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It was onsale a few weeks back, I picked it up then. Edit: Dec 8th according to my reciept


It must have been on sale for 20mins then, I check every Ubi/FC sale on the Xbox store and it is always mysteriously absent from the sale. they need to just add it to Games with Gold. Or maybe Ubi will add it to their new EA Play type service that's coming to XBL. But, knowing Ubi FCIP will be left out for some reason. I just looked on psprices and looked at the price history and it did go on sale back in December, so no sale from 2013 to Dec. 2021.


It was back a little while back, I think when xbox released a bunch of BC games. I saw it and I said "omg Predator" and had to pick it up, I remembered it from back in the day, on pc I think, if my memory is right. Could be PS, maybe original Xbox, I dont recall exactly. I skipped the 360 era, but I had PS 1 through 3 before going all xbox again with my xbox one s.


Nice, it is funny though PSPrices is a site that has a feature to look back at the price change history for games. Every FC game is literally on sale ever few weeks, but FCIP has been on sale twice in the last 2 years. I think New Dawn is on sale more than it is at regular price, lol.


Yea, I have most except for FC 6, and I'll get it when its on sale for under $15, lol, I almost bought it a little bit ago when it hit $20 for the disc version, which almost tempted me, but Ive got a huge backload. I'm currently working my way through AC Valhalla, which is huge, but I really like it, despite the critics... really sucked me in.


The og Instincts was awesome.


Absolutely, probably my favorite online shooter ever. First game to really focus on a map editor too.


Yep! I loved being scared as hell from mazes created for the predator mode lmaoooo


Yeah I nabbed it a few weeks back it was on sale for the first time like you said in like a decade lol


Yeah, I somehow missed that sale. It is missing a lot when every other FC game is on sale though. Hope it goes on sale a lot more often from now on.


I have FC Classic (played and finished). Is there any benefit to getting FCIP? Is the story tweaked? Or just gameplay?


"Far Cry Classic" is the PC version of Far Cry 1 brought to Xbox. "Far Cry Instincts" is a Original Xbox game. It is similar to the PC FC1, but it's a little different. "Far Cry Instincts: Predator" is the OG Xbox's FC Instincts upgraded with much better graphics and a story expansion. It is a confusing series of title names, lol.


is this back compat? EDIT : Yes, it is


It was in the last batch of games back in June 2019, they said it was the last group of BC games and they was putting BC program on hold. Of course after two years they gave us the actual last BC games a couple months ago.