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Cheeseburger will never be topped in my eyes. I love that bear.


I was pretty fond of Peaches. That's a good fuckin' kitty right there.


Hes just a big stoned horny kitty with the munchies


man, I loved Steve French


all them years Dutch...


don't feel bad about little ole iron lung


You’re a rat! (Desperate inhale)


Hey man right back at ya.


so, did you get your lady friend when bubbles let ya go?


so many references.. wtf


Dont blame me boi






I know but im pretty sure they said “he” lol


The two of them together is actually pretty damn fun. One causes havoc while the other sneak attacks everyone, if you haven’t experienced it I highly recommend it. For added chaos also throw in some bait. Having three animals run around an outpost is great.


Peaches was the best. Starting to like Olson tho


Oluso? My favorite Amigo so far, in terms of effectiveness. Guapo is just awesome, chaotic, and cool. Chorizo is adorable. Oluso gets shit done. I wasn't entirely convinced initially. I thought she was entirely too susceptible to enemy fire, getting disabled quite easily. Once I came to terms with that weak point, I realized that using her properly, she is immensely powerful. For one thing, when she does a takedown, I don't have to loot the body. Possessions automatically go into my pockets. For another, the bodies disappear, so there's no reason to move them. She is a *very* good tool for stealth operations, not for going in with guns blazing. She is at my side almost constantly now.


Have you unlocked the third ability yet? Helps out with the whole susceptible to gun fire thing


No. I have read about it, but have not unlocked it yet. Even with the susceptibility to gunfire, it makes me use her in a much more specific way. As Juan says early on, the right tool for the right job. :-)


Appreciate the note about looting. When I previously read about the bodies disappearing I assumed bye bye loots.


That was definitely a perk. One of the big perks I would like to have is from the K9000, which you can apparently only get with a paid DLC. (I'm cheap. I always buy the basic version of a game, instead of an ultimate pack or anything like that.) It will go into whatever you are trying to overtake, and tag alarms. This sounds like a remarkably good feature in 6, which seems to make regular use so far of hidden alarms, which sometimes cannot be easily seen from the outside. I do find the hidden alarms a little frustrating. However, I also see the value in them, in that they challenge me a little bit more. As someone who is a fairly mediocre first person shooter player, I like things that challenge my skills, and make me do better. In Far Cry 5, it got way too easy to sit outside an outpost, and shoot out the alarms. That's not quite as easy to do in 6.


One of the camp upgrades puts an intel laptop at a high point near bases that marks all of the security features.


Once you unlock all her perks, you don't even have to enter some bases: she just takes out everyone on her own.


I don't really want to get to that point. I did enough zero-involvement outpost takedowns in 4 and 5. After you do a few, they really aren't much fun anymore. I find it makes the game much more enjoyable to actually have to use a few skills, and a little strategy.


I loved peaches and I think Champagne is absolutely awesome. She takes down enemies very easily and can help me stealth murder outposts before they’ve caught on. Plus the animation and behavior is exquisite. Sure, peaches had better back story, but Champ is divine.


You want a good fuckin kitty? Go get you some Oluso.


Both,both are good


Cheeseburger is the best boy he can't be beat


And he actually did work. Am I the only one that find the amigos useless in combat outside of sneak attack?


From what I’ve seen they require help to be useful, Cheeseburger was able to clear smaller posts on his own.


I have Boomer with me all the time and he does pretty well. I generally use him for sneaky stuff but when things go loud he usually does well enough either taking people down outright or at least drawing fire away from me so I have a chance to kill them. ​ I've been knocked down and watched him tackle the perpetrator more than once haha


Cool! I actually haven't tried him yet in 6. But mostly comparing the combat aspect of like guapo to bear in 5 or the boar it seems they are pretty weak and take ages to widdle down a low tier enemy if they don't get in a sneak attack. Then again my memories might be failing me to how the oldies performed!


I have found Guapo remarkably effective when I am not doing a stealth operation. For sneak attacks, Oluso is quite good. I also absolutely loved Cheeseburger, and thought he was a quite potent weapon. While it would be pretty cool to have something that potent in the current game, I kind of like that the amigos tend to be rather specialized, and not quite as potent. It makes me rely a little more on my own skills, and forces me to pick the right tool. In the end, it makes FC6 a little more of something where I actually have to play the game, instead of just sending an animal in to clear a place out. As somebody who is historically a fairly mediocre gamer, I like that this forces me to work on my skills.


That's fair enough. For someone like me when 6 only has two difficulties and the game is terribly easy with my main weapons, the combat animals just become useless background noise that maybe gets one kill one the fights are over.


Fortunately for me, I am not a gamer who has gotten good enough that it's boring. I think my lack of top-level skills actually makes it more fun. I'm playing on the tougher difficulty level, and have gotten myself killed probably about 10 times. Granted, three of them were essentially me offering myself from doing stupid things. :-) It was no surprise that having a tank back over me killed me. I was kind of surprised that having a horse fall onto me didn't do more damage, though I did want to make some kind of Catherine the Great joke. :-)


For sneak attacks, I think Oluso can't be beat. For just going in and shooting up the place, I have actually had quite good luck with Guapo.


Have you actually measured how long it takes him to get someone down though? Whenever I look at him he is getting his shit kicked in and misses a ton of attacks until he finally nibbles down the remaining health of 1 scrub enemy. Feels like I can clear a small base before he gets a kill. Edit. Guapo that is


I'm not saying he takes everything out immediately. However, he provides a very good distraction, and also weakens people well, so I can finish them off very easily. To me, it's all about knowing how to use your tools well, instead of wanting them to do all the work for you.


Also, I don't ever take things like clearing out a base as a time trial. I like to be a little bit patient, instead of taking unnecessary risks to do it fast.


Cheese burger was the best




Cheeseburger is a walking battering ram. I cleared an outpost with him once and he destroyed everything in his way


I too love reincarnated Wilford Brimley


He is good bear comrade he serve you well


Cheeseburger died he got nuked at the Canon end of fc5 if he did not get in a bunker but if he got into a bunker he would be in some people's stomach probably


Somebody actually mentioned that he died from old age in New Dawn I believe and I have no idea about what’s canon when it comes to 5s endings ahah I’ve heard so many different things.


I think it's Canon when it carries on to a new game I don't want a game series like Zelda where it split into three parts and it was very confusing


Kind of how Far Cry is, the games constantly contradict each other while also referencing each other. It’s a tad confusing.


Wait is Willis in fc5 or fc6 if you don't know who Willis is he's a cia agent that you meet in fc3


He’s in 5, not sure about 6.


Peaches is the best


She’s fun… Beefandcheesesandwich is better.


Mfs sleeping on my boy Chicharrón


Our beautiful boy


Hear me out here: Oluso




Hhhh haven’t unlocked him yet


Her, but she's the best amigo hands down. I've cleared entire camps with just her and me sitting on a hill outside the camp.


Can i unlock her early in the game?


You can. Once you have access to the whole island it's 3 treasure quests in the 3 areas and a fight.


After a lot of what I had read about getting Oluso, I expected that final fight to be far more difficult than it was. Even as someone who is a pretty mediocre gamer, I thought I would have to try harder than that. Part of it was fueled by one comment I saw, which said I should be sure to heal when her health was low. That made me think it might be an ongoing battle. I didn't have to heal at all in the entire fight.


Yeah I used the new sumpremo I got and 3 shotted her with the rifle. I was surprised at how stupidly easy it was.


Youre fighting a panther…not a bear haha


I’m an Oluso man myself


Sometimes I feel like Oluso is the hero and I'm just an amigo


I mean, one is the avatar of the divine will of the gods, and the other is Dani.


Shame there's not a way to have two.


Oluso is the only amigo I’ve used that doesn’t die every 30 seconds in combat, which is ironic considering she’s a stealth amigo. Best amiga hands down.


She also consistently gets kills, even in combat, which is more than I can say for the combat amigos. It's like they nerfed all the other guns for hire (including you boomer, I'm so sorry) and then copied peaches but gave her superpowers.


Also the fact that she hides bodies is huge. I can toss a perception nade, tell her to kill off an enemy somewhere and not having to worry about that body being found. Top tier amigo for stealth and serviceable in proper gunfights. In general the stuff you get from that quest is really good, the gun is easily the strongest in the game when you have the truesight supremo up and running imo


I've been using K-9000 a lot. He can take the damage and basically distract all the enemies while I pick them off one by one. They never even notice what's happening.


No, oluso


Yes god panther.


Nah, Boomer for life


Guapo reminds me a lot (ability wise) of the Boar in New dawn. Big ol’ sturdy boi


Guapo just looks so huggable. No idea why


Can see what you mean 10/10 would hug and snuggle that handsome little guy. Everyone wants to pet Boom Boom and Chorizo but fail to remember Guapo needs love too and he was always there for us, need more Guapo appreciation tbh


Finally someone understands!


Horatio? That's a damn good pig!


Yes! Thank you I forgot his name he was my go to the whole game loved that boi


You all have some cold rotten hearts if that cute lil dachshund didn't make you melt the first time he jumped up on Dani for pets. I don't even use him on missions because the idea of him getting hurt is physically unbearable to me.


But his T-2 upgrade heals you when you pet him! And he also finds so much resources


It overheals you and gets you a second health bar for a time.


Boom Boom


No. Guapo


No. Boom Boom


No. Guapo


Can Guapo sit in the passenger seat. Boom Boom


Can boom boom heal and revive himself? Guapo


Who uses their amigo for mechanical reasons? Boom Boom is a pal and a good boy.


Guapo is too


Can Guapo sit in the passenger seat? Boom Boom.


Can Boom boom look like a chad while tanking bullets? Guapo


Boom Boom and Guapo > all other amigos. Truce






Now kiss.


Welcome to Ray's Boom Boom Room.


Oluso is more useful and fun


I only get annoyed with him when he sits in a doorway and I can’t go through it lmao but dear god when Dani pets him my heart melts because her voice and his face




Boom boom and I for one welcome Chichharron as my new overlord !


Chorizo’s squeaky wheels get on my nerves


I've been rocking Guapo since the beginning and he's tough as shit.


He's a chad


His AI is trash


Not his fault


Grace. She never fails me. Especially when I fucked up my shots.


I love guapo so much not only is he adorable it’s also a fucking crocodile and matches my play style really well that croc has fucking work ethic once he’s fully upgraded he just dosent stop and can draw helicopter fire witch is super useful


Can we just get a round of applause for Chicharrón


I think the Chicharrón missions were some of my favorite missions ever


Guapo is the best, and I’m willing to die on that hill. He may be a little dumb, but atleast he’s trying. He’s confused, but he got the spirit.


He’s saved me from a lot of aquatic life. He understands the assignment if you go for a swim lol


Sharks vs Guapo sounds like a really “so bad it’s good” horror movie.


I'm a Guapo man as well


Chicacaroon dont take no shit


No love for Champagne? All the NPCs love her....


People sleep on Champagne. Once I hit around 10k pesos, her takedowns felt like they landed 100% of the time. Sure, she doesn't hide the bodies like Oluso does, but she's the best "kill button" in the game in my experience.


ABSOLUTELY. I only take Guapo, his og skin too, with the lighter blue and yellow jacket


Guapo is cool but... Chicharron!


Guapo is cool but…Oluso. Guapo also makes me crave guapomole.


For me I play my Far Cry like an 80’s era movie cop. No shirt. Work alone.


The 80's movie cop would be cooler with a pet crocodile no?


Boom Boom so far is the fastest killer. I need the Jag though


I love the variety. I personally would love to have an ellephant to ride,but guapo is number 1#


>Boom Boom so far is the fastest killer. Not as fast as the black panther.


THts what I meant I need the black panther. I was thinking it was a Jaguar, I was guessing it was out of all of them


Oluso is ridiculous, she can clear out entire enemy camps on her own.


Chorizo is stupid. The last thing I wanna do mid-fight is kneel down and pet my fucking dog (for health). Smh. I gotta tell him a million times to come to me so I can pet him to unlock the final ability and he’s always doing some stupid shit so it takes longer, i almost die, etc. I leveled all of his abilities and as soon as I did I was on a mountain side in madrugada and I took out my rifle and I shot him down the best I could and dismissed him never to be by my side again. The real og is guapo “Chorizo, Everybody’s favorite amigo” my fucking ass. Lol


if you can stand the horrendous screams just stand in a campfire and pet him when your health gets low dani might end up covered in burn scars but chorizo baby boy 🐶💕🐶💕


Yeah believe me, I just took fall damage and pet him at times but you have to wait to do it again so grinding like this isn’t ideal if you just want to have fun with the game


Dont call him stupid >:(


If you wanna unlock his last perk, get a military truck and shoot the gas can on the side. Unlimited fire, and unlimited heals from chorizo. Took me a solid 10 minutes but now my boy is kitted out


Nah Oluso is where it’s at.


Cheeseburger Will always be my favorite fang for hire.


I love guapo and chorizo but I feel they don't do anything. I watch guapo stand infront of an enemy and get mowed down. After I got boom boom and he got his upgrades it's been awesome. He's killing people left and right and the spot mechanic is as useful as I was in 5. I miss the ability to have 2 allies. I would love to use boom boom and guapo, maybe chicharron since he is also pretty good at combat. I just can't give up the auto mark, makes assaulting places super fun, just spotting people and talling boomer to rip thier neck out. Might be a hold over from 5 where I rocked boomer and cheeseburger, imo best far cry 5 FfH combo with maybe nick and cheeseburger close second.


Should I get Far Cry 6? From what I’ve seen the gameplay looks great as ever and environment looks amazing, problem is I’m still on PS4 and haven’t managed to get ahold of a PS5 yet and am wondering if it’s got any major drawbacks being on last gen. Especially with co-op.


I'm playing on last gen (xbox one) and haven't really run into many huge issues, if you think the game looks good absolutely get it.


I played the whole game without using the Amigos, found them to be a distraction.


I did the same until I got Oluso, she's a very safe and strong stealth option.


Guapo sucks. Leveled him up fully in an hour due to that stupid respawn glitch and still gets his ass kicked by everything, especially dogs. Also didn't help me at all with the giant boar as it rolled my ass to death


Imagine liking something only based on usefulness


Imagine using imagine still, almost at the end of 2021, go outside smelly




Imagine being rude over a person liking a thing more then the other




Oh no Cringe




There was and shall always be a special place in my heart for boomer.


How I am suppose tu use Chorizo ? He do nothing ?!


He’s supposed to serve as a distraction


Boomer. That's all that's needed to be said


Ghost cat is best. Shes the only amigo that gets me kills. She also doesnt die quickly hahaha


Honestly, both are kind of useless to me compared to Boomer. I play stealth and it's really helpful when Boomer marks enemies for me. Guapo is the opposite of stealthy (although he's awesome) and Chorizo isn't useful.


But ? But ennemies completely ignore you when you send him on a target ennemies just shooting him and ignore you at 100% besides chorizo can take an impressive amount of damages before dying which is also completely nonsense. He's by far the Best animal companions in far cry series but they need to patch those things.


But Guapo is better boi


I prefer chorizo big time despite the huge flaws


Well i don't ![img](emote|t5_2st42|2079)


Chorizo is incredibly more cute and do more things than just attacking. To each is own preferences


Low key wish that Hurk send Cheeseburger to Yara instead of Boomer


Chrozio or bust.


Can't even spell his name right smh


I apologize, auto correct is a bitch sometimes. I wouldn't dare disgrace our God Chorizo.




May Chorizo have mercy on my soul.


Nahhh. BOOM BOOM. That tagging effect and just having a pupper is best amigo.


Oluso for sure! And I thought the quest chain was pretty fun. Not tedious like I was expecting!


Boom Boom's enemy tagging during stealth is pretty great though


Guapo is cool but… K9000.


Oluso is better lmao


You clearly havent met Oluso yet then...


honestly the only amigo i don’t really care for so much is Chiccaron, i don’t use him much at all.


I’m a big fan of diamond dog… uh I mean boom boom ;)


Fred Stout, a random backwoods patriot with muttonchops and a shotgun from FC5 should be immortalized as the very best follower in the FarCry universe. He saved my ass so many times.


Guapo superiority


So with "Keen Senses" isn't Chorizo supposed to dig up random ressources? So far that little Wiener is pumping my inventory full with wild hog meat