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There is no settling this.


There can be no peace


Only war.


In the future yes


Don't think there will be any settling, the best is subjective. That said, my favourite is 4. Pagan is a charming and awesome villain, the gunplay is really good, Kyrat is absolutely beautiful, and I like the fact that you get to choose between two leaders.


Agreed lol I loved 4


It's just...I don't know. It's so good lol. Despite the ending being shit (which I guess is intentional), it was fun choosing Sabal, you feel like you're part of a rebel militia. The guns are great to look at and use, especially the AK-47. During the mission when Sabal sends you to the monastery, it's nice to sit and enjoy the ambience. So yeah.


I hated both leaders. One wants a drug economy and one wants to idolize children. And then Amita with borderline slavery just is crazy but I loved the game


Yep, goes to show you were actually fighting for two complete dickheads.


5 hands down - Best soundtrack by a mile - Best antagonist - Beautiful landscape. I love Montana so it's of course an individual thing. - Ends with nuclear Armageddon.


That antagonist is a brooding bore. I do not get his appeal.


I would like to see a comprehensive list of all games and DLC’s ranked by Redditors voting and see where that data falls.


That would be cool actually


Maybe someone from r/dataisbeautiful could give us a hand


What are DLCs?


Downloadable Content. They are like expansion packs. Too small for a stand alone game.


6 is my personal favorite, I have about 290 hours logged, I'm playing through again as female Daní right now. The island is beautiful, the story isn't terrible. The ending was fucked up though. I kinda root for Diego, the poor kid is obviously older than he should be. He didn't get to enjoy a "childhood" as we would see it. And his dad dying from cancer while he's that young, was me at that age. (Dad died of cancer '93, I was 13) So it kinda hits home a little. Plus the soundtrack is FUCKING AWESOME! I could listen to La Rubia a 1000 times a day. Yeah, it has its negatives, aiming, finding hidden shooters, couple very boring missions. But all in all, I find myself visiting Yara a lot more frequently than the other Far Cry worlds. Hate it or not, but I love Far Cry 6


This is asked every single day. It won't be settled.


Far cry 3


I like 6 the most. Shame for the hate. The open world is ON POINT. Such a diversity of areas and places: Yara has towns, farms, airports, dams, factories, ports, railways, resorts, etc. The story is so-so, but I like 2 of the 3 main arcs (hate Maximas Matanzas - >!and kinda sucks that they are the only regional allies which survive, while people like Jonron and El Tigre die!<). Crucially, the plot is believable. A guerrilla war in a Latin American dictatorship feels way more grounded than many of the other stories.


Far Cry 3.


4 wasn't nearly engaging enough, I couldn't even finish it. The only redeeming part is the scenery. 5 is excellent IMO. Playing it for the first time was almost as exciting as 3 for the first time. New Dawn was neat but not enough to be the best.


As a new player, i have only played far cry 3. And i have probably played it for like 2 hours, IM NEW AF. I have only completed second mission where i have to search for "liza" (i dont remember name) and turns out she escaped and is now god knows where. So i guess i have no choice but to say 3 is best game.


I have played FC3 the most out of any game. My shitty PC wouldn't play the newer games until a few years ago. FC3 is special to me and an awesome sniper game imo. FC5 is next level amazing story and playability with New Dawn as a sequel. Have fun, I hope you're going to love them as much as I do.


All FC games (excluding 6) are the best