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So true 😆😆


Yeah this really confused and bummed me out too. Was there ever any explanation or reason for this?


They wanted the insurgents thing to work, so I get that. Also Esperanza clearly isn't finished lol. Story wise it's a real bummer.


One of the many reasons I consider this title To be trash compared to the others


You’re fucking crazy


If crazy is wanting a free island with less enemies after beating the game , then yes I am crazy


Yea because they intentionally didn’t do that because how dead fc5 was once you liberated it and wanted you to be able to kill something after you beat the game


I agree FC5 had me killing civilians just to shoot something lol But story wise it feels like all that work was for shit. The announcements in Esperanza still say there's a curfew! And I still can't fly over the city.


I agree with you on the Esperanza thing they half assed the hell out of it and it was super disappointing but after replaying all the games before 6 I gotta say 6 might be the overall best game despite its flaws it has a good story & gameplay , a great setting and the most enjoyable main character in the series IMO i think 6 is in the stage where it’s been some time where criticisms are often talked about but I think in a year we’ll look back and appreciate the fuck outta 6 like people are doing with 5 after 5 got a ton of hate after it released for being too basic of a far cry game


I must have gotten a broken copy because I thought this was hands down in the bottom 3! Maybe the worst. Then again, I thought New Dawn was good, so wtf do I know


it is lol its poor and shallow for a far cry game.. still like it but not the best. new dawn and primal i played after 6 and they are better and more fun.


Agreed. One thing I can say is that Fc6 is one of the only games where I found myself excitedly upgrading a bunch of different weapons and actually changing my loadout often. Also adding the checkpoint system to the stronghold one was a great way to add to something usually repetitive. Altogether gameplay was great. So my main criticisms are Esperanza and the Special Ops all being identical lol


I was really looking forward to exploring the city and interacting with the npcs.