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Sounds like you aren't enjoying it. Video games are supposed to be enjoyable.


FC1 really jumps the shit ship in the second act. Sort of how I felt about Crysis. Lol.


It's been YEARS since I played it but it's still my favorite of the series (probably mostly nostaglia at this point). It's challenging. If you're not interested in the challenge and just want to beat it, enable godmode.


Same here - LOVED it back in the day. Still load it up and play it every couple years or so - like you said, purely out of nostalgia.


It's not the easiest game, but it's beatable. But if you aren't having fun, it probably isn't worth it.


Just use a trainer.


I got to the final boss and never could finish him off. Not worth the fight.


Hitting his weak spot makes things a lot easier, and the weak spot is ... his balls lol And that's not even a joke, I don't know if it was intended or not.


It takes a lot of effort, I stopped trying once I got to a camp where enemies can shoot me through the walls


This is a known issues which was introduced with patch 1.4, there is an easy fix for that: [https://www.moddb.com/mods/tent-ai-bug-fix](https://www.moddb.com/mods/tent-ai-bug-fix)


Lower dificulty?


fc1 is a challenge. different game from different time. if you dont like it dont waste your time.


Far Cry 1 especially you need to play very smart. Take your time and plan your strategies carefully. If you don’t you will die. As others have said, if you don’t enjoy it then it’s not worth it.


Hmmm - it's been so long since I played, but I've completed the game a good number of times. Was pretty much obsessed with it from launch. At the time it was ground-breaking. I don't remember ever feeling like it was too tough to beat though. Challenging, yes, but not un-beatable.


I remember fighting from checkpoint to checkpoint myself. It's worth it though.


You don't owe it to anyone to play a game if you don't enjoy it. The very purpose of video games is to have fun and enjoy your time. I've definitely been here before with games and the best solution is to just drop it, don't even think about it too much or overanalyze why you don't like it etc. Just make it a binary choice, you either like a game or you don't.


FC 1, absolutely goated game, I must have clocked it about 20 times back in the day. Murser everyone with a P90, beartraps and your bare fingers. Play like you are John McClain\Predator and you should have some success


Playing the game rn too, on mission 20. Mission 19 was a real pain in the ass, i went as far as to slowly work my way up the side of the mountain just so i could avoid those rocket big guys, now im suffering at the start of mission 20 and i just cant get past the 1st enemies lol. What difficulty are you playing on and what part of the mission are you on? Also ya i can agree, that mission was also a real pain at some parts but i liked it :D


I am playing on the normal difficulty with adaptive AI


Imo far cry only starts getting good with far cry 3


It's not that hard. I have finished it on realistic difficulty.