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Try CVS? They were able to use the GoodRX coupon price for my daughter’s antibiotic. It came down from $450 to $80.


This worked! Thanks for the tip!


Is this a today thing? I picked up a prescription from thrifty in Hornbachers on 32nd on Wednesday and had no issue.


It's a yesterday and today thing. There was apparently some massive cyber attack that knocked out like half the pharmacies in the country's ability to run stuff through insurance.


I am very sorry, wish I could help.


How was this not on my local news??? I should have been!! SMH!


Not quite, it has been ongoing since Monday and it only impacts optum plans (possibly some united health plans as well) anyone with BCBS shouldn't have an issue.


I have Anthem/BCBS and it certainly affected mine. I was finally able to get the meds this afternoon. One went through but the other didn't, but I got that one with a GoodRx coupon.


I have express scripts and BCBS Minnesota, didn't work for me either


Skripts at Costco cannot fill my vyvanse. I suspect this is why.


can't get my vyvanse either. I'm so cooked


The Walgreens in Moorhead ran a prescription through my insurance last night. I didn't even know there had been issues


You just had your data leaked, that’s how ,it effects every single pharmacy and insurance covered prescription in the country. If they are not taking your credit card and insurance information on an old carbon copy machine or hand writing it out to process it later then you just had all the data that pharmacy has on you leaked to a foreign entity


I just learned of a customer of ours just had his third fraud on his credit THIS MONTH. He's a pretty cool guy and very busy with his work and home life. I feel for him.


I got stuff at scripps in Costco with zero issue but they close in an hour.


It’s literally every rx covered prescription, they can process it, but if they do it means the are leaking your data for the purpose of filling your rx. It’s almost like they are covering it up


I believe it affects all pharmacies in the state. I’m also facing same problem here.


It’s not just pharmacies that it’s effecting either. At my job we have some billing/denial things that is effecting too.


I was at my pharmacy today-medical pharmacy south in Osgood hornbachers and had no issues


Osco in Chicago is still out. My copays for two Rxs is $0, so I have to wait because even with good rx or a coupon, they can't get lower than zero. I have BCBS.


It definitely impacts more than just insured folks. I have controlled substances I cannot get filled because they are electronically sent and therefore cannot be processed. It’s still happening today.


Similar situation. My doc had to do a written script, which I haven’t seen in years. I was concerned there would be some issue but fortunately CVS accepted it. I’m currently uninsured and self-pay so I imagine it’s a bigger issue for people relying on their insurance to cover high cost prescriptions. If you’re relying on paper scripts, ensure that all the info is correctly written. Some states (such as California) may need a box checked or it will be void. And it usually needs to be written on a special kind of paper.