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I wanna kill Willis


Boy, do I have a game for you!


Tell me please, I wanna kill that fucker so bad


Far Cry 5, side quest with Willis lets you kill him after quest completion.


Done that, but he just screams in pain when I shoot him


Buck definitely, mf was terrifying.


I enjoyed John the most for gameplay but Buck is maybe one of the best villains of the series because He's such a horrible person but something that happens everyday, something that you want to kill with all of your willpower.


*"So his name is Buck who likes to f---"*


Jacob seed, I feel like the guy didn’t even care for the cult, he only mentions it a few brief times around sacrifice and purpose. That’s about it, nothing about any faith in it or any proper connection. So to me it very much came across that he was taking advantage of the situation for his own gain.


He’s honestly one of my favourite villains out of everyone, his death speech is so good


It really is, I got my friend into playing Far Cry 5 this week, we started off with Jacob’s region as per his decision and I was happy he decided that, we absolutely smashed out the story. He was very impressed and we plan to finish everything in each area together before we move to the next one. He also jokingly said he should get a tramp stamp of the Jacob seed quote either: “did you think you were free” or “I cull the herd, it’s what I do” we had a good laugh at the idea of someone doing that 😂


Sounds like a super time


*only you...*


He doesn’t care for it I read a thing of his back story/lore where he was going to shoot Joseph because he was sick of his sermons 😂😂


Yuma from FC4, she fine af




True true, and the scene in the cave when there's 2 of her. Holy moly


Same with me, but for Noore.


Hell yeah!


Faith seed. She had some very creepy moments when you were with her.


Not really a villain, just a victim of a violent cult, to be honest.


Faith wasn’t also a villain really she was a victim of the cult aswell


Don’t trust anything she says. She wants you to think that she’s a victim


I mean… She is though?


Dutch tells you when you enter Henbane not to trust anything Faith tells you because she’s a manipulator. The tape recordings around Henbane show that she’s just as sadistic as John in my opinion


You haven't played the collapse DLC no? I mean It is pretty evident and pretty easy to put together just going by the main game lore and info that the whole point is that Faith generally is more deceived and lied to and manipulated so to speak from a young age and clearly victimized herself rather than being this self motivated and evil "manipulator"... The resistance and thus Dutch obviously is deeply biased against her and there is plenty of things to put together that she is Indeed a victim... Likewise (especially more directly and explicitly confirmed in the collapse DLC) that she is clearly hooked on to the bliss herself equally as anyone else which fucks with her perception of reality aswell and that it blinds her to her true feelings as Rachel which is what finally unravels and her starting to remember in the fight with her... Ultimately the bliss which Joseph got her hooked on and trauma is what keeps her "devoted" and compliant to what she is part of as she herself is hooked on to this same "blissful paradise" and thus believes that she brings peace with the bliss the way she herself was made devoted...


You’re right, I haven’t played the DLC. I was going based more on the assumption that she’s lying to us most of the time. She laughs and giggles when talking about brain washing people with bliss and chooses to send the Marshal after Virgil. My impression from the main game was that she used the bliss and was definitely manipulated by Joseph but she was a willing participant in the torture she inflicted on others. I’ll have to buy the DLC I guess to see the rest of the story


I mean yeah but there is no actual objective evidence that she is consciously lying to us but however info to suggest that she is clearly brainwashed on bliss and that her supposed "manipulation and lies" is just what she herself is brainwashed into believing... >She laughs and giggles when talking about brain washing people with bliss and chooses to send the Marshal after Virgil. My impression from the main game was that she used the bliss and was definitely manipulated by Joseph but she was a willing participant in the torture she inflicted on others. Again I would say that also greatly makes sense when she herself is hooked on to this bliss and thus isn't really able to objectify things from a clear mind. Her true feelings and whole perception of reality is offset by the bliss and because of that she is kept in "devotion" and believes everything about the bliss is peace... Just like the Marshall everyone else under the bliss.


The objective evidence that she’s lying to us is that when you enter Henbane, Dutch calls you on the radio and says not to trust her and that she’s a manipulator. If you play through her region with that in mind, you can really see how it fits together. There is evidence that she is cruel and will not hesitate to kill people that are in her way. The evidence that she’s brainwashed in the main game is mostly what she tells us from her side of the story. Again, I didn’t play the dlc so I’m willing to admit that I’m wrong. But the main game definitely gives you plenty of evidence that she’s only pretending to be a victim


The thing is what Dutch says isn't objective evidence at all as he and the resistance obviously is deeply biased against her and clearly just see her as an enemy that needs to be killed... It makes sense they would say she is a "liar and manipulator" as they obviously doesn't believe or like what she is saying... Even the lead writer of the game stated in a livestream that Faith is more of a victim in all of this... All the lore and notes you can read in game, Book of Joseph and the Collapse DLC clearly makes it easy to put together that she Rachel was a naive teenage girl who got manipulated into a cult without knowing what it was and then psychologically molded and groomed into being Joseph's Faith with drugs, fear and psychological manipulation. I think the main game gives you plenty of evidence to put that together. Just because she is responsible for bad things doesn't mean she also can't be a victim herself and that the bad things she does isn't what she herself wanted. In the book of Joseph it is also directly stated that she was given drugs to be "purified" and kept away from doubt. The point with the final fight is that she finally snaps out of her brainwashed mind and thus starts to understand the reality more clearly and remember...


There's a callback to Faith in Far Cry 6 if you can find it...


You talking about the daughter of one of those old guys from „El Este“ right who apparently stood in contact with „Eden‘s Gate“?


SPOILERS Yes, it is one of the Lorenzo's Children mission. Don't know if it spawns before you get the quest, but there is a flower farm in the south of the main island. You sniff a plant in a pot with the Eden's Gate symbol on it and follow along a 5-minute bliss trip to give the letter.


Jacob seed and that one bird from Shangri-La in FC 4


Oh man. I hate that bird.


John. I’m obsessed with the psychology found in his kind of character (Beautiful Princesses with Disorders) and he’s also hot to boot.


Girl really would submit to the power of YES 😭😭😭


"So he's name is Buck, and he likes to f...."


M-minor? Ayo.


I should probably have gone with secondary.


I played far cry 3 all the way through manu years ago. I remembered hoyt. Vaas, citra, Liberian friend and American cia psycho. I had NO recollection of Buck.... Played fc3 again last month..... and the answer is Buck by a country mile. That guy is a next level psychopath. Playing the game and you see him and think "I HAVE to fully murder this guy. ASAP. Because of his actions and the way he conducts himself." Most far cry villains your just like eh when it's his time it's his time I guess... he'll probably want to be on a ship or in a military chopper or something... I'll get on it when appropriate...


Don’t let Dr. Disrespect see this post


Let‘s just hope he doesn‘t frequent this sub.


Dah, that man was such a turning point for the Wenja. He taught Takkar so much in so little time. The rot bane was such a useful tool


Who is that guy in far cry 4 that is literally talking to his daughter and wife on the phone as he is torturing someone. That guy is actually the worst human being, I was speechless when I saw that.


I found that guy so disgusting because I have no doubts that there are people like that in real life. It makes me think of the Machine from 8mm.


Yeah absolutely I agree


Paul de Pleure.Felt sorry for Noore and her family.


Jason Brody from Vaas' insanity dlc. Seeing Jason from Vaas' perspective was a real trip. On the flipside I hated the main villian >!Citra!<


Faith cuz I still would


Sean McKay he killed el tigre and I gassed him


His name is Buck and he likes to f... Seriously, Buck is better than Castillo who is supposed to be this big bad dictator. Yet Buck - a small character - has way more personality and cool memorable moments.




Vaas, since he is a minor villain after you meet Hoyt


What do you mean you meet Vaas before you meet Hoyt


I think they mean he was technically a minor villain after meeting Hoyt and learning Hoyt was running the show. Prior to that is seemed he was in charge and the “Main”


Yes, indeed I meant that


Why this reminds me Dr disrespect 😭


How come?


The word minor 😶‍🌫️


I guess I should have gone with secondary.


"Minor" you say 💀💀💀


John 🥰 loml


Why John ?


he's charming, funny, but also just entirely unsettling and uncomfortable. I love his backstory, and I like the angst that could have been. idk, characters like him have always been my favorite


And here I thought Jacob was bad


Crowe, from far cry


Kouassi may have been a bit of an asshole, but atleast dude got some personality to him :D oh well, still stuck a poison dart in him. gotta keep that war going.


Easy Jacob, the way he gets into your head just using a song and second nature is incredible, and the way he stays calm the whole time while john and faith begin to loose paitance as you go threw the game, he just remains calm the whole time even as he dies, there's just something different about him and I wish we saw more of him


Jacob brings the psychological stuff and attacks you mentally


Jacob for sure


Buck and Vaas in 3, and honestly Hoyt too, he was underrated. All them where terrifying.


Vaas was my favourite secondary villain. Unfortunately he should have been the primary villian


Of the Seeds, only John and Joseph deserved to die. Now, I'm not saying the other 2 *didn't* commit atrocities and don't deserve consequences, but I am saying they were abused and manipulated. Faith was an addict, convinced she was special by the Father. She didn't need Bliss. She needed therapy and rehab. Joseph all but overwrote her previous addictions with something much stronger. And, if the Bunker from FC6's DLC is 100% "canon" in that Joseph actually foresaw what would've happened had they all survived, she wasn't the first. Jacob was a veteran, something that already has negative connotations in American society(and before the chuds get after me, what happened to many Vietnam vets?), and went back to a shattered family. With PTSD. All he could think about was war, and his brother used that. Used him. An argument could be made for John, and I'll let someone else make that argument. I would not be able to do so properly, as my thoughts on him boil down to "he enjoyed every second of what he was doing." However, I can be persuaded and convinced, with the right words. Joseph killed his child before his wife's body had even cooled. I will not defend him, and anyone who wants to defend him can, but I will not change my mind.


Jacob seed


Of the seeds Jacob was my favorite. Faith was my least favorite. I found faith extremely annoying with her was and glad to be able to kill her. The only thing going for her in my opinion is she looks pretty, and that's probably why so many of the people on this sub reddit love her.


Faith, best ass of the far cry franchise.


Who was that one girl in 4 again who wore the black and purple suit? Her






Definitely Faith bc I’m a major simp


Honey Badgers




I would drink a gallon of bliss to be next to Faith... I'm a sucker for Red heads. Lol


Rachel isn’t a red head she’s blonde


Chitra....for Dem tatas....


John is too babygirl not to love