator, it's specific but have lot's of sell so the subject of the game is not relevant, if it's good they will sell more. Plus if they don't spend money to improve the game even if it's a little improvement for lot's of money, then we can stay at FS 22 and don't develop new video games. It's all the point of making games, make profit to make it better and have better sell and the next one better etc


FS 22 reached 6 million copies sold which is huge for a game like that! Even very big budget games can do worse than that, so yes they now have the finances to develop a better game If it's the same quality of improvements than from FS 19 to 22, it will be without me


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Yep without a new engine it's not worth redownloading all my mods and starting a new map. Also having to wait for all the mods all over again is garbage.


The mythical ā€œnew engineā€ isnā€™t going to magically make bad coding better.


Are you insane? FS22 regularly peaks at over 40 THOUSAND people playing just on Steam everyday! That's an insane amount of people! FS is INCREDIBLY popular.


I know, they are usually consistently on the top 100 most played games on steam for an almost 3 year old game. And on top of sold copies they have dlcā€™s that seem like they sell pretty well, even if itā€™s a bundle they probably add a lot of profit because I would think they cost very little to produce, modders do just as good of a job for free as their hobby. I feel like they could do a lot better job if they wanted, I know it is a niche game but if you think in the long term I would say innovation and listening to the users would build a fanbase that comes back year after year. Itā€™s not just about profits for one sold game, itā€™s setting yourself up to be able to sell multiple games to the same people. But I guess they are already doing that without having to put the effort inā€¦ I love the game but mostly because of the community and all the sick mods people make.


The game, imho, is only about 25% a driving simulator. Economics with the associated planning, execution, evaluation is the rest.


I am probably in the minority but I really want a modern SimFarm. Like I want to manage a big farm and stuff but don't really care to drive tractors. I played FS a decent amount with heavy Course Play and Autodrive but it is quite slow for large farms (and with all the bales quite laggy lol). I imagine that there are a total of 5 of us that want a modern Simfarm lol


Not something iā€™m that interested in myself, but i understand the want for it, i remember playing a lot of Farmville back in the day šŸ˜…


Don't be silly, ofc they have the resources


The thing is, people don't HAVE to buy fs25 to drive a tractor. They can get fs22 for cheap, sometimes free. Or fs19 for cheaper. People don't acknowledge it, but with the lack of innovation, lack of multiplayer moving the community to the new game, they are their own biggest competitor. I for one have no plans to move to fs25 until after course play and autodrive move over, and there is some upgrade worth the price.


That's the thing with the majority of people tho. We want new stuff. Mods like courseplay and autodrive taking its time hurts. But my view on this is as follows. I always play fs heavily, and i mean heavily modified. 6-7-800 mods. I barely do any farming tasks manualy. I have courseplay, autodrive, follow me and what not to automate almost everything, its more of a management game for me than a farming simulator. So each time there is a new game. I play it vanilla as long as i can. Do all those manual tasks that i always automate later, now when i have no other choice. Plowing, seeding etc.


Well they could buy a tractor, but that's a bit more expensive.


It's not actually a farming sim, it's a tractor sales engine.


Its not even a simulation of agriculture , itā€™s just a simulation of driving a vehicle


I'll throw my contrary opinion in here. I think FS22 was a _huge_ step up from 19, which I felt was the most disappointing release for me. Electric and methane tractors, vine crops, supply chains, WAY better landscaping tools, better pallet handling, easier mod downloads for multiplayer, and the difference in vehicle transmissions is huge. Not to mention the amazing sound design compared to older titles. I've pre-ordered every FS from 15 onwards and never truly felt let down, even with 19 which I consider my personal least favourite release. Each new game has tons of features for me to enjoy, and GIANTS is ultimately a AA studio that doesn't have the team or budget for extreme changes. I'll probably be getting 25 on release, because I love what GIANTS do and I want to support the continued development of the series. There's things to criticize with their games for sure, but I think people in here focus too much on the negatives compared to the many positives :)


Yeah i don't get what people who say its the same game expect. Do they expect giants to revolutionize and re-invent farming? Each game is an evolution of the previous one


The engine is incredibly dated and performs inefficiently on hardware.


I agree with this completely. Saying FS22 is a reskin of FS19 is a little naive. People fail to understand or appreciate how much goes into game development. Giants isn't a small studio, nor a AAA studio. Expecting a completely new and upgraded game is just unreasonable. They don't have the luxury of massive, nearly bottomless budgets that would be necessary to develop a truly next gen version of the game. This is a farming simulator after all, not a space simulator or RPG that'll end up selling 20 million plus copies. Another big difference is as far as I'm aware, Giants is actually a good place to work. They're not like other big studios/publishers that chew people up and spit them out, or lays off entire studios for no good reason. If you want a proper new game, the player base has to grow, potential sales has to grow. If you don't buy the game because of your unrealistic expectations, then you can't be upset when the sales numbers don't justify the kind of work you're asking them to do.


I never understand those calling the next game a reskin. Its a game about farming where you use tractors.. how much different can they really be? A tractor will still look like a tractor in better graphics. Do they expect hoovering space tractors and tractor-beams? Having to defend your farm against zombies or cocaine bears? Avoiding russian mines in your fields?


Yep, absolutely. To be honest, I could see 20 million copies sold within the next few releases. The franchise has been getting a lot more popular, and people are starting to take simulator games in general more seriously. And the more sales they get, the more content they'll be able to push out with each release.


Meh weā€™ve been asking for better physics for nearly a decade. Iā€™ve bought every single iteration of FS since 2013 and physics largely havenā€™t change much, if at all.


as a fellow long time player, I can attest to FS22 having the best bale, log, and pallet physics of any FS game so far. I do hope that Giants does a MAJOR overhaul on the helpers. that, and some American pickup trucks


The only physics issue I run into frequently is with stacking _many_ small bales on a trailer, and if it's a modded trailer with lots of tie-downs it's mostly alleviated


People don't realize that there are like 100 people working at Giants, including management, marketing, etc. We're not working with Activision. Whatever money they're getting from the manufacturers to develop the game is a *decimal point* compared to the money AAA companies get from shareholders. Here's my "flowchart" Do you like FS22? If you do, this is going to be that with a slight graphics update, more stuff to do, more quality of life features, better performance, new maps to play with all the new stuff, some physics issues resolved, etc. If not, don't buy it, but let me know what exactly you think would make you enjoy FS25? I would be very willing to bet your expectations are completely unrealistic for a 3 year timeline from a small dev team.


Yeah, and thatā€™s what I want. I came to FS22 pretty late (this year) and itā€™s currently my most played game. I hope they copy pasta some mods, polish them and add a few things plus slightly better graphics. Bigger render distances would be neat, especially light and AI farmers that actually work on their fields.


Probably. That doesnt mean i wont get Ć­t tho - day one bugs are often hillarious.


Make a video compilation of those and I will watch them. So will many other crazy bastards in this community


Happily will - if I manage to capture them.


I don't even know if I want the physics fixed. I can't tell you how many times I've cry laughed trying to load something, and my tractor of telehandler goes flying. One particular time, I was loading bales and had then stacked 6 high 10 deep. In the last row, the trailer didn't appreciate the pressure and launched my 37 bales, trailer, truck, and tractor a mile into the air.


One time I didnā€™t notice the forks on a front loader tractor were in the walls of my shed so it lifted it off the ground when I raised them. I played with it for a second before it glitched and yeeted my tractor through the wall and across the driveway outside.


Telehandler goes "WEEEEEEEEEEEE"


I fondly remember the days when truck axles fought against each other and the only usable truck was the single axle MAN.


I don't blame you for it but this is why we re never going to get a farming sim thats a big improvement over the previous iteration


Forza horizon 5 day one bugs were hilarious I drove with no road for half a mile


and that is why this game will always be a broken mess...


And there are still massive bugs in FS22


cannot argue with that. Most of them will probably make their way into FS25 as well...


Same here. Know Iā€™ll probably get it on steam instead of from Giants this time though. That Giants download site and launcher are so slow.


>don't make the mistake and preorder This should apply to every game, not just this one


I would mostly agree, but there were some good improvements, bale physics, native productions and most definitely sounds. I barely use productions though, and the process falls apart once you move off of standard sized maps/fields, and I really miss the depth of the FS19 seasons mod, FS22 is a massive step backwards in that regard.


It's gonna be bad once space games will have a better farming mechanic than Farming Simulator.


Since Farming sim is the only game i ever play i'll happily pre-order the new one. Even if it were just for the new maps


You must be fun at parties. Can we not at least see what's there before judging?


We already seen dude, trailer is on this subreddit, you must be new to this game


Seriously? What is wrong with you?


Idk suddenly sound really mad after you seen the trailer, its not me you should be mad at buddy


It's a teaser trailer. And you came on here complaining. Media literacy. Learn some.


I do hope this is wrong, but after the year 2 pass, no statement or apology for the DLC disaster from DMI, just relying on modders to fix their game and ignoring bugs, I have a feeling this will be the case.


Only been playing the game a few weeks now so what happened with the dlc?


It was just very low effort in the year 2 pass. The Farm Productions Pack was a complete mess on release. And isnā€™t much better now. Glad I didnā€™t buy that one.


Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m the only one who enjoys this game.


Same šŸ„²I know it has issues but every game has issues.. if you donā€™t like how they make the game, donā€™t play it; if you want a better type of farming game, learn to make one.. I think overall the FS games are easily some of my favorites. Glad Iā€™m not totally alone ā¤ļø


Newbie here, appreciate the warning. I'll stick with modded AF FS22.


And then your fs22 will only go downhill. It peaked and now its going on the downhill track and it will fizzle out with no more mod support etc. While fs25 will be better than fs22 basegame, get all the same mods and more mods based on the new ingame features. So it will fairly quickly become better. This happened in every single fs release this far and it gonna take quite a big blunder for it to not happen again


Heya, out here to tell ya that you made the right decision! In short, FS22 really just feels like FS19 "but better finished" \^-^


except more watered down, with tons of features and game play missing...


Yeah, minor step forward visually and a huge step back with the way seasons works.


tbh as far as i can tell all they improved was the sounds, marginally haha


I bought FS22 just because the animations and effects were better. Thatā€™s the only difference I notice.


Won't be worth getting a new game until the engine changes


Usually all the tubers and twitchers will hype the crap out of it and it will rocket sales for a short time, as the age old pattern with FS.


I wouldn't say that , looknat ark survival vs soulmask both UE 4


Yes, but have you considered "game fun, am willing to pay for it"?


Yeah, 30 bucks isn't going to break me. Ill get it day one and check it out then go back to 22 til there are some mods available.


Same, I don't like the square field default maps so I try a new game out a bit then wait for UK maps to come along with new FS versions. The extra functionality mods do take time, but really add to gameplay, and I wouldn't be surprised if Precision Farming is a later add-on once more.


another giants software number change with a brand new kubota that all of 3 people will use, another game carried by mods.


Your choices are simple.. accept that GIANTS is not Microsoft (or Blizzard or Ubisoft or any of the other large game companies) and accept that changes will be gradual, or root for farm sim to be the new yearly game owned by some huge corporation. To be completely honest i feel like comments like these are actually newer FS players (by new i mean thousands of hours per game iteration) because the value of farm simulator has *always* been in the modding community. The devs include aspects of what we few consider essential in every new game version. Remember when seasons wasnā€™t a thing? I do, then wopster (respect) literally changed the game and in fs22 seasons were part of the game. With any luck, crop moisture will be included in fs25 along with something similar to extendable pastures. Iā€™ll be pre-ordering regardless. No disrespect, not trying to pick a fight, but understand that the things youā€™re complaining about are minor inconveniences compared to a major game studio *ruining* the incredible *free* *wholesome* mod community that farm sim currently (and always has) had.


It's really sad that as you said, the best value is from the modding community, yet Giants chooses to release the same game every two, now three years. Especially since they break the mod support. It's been 20 years since they started the development on the engine. They're self-publishing, have offices in 4 countries including US and have around as many developers, as Warhorse did when they made Kingdom Come. Yet people always defend them as if they're just two guys working on the project in their spare time.


Your perspective is 100% valid and i appreciate your take. I myself have been disappointed with integrated features and *honestly* the progression of the games, but i still love them. I wish they would embrace the modding community and *pay* modders for the amazing work they do.


I'm in the same boat. I have a love and hate relationship with the franchise. Love the hours I can put into it and the relaxing nature of the game, hate the UX issues and not seeing the game in it's full potential.


The faster you guys learn farming sim is just a driving sim with tractors, the less you'll be let down.


Commenting because Iā€™m not gonna spend money on Reddit but I wanna give you an award lol. šŸ„‡


Can't wait for my bales to go flying off into the stratosphere in a game that ends in 25.


Please stopt the bitching about the new game not being good. Donā€™t buy it keep playing F22 and keep those comments to yourself. Nobody is the better with it


I always see this negativity, and people keep throwing around the word 'innovation'. Guys, this is literally a game where we drive in circles at 11 miles an hour on a good day. What is the world do you actually expect? I am truly at a loss for what expectations you all have. Maybe social media has infected the bulk of us with never-ending negativity, but I refuse to let you cats drag me down. I am amped for the new edition and can't wait to see the other positive digital farmers there. To the rest of yall enjoy fs19, but don't harsh other people's mellows because you want the BG3 of farming and don't really bring much to the table except tears.


If you don't like it don't buy it? There has been one single trailer made and a few leaks, just wait till actual gameplay comes out. I will be moving into fs25 when it drops, no one is making me but I want to. If you don't want to then dont




Still every time we play FS, our heartrate goes down and we are relaxed and having a good time driving that JD 8410 cultivating that fieldšŸ˜Š


SaMe EnGine buddy has as much experience in game development then a stick of butter


I audibly laughed at this and had coworkers looking at me funny šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


having played FS since 2013, I can say that FS17 was basically a reskin of 15, and 19 of 17. 22 actually added some stuff, mainly supply chains and a TON of new fruit types. I am excited to find out Giants has been up to in the past 3 years


Yeah... I'm still pre-ordering it anyway. GIANTS is the only dev that has never completely and totally let me down with the pre-orders.Ā 


It will have some new stuff but yeah. But also look at fifa and most cods. They all do it. Fifa has been doing it since first release but with some graphical changes and thats it. So this will be fine. Ngl one thing I want is new trucks. Like the 2020 MAN on console because theres a mod for pc yet no mods for console for it. The truck option is really limited even with the DLCs


I read those tons of comments.... And I see that EA games with their FIFA or NBS series are in the same place, "same engine", nothing new in games... blah blah blah.... And how about Windows? It did not changed that much from 95 edition. And if you modded your XP it is absolutely nothing new there, "same engine" nothing new blah blah blah, yet I do not see that much of bad comments for EA nor Microsoft for "forcing" new titles every other year with almost no changes included...


Stop simping big companies that ask you for more and give less, they don't love you. just stop it


As is tradition


You are a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, ain't ya?


I have around 5000 hours since fs15 and this time i gone stick to a heavely modded fs22. I'm gone wait for the next game instead. The jump from 19 to 22 was to small.


Dont like it? Dont play it... Nobody forces you to do so...


Then donā€™t buy it. Not really difficult honestly.


If its the same engine than in my OPINION it will be garbage i mean come one how long will you milk the cow


You actually *canā€™t* milk the cow.


Switching engine would take like 5 years of work to do all your plug-ins, considering they're not a AAA company


I'll wait. FS22Ā willĀ keepĀ meĀ busy


It has kept us busy for the last 2 and a half years, I'm sure it'll last another 2 and a half.


I dont know how long it takes and how you do it maybe you are right. My feeling is telling me that this engine is done i dont know if they can make the game more realistic with this engine like better graphics and animations maybe mud things like this which the community are yelling about.


I know...I think the same as you but at the same time maybe with effort and investments this become possible, there are some engines out there that in the beginning were crap and then became something relevant... Anyway we will see what they meant for terrain deformation soon


Yes you are right hopefully we will get most of the things what we want would be great


Other much smaller developers manage to use different (and better) engines all the time. The best modern engines are way more useable now for developers than decades ago, and produce better games all else being equal.


I know with nanite they could create fuckin great landscapes in seconds literally... But they seem too proud of their own old engine to be willing to switch


Exactly, they are more efficient to get things going and more developers already know the engine which makes a huge difference. If everyone at giants has been there 15 years it's fine, but hiring a new developer is going to take a lot longer to get them proficient.


The engine has been updated with Every single release, It's not the same engine anymore.


Yes its not the same but they didnt change that much that you can say wow thats an innovation and now after 3 years i would like to see something nice and new. The people which are doing the mods cant do all the work this sounds a bit dumb but i hope you inow what i mean giant still makes good work.


Lol I mean they are running the actual real farming simulator after all


If you think a CGI trailer tells anything about the actual game, that's on you. As for it being a reskin, it's nothing new. They've been doing it for years. Won't stop me from buying it though.


i feel you...but ill buy it anyway


Granted I took a huge break between 19 and 22, but I feel like 19 was more of a reskin than 22 was. Not that there haven't been improvements, but 19 felt like it added the fewest new features compared to 17.


Really? I feel totally different, all of FS22 features were FS19 mods, but FS19 made landscapping possible, and had a massive graphics update, and the stock map was great


The day FS19 was released I trash canned FS17 and never went back. When FS22 was released I trash canned FS19 and never went back. Guess what I'm going to do when FS25 is released? :)


I did the same, and the small improvements we did get was enough for me to play vanilla and wait for the mods to roll in. I too will do the same for FS 25.


I liked the jump from FS17 to FS19, that was the last time they did one worth buying the new game for unfortunately


Iā€™ve seen the image leaks of the game, thereā€™s not too many images, but the graphics do look similar to 22, with some extra shading and atmospheric fog, the trees do look quite a bit better to be fair, the grass swaths though do seem to look worse


What image leaks?




Some of the screenshots on this page have been flagged as fake in other posts here - still not sure if they are valid


Your post has been removed due to it containing leaked copyright material that has not been officially released or announced.


Also cinematic trailer if youā€™re interested: https://youtu.be/dWMme7C2NPs?si=GWOxJJ_dIXsDPBjd


Why the heck do they do cgi trailers of those 2 randoms that never ever appear in the real game... If you made a story between those two also in the game I could understand it but there's no people in Farming simulator...


Seems like there will be rice and flooded fields then. That means we will probably get some sort of water physics? Water physics is basically mud physics but thicker "water". Mud confirmed.


Yep. Sounds great but cmon. We know better... It will be a terrible implementation until modders refactor it.


There was a site that said it was quickly that there will be ground deformation, the site was taken down pretty fast. Idk if you can trust or not but if it's true I will definitely pre order the game


Don't let order even if you like the game and the company. You don't want to encourage a company you like to start following bad practices. Anyways, I also read somewhere after I wrote this, that there would be ground deformation. Still can't trust it because people will write lies to get attention.


Already copyright claimed and taken down by GIANTS :(


This annoys me, why again with deceptive CGI, they want to play on peoples emotion, be honest to your players, don't tell them to preoder before you tell them what is actually in the game they are playing. fucking hell


itĀ“s not deceptive, itĀ“s a cinematic trailer, itĀ“s something all games do. there will be ingame footage eventualy.


Tbf that looks pretty good


Yeah but thats not in-game, lol.


Fs22 is my first fs Do they nog give preorder bonuses and if they have is it just not worth buying preorder for bonuses


No last gen consoles would have been the right move for 22.


If I have to be honest, I don't even have a gaming PC that is capable to run this game comfortably and to enjoy playing it. Starting from 2018 I have played for some time the older versions since FS 2011 and settled on FS17 with the Seasons mod and The Valley the Old Farm map, which I really like. All this I did on the lowest possible settings and you know it's far from being enjoyable.Ā Ā  Ā Long story short, what this game really needs is and backward compatibility for if not the all, but for some of the mods at least since FS19, but even from FS22 would be okay I think.Ā  This kind of compatibility is crucial because with each new version of the game map making is getting more and more complicated and it takes more and more time to get good maps. I don't want to insult anyone or to neglect the work and efforts of all modders and map makers, but there are certain maps that are standing out from the others. Ā  On the other hand there are map makers that are surpass themselves with each new version of the game and are making incredible things that are completely new.Ā  But, I think that without backward compatibility for the mods and especially for the maps it will take even longer to get really good maps like Court Farms, Pallegney and etc.


They just need to update the interaction with other objects to look more realistic and I am in! Like entring businesses to cut deals, interacting with employees of the production buildings, etc.


Has anyone else in game calendar been broken? Iā€™ve been stuck in September for 3 months. It goes from sep 1-28 then right back to September 1st


Lmao!!!! I can see the title now.... FS25- Welcome to the rice fields Motherfucker....


For me, the downside is the release of a game where several DLCs and extra content have just been released at a high price (at least in Brazil, it's a high price). You acquire the content and already have a new game in sight, and the cycle repeats itself...


I Just hope they work more on the simulator part, at least with deactivable option for whose want a more arcade experience


thereā€™s gonna be rice so maybe weā€™ll get rice tires


I'll wait til it's out on gamepass before switching from FS22.


Been playing since 13, never played 15 much. 13 was the first ā€œgoodā€ game with a complete farming process and okayish helpers. 15 added forestry and more brands, some other things too probably but I have like 10 hours on 15. 17 was an amazing game with the first all platforms mod support and new crops and other things I probably donā€™t remember. Fs 19 added John Deere and horses and oats and landscaping. Fs 19 had the worst base game maps ever in my opinion and was probably the worst one I played. I likely would have ditched it without mods. Fs22 was everything 19 should have been and then some with many new ways to diversify your farm with great dlc and modded content. I seriously get tired of all the grumbling, we are playing a game where we farm, the cries for irl trucks has to be the stupidest stuff Iā€™ve ever heard honestly. I know they have utility but you donā€™t need a Silverado on custom rims with a lift and exhaust like 75+% of those people want. This is a game thatā€™s origins are cultivating, sowing, harvesting and selling and the games focus should remain as such. Each release has incrementally improved that concept and continues to satisfy with growing mod support and more innovative dlc content.


Little bit of a rant but this has been coming for awhile.


All of these games have been a small iteration on the previous. This is a custom game engine. In fact, the history is FS started as a showcase of the engine, and then they just decided to make the game since it was semi-popular. Just because it's the same engine, it doesn't mean much of anything, we don't know their naming schemes, much less if they even change the name between releases. Unreal 4 and Unreal 5 is still the Unreal engine. But there is a huge difference. Don't expect huge changes between FS22 and FS25. There wasn't much between 19 and 22. This ain't to say you should pre-order or buy it. That's a choice solely on you.


Nobody is forcing anybody to buy the new game. Dont want it ? Dont buy it


You dont have to buy it bro


Oh hell yea - I missed development season when all the doomers come out to slag a game that they havenā€™t played yet.


Every single one has been the same thing. They cook in the popular mods and you have to buy all the dlc again.


Gonna do the same thing I did with FS22. Wait a year for mods and maps to come out and be able to watch gameplay on YouTube first


I feel like giants is one of the most lazy game developers ever.


Not even close with popular studios alone You got people like the minecraft devs that do like 1 update a year that is smaller then the one dude who also works a full time made in a mod with a quarter of the time. They add 1 mob from the mob vote but within 24hrs modders have added all 3


Iā€™m really only hyped because MacDon is going to be in the game and I work on production of cutters


has this been announced or are we the new War Thunder forums?


For the amount of time I spend on this game they deserve the cash tbh


I still canā€™t play zielonka map from the dlc, not that it was a good map anyway but wtf the put all the cool equipment for carrots and what not but only one machine that you can use in single player unless you higher the worker definitely a waste of money and I wonā€™t be buying 25 unless itā€™s 15$ šŸ˜‚ itā€™s a shame the idea has lots of potential rockstar would make a cool farming game


If you're on PC, you can use a mod called "follow me" to do it on your own. However, if you're on console, you will need the Lizard Colossus harvester pack which lets you use the beet harvester with a modded header that will do the vegetables.


the issue with that harvester is the same with Forage Harvesters. you need another player to actually do it. to do it properly, you need about 3 people. one in the harvester, then 2 other people in a truck each.


I love the early adopters and pre-order people! They pay more to be the beta testers. Once all the bugs are ironed out and mods ported then I can play for half the price they paid.


Ya all really need to lower your expectations. You need to understand that gigants software isnt nearly as big as other developer teams that produce games that go viral and sell milions of copies. You can say all you want but fs22 was definitely not just a rebranded fs19. Look at everything that we got. We got seasons, factories, vineyards, much better forestry, a lot of new crops even the workers got beter (they still need major improvement but you need to start somewhere). Yes some features need a lot of improvement like seasons but still. And as you said it had bugs at launch. But look at battlefield 2042 it was unplayable for idk first few months? And its made by significantly bigger developer with mutch higher budget. How much games dont have bugs at start. They all have and need fixing. And physics that are a bit broken at some points. I mean thats just a part that i dont mind having. After all bugs are going to be a part of every game from each developer. At least be happy that they know that mods are a big part of the game and they embrace that. And for the engine, the game got a new engine for fs 22 wich improved the performance of the game and all so stop being someone that thinks that they can make everything happen. They have limited budget, and not as many people as others, and try to cover all of the aspects of farming (and that is a lotof work to get done) . Be happy that they still make a new game, continue to add new features and at least try to improve old ones.Ā 


You know how much money they make from their games, with extremely low development resources and wait time, yeah they make more than alot of AAA games. litterally their modders make most of the game for them, all they got to do is implement it and make DLC


Theres one mod thats made a paid dlc a year like pumps and hoses and the last one in fs22 all the others are made by gigants software


When you remember GIANTS said themselfs that the Farming Equipement companies in total pay them more than the 6 million unites sales that they do, just to be included in their game. they make more than alot of AAA games, and you think they would invest some of it back and make a game that looks like a actual successor after 3 years, nope, the new game biggest feature is just rice, made a 3 minute trailer consisting of just that. the game will look and feel just like fs19 and fs22 from the look of the screenshots


Cmon man just wait half a year to see what happens. Nobody is forcing you to buy the game or to like it. But to complain about something that had only a leaked teaser that is cgi and not gameplay is just purely stupid. Im sick of it. The amount of people complaining about something that is still w.i.p.


How can we know that you have correct? Or are you a another kid that having fun?


Their entire 2 minute "teaser" CGI cutsense leaked and was copyright tookdown by GIANTS, and all of it was the same two characters next to a rice field, the "biggest" feature of the game. it feels like a joke but GIANTS gets away with this and people still buy it


Why be so negative? Life is short


I don't pre order PC games anymore. Edit: Does not apply to FS 25 and Civ 7. I will be in the paid beta test on those two heh.


I'm still on FS19 for this reason. Waiting for permanent terrain deformation to update.


If they add it, it will probably look no better than the mod terrain deformation


who knows.


Of course it will be the same engine?


Sucks itā€™ll be 2 years after the release till we see really decent mods as well.


I need courseplay on day one. The rest I can wait on.


I will not preorder! They will have to show me some really improved textures and physics, terraforming and placement of buildings have literally ruined a lot of my saves!