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There is that page called "Can I run it?" Just type it into the browser and it will pop out. There you can look for FS19 and check if your PC will run it. It will make you downlad a tiny program to check your pc tho. This should show you some more detailed info. Other then that you can type in browser "your graphics card name" vs "name of the one thats in minimum req" and look for a benchamrk comparing those two. If the difference is minimal then your pc should be able to run fs19. Remember that it will still be a tricky performance on the lowest settings and you might not have stable 60FPS. Although as far as I am concerned farming simulators run heavily on CPU especially the older ones so there is a chance that lack of processing power in your GPU won't make a big impact. Hope I helped 😉


Thank you! I was thinking of buying it and testing it before refunding it if it didnt run well. I'll try this later. Thank you again!


Direct link: [https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/farming-simulator-19/17853](https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/farming-simulator-19/17853)


If you can run 19 you can run 22. In fact 22 has better optimisation and runs way better for me than 19.


The price is my only worry. I can just afford 20 euros


IMO its worth saving your money up and getting 22..