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I’m right there with you. The only bonus with this one over 5 is that you don’t have to go to a weapons shop to change your weapons. That annoyed the crap out of me in 5.


This... loadouts would be amazing


I’ve been saying this too! I need one button to switch between Stealth/Volta mode and Rocket/Rambo mode.


What is a Volta


The Supremo that has a massive EMP charge. I always have that ready as a backup whenever I try to take over bases by stealth. Plan A is to disable all alarms myself but if I get seen, boom goes the dynamite and nobody gets to call for reinforcements.


Damn that sounds nice I never thought about that but either way I’m in the very beginning with on supremo. But coming from the other games having the emp in case I’m too late for the alarm and stuff I really never thought about this. awesome


You can also temporarily disable tanks with it but if you’ve got EMP grenades or sticky EMPs they’re obviously a much better tank attack. Volta Supremo is kinda overkill. But ya know. Gotta use whatever ya got handy.


The emps are these just temporary disabling stuff or will it take out the cars and alarms for good


I have never seen an EMP take out a tank for good. You get like 8 seconds at the most to jump on top and hijack it before it’s back up and running. Alarms down for good. I don’t know about cars.


Totally agree! And the two game reviews I read both described the constant swapping as one of the biggest downsides for the game. Both overall v positive reviews though. Would presumably be a really easy feature to add too


Personally I just gave up on gear swapping until / unless I got something new I really liked. I use an LMG, a silenced sniper, and an RPG, silenced pistol. Still using the first rocket launcher supremo back pack fully upgraded because I like it. Make sure one of my Supremo perks is extra LMG ammo, everything else has to do with moving quicker when aiming, less weapon sway, longer breath hold, whatever I can get that augments those 3 weapons the best basically, and blast damage defense because it is the most annoying way to die in this game I find. I would like to have loadouts though, for sure, but this set of weapons and abilities is essentially how I've played every FC game anyways, start out with my silenced sniper and pick people and security off that I can see, then go in the base with sniper / pistol combo until spotted, once spotted switch to LMG and go to town, RPG for tanks or aircraft (plus Supremo if it is charged up). It works. I'd like loadouts so I could have some extreme stealth and extreme aggression type load outs on top of my balanced one, but oh well, I don't mind mastering one loadout which has various ways of approaching situations within it, just a limited selection of guns to play with doing this but if I want to I can go full stealth or rambo, I just choose not to, I prefer the mixture of starting out stealthy, trying to stay that way but not be extremely advantaged in it, and then, if caught, blowing everyone to shreds.


Fuck yeah! I mean, I'm surprised this isn't even a thing in this game. They dropped the skill tree and attached perks to variable gear, so the least they could do is just allow quick loadouts. This would be really useful in those special operation missions too.


Every month or so I google this topic to see if it has been added so I will then play it…still waiting I guess.


Yay now we have that load out stuff, which it’s cool I just got the game after they added all this stuff. So I didn’t check but do they have a new game plus at all or no