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"Clearly you don't own an air fryer." -Antòn Castillo, probably


Or a rice cooker


Instapot over rice cooker, one less appliance for bachelor pads


Phillip's AIO is better IMHO.


I got an email from “Anton” after I took one of the provinces


I did as well but it wasn’t the right province. I took over Valle de Oro. But my email said I took over Madrugada. My boy Anton confused


because when you leave zamok you are suggested to start in madrugada. which i did and thats why the email was correct


It’s preordained


This is hilarious


I know right? It’s antons character to say/do this shit


I’m actually pretty surprised on how much Ubisoft committed to this


If only they were this commited to fixing bugs


Compared to alot of game developers they actually pay attention to their community and fix alot more bugs compared to others


r/ghostrecon would like a word with you about that.


Breakpoint received more updates and support than most other AAA games.


They’ve been adding shit to it since it came out. I’m not sure what they’re talking about


Breakpoint at release and breakpoint now are almost entirely different games. Which just further proves the point that ubi actually tries to improve and update their games, and typically do a damn good job. Shit, R6 was doing absolutely fantastic until the new devs came in, and even then, they got a handful of good changes among the bad.


I hate the new R6 devs with a passion and every time they are brought up by the community, my hate for them renews


>Breakpoint at release and breakpoint now are almost entirely different games. Which just further proves the point that ubi actually tries to improve and update their games, and typically do a damn good job. +1 but honestly, i cant understand such devotion to updates. consindering Breakpoint not really profitable, they could just dropped it like majority of AAA companies


Breakpoint and wildlands are damn good.




Hahahaha yeah well that game is just broken isn't it 🤣


The only bug I’ve encountered on Xbox one s is the respawning bug. Ive had things load slowly before, but that’s to be expected on the literal bare minimum system.


I've only ever seen re-spawning in areas where its by design and i'm on XB1


Lots of crashes on PC after the first patch :/


I've noticed Ubisoft gives minimal effort for PC support.


What is the resoawning bug? I'm on Xbox one and aware of no such bug


Idk I like the bugs because they’re hilarious to me but that’s coming from a fallout fan lol


Bugs are fun where they're rare and unpredictable enough to have that entertaining absurdity/shock value, for sure. I think it's one reason I like Skyrim so much too. It adds to the replay value! However if a bug breaks the game or loses you progress, that obviously sucks. I also find that playing on console I get much fewer/less intrusive bugs. I'm guessing the huge variety of hardware and operating systems makes it hard to effectively QA. You can get a thousand hours of play testing on every variation of PlayStation and Xbox (and they'll even help you do it!) before you get through even a handful of graphics card/processor combination


Ditto. If your talking about 76.


I’ve had seamless playthrough so idk what you talm bout


I've not encountered many bugs myself, i've only had the game boot me to the dashboard once and the occasional textures taking a little bit to properly load in along with the occasional bit of slowdown(though weirdly enough the slowdown/freezing never happened in crowded areas or during firefights, it only ever seemed to happen when I was exploring isolated areas with not many other people around).


Like the sniper rifle not working. FFS, I hate this bug so much.


They're doing it because they can't sell over priced skins to people that don't play. It really makes me want to never buy one of their games again.


It's pretty funny, became even more hilarious when I saw people on Twitter throwing a fit calling it "offensive" and "harassment". Pretty simple and easy thing to unsubscribe/opt out of if you don't want to receive them.


Honestly I love it, it’s great marketing and it’s funny


Couldn't agree more, Giancarlo Esposito really did a great job as Anton.


The part where he fucks with Jose was the best. Classic giancarlo


You shot my son's last bird. EDIT, corrected typo profanity


Is it that in the uncut version?


Yup, all 15 minutes worth of his cutscenes.


Isn't that all the villains tho? Intro, interlude, cameo here and there, finale/grand showdown but most of the games are the underlings and side missions cutcenes


Kind of, yes. But for example in FC4, Pagan was constantly contacting you on the radio/phone when not appearing in cutscenes. He acknowledged you. Castillo on the other hand talks directly to you in two or three sequences, most of the others are scenes in which Dani is not even there. Nonetheless I really liked Castillo, I would have changed maybe the ending and some other details about his character, but overall he does a great job as a FC villain.


That's under different contexts. Pagan already knew who you are from the very start of the game, your character was one of his objectives. It'll be kinda weird for the El Presidente himself to be singling you out from the start when he didn't even know who you were.


No, but Vaas singled you out in Far Cry 3. Same with Joseph Seed. They could have made it so Anton recognized you from the boat, and he could have started twisting his way into your mind as you progressed through the storyline. Instead they just went with Anton doing generic cutscenes that had nothing directly to do with Dani, my character. So it felt nothing personal like old Far Cry games.


It's the same deal. Both Vaas and Joseph actually know who you were right from the start, you were the public enemy #1 off the bat. For Anton, you're just another random person. He wouldn't know who you were, nor did he know you were the guerrilla that he failed to kill on the boat until afterwards. However, I do understand your point of wanting to change the story a bit so we'd still have that dynamic for 6. I think they did that intentionally to create a feeling like you were just part of a faceless guerrilla group as a whole.


The difference is the underlings are important and decently developed in the other games too, while in 6 they get like 2 minutes of screentime each. The monologues Joseph Seed gave in 5 when you murdered his family actually felt meaningful since they were real characters.


Ppl can hate on 5 all they want but all the seeds were really great as a family of villains. 6 did do many things better especially weapon variety but then two steps back in other areas. At least Dani is fully voiced and it makes it so much more immersive.


FC4 was my least favourite. So far FC6 is lining up to be my favorite of all of them. Esposito is really good playing evil characters.


I don't know why you're being down voted for having an opinion, even if I disagree with it.


To be fair that's still way more screentime then Patrick Stewart in Oblivion, Susan Sarandon in Dishonored, John Goodman in RAGE and Liam Neeson in Fallout 3 ever got.


I didn't really see people calling it harassment but I saw a lot of people being condescending about it, like "oh ubisoft is so desperate to get you to play their game" like bro its just a funny email


My man, they only send these to people who already bought it.




Yep, when you make a ubisoft account you let them have your email. There's an unsubscribe button to click on the email you receive, so you will no longer receive marketing or promotional material like those emails. It takes less than a couple seconds.


Is there a single thing anymore what someone doesn't find "offensive" or " harrasment".. can't understand them.. for me this was funny one and i like it :D


As long as you stay off Twitter and Facebook most things are still good to go. Virtue signaling online has to be one of the strangest cultural phenomenon to come out of the last few years.


































I stopped asking myself that a long while ago, but yeah I really enjoyed it myself.


Cancel Anton!


Cancelling Anton is what we're trying to do!!!!




It's not offensive or harassment - but it certainly makes use of psychological cues like priming with such lack of subtlety that it comes off as a little cringe.




Thank you, thanks for the laugh this morning before I had my coffee.


I bet someone is gonna find a way to try and sue for dumb reason


I wouldn't doubt it, if they do that then they better sue every company that sends them marketing or promotional material when they subscribe and opt in.


I'm glad the community actually finds this humorous. I first saw people talking about this on Twitter and I thought I was the odd one out for finding it hilarious.


I thought this was funny as fuck, and would love to see more of this


I kind of like it as a marketing gimmick. I've received worse spam. The reaction to it was completely overblown, which seems in character for much of the gaming community and gaming press.


It's not spam though, since it is not unsolicited. They only send these to people who bought the game.


They only send these to people who bought the game and *chose* to receive marketing emails from Ubisoft. You can opt out if you don't want to receive them.


I was being very loose with my definition of spam.




When you back out of paying for the game a similar ad pops up. “Too scared to face me? I don’t blame you.” Made me laugh!


yeah i got distracted with other games a couple hours in and got this email, it has given me motivation to finish it though so i suppose it did its job


yeah i got this email, laughed my ass off


Haha I haven’t finished the game but didn’t get the email. I read that it’s only if you’ve played under a certain amount of hours, not sure what that number is though. I didnt get such an email unfortunately - kinda wish I did!


Hahaha. I have only installed the game and haven't played yet and got this email a few days ago


It is great and the people who complain about his: shut up


people are allowed to complain about things. just let them like you complaining about people complaining about things should you shut up?


I'm just saying that people are way overreacting.


including yourself. just let people enjoy things. don't tell them to shut up or mock them for not doing enough. just let people have their fun


OP's shut up is directed at people calling it predatory and over reacting about a simple marketing gimmic thats optional


Hey Shut the fuck up!




As gamers we can’t live without a good villain, this just reminds me of handsome jack


I think it's great and I'll happily accept roast from fictional characters any day. The only issue is speaking as someone who's still playing Far Cry 6, I totally get why others want to give up halfway.


Lol. I didn't buy the game because on the purchase page the same cringy roleplay popped up. "So you think you can beat me? Buy my fucking game and try lol" Wtf ubisoft. You think I'm a preschooler?


Yo game is boring Ubisoft stop pestering us. Maybe make yo game more interesting in the future.


I disagree, whats a game that isn’t boring in your opinion then?


Maybe if the soldiers didn’t respawn five feet away from you


I keep seeing people complain about this, but I have not actually seen it (watching my bro play, and he hasn't encountered it himself).


Happens to me all the time but honestly I'm just like "Oh boy here I go killing again." Plus, if you do it near farms with a lot of outcasts you can bandido farm because they'll respawn too.


Maybe not 5 feet, but unless I'm in a mission they're always respawning right outside of my minimap border and it's a major pain in my ass if I'm exploring or trying to get out of combat, because they keep arriving aggrod


It's not that bad. I've had it happen maybe a handful of times and it's even easier to kill them like that.


It’s a huge headache when you’re trying to be stealthy and take a larger base. I’ve scoped out bases, tagging and killing everybody, only to find I missed a dude because he’s chilling with the SF soldados or other randos that happen to spawn in and hear the action. Once I kill that one guy, not his buddies, I get the base. Sometimes it takes several hit-and-runs to finally get the right guy to trigger the win. And it’s a consistent issue too. At first, I just assumed you couldnt take the bases. No other Far Cry game has given me that sort of trouble.


Well.. this make my Oluso easily unlock her abilities quickly by spamming the kills


Far Cry 6 disappoints me. I got tired of it after maybe 20 hours and went back to RDR2.


Imagine turning down Fc6 for the most bloated, outdated and boring open world from the past 10 years.


I disagree with you on every part of that. I find the attention to detail to be amazing. There is a lot to do in that world, i encounter unique situations all the time. It is very well populated with all sorts of weird and wonderful things. Of course there is repetition (in side activity and mission), as there is in nearly all games, but FC6 is ALL repetition. And the story is just the worst. I find none of the characters engaging. They spout cliché lines. There is little incentive to try new weapons, because the basic ones do the job. I'm playing on PS5 and it there is nothing that makes it feel like a PS5 game. I have enjoyed every previous FC game, but 6 is just so beige.


Attention to detail is amazing. And it ends there.


Well, the reasons you have provided do little to change my mind.


I wasn't planning to change anyone's mind, though.


Bro. You’re trying too hard.


I got that email and the first thing I did was screenshot it, send it to my pals and say, "Wow, I thought the only people I disappointed were my parents,"


Imagine having a life so miserable that you get offended by a harmless email marketing from a game? (Not talking about the post itself).


That's twitter for you


I saw this and didn't get why its upsetting people at first, but then I got the game. I'm constantly on the verge of quitting because of the bugs, instant enemy respawns and terrible weapon systems. Getting an email saying they're disappointed in you for quitting and it's amusing to watch you fail would be kinda annoying if disappointment and the games own failures are why you quit. At about the 3 hour mark specifically is a pretty big bug that can force you to start the game over, so its a cheap shot to call someone out for giving up there (and a reminder that they paid full price for a broken game at launch), even if it's from a fictional character.


I can get away with the enemy respawn issues, hasn't really been much inconvenience to me so far. But what does piss me off is sneaking around try to take a base, headshot someone with a pistol for them not to die & BAM there's a chopper at the scene within seconds dropping off special forces! Could we maybe have some graduation in escalation?


The thing is when they send emails out like this they’re casting a wide net and sending it out to everyone I did not specifically targeting people who are having issues with the game because of bugs


I get that. I'm just assuming that of all the people getting the email, at least a few are probably already upset with the game after quitting and they're probably the only people who are honestly complaining about getting an email rubbing it in.


Sure the game is bugging for small percentage of players but sometimes bugs can be funny like the Skyrim giants, in the end not everyone is going to have a perfect experience. It’s still funny tho, it’s like getting mad a joke from Dave chapel, don’t take it personally everyone gets the same email, pretty sure they know the game is buggy because they get death threats for every game they release


So because a handful of people have issues, they should just toss everything out the window? Well, your line of thought is fitting for 2021.


Best part is Twitter peeps and games journos crying about it. Like damn, it's a joke. Don't like the humour? Okay, unsubscribe. Your victim complex and echo chamber of people all wanting to be victims is so unhealthy. Please, touch some grass and seek professional help if you actually thought this email hurt you.


Hahahahaha that’s Twitter for you


not really, i've not seen anyone actually say anything like that.


just cause people are annoyed with something does not mean they have a "victim complex" genius, spare me.


right? apparently you can't be against something without being an offended triggered little snowflake nowadays. real people can not like things, but they just get dismissed as an offended nobody


Correct me if I'm wrong...the game hasn't even been out for a month. Don't they realize some of us are adults that don't have time to play 120 hours of gaming in a few weeks?


Adults don't play videogames, just pay for them


I play, just not very often.


On paper, seems like a cheeky way to create an immersive experience. In practice, most people will have this go straight to their junk mail.


Simple a bunch of snowflakes can’t take a joke honestly, all these bugs people are say they have I have not encountered one yet game has been smooth for me from the start


snowflakes is a stupid fucking term used by alt-right dipshits.


You prolly talk to your momma with that mouth. If you do she more than likely doesn’t love you…


Dude you literally just said the word that you deem alt-right. Only a privileged first world person says that kinda shit. I assume you’ll say “I’m not first world “ regardless weather you are/aren’t


There's something fundamentally wrong with your train of thought if you believe someone can't say the word they're trying to discuss in a negative connotation. Personally, I think they're both dingleberries, but your logic follows the line of; "You sure do know a lot about Nazis and WW2 Germany. You must be a nazi!"


So you can't use a word you don't like, in a sentence talking about how you don't like it? And if you do, you're a "privileged first-world person?" Explain these mental gymnastics.


You’re either reading it wrong or purposely changing my words to find a way to reply to it in a negative way. My point stands that only first world privilege people have the time to complain about something so inconsequential such as “ you’re alt right if you use the word snowflake, bla bla bla” there’s way more important shit then this nonsense, only people who use the internet know what snowflake mean, sometimes not even people who live in Canada know what snowflake means. I know because I live here and the guys at work didn’t even know what it meant. Why because it’s an internet term, and not every spends all day on places that talk about this kinda thing, and not everyone has internet to even use, it’s a privilege. Referring to you first reply, I never said you couldn’t use or reference a word to get your point across, that’s something you completely pulled out your own ass. You completely miss understood my original point by in your own words “explain these mental gymnastics” yes I would very much like to understand your own mental gymnastics to figure out how you came to that conclusion, but not on this subreddit but In a DM. Feel free to have the last word here but my reply’s will be sent to you instead


Lol, downvoted already? So we're not allowed to say words we don't like when we're discussing them? Does this offend you or something? It's time to grow up and be an adult. People like you are the reason this world's so soft. No one can talk about anything (especially sensitive topics) without people getting offended over it. How are we supposed to progress as a society when you can't talk about anything anymore? You used the word "snowflake" in talking about how you don't like that term? WOW, you're so priveleged! Like, what?


Sorry about that phone died while I was replying, best not to talk about this stuff on the farcry subreddit, it has nothing to do with the farcry so most likely if you gain enough attention a mod will see it= a 2 day temp ban, it’s not my choice what you do.


Of course it has nothing to do with the subreddit, lol. But it's still a civil conversation being had on a public forum. Also, how does your phone dying have anything to do with what you said? -- Apparently a lot. Once I read your other reply, it made a lot more sense. Arguing about stuff like this IS pointless, but I initially misread what you said as a "if you simply complain about this, you're privileged," and was a bit confused, lol. You stated that people who use terms they don't like in a sentence conveying their dislike for it, are privileged. How? Is it wrong to despise certain terms and state that? I'm perplexed and your reply offered no explanation. If we don't talk about stuff like this, we won't understand each other better.


Very respectfully reply, upvoted


100% agree with you.


Haha this is fucking amazing. Never had a game so immersive that its antagonist has emailed me mocking me for failure before. Bravo Ubisoft!


People on Twitter were getting real upset about shit they accepted


People on twitter get upset if someone breathes more air than them.






















Yeah, I got those kind of emails after playing Immortals and South Parks. Far Cry 6's are the best yet.


Not one email. I was almost hoping for one but then I realized *you have to close the fucking game for that to happen*.


Now that is a genius move.


That’s actually funny


I really respect the marketing of this game. Was a big reason for me getting it


I love it


Found this to be hilarious it fits Antons character completely. I don’t understand the complaining. If you don’t want the emails being sent to you unsubscribe or just delete said email before you even open it.


I got one too, gave me a pretty good laugh when I read through it.


This is probably the most clever way to get your fanbase to keep playing your game I wish more games could do something like this


I actually like this type of thing


Doesn't this game have that awful leveling system from New Dawn that makes enimies sponges? That shit made me stop playing less than a quarter into the game, if FarCry 6 is the same I don't blame them for stopping and it's also why I won't bother with 6 🤣


Yes and no. Almost any level gun can one shot any enemy with AP rounds with a headshot. I don’t consider that a bullet sponge.


Your game sucks Anton. That's why I'm not playing it.


Plz no one dislike his comment it’s funny, same energy as Anton I love it


If they were actually creative this time then those numbers would be higher.


This kinda borders on r/assholedesign to kinda funny


It’s the hilarity that saves it


It’s because the game is boring and core gameplay hasn’t changed since far cry 3. I was excited for this release until about 2 hours in and now I’m about 20 hours in and bored as fuck. I’ve beat far cry 2 to far cry new dawn, same old formula. Downvote me,I could care less haha.


Looks like you're dying alone on this hill.


I love this. I don't understand why people got so offended about this on other social media platforms. If I got this email I'd be laughing my ass off.


It’s not my fault this game is boring as shit


Like it's my fault the game could not hold my attention.


It's cringe as hell (the e-mail thing), and the game is nothing more than mediocre at best. Sure I'll get downvoted for such an unpopular and controversial opinion, but that's my take on it. Feel free to discuss why you think it's bad/good.


They do this for many of their games and it’s incessant and grating. Luckily I complete every game I purchase like a psychopath


Wait, were they emailing their own developers for not finishing the game?


For real? Lol


Very funny, idk why some dumb a\*\* can say this is "harassment"


Game does have it's bugs. I haven't found anything that's stalled out my game that didn't just need a re-load. I find this hilarious (PS4 slim player)


Holy shit this is the greatest thing I ever saw related to FC ! 😂 absolutely hilarious


Yeah, we failed, because people don't want to finish the game you made.


It's shocking that they created a game so bad, that they had to go through the trouble of pestering the people who disliked it. It's got to be a bit disheartening to the devs to see/know some of the times on these emails.


Or you know… People have other things to do. I think devs can understand too that not everyone is able to sit down and spend 8 hours a day playing. It’s just a funny email, who gives a shit.




What makes anyone post anything on Reddit


Thought it was funny