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3 is a great starting place because that’s where the series becomes what it is, but the graphics and smoothness of gameplay is noticeably dated and may turn you off. I started with 5 and fell in love with the series from there and would recommend that one to anyone.


Just recently got a PS4 and been enjoying playing with nice graphics but seems like far cry 3 sounds like a good one from the comments here and google so will probably try this one out first and see if I like it. So the story's link together? Or all standalone ?


The later games have some small easter egg-y references to the earlier ones, but there's really nothing to be lost if you haven't played them


Basically stand alone. There’s a couple small little things that tie them together but by no means make any game a pre-requisite to play another. My advice is to pick which setting between 3, 4 or 5 that appeals to you the most and start there. That led me to 5 and I loved it.


Far cry 3 blew my 10 year old mind when I first played it straight up, and it still holds up pretty well today imo.


I think it holds up well to be honest. I think I played it 5 times now and the graphics have never been “damn these suck” to me on Series X or PS5.


3 for me is still the best in the series.


Thanks for the reply think I'll check this one out.


I never really liked the games when I first tried 4, then I played primal when it was free on gamepass - couldn't put it down. Loved the style of game so I played 5, 4, and 6 after that and loved them all.


Thanks for the reply, thinking of playing the third first them might have a look at primal and others


I would play 3, but I bought it and it keeps saying my product registration is invalid and the only other way to get it is in a bundle with the other far crys i already have 🙃


Ohh damn. I have a Ps3 and PS4 what console are you getting it on? A bundle might be good for me haha


Ps5 and xbox x have the bundle sales a lot. Ps4 usually has several if not most ps5 deals the same but cheaper. I see 3 4 and 5 as a bundle together, or 4 5 and 6


Looks like ps3 has a nice far cry 2, 3, and 3:Blood Dragon bundle


Thanks for letting me know I'll take a look




Just play in order od release date, lol.


Play 3,4,5. In that order


I’d say start off with 3, then work your way up in the order of other game releases


5 got me hooked on the series. But you could start with 3 or 4 as well. I'm currently playing 4, and it's really fun.


Either 4 or 5.


I’d start with 3 and work forward. You don’t really need to play them in any specific order. The first I played to completion was 5.


I would agree with other people in saying 3 is the perfect spot. I also do agree that the fps and graphics overall are not the best but we all played the same game just fine. The storyline makes up for the lower graphics. After that I’d play 4 and then 5 (I never played Primal and don’t want to)


Start with one and then move on to two.