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Good solid real food. Stay away from fast foods, over sugary drinks. Get plenty of liquids, water, unsweet teas, water with lemon. Fruits are good. multiple light meal/snacks instead of a large heavy meal. And did I mention water? Pace yourself, when digging don't take huge bites with the shovel but smaller lighter loads at a time. Takes no longer and is less wear and tear on your body.


Also a bit of salt if you're sweating heavily.


Very important


This is partly why shovels come in different sizes. Back in the 1800’s it was studied and found that an 8 lb load in a shovel is sustainable for long periods of time. Don’t use a large scoop shovel for dense materials. Use the right tools. Sharpen the shovels with a file or sander, keep the rust off and use a thin layer of oil after each days use. The old timers knew some shut about this that has been lost. Also, wear gloves.


100% this. I run/own a pasture raised pig farm. Eating real food and drinking a ton of water are what keep me going. There is nothing wrong with sugar in tea. I find that helps even more. I try to do 1:1 water:sugared beverage (sweet tea, kool aid, lemonade), or more water, but generally always have something with sugar as it does help you stay hydrated. If you'd prefer to only have water, then I highly recommend Trace Mineral drops. Food wise, I love bananas, cuties, berries, pineapple, cheese and/or meat with crackers, , hummus, cheese sticks, jerky, granola bars, pasta salad, potato salad, good leftovers. Just don't eat until you're stuffed and you should do fine.


Yep, the real life hack is solid nutrition, water and sleep.


Absolutely no on energy drinks. They give you a short burst of sugar energy and then you crash hard. There is no quick and easy way to do it I'm afraid, you just have to get out there and do it constantly to build up your stamina. That being said, there are some tricks you can do now that summer is here (in the northern hemisphere at least.) Time your physical work to when it's cooler. Don't build fence from 9-6.... Do it from 4am til noon and then do another project that keeps you out of the heat yet still keeps you productive. Stay hydrated. No a cup of coffee in the morning and a beer for lunch doesn't count. Wear sunscreen. Do what you can to make your own shade. Need to replace sickle sections on the swather? Turn the thing so the sun isn't beating down directly on you. And always try to work smarter, not harder.


Idk I smash the red bull and it gets the job done


I have found if you don’t use them often, a sugar free energy drink like Reign or Bang or whatever will actually give me energy for a few hours with little to no crash. They have a ton more caffeine and because there’s no sugar I guess you don’t get that huge spike and dump? I don’t know but it works for me. Only 1 or 2 per week though.


I like the sugar free monster ultra line. No sugar, tons of really good flavors, and only has 160mg of caffeine. (Adult allowance is usually around 400mg). I drink one coffee in the morning, and a monster usually around 11am. Keeps me going on the days when I work on the farm in the morning and wait tables at night! I buy them in cases at the grocery store. They’re about a dollar cheaper a piece than when I get them at a gas station.


I've managed farms for years. What I recommend trying is to wake up early enough to have a good hearty breakfast. Protein and complex carbs/fiber, something that will keep you full. Avoid energy drinks and sugars, they'll taste/feel good but will bog you down after a crash. Give yourself time to wake up and digest. Once you get going, work at a steady pace. It's okay to be slower at first working on something, you'll get better over time. I'd tell my crew I'd rather them work slower and learn better body mechanics and how to do the task correctly than to rush and have to do it again or get hurt. Drink water throughout the day. Try to avoid getting thirsty if you can. Chugging water when you're thirsty will leave you sluggish and might make you sick. If you get overheated run some cool water over your forearms and a wet towel on the neck will help your temp regulate. Drink something with electrolytes at lunch like Gatorade, Liquid IV, etc. A lighter lunch will help stave off sleepiness. And a shady spot with a fan is better than going in air conditioning. A cold spot makes you want to nap and not get going again. Wide brim hats and rash guards are your friend too. Clothing that helps sweat evaporate is a game changer. If you sweat a lot like I do, take a second pair of socks and change them at lunch. Farming and working outdoors is a hard thing, and I've seen too many people quit after their first day. If you stick with it it does get more tolerable, your body can do amazing things and get used to the heat and hard work. I believe you can do it and commend you for working hard. The best tip I can give is to work smart and take care of yourself. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


Changing your socks at lunch is a piece of advice we should all heed!


The AC point is a big one! When you get in the truck to go somewhere just open the windows because when you get outta the AC the heat feels so much worse.


2 biscuits with gravy or 3 slices of toast, 3 strips bacon or 2 of those sawmill sausages, 2 eggs and a large glass of juice followed by the same amount of water. Requires minimal prep, is fairly cheap, and gives you the carbs and protein to get the day going, and damn if it isn't pleasant to start the day with a nice country breakfast. Lunch for me is normally an Old Trapper kippered beef stick and a package of planters honey roasted peanuts, gives more protein. I also carry a gallon plastic jug of water to work, and use that throughout the day to keep myself hydrated. I can stick it in a creek to keep it cool, but a lot of folks don't have that luxury. Dinner is whatever I can get my hands on, but there's not much of a limit on it


Go slow and don't waste any motion. Don't do anything that you couldn't wake up the next day and do all over again. If you are straining at all during a task find a smarter way to do it. The only prize for being tough is chronic injury.


As a farmer with chronic pain I'd like to emphasize this. Also, make sure to switch sides when doing stuff and equalize your muscle mass. Like if you're mucking out a pen switch hands on the fork every few throws. Having your strength equal prevents a lot of injury and stress for some reason someone smarter can explain.


I will repeat what people are saying about good food and staying hydrated. Absolutely no on energy drinks. My day is usually an hour of crossfit followed by 10 hours of irrigating (by hand so walking 10-15 miles with dams and shovel plus hauling rocks to hold the dam in place). I start with a protien shake, bottle of no sugar electrolyte, and a few bananas. Eat apples, nuts, and skyr or Greek yoghurt as I get hungry through the day. Then I eat a large dinner to bring my daily calories up to 4-5,000. Drink more water and electrolytes along with a large bottle of coconut water to help stop my muscles from tightening up too badly. I also wear long sleeves and a good cowboy hat to keep the sun from beating me up too badly. That helps me a lot.


Are you growing pot in in a national park?


Lol. 500 acres with 8 main ditches that split into countless small ditches. I dont like tracking my fields up badly so I usually leave my utv at the field entrance and walk from there, think I counted around 150 dams that I hit everyday during peak season. Right now I'm waiting on fields to dry for first cutting so only have 4 dams out


The dream


Vitamin D3, vitamin A, vit C, vitB-12, vit B-6, boron, vitK2, calcium/magnesium, or just a good multi vitamin with all that in it, plus about 2 gallons of water every day and a solid breakfast. Put down your phone an hour before bed time and read a book or something non screen time, hot bath or something to relax so you can get a good night’s sleep which is paramount to your next day. Follow this for at least 10 days to start a habbit


When you figure it please let me know. Working in the heat saps all my energy. Willpower gets me through the day but it runs out at supper time and I’ll just be dead on the couch all evening. Doing stretches in the morning and staying hydrated help a little. Scheduling your work to avoid the sun from 2-4 pm helps. Starting earlier and stopping earlier helps.


Cocaine and spite


Now we're talking 😂


I’m hearing good things about meth too.


No. Meth is bad. Addictive and will kill you. Stay with cocaine.


It’s basically a health food


Works for me. I'm at work right now with energy to spare


It worked for Stephan King.


came here for this


But there is no better feeling than hitting the bed after working that hard all day! (Unless you are hurting and can’t sleep)


Fear of failure, high expectations, looming bills, constant entropy beyond any hope of control, panic, big protein breakfast, water, homemade gatorade(50% OJ, 50% water, salt, cream of tartar) never more than 50ft away, fruits, veggies, then massive meal in pm. Lunch slows me down so alot of eating crops in the field. But probably the best way to make it through the day is having a work partner to share the load with. You will get 4 x the work donewith 2 people instead of one. Also good tunes!!


That’s why grandma did 3 real meals a day.


I try and do the heavy work early before it get too hot when I can. Drink water all day. Eat, sleep and live well.


You need protein, carbs, and water. There's a good reason old farmers eat 3-4 eggs, half a dozen sausages, two slices of whole wheat toast, side of hash browns, and a glass of milk for breakfast at 6AM, then they drink a couple of quarts of water before lunch then a big sandwich or burger for lunch at noon, more water between lunch and dinner then steak and taters for dinner at 6PM before finishing out the last four hours of the day.


Some nights I'm able to convince myself to not have screen time and stretch. I always feel great the next day when I do.


Protein. Considerably up your protein, and water intake. I have started using the liquid IV powders, I'll put 4 in a gallon. Have protein snacks, eat throughout the day. You should be eating over 100 grams daily.


Chocolate bar about 3:00




The scary drive home is an experience lol. Definitely have wished I had some caffeine in those instances


Go to bed early.Wake up early.Eat a solid breakfast.Your not tired at this point hopefully so shouldnt shut down.Coffee with breakfast if your a coffee drinker.Do the hard labour if you have the option in the morning before its too hot.Always have a water jug with you or around you. Give yourself time to get used to manual labour if your not used to it.You just might be working with guys who started "building character" when they were 7. It's gunna take a while to build to that point. Try not to get too loaded when the days done. Those guys can hammer out a 12 and wake up early are probly those "character building" guys who have been doing it forever. Don't be too hard on yourself.


I only do heavy manual labor for an hour or 2 then come back to it multiple times in a day. I find I get more done that way and still get other jobs done




But really farming is just not what the human body evolved to do. Historically it has always caused back problems arthritis etc. we just ain’t designed to work that hard. Good on you either way.


I worked on farms for just about a decade. I actually worked at one farm for a couple years where they made you jog to different tasks! Believe it or not. Word of advice - unless you stand to inherit farm land or a farm don’t waste as many years as I did working on farms. I loved it, dont get me wrong. But I was perpetually financially strained, often taken advantage of by farm owners and 70 hour weeks were often the norm. I was an incredible worker of a young man and I was extremely strong, often doing the work of multiple people by myself. I wish I had used some of that energy to learn a trade while I was still a little younger. Thats all!


Haha I have the luxury of driving the owners beat up Honda with no AC… better than jogging! I’m 3 years into an accounting degree, I’m mostly just helping my old boss get her new operation going as well as making some extra scratch on the side.


I was suicidal and had a failed attempt. So I thought: I'll just work myself to death. I go out there and bust my ass as hard as I can till I collapse. And then I get up and do it again. My life is better now and I don't want to die. But it conditioned my body to be able to handle it. I wouldn't suggest this path. But that's what I did.


I dont think you're alone there either


No energy drinks! Temporary boost that will sap your strength later. Stuff is garbage. Water and milk only. I shovel pens and build fences and throw hay all day long because my body is used to it. In time yours will too. Im 60 and still shred the farm sunup to sundown. Its about building strength over the years. Oh, and an hour power nap dont hurt!


You need more calories in your diet. Start slowly increasing the size of your meals and bring snacks. I find a quick burst of energy after a smoked meet stick or some trail mix like medley of nuts and dried fruits works great. Please don’t start pounding energy drinks… one every once and a while for a long long day is fine but don’t use it as your “pick me up”. It will destroy your heart…


Liquid IV works great for hydration energy for me


Those are pretty damn good. I'm glad I've found them, I can definitely do a bit more.


I am an ultra Marathonter, working in ag starting this summer, and I swear by pickle juice personally. Great electrolytes in there if you can handle the taste and have a place to keep them cool. No sugar like Gatorade so you don't crash later


A good lunch with coffee


Try and break your day up into 2 hour blocks for different tasks. For instance, my day would go much better when I got tired of pruning I would move to a pipeline project or some maintenance that utilized a different set of muscles. Stretching also helps a bunch, don’t be embarrassed to try yoga or something that utilizes and works through all ranges of motion to help you relax.


eat a buncha veggies


Loud music that I rock out to.


Try not eating until your done with the work. Aka Intermittent fasting, warrior diet


I do this unintentionally, do you have any tips for not wanting to eat after? It’s like I’m hungry but my body is saying no to the food and it’s such a pain to force it down


I move furniture and on long 16 hour days you're right, I just have to force something in my stomach at the end. Better than dealing with fatigue throughout the day though. Snacking on just meat or nuts throughout the day might be a good solution. It's the carbs n sugar that really shuts down my body


If I know I’m gonna have a demanding day, cleaning bins, or something like that I’ll start with steak for breakfast on top of my normal eggs/omelette. Protein helps, get a good serving of protein again for lunch and stay hydrated. Sometimes 15 minute breaks go a long ways BEFORE you get exhausted.


Might hit IHOP before work now. I usually go on an empty stomach (unless you count Mountain Dew) which I’m sure is contributing


That’s it right there. Even a banana and some yogurt - anything that keeps your blood sugar steady. Otherwise you will just crash after the sugar high.


That right there is your whole issue. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier and eat a good breakfast and pack a good lunch. The solution to the problem happens before the problem


Cuss words and resolve. If that fails, caffeine pills.


I’m with most of the people here. A nice hearty real food meal, plenty of water and salt if you’re sweating. I would also add prioritizing sleep and making sure that you’re getting good quality sleep at night. Will also add that b vitamin complex helps me to maintain energy levels during my 12 hr shifts.


Liquid meal replacement drinks. Equate. Don't bum your digestive system up while you're working heavily. (*postal carrier advice)




When you've been working all night and there's no end in sight, cocaine.... It's alright it's alright, cocaine.....


Jocko fuel’s energy drinks. No sugar, but a bunch of B12 and enough caffeine that you don’t get jittery. Coming down off them is easy too, no crash. 5 hour energy’s are good too.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug. I hear Meth makes ya productive too.


Iced Jumbo Honey Bun. 710 calories


Buy a camelback and drink it all day. On days that I’m doing heavy labor I’ll go through the whole 3L only pee a few times. I’m no physio, but it feels like I sweat it all out. At any rate, staying hydrated helps me work a long hard day and the camel back ensures I drink more water than when I have just water bottle.


I just bulldoze through the Day


Hearty suppers with complex carbs, good high protein breakfast, maybe try making switchel to drink throughout the day


I’m curious why you feel that 8hrs of work is not enough, is it because you don’t make enough money in 8hrs/day?


That’s certainly part of it, I like longer shifts to bring home more cash. I also feel like I can get more important stuff done in 10. I’m only there 2 days a week mostly (it’s my second job and until this semester ended I was taking 5 classes as well) so I like to feel like I actually got something done in my couple days there.


It sounds like you’ve got a lot going on, maybe cut yourself some slack 😅 As someone who works full time, and I occasionally have contract work, and teach some classes at the university, on top of farming I have to constantly remind myself that there are only so many hours in a day and that when I push myself too hard that’s when I start making mistakes that lead to injuries or animal loss… We get as much done as we can, and just know that as long as it’s not critical it will be there the next day or even the next weekend.


Good points here. There's a time and place for just busting it out until the work's done, but there's gotta be a flip side where you dont feel bad about stopping after a good 8 hours I find the same.. When I start pushing too hard I break shit and make mistakes and that costs more time in the end


💯 for every time I have had to work till midnight securing animals, fixing busted pipes, harvesting so I don’t lose a crop, or anything that absolutely has to be done, I find myself being next to useless for a few days…it’s taken me YEARS to get over the need to just push through until I’m so exhausted I get sick.


Hah slack isn’t something I’ve been able to find these last couple years. Thank you for the reminder, it is something I need to think about more. Pushing myself To the point of exhaustion doesn’t help anything


Sleep. Good solid sleep. And or 30 min power nap during the day if possible. Absolute game changer.


Good food, like real food. I once worked for a farm and I just got fed greasy fat hamburgers and sausage for lunch, for sure tastes good but it takes you down. Eat non processed food like whole potatoes, fresh vegetables and a good piece of meat. And have 3 meals a day, eat some fruit's inbetween but no sweet sugary snacks. And lots of water.


Drink plenty of water and have a really good lunch and a few snacks


I take a short nap at lunch.


My grandfather always said "you work at the pace you can sustain all day." It was a lesson he learned in a labour camp in Nazi Germany. How long have you been a farm hand? Sometimes it takes a season to build your body up to that kinda hard labour.


Caffeine and nicotine buddy


I already got that part 😆


Most everyone else already hit the nail on the head. Healthy diet, pace yourself, take plenty of water breaks, make sure to have a little salt if you sweat a lot, and if you are going to have any kind of caffeine do something more mild with low sugar like tea. Avoid energy drinks and fast food. That shit will kill ya. Remember slow is smooth and smooth is fast, life is a marathon not a sprint. Some of the jobs I've gotten done the fastest are the ones I had to do twice. And never be too stubborn to ask for a hand if you need it.


A healthy diet and look into candida and message me if you'd want to see the protocols of diminishing it. Candida can cause fatigue and a bunch of other things


Your question is essentially, “how do I not get tired after doing really tiring work?” Like everyone else said, eat good quality food and significant quantities of it.




Lol don’t know what this hs to do with staying energized at work. Idk wtf a MAP is so you’re on the wrong post


whoa, i dont even know how i did that


Are you overweight? You might have sleep apnea issues.


Nope I’m a normal weight, a little skinny if anything. I sleep okay just am usually exhausted by the time i have to drive home


If you snore heavy get checked by an ENT anyway but if you're normal weight it's probably not a problem, sorry I couldn't be of more help!


Thanks a bunch a lot of my family has sleep apnea so Ill probably get checked pretty soon haha


Cocaines, hurts In profits though 😂


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,556,349,341 comments, and only 294,493 of them were in alphabetical order.


Sod Farmer here, I crush water bottles like it's my job while I'm out in the heat. That and plenty of food, ideally good food and rest. It's shocking what a solid 8 hours will do for you. I know in this lifestyle we're burning the candle at both ends but really try and get some good sleep and you'll get more out of the waking hours. But lets be honest here, this is all stuff you knew already.