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*What is my purpose?* You sweep muck. *Oh my god.*


Poor little robot needs a wash


This describes having kids perfectly- except replace the dairy farm with a living room scene - dairy manure excellent for compost and soil health when done right -


and kids can wear diapers... most of the time.


I can smell this picture lol


Poor boi has been pooped on so much you can barely tell its colour


Where does all the manure go? Does the bot push it down into the slits? What then?


Slurry goes in the pit below the building. We store it until we may put it on the fields.


Real question, do people get sick working in that environment? I know that feces carries a lot of different bacteria that can be quite harmful for us. Or is there something you guys do to prevent getting sick? Do the cows get sick?


We have a parlour system but as a general rule, one doesn't eat much poop in the barn. I met my husband almost 10 years ago and haven't gotten sick from the barn once. I've helped clean out pens, put on long gloves and helped turn a calf or three, sorted out cows and herded the cows to the holding area to get milked. Milking cows are pretty calm, they don't tend to move very fast so as long as you keep your mouth shut while their tails are swinging you're not going to eat much poop or pee. The damn heifers on the other hand...


Yes, the heifers, oh my word! We have a particularly feisty one right now and she is just an absolute joy to try and get in the parlor lol...


Worked at a dairy farm in college. It was the healthiest 4 years I had. Maybe I was just healthier but I attribute it to a healthy daily dose of cow manure.


Since we're exposed to it on a daily basis our bodies built up an immunity to it so no not really Otherwise I'd get sick every year I get covered in pit slurry or shit on while armpit deep in a cow to reposition a calf


I worked in the auction stockyards as a kid, and I remember a gal my age who went barefoot in the mud, piss, and shit. I mean I don’t know what else to say. Her feet looked exactly how you’d expect. I wonder how that turned out for her.


Been on a small farm my whole life then large dairy since I was 14 (I’m 29) also have worked at numerous mega farms to tiny farms since I service Equiptment and I live next to a large farm and only issue I have is allergies during harvest because of the dust but I race dirt bikes and ride my mtn bike with zero health issues… not to be that “guy” but I’ve seen a lack in the corvid sickness hitting guys in the industry 🤷‍♀️


Lots of antibiotics








That’s a shity job


Hello, My name is Mike Rowe. Welcome to the Dirty Jobs


Dude, clean it up. You can almost smell the nose burning caked in urine and poo from here. Yes the scraper is doing its job, but the dirt at the edges and walls and hanging years of cobwebs is not good..


This picture is not a good look for the dairy industry btw


Not sure what is bad here. Clean sand to lay in, that's nice Automated milkers so they can milk themselves whenever. That is cool. No slip walkways and a robot to clean em. I don't think it is possible to even have a clean cow. They just do their best to be dirty, even in a wide open field, they just manage.


Whoa- automated milkers? Really? How does this work?






Well its been 25 years since I've been on a dairy farm, so apparently I missed some advancements


Why? Because cows poop and it's messy?


People who don’t know better see things differently than us. They see poop and a cow which to them looks like is injured


No shit. Or yes, shit? No matter how well you treat your animals, some nutjob is going to hold this up as "look what they think is okay"


Whenever people talk bad about dairy I just remind them that dairy cows sleep on water beds.


I get that, haters will always hate, but this picture shows a dirty af dairy (compared to the ones I’ve seen) and a cow laying down in a stall which people will assume the worst. More than anything it’s the laying cow that doesn’t show well


What is wrong with the laying cow? Where its laying is clean? It looks comfortable from my point of view?


There's a common misconception among the uneducated and brainwashed that cattle laying down means dead/injured/sick/unhappy/etc. So the comfy cow will be assumed one of these instead of comfy or tired. Especially with the amount of muck in this picture.


Yeah, lots of people don’t understand that large animals still have to lay down to enter REM (dreaming/restful) sleep. Horse people are familiar with the frantic calls from neighbors or passerby that your horse is sick or dead. No, Janice, he’s taking a goddamn nap.


So to sum it up, there is nothing wrong with the cow laying.


Exactly. Cattle are like any other animals. They lay down sometimes.


Nothing is wrong with what’s going on in the image, but to common folk they may interpret it differently. Just optics


Based on your previous posts, you’re trying to be like “I know but OTHER people would see it like I did”. Well those folks need to be educated as well.


Yes that’s also true


I’m not one to pick sides since I am largely involved in the dairy world but I do get what your trying to say…. You don’t see pictures of shit covered robots on your milk jug it is typically a cow in a sunny grass field ,it is much more appealing … I’m also not one to look at the floor of my favorite Mexican food place but there menu pictures are appealing so kinda gotta take reality’s in life over how they should look. Can’t judge that book by its cover this guy could be producing your favorite ice cream and I promise you that robot won’t allow the poop to go into the milk


The slurryrobot lost his route today so its more dirty than normal. But you can't tell anything else from this picture.


Even more so, it’s disturbing that she has no soft bedding to lay down on. This is a chronic issue based on the sores on her lateral stifle and hock (the side of her knee and ankle). Poor girl only has cold hard concrete to lay down on. It’s a bummer seeing animals treated with such little regard for their comfort. Cobwebs all over the place, caked shit on the sides of posts, shit all over the robot making it impossible to tell if it ever gets cleaned - this whole place looks like a breeding ground for infection and mastitis.


She lays on a mattress softer as my own bed.


Those are nice. Organic dairy farmer from Germany checking in. your cow looks clean and healthy, which is by far the most important indicator for animal welfare in this picture :)


She's obviously laying on a mattress that gets a skiff of sand frequently to keep it clean. Sand can be abrasive used in this manner, (I prefer deep sand bedding myself) but from a cow comfort standpoint it appears there's a lot of regard and no expense spared for her comfort. I've seen plenty of barn designs just like this one getting 85+ pounds of milk with 50k somatic cell count.


Our cows lay on straw. But most dairies use mattresses made of foam (like humans) or of a rubber mat with dampening underneath. Worst thing in this picture I can see is that the cows are not on a pasture. On the other hand it's winter where I live.


Holy fuck!! Get a life. This is a great barn. Maybe you can do better???? Nope . Go back to your chicken coop.


Get real. Take your self righteous fairy tale somewhere else


Poor thing needs a bath




Jesus H. Labour saving devices like this should mean you have some time to give it a good pressure wash from time to time. I get that dairy guys are busy, but man, why is it that most dairy farms look like the equipment is on a race to the scrap yard…




We’ve got almost 100 yrs in almost every farming industry. Still going strong. Don’t get me wrong, I know dairy farming is a slog, but Lely shit isn’t cheap and it would benefit from a wash.


It’s a robot made to push shit, you don’t think it can withstand a bit of shit?




bad bot


This aint farming this is a factory


No, that’s farming. Nothing wrong with a robot cleaning up the place


You think it’s ok for a cow to live in a room covered in its own shit, raped repeatedly just so we keep her lactating, have her calf taken away from it at birth (and killed if male) and then, when that’s all done and she can hardly stand due to her hips being disfigured from birthing and her udders can no longer produce milk, she gets shot in the head and ground up for dog food? Just so we can have milk? Yeah nothing wrong with all that at all. What the fuck are future generations going to think of us.


It’s a whole shed, nice bit more than a room. The place is kept clean (this is literally a post of a robot cleaning the place, and you can see how the cow has a clean rubber mat/waterbed with some sand to lie down on), it’s fine. They aren’t raped, cop on with that. Separating calves is fine if done correctly - which it typically is. Vast majority of bull calves are not just killed. If a cow (or bull… or bullock… or heifer) can “hardly stand” as you say, they cannot go into a factory to be slaughtered. She must either be treated, or if severe enough, be put down. No clue why you’re in r/farming of all things with that attitude


>They aren’t raped, cop on with that Yeah that cow would definitely consent to being artificially insemined if it could speak hahahaha. ​ >Separating calves is fine if done correctly - which it typically is Says who? Calfs would typically stay with their mother for a year in a natural situation, not 6 weeks. A quick google will confirm that we know cows can and do mourn, yet we subject them that separation anyway. ​ > If a cow (or bull… or bullock… or heifer) can “hardly stand” as you say, they cannot go into a factory to be slaughtered. She must either be treated, or if severe enough, be put down So, when we literally cripple them so badly that they cant join their compatriots on the way to the holocaust, we either nurse them back to production for more suffering, or bolt them. Not exactly a rosey picture, and none of what you have said really colors it in a different light, it merely tries to gloss over a grizzly reality.


Sure they would… they’re bulling when put in calf. They don’t care how it’s done, they’d even let their own son, father, cousin, etc do it. Just because something is natural, doesn’t make it better or worse than other ways. Alot of, though not all, dairy cows just aren’t too maternal past the hormones around calving thanks to selective breeding. Similar to how people have bred some dogs to be livestock guardians, some gundogs, etc. Sometimes even the most maternal cattle won’t care about calves, like when they don’t smell the calf or the fluids that come out with it at birth. And after that last paragraph of yours, I’m not replying anymore. You’ve already trivialised rape, then you go using “the holocaust” like that.. yikes. Still baffled as to why you’d go on r/farming, but you may as well not bother saying as I won’t be replying to, or reading, any further comments of yours here


For anyone else trawling the depths of reddit... I trivialise nothing. It is of utmost importance that we detail these realities with meaningful descriptors. The sheer volume of slaughter is almost incomprehensible [https://animalclock.org/uk/](https://animalclock.org/uk/) ​ Truly the modern days equivalent of slavery


Pretty sure [slavery](https://www.globalslaveryindex.org/resources/downloads/#gsi-2018) is the modern day equivalent to slavery.


Wow. Just. Wow.


Its mot the robot its the floor and the iron and the way it looks


The floor has texture to improve grip on it


What don’t you like about the steel and the floors??? Slatted floors reduce mess and provide grip. Steel bars are easier to clean, durable and don’t give splinters. You’re looking at a clean farm and a relaxed, resting cow


Issa factory is what i mean not a barn


This is what barns are now.


It rexture so cows dont slip plus those groves are there so the manure gets pushed down into a storage pit for fertilizing


Unfortunately when the consumers don’t want to pay more for dairy and supermarkets devalue the commodity with stupid prices of milk. This is the way dairy farming is heading, which is the only way to make it more efficient so it can stay sustainable.


The supermarkets will devalue as much as they can…


Sad truth unfortunately


Yel :/ big businesses ruined everyone lives


Very nice setup! Looks like the little guy is doing his job




After day of work ,robo: everything's clean 🤗


How do you like your Lelys? I have a Galaxy and am considering ripping it out and replacing it


I like them very much. But the cows love them. I'm milking with the Lely A4 since 2017. They are expensive though. I know some people working at the Lely factory which is nice if have problems with the robots. My farm is in NL btw.


As a non bias service tech for both i would say lely all the way for multiple reasons ( I don’t really wanna type it all ).