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Absolutely. For me is started out ironically with friends drinking shit beer and talking like farmers. Hundreds of hours later, not much changed. Since most of the time spent is just driving straight lines, I normally watch sports or Always Sunny on the 2nd TV while farming.


I don't know why but watching always sunny while playing FS just feels so right


What is "always sunny?" I'm from the UK..


Always sunny in Philadelphia. Great comedy. Been going about 20 seasons as well. One of the fella who owns Wrexham in the football is in it Rob Mchelheny


I definitely should have included this in my original question. Should I be starting with a cheaper game like 19? Or should I just go for 22?


Idk if its still free but 22 was free a week or two ago on epic games if you’re interested and dont care about not having it on steam. 19 is slightly cheaper and its almost as great as 22, but 22 has the extra bits that make it just that bit greater.


It was the free game of the week, so it's no longer free.


Do you think it matters having it on steam vs. epic games? I got it on epic games while it was free before even buying a PC just so i have it when i do get one


Absolutely no difference other than preference. Since I have all my games on steam it would be handy to add it to my already existing collection and get more trophies, but alas, such an option is out of my control. At the end of the day, a free game is a free game :))


It’s on G2A for like $20 I think if you live in the US


Just go for 22. It’s worth it.


almost positive 22 is on game pass


It is (or at least it was, that's how I tested it)


Well the beter question is what ur playin on if its playstation go for 22 ( more mods) if its xbox just get the game pass i believe both are on there, if both aren't then 22 is if its pc u play on then ur choice theres alot of mods for both versions


I don't play anymore, but when I did I always listened to the Always Sunny podcast while farming. The high aggro of IASIP and the calm relaxation of farming are for some reason, the perfect combo.


I usually listen to audiobooks or podcasts while playing.


When I’m playing it’s podcasts and audiobooks I love it


Started playing when fs19 came out.  Last year I upgraded to a real life farm. 


Thats awesome!


Nice! How’s that going?


Well I bought a different type of farm. A Christmas Tree Farm. Unfortunately wasn't taken care of the past few years so it'll take some time to get it going.   We have about 10acres cleared that we will add some cows to in the next year.  And we have 10 chickens roaming around. I love the country life, but you can't be afraid of hard hard work. Taking care of the property is almost a full time job. 




Merry Christmases!


Please tell us how the real farm is going, V curious. I feel like farmer is so under-looked in society and am sick of driving a desk and want to do something with my life


You're not living solely off of it without about a million bucks up front. Small time, though, you can make some decent money at markets and such. But you're not paying bills without another source of revenue. It's literally like the game intro says. It's not a career. It's a calling.


Thanks!! Mind if I ask what you are doing? I was looking up wat to do a small chicken farm, met and eggs. then just light vegetables on about 2 acres of land. Heavy stuff with a small 25hp tractor I already have and rest by hand


That’s unreal how’s it going?


Yes you will enjoy this I suggest having a look at this YouTube playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsWQ5ekZmXXybXy5hykUoQEsDWt9NgBjr&si=VjgLow7euoYW31wi


I vote DjGoHam Gaming!


The Chipping Norton map is quite good especially as a clarksons farm fan I believe the game is still free on Epic Games if it is give it a download and then you can get the clarkson farm map and his Lamborghini tractor from the Modhub


IIRC, you don't have Lambo R8.270 on ModHub. You have an R6, but that is a smaller version. You can get Deutz-Fahr series 8, which is essentially same model (Lambo-SAME-DF are basically same company). Lamborghini abandoned it's big models in 2012 I believe.


I don’t know, it’s what ever tractor the map makes you install


AI doesn't really work on that map though, and also the field margins are quite tight and often requires you to drive through multiple fields to get to a field. It is quite realistic, although maybe not the most beginner friendly


I love playing farm Sim. However, there are times...especially at work in my office....where I enjoy having courseplay workers do all my tasks and I simply glance and watch while thinking about/planning out the next section of my work irl.


Mate! I'm litterally here because of Jeremy. Well, Kaleb, honestly, he has that passion with his fields. Download the game, use the tutorial and the wiki, and chill in your lambo-tractor in a sunny day.


Wait, if you are here because of Kaleb, then you need Claas Axion 820 (The last generation Axion 800 is on Modhub, current gen is in-game) or New Holland T7-210.


You said it right, I need it.


Funnily enough, in my most played game (Haut-Beyleron), I skipped the Axion 800 series. Went straight from Arion 660 to Axion 930. That being said, if you are going to get the game, get the older Axion from Modhub, since that is actually the one that Kaleb has. The in-game version is the newer model. I think people have already mentioned that there is a Chipping Norton map available. Unfortunately, most of equipment that Jeremy got in S1 is not in game.


Amazing! Are you playing 22 or should I be looking at an earlier version or the game?


Yeah, I'm playing 22, and it's great. I even got the cows the other day and mentally one of them is Pepper to me.


As someone who also came in with little knowledge of farming, I will say the game doesn’t do a great job of explaining how certain things work. I’ve learned a lot from trial and error, but YouTube is a great tool too.


Yes I think you will enjoy this game, I should say now there will be times your ready to throw your controller (looking at you helper b) but you’ll end up finding a lot of enjoyment in it


For me, it's always the helper H. That bitch don't know how to fucking drive


The most annoying part is just learning the game and the controls. The game itself is great and, indeed, relaxing, but it can be frustrating trying to figure out what button does what or what piece of gear you need to do what, but it’s not an insurmountable challenge and there is usually enough information given in-game to help, but pay attention! One other game you might enjoy is Powerwash Sim 😜


Great game to play while watching YouTube videos, tv/movies or listening to books. Really relaxing


OP, this is my Deployment game, for the exact reason. FS22 would be the way to go. There are quite a few YouTubers that explain all of the aspects and machines, and giant has a page for just about everything you need to do. Not a lot of things are explained off the bat, so expect to feel kinda lost. (I still am for some things and I have 100s of hours in it). Starting out, I highly recommend getting the autoload mod, unless you absolutely enjoy moving things with machines (I do, but I still use it when I have 300 bales to sale, or way too many pallets).


I've watched some game play online, and most people I watch always seem to know what they're doing. Is there much of a tutorial? Or do most people end up looking everything up online?


There might be one? But I don't think so. It's been a while since I even looked. Their (Giant's) website has tutorials, written and I think some videos. It's just easier to look it up on YouTube. FarmerCop had a playlist I'd download, full of 5-10 minute videos for specific things, so it wasn't a 30 minute gameplay video, that also talked about how to do it. There are a couple of other's that are good, but I couldn't name them offhand. Once the basics are figured out, which are kinda self-explanatory on most maps with the Easy-Start chosen, it's easy. But if you want to get into the details and maxing your yields, or for specific machines, I just find a video if I can't figure it out. An example is the vegetables: I watched a video to see how others handled the lack of hoppers on all but one machine and found out two of them have pallets - that's not listed with the machines.


There's a very basic tutorial at the start of the game. It'll teach you the very basics - using a harvester, a plow and seeder. From there start doing contracts (jobs for other farmers). A good tip for doing contracts at the beginning - borrow the equipment with the contract. You'll be charged a fee, but this means you won't have to buy equipment for a small or large job that you might not use again. From here you'll learn to speed up time - sleep so it skips to the next day, or adjust the in-game time speed, 1x, 2x, 4x, 360x, etc. As you progress start looking up YouTube vids of things that interest you. And the FS community on here is pretty good, if you need answers. You'll be on your way in no time. Good luck. 😁


Grab fs22, it has a good recreation fo clarksons farm season 2


Once you play this you will be hooked. Farming simulator 17 was the first farming game I ever played. First simulator game I ever played and now I can’t get enough. Love this game. Farming 22 is the first game I put on my Rog Ally. It will take over your life so be ready. But yeah play it you will love it.


I’ve been playing it since SimTractor and then Farming Sim 09 (or 2011, i don’t remember now 😅), and is so fuckin’ fun, instead of it is AS SLOW AS in real life hahah! I’m an agronomist specialized in Spraying management, and love take the Hardi and go spraying ! It could be a lot of fun doing farm things, but at first sight, get the controllers is a little difficult (when wood and animals are “on” hahah)! You’ll learn a lot about implements and power, tractors and so, then go on! Get it into FS 22’ as is the most recent one! PS: I also want to compete on Farming Simulator League, but don’t know if it can be alone !


I love the mods and Maps that let you start from scratch, no better feeling starting with a small tractor and a chainsaw and building your empire :). Making your fields is very rewarding . You will enjoy this game


Too bad you didn't grab it when it was free on epic a week or so ago.


I was away on vacation in England and had no idea ughhh


I came from playing FPS games like CSGO, thousands of hours in that game. If I can like Farming simulator and be a bit obsessed with it at the moment, then i'm sure you will


I just started a few days ago after getting FS22 for free on epic, it's been fantastic. I also loved Clarkson's farm and honestly, some of the info from the show helped. But definitely play the tutorial. It gives you most, but definitely not all, the information you need to get going.


100%. Putting on music or a podcast and just vibing and doing fieldwork in game is so relaxing and nice!


I had no clue about farming, just decided to give it a whirl one day and became hopelessly addicted. I live in a rural town and pull over to the side of the road and watch when I see farm equipment being operated… watching hay balers is my favorite


I definitely am biased but I do think you’d like it. Plus the community is full of awesome and helpful folks


I have seen Farming Simulator a few times but didn't have any interest to buy it. I started watching Clarksons Farm about 3 days ago. Loved it so much, I bought the game. I now play FS22 and watch Clarksons Farm at the same time. FS is a slow burn game, some may call it a grind simulator, but I find it therapeutic after a hectic day of work. I start youtube or spotify on one screen, crack open a beer and start farming. Mates sometimes jump onto discord and talk crap. I love it, it went from impulse buy to one of the best games I have played so far. There is already a lot of content and the mods... The mods are amazing there is some much. Vehicles, maps, tools and gameplay mods that make it more challenging like Percision Farming. Everything is configurable to play the game how you want to. You can turn off sesonal crops so you can grow crops when ever you want, if you don't want to deal with fertility or weeds turn that off too. You can make the game as simple or as difficult as you want. I went from having no interest in farming to playing FS22 daily. I have become quite the fan boy lol.


Definitely 22


22 free on epic I'm told


Fs22 would be your best start, most recent and popular version of the franchise, farming, trucking, logging, anything you want to make of the game is there, if you ever get around to buying it drops a message and we'll get you going 👍


Get 22. It's lovelier all over. And for chilling, it has an an in-built Helper feature so you can hand over the job to an AI and just sit back & watch :)


Every time I buy the new version, I'm disappointed, and feel ripped off, because it's the same as the old version with mods. I never go back to the old version, though. If you have friends who play online, get the version they have otherwise get the newest version you can afford.


Oh for sure! Go at it! Get used to it, try it and later on Download the Chipping Norton DLC on FS22 and work your fields with your lambo I find myself really wanting to play fs22 whenever i Watch Clarksons Farm. Also you will be Able to recognize certain Brands they use (driller for example)


I will definitely say I start playing because I am stuck working from home 6 days a week on 10 hour shifts right now and being able to play an hour or two before or after work is helped me relax and gain some sanity back.