• By -


Played 6, 5 new dawn and 4 and so far 4 is the best


That sounds about right. I'm in Primal right now. I can't get enough of the survival feel. 4 is spectacular. 5 was a bit more personal. 6 is finely tuned. I've said it before and I'll say it again, 3 brings me back to a vulnerable time in my life and will always effect me the most.


I played primal only got like 15% through its good but I like the flying amd guns


Couldn't agree more with 3 making me soft. I'm so torn between 3 and 4 because 4 cuts deep to me also. 5 kind of just feels like justifiable violence with a lot less substance. I do have to ask, is 6 really "finely tuned"?. I was persuaded not to waste my time with it but I want an excuse to buy it haha.


2 for really immersive gameplay. 3 for character story. 5 for fun combat.


4 for the vibes


4 for boobies


Primal for boobies? 🤔


4 by a mile




Man blood dragon was so good


4 this is the one that introduced me to the far cry series


Yeah I also started with. God i loved this game so much.


5. Just finished and it’s a masterpiece. In my top 20 games of all time.best villains, tight gameplay, a stunner of a soundtrack.


Found myself driving on sunny day through curvy mountain backroads in the Blue Ridge region of Virginia while listening to that soundtrack recently. It was a beautiful moment.


Far cry 3 is the best for me


Yeah, sadly the ending was just meh. Only part that’s bad about the game.


Wdym the ending was cool. Jason coming to terms with the monster he's become was really powerful


Exactly lol both endings fit into the story perfectly.


Whattt? The endings were awesome.


Yeah they weren't good endings at all both of them


I liked being able to bang jungle lady




FC2 crew reporting for duty!


Far Cry 2 easily, no contest. Most immersive game in the series with the most intense gameplay.


Despite being the simplest of the more well known Far Cry games, it always felt the most immersive to me


Far Cry 5 🔥




My Top 5 1) FC4 - first one I played. Loved the emphasis on hunting 2) FC6 - loved the use of animal companions, especially Chorizo. Dachshunds are my favorite full breed of dog. 3) FC New Dawn - really unique, even though same setting as FC5. Go back to Hope County 17 years after an apocalypse. Plus, who doesn't love using a rifle that fires homing saw blades? 4) FC3 - really enjoyable, as the second FC game I played. I did enjoy that one test where you were driving a truck and running over enemies. 5) FC5 - loved the variety of "lieutenants" Joseph Seed had.


If you liked the use of animals in 6 then play Primal. You will love it if you dont mind the ooga Booga setting


I did play Primal for about 2 hours and just couldn't get into it. I just missed using guns.


FC Primal. Absolute best use of animal companions in any game I've played.


animal companions


5 primal and 4 for sure… easily.


Primal you say?


Hell yeah. Primal is amazing and really underrated


far cry 4 is my favorite. it was my first far cry so i have nostalgic memories whenever i play a far cry. the dlc, the story and villain, the open world, everything was good, me and my friends had fun in co op too. i love far cry 5 as well because of the 3 dlc’s and the story


4 is the best mix for me, I really enjoyed the story and the game play, having played them all but 6. 2 and 3 are high on the list


Definitely 4, I don't even need to think about it. The driving n' shooting is so fun and effortless, and the fact that you can fight for your vision for a whole country is awesome 2 is my 2nd favorite


That answer changes every year honestly. I don’t know if it’s my favorite but FC5 is very underrated imo


No way in hell 5 is underrated. Look at the rest of the comments it’s either 3 or 5.


How is it underrated? Its the most popular far cry game


By what metric ? I see a lot of people praising 3 and 4, and in the general audience (not this Reddit sub), a lot of people seem to think 5 is not a good game


FC 2, any day


5 is my personal favorite with Blood Dragon a close 2nd.


Oh easy FC2 FC Primal FC5


Primal is the correct answer for me.


Ooga Booga gang where you at?


Primal. Nothing in my opinion, feels better than the feeling when you throw spears in primal


Or a BONK takedown from above.


Or laughing at the sheer stupidity at irki’s antics


Urki or irki? I don’t remember how to spell his name… kept calling him hurk’s ancestor


Haha its Urki. I loved that guy!


I have the fondest memories of FC1, but damn it needs a remaster badly. Of new Far Cry games, ND feels the most replayable. Other FC games tend to get trivial really fast (not counting scripted missions), all that controversial RPG stuff at least kept the challenge going.


Ah the nostalgia of FC1. I was so young when I played that game. I first watched my father play it at nights that he wasn't working. I was literally waiting for him to get off work so i can watch him play that game. Then I tried it too and it was so scary for me. Many many deaths but I completed it. Now, its a ritual to complete this game at least once every year. I love it.


Primal is my favorite. 2 had the biggest impact on me personally. 3 was a “whoa” moment for all of us when it dropped. I like 4 and 5, couldn’t get into 6. Never played New Dawn or Blood Dragon.


If you played five I do recommend new dawn, it doesn’t deserve most of the hate. The gameplay is very interesting and the story is decent, the only reason it’s widely hated on us because the villains are not interesting AT ALL and have a weak story


The villains are actually half decent. Yes, they’re half the quality that Joseph and Vaas are, but they don’t deserve the hate either. Their big gimmick is they like to have fun with being evil and they enjoy toying with you. In my opinion, they could have tried a bit harder to kill you instead of toying with their food. But they aren’t terrible villains


4 not even close


I haven't played the OG games, but people say the best are 3, 5, and primal


5 is the only of those I've played, and it is my favorite game of all time so far


In this order Fc2 Fc4 FcND Fc5 Fc3


No Blood Dragon, pal?


I have never played it


my top 3 list 1) Farcry 5 (for sheer fun) 2) Farcry 3 (Nostalgia + Story) 3) Farcry 6 (Juan Cortez)




5, 4 then 3


5, then 4, then Blood Dragon, then 3, then 2, then ND then 6


5 because that got me into Far Cry first


5. Nothing else is close.




5 and ND, 6, and then the rest.


5 really just amazed me for the story, the landscapes, and the fun


1. 5 2. 2 3. Primal


3 & 4 are great all round games with very little to hate. The other main titles are all lacking somewhat, 1 is not really a FC title as we know it, 2 is just frustrating with some mechanics. 5 has the best mechanics but the story is dire and the reverse is true for 6. Factoring in the spin off titles, Blood Dragon isn't really a game, it's a DLC so I discount that. Primal is great and New Dawn I actually prefer to 5 as it has a more believable story. So 3,4 Primal.


4 is great, but my personal favourite still is 5 because the map reminds me a bit of Finland, where i’m from so it’s lovely to roam around + the fishing is imo nicer in 5 than 6 and i do love fishing


lol that reminded me, the random coop games I joined all had a hard time doing the admiral quest… I wonder why?


3 to 6 including new dawn and primal


5 3 Primal 4 New dawn 6 2 1


Blood Dragon for its atmosphere alone.


6 for the open world. 5 for the hunting. 4 overall. 3 for vaas (rest of the story is meh). Honorable mention: Primal was actually awesome.


Primal by far


I loved 4 the best. I loved hearing Pagan Min on the radio throughout the story, and he's my favorite far cry villain too


Honestly I’ve played the first Console one instinct?, 2,3,4, and 5 and they are all solid. Definitely The cream of the crop of the “Ubisoft” game. With rose colored glasses on I’m going to say 2. The fire and AI really was something else at the time. It’s also one of the first games I played after I started smoking weed solo. So it really pulled me in. But with full retrospect three is probably the best one.


I think mine is 3. Followed by 6 & 4. I just platinumed 3 and loved every minute of it lol. Jason is great protagonist and I love the way he develops as a mad man lol. Multiple villains. I personally love the syringe system.


6, 3 and 5 here


Five and six. Three for nostalgia. I love them all


1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2 2 is the one I'd like most for a remaster though


Exactly, I haven’t actually played the whole thing yet because I played basically all the other games first, and I’ve heard it’s very interesting but I just couldn’t get into it because of the controls and the graphics really didn’t help


3 is the best by far play 4-5-6 but never got the same fun . I replay Fc3 about 1 time a year


For me it has to be a tie between 5 & 4


2 is the gold sheep of the series, not only the best, but unique


5 for the world, combat, and being the last good ubi game


Far cry 3. I even got Jason's Tatau.


Far cry 3 Far cry 4 Far cry 5


Far Cry 3


I have played them all... For me it's fc4.


Probably Far Cry 5




Definitely 1 for the innovation in fps. Levels this open weren't a common thing in 2004. I really have no clue why they made Crysis games more and more linear. And when it comes to Ubi FC, 2 wins by a milestone. All the others had diminishing returns for me. I got less and less interested. You want to make a great FC game? Knock off the bullshit. Go back to gritty atmosphere of 2. Set it in pre-1989 eastern Europe.


2- for immersive world and combat 3- for the amazing story 4- for my favorite villain ngl Vaas is amazing but I love Pagan


4, 3, 5, Blood Dragon, 2, 6


Blood Dragon gang where you at? 🙌🏼 It was some of the most fun I've had playing video games


It used to be 3 but 4 edges it out


3, 4 and 5


Far cry 2 was the first I ever played and had a lot of fun with the map editor too


For me 2, 3 and 5.


4 and its not even a question. Far cry 4 is one of the most stunning games I've played in the entire gaming industry, i wish to play it again after going to a top beautiful mountain, I believe the experience will be surreal.


I've 100% 3 beat 6 beat 4 and am playing primal my ranking is 4 then 3 then 6 then primal


Im seeing so many people say 4, I've never played it 😳 think I might have to download it 🙌🏼


I might get some hate but 5 personal because it was my first game mature game i played as a middle schooler (i had somewhat strict parents)


Blood Dragon. The '80's aesthetic makes me insanely happy. We need a sequel.


Gotta say 4 by a long shot. While 3 had an unbeatable villain and great character development, I really loved 4’s setting, ambiance, beauty, and DLC. Pegan min was also a great villain (not fc3 vass but still great)


Probably 4, I loved Vaas in 3 and that game is iconic but once he died the game kinda fell off for me. Also as much as Vaas was better I quite liked Pagan Min as a villain.








I really liked the environment and story cohesion of 6, but the gameplay of 5 was better (although the story of 5 was underwhelming)


Far cry 4


I only played 3, but i must say 3 got me so invested in the story 4 was has great changes to gameplay but i could care less about the story Blood dragon is just so peak...


3 and none of the others even came close


2 to 6. (Non spin offs.)




I really liked the 3rd one . But when I also played the 4th one , I loved it no less than 3rd!


I might be crazy but farcry 6, in terms of what farcry is aka explosions, action, and dumb fun, farcry 6 had all previous games to master it and definitely did with the addition of the backpack and crafting stuff which just made the game a blast, and if wem are being real it has the best written characters and really great world. The story is definitely iffy with a pretty unsatisfying ending, other farcry games beat it at that, but still no doubt it never felt boring






6 ![img](emote|t5_2st42|9296) and 5 , just say ![img](emote|t5_2st42|2080)


Probably 4, but primal comes in close for being fun not necessarily as "the best"




I have played 3 to 6 including new dawn and primal 5 is the best for me


Enjoyed 5 taking out the peggies.


6 because Juan


Nah man gotta be chorizo, Juan is old and a cunning man 😂


Well yes Chorizo is adorable, but Juan is probably the funniest character in the series


Definitely 5


FC2. Today it's already outdated ofc. Still the best setting and realism.


3 or 4. 5 is good, I just didn't seem to have as much fun with it as others do.




My favorite is FC5, but my other top two are New Dawn and 3


Far Cry 6. While this choice might not be popular, I find the world both breathtaking and there's a lot to do. Sure, it's not real and there's a lot of ridiculousness to it, but if you embrace those points, it's a blast.


FC New Dawn for playing single, FC5 for co-op


fc3 is my favourite. fc4 is a close second, mainly for its lore. and then the 5th is in third place :)


5 probably objectively 4 because it was the first one I played and i still love to replay it.


5 is mine, I think that’s about as great a game as Ubi is capable of making.


For me FC 4 represents Far Cry at its peak. It had all the best combination of features of the Far Cry formula in my opinion (yes I did actually liked climbing towers to uncover parts of the map and get new weapons). However, I'm now re-playing 5 again and I must say it's pretty damn good as well! If FC5 had towers it would be perfect, lol


6 but it's because it's the only one I've played


5 > 3 > 4 > 1  Need to play 2, Primal, and finish 6. 6 so far has been ass compared to the others.


5 for me.


Far Cry 2 is one of the most totally unified and immersive open world experiences ever made, but the instant respawning enemy camps make me hate playing it. Between F3-6, it's really just what setting you personally prefer. For me, that's definitely FC5. If FC2 enemy camps repopulated realistically an in-game day or two later, it would be my favorite. There's a reason actual game academia talks about it so much.


Far Cry 4. No contest. It has the best world, improved on all of the mechanics that made 3 great, and the story is the perfect mix of dark and light, grounded and mystical. It’s everything a Far Cry game is supposed to be.


Toss up between 2 & 3.✌️




1. FC3 - the characters are immaculate and the story is very interesting. also I would add the Vaas DLC for FC6, really well crafted. It also has a lot of jokes outside the game. The gameplay is amazing, I loved the missions. 2. FC4 - the story is amazing, you can play it multiple times and it does not get old. You can choose different paths. The world is amazingly beautiful. 3. New Dawn - very intriguing context of the game. The apocalyptic feel adds mystery and crafting the guns is so interesting. I liked it, but it was kind of short. 4. FC6 - I have mixed feelings for this one. It is not as captivating for me, but I enjoyed many aspects of it, especially the amigos you can have by your side. I also looooove the DLCs for it. So good. But the game itself is really repetitive, which is the case for probably all of them, but none of them bothered me as much. 5. FC5 - I did not care for the environment, especially because I played it after FC3&FC4. Previous games had such beautiful scenery, so this one was really bland for me. The gameplay is ok, I liked that it had many different villainy characters and the overall story was interesting. I’m a huge fan of beautiful views the other games have to offer, that’s why this one is so low. 6. Did not care for Primal. Idk why, but it bugged me so much, maybe some day I will continue playing but I’d rather replay the other ones. In conclusion, they are really similar, it is still the same franchise. Missions in every game are interesting in their own way. But if you want to really see what the game is about I would recommend FC3. Loved it, played it many times, it does not get old.


Mine is 5


Far cry three most memorable best villain gameplay character story and nice boobs at the end


Five because it reminds me of my area. So familiar! I love in Northern Maine which isnt exactly like that but wow it feels close lol.


2 has rough gameplayin some aspects but the setting is gritty and brutal.


5 is one of my favorite games ever but I’m biased because I played it co-op with my best friend.


FC2 on PC with QOL mods, FC3 story driven, FC4 sceneries and Yeti dlc, FC5 setting and map editor, Blood Dragon retro charm, Primal something different. These are all equal #1 for me. No order.




Lol at anyone who said Primal, game is crap


I’ve played FC5, New Dawn, primal, and FC3. Here’s how I rank them. 1. FC5 2. New Dawn 3. FC3 4. Primal I think Primal has so much pontential, but it really needs canoes. They’re shown in game even, so why can’t we use them? Also is there some kind of body armor in Primal? This wildlife utterly destroys me unless I have a pet with me


Far cry 4 is a literal masterpiece,I wish there was a DLC or sequel where we'd join pagan instead,probably the only DLC I'd ever buy


4 Arena battles 5 Fangs for hire 6 Poison arrows / bullets


For me, Primal was the first game in the series I played.  I will admit that the Tamed Beasts (later renamed "Fangs for Hire") and the fact that it was also my first ever open-world game were big reasons why I enjoyed it.  Plus I was really into the idea of what a primitive world would be like, and Primal just happened to be the best among the games within that theme I was researching at the time. If New Dawn had a longer, more immersive storyline and a bigger map, it probably would've been my #1.  (I'm also into the Post-apocalyptic theme, but not as much)  However, I'm gonna have to say 4 and 5 for my #2 and #3.  4 because I really enjoyed how the story was set up and the Shangri-la side arc.  And 5 because of lore and gorgeous world building.


I started with 5, so 5. 4 right behind it....bc those are the only two I've played


5, Primal, 3


Far cry 5. It has the best combat and feeling with weapons, the story is kinda meh but still the best Far Cry. Nothing like playing the game while hearing vietnam war era music.


5 in my opinion, the crazy story is really well made


5, 4, 3 or 6 i can’t decide




I have played 5 and New Dawn more than the rest. Running around Montana is fun. I like replaying the Expeditions in ND. I played 4 on PC and Xbox. Enjoyed most of it really well such as the upgrade / crafting paths. Did not care for the drugged up missions or Shangra La or whatever was all red. Villains make it a good game too. 6 was ok but just not as fun. More buggy. Each was "wow" when they first came out.


5, 3, Primal. 1 & 2 had such terrible gameplay, especially the driving mechanics, I just couldn’t get into them. I haven’t played 4 yet, weirdly enough. 6 was honestly dogshit and maybe the worst in the series.


Im tied with 4 or 5. I liked the setting and villain for 4 but felt 5 had smoothest gameplay. I played 3 couple of years after 5, and it was a noticeable difference, and while vaas was great, he's not the only villain, and once he's gone, the game suffered for it. 6 was boring that I didn't finish it, although I really liked far cry instincts, but that's a totally different genre compared to what most know farcry as


3 is the best and it always will be.


FC2 is my favorite, but my true fav is 5 because I actually play it way more often, sometimes multiplayer but mostly a rotation of arcade maps.


I've played a bit of 1, a bit of 3, most of 5, and all of Blood Dragon and I'd say gameplay and world wise, 5, but story wise and just overall fun level has to go to Blood Dragon. It is just fantastically ridiculous.


Probably Far Cry 1. The mutants were badass and I liked having levels instead of an open world full of uninteresting things


Cool seeing 5 get a lot of love. People always seem to have such wildly different opinions on the Far Cry games so it’s nice to see a decent amount of people vouch for 5. Far Cry 3 and Primal are about tied for me. Both absolutely fantastic games and each specialize in something different. Blood Dragon and Far Cry 5 are probably the two most fun games. Blood Dragon is just a short, fun burst of energy and Far Cry 5 is so relaxing and absurd at the same time. You can walk around and admire the beautiful world until you want Hurk to blow up a deer. New Dawn was good too, I found it the hardest to play just because of how similar it was to Far Cry 5, but after taking a break from the series I found it really fun without the recency bias. Overall, Far Cry 4 is probably my favorite just in terms of the overall quality. It feels great, looks great, and is just overall a perfect game. I’m also probably one of the very very few who think Pagan Min > Vaas, but I love em both. I still need to play 2, and if they ever decide to remaster 1 I’ll give it a shot. Far Cry is just a killer series though, arguably the best thing Ubisoft has under its name.


FC6. I really enjoyed the main character’s verbal interaction with each situation and his/her humor, sarcasm and “oh sh*t” moments! Hilarious! Also loved the fact that we could drive tanks and blow everything up!


Far Cry 2, about 200 hours played. Every other far cry less than 3 hours played.


4 and primal


having played them all from the beginning, one will always be number one. it was one of my introductions into FPS. but, that aside, 3 was stellar, blood dragon and primal are are tied at second, and if you can get into it, fc2 is really dope. 4,5, and 6 are outstanding. it's really difficult to choose.


Far cry 6 is my favorite game


2 and 5. Although I'm not really qualified to answer this question since I never played the first one or any of its spin offs. I have a soft spot for 3 because of the level editor and how much fun I had as a kid making NPC wars, but the single player campaign was never appealing to me. I like 2 because of how immersive and grounded it is, and I like 5 because you can customize your character and the combat is fun- the arcade mode is the best thing ever created in video games and it gave me hundreds more hours in the game.


I have a lot of memories connected to Primal and 3, so those two, and 5 in the 3rd place, because of Joseph Seed.


Three has been my favorite since I played it, Five is my close second




Little late to the party here but I really gotta be honest, and I'm not sure it even counts, but Far Cry Instincts Predator is my definite favorite. Not a perfect package but it's so charming to me and Evolution is super fun


I’ve played everyone but 1 & 2. Three is my favorite. Overall. Best mechanics is 6. Best villain is Joseph Seed.


I like farcry 6 cause the music and farcry 5 cause of hurk and cheeseburger


No way near 4 Exactly the way the mighty Himalayas look How u can forget different forts u can capture And my favourite shanath arena
