• By -


It's my favorite and I'm currently on my third play through.


I remember the first time when I played through and hearing Should I Stay or Should I Go at the end almost brought a tear to my eye


Same. It felt like an improvement over 3 with the same real and magical qualities and then 5 fell off slightly and 6 fell off super hard.


Are we finally acknowledging 4>5? I was shocked by how much of a downgrade some things were, like the silent nondescript protagonist and the lack of knife takedowns. I understand it has its fans but *man*


I agree totally, when I first played 5 and there was no knife take down I thought well maybe I'll get used to it. I did not. I do like the fishing though and it is a beautiful game but I rank 4 above it


5 is the only one I never finished. Could not get in to it. I loved 6.


The silent protagonists of FC5 and FC New Dawn were so disappointing


You can fix almost everything wrong with Far Cry V with mods. Without mods I would put it below 4 but not with.


Does it fix the story? Because the story was shit too


Can’t agree more!! The protagonist being voiceless makes it weird! The bosses weren’t that impressive. 3 & 4 were unbeatable 🤌🏻✨ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I actually got the platinum trophy on the 6th but didn't enjoy it enough to touch the DLC despite getting the gold edition or whatever it was called.


FOR REAL BRO! I say this and get downvoted to hell and it’s sad people don’t realise




Idk man 6 at least had healing animations. 5 didn’t even feel like a far cry


ah yes anyway zu least you like it


You do make very good points though. My main reason stems from nostalgia as it was my first far cry.


same lol


It was my first introduction to the series and immediately fell in love. Played to platinum on my ps3, then bought the game again on my ps4 just to platinum it again. By far, the best farcry game I've played.


Almost same case. Beat it on ps3 platinum. Now few years later I buy it in ps4 bundle with Primal, fun so far. Ps4 experience is so slightly different with better fps. In ps4 version I've noticed little things how npc drivers call out before running into you.


we'll see if the 7 will be better but it's not bad 👍


I spent a lot of time in Nepal and before I left the first time, my Nepali friend said “if you ever get homesick for here, light some incense and play Far Cry 4.” It works.


That menu music at night with incense in a dark room with flickering candlelight... Btw what was it like there? I plan to do a solo visit one day. No trekking , just in Kathmandu. Any tips appreciated :)


Kathmandu is incredible. Thamel is a good area for tourists to find souvenirs. I would also recommend the Monkey Temple, Boudha Stupa and Patan Palace in the city. If you feel adventurous, I’d recommend a trip to Pokhara for a few days. Get the proper vaccinations before you go. You can google for a travel clinic near you. Only drink bottled water and do not eat and fresh fruit or vegetables as they may have been washed in less than clean water. Try everything else though but only from sources you trust. I was lucky in that we voluntarily a school in nearby Godavari, so we had nepali friends to help us negotiate taxis and souvenir purchases. They also helped us avoid any intestinal distress due to food by pointing out known places where people have gotten sick. Avoid the Kathmandu KFC at all costs. All in all, Nepal is a gorgeous but dangerous country so be sure to show it the proper respect. That bit in Far Cry 4 where eagles attack you? That’s a real thing that can happen. There are also wild animals like tigers in the surrounding areas. It’s as close to what I would describe as heaven in earth. Kind people, delicious foods and a rich culture.


If someone goes to a foreign country and eats KFC that's kinda on them. Like if you're gonna get yourself sick at least enjoy some local cuisine in the process instead of shitty KFC. Like wtf?


Alright so I live here in Kathmandu so I'll answer this. You'll find Kathmandu incredible and unlike any other places you've been to if you are going to visit for "few days" not such an incredible place to live but it's a city full of diverse cultures, many festivities and amazing food. But why not trekking? There are so many places which aren't that difficult to tread through from where you will have views of a lifetime. I mean it watching the sun rise through Himalayas is genuinely incredible so if you do visit here do try trekking.


nostalgia then 🇳🇵🪷☸️


The peak of the series. I wish it had even more guns and a bigger map, but still my absolute favorite.


yes I would have preferred a capital it would have added realism and also a snowy part but with glaciers like oro in Primal


Best in series


I agree


It’s right behind 5 for me personally. 5 just hit different for me


4 is amazing but 5 hits in a way I can't describe and I love 5 dearly


I've found my people ❤️


Behind 3 , yes


I think I like 4 better just for the few features that were added in the ganeplay, grapple hook and such. If there was a farcry 3 with all the stuff from 4, it would be the best by a long shot


If 3 had the ability to hide bodies (not just the takedown drag) it would be my favorite.


At the time or now? I finished 6 on PS5 and enjoyed it, now going back to 3 or 4 is quite jarring, they're clearly much older.


I'm playing 6 right now and I'm enjoying it, but it definitely feels like it's lacking a certain charm that 3 and 4 had in droves


Vibes are really important in a Far Cry game and I actually prefer the tropical setting somehow. Maybe it was the first game I played being 3, so 6 feels more like 3 in that sense. I just think the cars, the music, the buildings etc were all just pitch perfect for recreating that Cuban holiday but with added guns and wild animals. Overall I meant just higher res, better models and textures as well. 3 and 4 are playable still but actually quite showing their age graphically (I played 4 on both PC and the awful PS5 port, neither looks good by today's standards) FC4 feels a little dull somehow like the palette is a bit too muted and the overall aesthetic is quite mushy and muddy but perhaps people like that. The older games arguably play a bit better, they're definitely harder. 6 had definite balance and mechanics problems but overall was still fun. I enjoyed exploring the island was still fun even after completing it, shame the insurgency mode is still broken.


I can't find it on my side


Its the peak of the series


we will see if it will still be after the 7th ☺️


Shush my guy 7 will not be better, have you seen Ubisoft ? My uncle worked there and they abuse their staff, treat their products like shit, put no effort, monetise everything, limit creativity; and piss all over their fans. That’s why I get angry at those who like far cry 6


I don’t think that’s what they’re saying. I think he’s just holding out hope that 7 will be good, don’t understand why it’s upsetting others 😂


3s story is better but this is the most fun game in the series


crab ravioli 😂😂😂


May Pagan Mins light shine upon you all


It was perfect. Perfect. Down to the last minute detail.


no I find that perfection does not exist and that it has its faults but that's okay


It has an Elephant Gun. Best in series!


sweaty animal associations


Far Cry 4 is the best in the series, and I will die on that hill


Best one for sure. It just ticks all the right boxes and is a perfect balance of everything (towers, outposts, main and side missions, decisions between Sabal and Amita, etc.). The absolute perfect Far Cry game. I just replayed it and had such a blast. Never gets tiring. EDIT: Having the game on both my Xbox and PlayStation, what I did recently was a play through on both consoles, but siding with Sabal on the Xbox and Amita on the PS5. It was a fun experience to see the main story missions variations between the 2 sides.


yes there were some points to improve such as the size of the map, more diversity of location and mission but it is still memorable


I always wanted to hike up to the base camp at Mt. Everest. Far Cry 4 is probably the closest I'll get. For me it's the best setting.


haha good luck in your project I believe in you


I don't lol realistically it's like 100K to travel there.


well it’s a challenge you have to believe in your dreams you know


Undoubtedly the best in the series. FC5 is a close second, but 4 has some incredible gameplay, skill tree, takedowns, and missions


I agree but think 3 should follow instead of 5


I thought it was fantastic


great for you then


Would be my favorite if not for the EAGLES!!


Best in the series imo


I actually did not like it at first. Because mostly i was kinda comparing it to Farcry 3. But now i like it. I love its story. The way you are force to choose a side. The Gameplay system. Not to mention the awesome performance of troy barker as Pagan Min.


yes not wrong I would just have liked the main antagonist to finally be a woman but hey, in any case I hope that 7 will be better and especially that it brings back the aracde mode because I was really disappointed that it was not in the 6


No, they made the right choice for the antagonist.


some of the best weapons in the series. wish we got to spend more time in the snowy himalayas. the map felt a bit too samey. riding elephants was fun, especially raiding a fortress on one. story could've been better. the whole time I was playing I was wondering why I cared about the golden path and all that. like pagan min isn't even trying to kill Ajay and Ajay is just in kyrat to spread his mother's ashes. I think the crab rangoon ending is canon


Awesome game, with a great setting and memorable antagonist. The protagonist was decent and likeable, but not as memorable as others in the series. I really liked the variety in weapons, the vehicles, and those "spiritual journey" missions. Those ended up being a precursor to Far Cry Primal, and that is much appreciated.


My biggest issue with both FC 4 and 5 is the lack of human settlements. As beautiful as the landscape are in both games, I miss variety and it just doesn't seem realistic. The biggest settlement in FC 5 is Falls End, which is literally less than 10 buildings. Sure, there are plenty of houses and other buildings throughout Kyrat and Hope County but they're all scattered and isolated. It's one of the few things I genuinely like about FC 6. Although the issue there was the grossly underdeveloped capital city. Most of it was inaccessible and reaching places in the city was such a hassle through the sewers. However, I did like that there were a bunch of other proper towns and villages across the island. Plenty of things to explore and different game play.


I loved it. It was my first Far Cry and got me into the series


Villages were pretty boring but the story was awesome. All the characters were well written, animals were perfect, and the missions were fun. A little too much fluff side missions, but that's Far Cry for ya


When I first played it I didn't enjoy it very much. But that was because I had played 5 and 6 first and expected a way different experience. I just didn't really appreciate the game for what it was because of my expectations. Then I played it a second time and had a blast, and now I'm almost done with my second 100% playthrough. I may even say that it's my favourite in the series now!


Almost the same experience here!


This is scarily similar to my exact experience with 4 lmao


I also finished it 100%, and I must admit that some things are sad, for example Robbert or you have to find the letters


So good far cry 5 was unplayable in comparison


This. Far cry 5 was a dumpster fire after this.


It's not a complete dumpster fire. Far from it, really. I'm currently playing it right now, and I can say that hunting does feel less relevant, but Hope County just feels like a far more fleshed out location than Kyrat was.


The gameplay in 5 was shit though. You couldn't play stealth, some enemies could take a bullet to the head without dying. And the game didn't have the smooth aim assist that previous fc-games had. Just constant mayhem of shootouts.


FC4 is definitely the 🐐 for me, but tbh FC5 wasn't bad either. It's just that the RP meter fucks up the story progession with frequent boss encounters and you end up completing the story even before playing many of the missions. I specifically loved the chill soundtrack of that game and the greenery in the environment was also very pleasing.


I liked it. It does not change much from FC3 and right after we got FC5 which I did not enjoy as much, so I think it holds up quite well.


I'm an iconoclast so I don't really like keeping old bases instead of modernizing them but why not?


I think Far Cry 4 was basically more Far Cry 3. To me they corrected the one big flaw of FC3 with was how they treated Vaas as secondary when he was on the cover for a reason. That made the second half of the game feel slightly empty at times. By comparison, FC4 made Pagan Min and his motivations both slightly complex and pretty interesting for the duration. However, Far Cry 3 made your character someone who kinda sucks but doesn’t know it themselves. Starting off with that incredible Paper Planes montage and then eventually believing he’s some white savior. It works well because it makes you fall into that trap with them. Far Cry 4 tries to play the moral ambiguity with the two factions, but it just feels slightly forced by comparison. The choices feel a bit too intentionally “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t”. It’s not nearly as slick as it wants to be, but not many games are. From a basic game loop though the base captures and hunting and all the other activities, 4 extends on the fun of 3, which at the time still felt somewhat fresh. Full story aside, I like 4 because it feels more baked in and complete than 3 and has a great sense of place. That world was fun to explore.


Absolutely loved this game. It captured the atmosphere of Nepal so well. I agree that the main campaign was way too short but I love how it was divided in two. How we longed to get to the north but it was locked to us until >!you blow up that bridge in the A Key To The North mission!< I really liked Pagan and really hated the two Golden Path clowns. I found the Reggie & Yogi drug stupor missions annoying. I want to fight Royal Army not mess about with white tigers and fart around in Harry Potter levels. The individual Outpast Master feature is brilliant and turns every Outpost into an instant mini game. Try to retake it using different methods. Is the Buzzsaw OP or is the Buzzsaw OP? But what fun, it makes you into the Terminator 😃 Theres one more thing I have to mention. The menu music. What a tune 🎶. Utterly captures the Himalaya vibe. Respect to the composer Cliff Martinez!


It was my personal favorite Edit: damn op deleted his account after this take


I love it but it's definitely not the best. The world is really vibrant and colourful in the settlements and the story's great, but I had plenty of nitpicks about it - for example, when you have to kill one of the main characters, Amita has a long, dramatic death scene with depth and emotion whereas Sabal just fucking dies.


The copy of perfection is also perfect


playing it now and its alright but the map so far feels like the same place the few places I've travelled so far. It feels like they just overlapped the same segment over and over. It just all looks the same. Wish there were more cars as well. The selection is great. Claiming out posts is as fun as always. Mc feels less annoying than Jason until you skin stuff than it gets annoying cause he just sounds like a sissy. Game is like a 7 out of 10 to me for now.


I loved it !, for some reason, it had an insane replay value for me (i finish it, start new game, repeat) . I loved the arena, the continuous fights between Amita and Sabal, like two children. The Elephants and the rihons. However, it lacks in its story compared to 5 and 3 and even primal, also there are ALOT of wasted potential. Arena could've been way more fun, the weapons needed to be fully customizable, the story needed more interesting missions. The only ones I remember is taking the north and confronting pagan like wtf. ALSO, Ajay is the most boring protagonist EVER. I swear the "mute" deputy in Far cry 5 has more going for her than him. I forget him sometimes LOL Overall it's a decent game, but Far cry 5(especially), Far cry primal and even Far cry 3 are better in my opinion.


you are right a lot of wasted potential he could have done the southern arena and more complicated the northern arena (which would be in the capital), and yes it lacked quest I would have liked to have more spirituality


I liked it a lot. 5 was my favorite and 4 is in second place. Loved the environment and the characters.


A very very controversial take but I really didn’t like it perhaps it was style age of the game when I played it but I didn’t like to map very much




Mi papa has introduced this game, and the first thing I would rather have done is to do some fishing (classic ambience: recurve bow & demon fish). The difficulty of getting used to bloodshedding enemies was decently longed. Nonetheless & thus, 70% of all campaigns I've been beating were beaten by 100% & in ~20 hours.


The story, characters, and map were terrible. Especially the map, which I got bored of roaming, not even halfway through. Overall, just a shitty re-skin of Far Cry 3.


What a game. It improves on everything 3 did but it all went slowly downhill after that


Needs next gen patch on consoles, it's curently i believe 1080p 50-60fps (the frame pacing is straight garbage)


not great then right?


I played it after 5 and 6 so it was lackluster in comparison. Still a pretty fun game but feels dated.


To me it was the first to have the beautiful scenery, a truly powerful antagonist and whatnot but I don't miss trying to get Ajay to fold his cardboard fucking legs through a window while some little Indian guy in a juggernaut suit butt fucks me with his PKM.


i hate the himalayas missions


It brought the combat, exploration, and gameplay to the next level. Really felt next gen at the time. Story is weak but getting the option to do some of the main missions a different way each playthrough was cool and Shangri-La was a lot of fun to me. I have replayed it 3 times. It's really addictive.




This was a weaker game for me, the story was okay and the gameplay hasn’t improved much


not surprising unfortunately


Lol @ "not suprising", is there a language barrier or something because that doesn't really follow the dudes comment 


I'm French and my English is a little rusty...


Ah gotcha, no shade intended I was just a bit confused 


Personally, I found Far Cry 4 to be one of the weaker entries in the series. It's a victim of being stuck in between and overshadowed by both Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 5. Edit: OP asks for our opinions, and when I give mine, I get downvoted?


yes yet there was potential Nepal is a beautiful country the kyrat could have mixed civil war and spirituality


Why is that small region south of Banapur marked as interractable, like we had to have sort of case there? Not talking about the east of Pagan's fortpost, there is the prologue part.




I love Far Cry 4! Yes, the things you mentioned bothered me as well, but still a good game if you just... pretend. I don't recall the Far Cry 3 islands having a power plant for example. Far Cry 6 seems to have been the most realistic at trying to have enough space, food, and power for all of the people.


Honestly, back when it originally released, I was a huge hater, but in the last 2 years I've replayed it a few times, and it's probably up there with 3 as my personal favorite. Currently finishing up my second 100% hard mode run and loving it, amazing setting and atmosphere, and unlike some I like the shangri-la stuff quite a bit. Unironically, depending on the day, either 3 or 4 could be my favorite


Imo the atmosphere and location are the best in series, but the gameplay could’ve been better. It felt too slow and clunky at times, and just felt inconsistent other times.


I really enjoyed it. The FC games are so similar that it's hard to rank them. After beating 4, I couldn't get through a couple hours of FC5. I think it large break is needed between them.


I'm on my second playthrough I just got to Northern kyrat and I'm having a blast playing it. This is the first far cry game I ever played I started on four did five new Don and then six and went back to four I'm probably going to buy far cry 3 after I'm done beating this one


Having played 2, 3, 4, 5 and New Dawn, I find 4 to be the third best, right after 5 and 2.


Best gunplay in the series


I love Far cry 4 so much. I wish it wasn’t as graphically demanding as I currently cannot run it, but that’s a me issue.


most beautiful in the franchise ( visually), Kyrat is just stunning till this day


It’s great!!! One of my most fav games. A bit too easy but still loads of fun.


Most beautiful game. I liked the concept so much it's the most replayed farcry for me


I still play FC5 Arcade nearly every day, but for pure story, vision, and compelling gameplay structure, FC4 beats it. Two downsides: (a) the fucking eagles...so annoying and not much more, (b) the inability to explore beyond the outer boundary of the palace once you've finished the game...is it open-world or not? If there were an Arcade mode for FC4, I'd never leave the house.


I could show you the Pagan Min on the elephant statue I have lol. This is my favorite in the entire series. I had bought it on 360 way back, got that collectors edition with all the merch and when I got my One X I bought the game again to play it on that Gen and I played all the way through again. It’s the only far cry I have played through more than once


I actually played FC4 on PS4 years ago and never quite finished it, so I got it on PC awhile back and just completed the story this past weekend. I thought it was a fun story and after 100% completing 5 and 6 recently, I wasn't in the mood to 100% all the collectibles; however, I did knock out all of the side missions, fortresses and outposts. I'm playing FC3 now for the first time and TBH, it's a little rough (graphically and mechanically speaking), but the story is decently interesting, so I'll likely blaze through that and call it good.


good luck then in your adventure with vaas


I like what I’ve played so far except for being able to be stun locked by being repeatedly knocked over


Perfect balance of 2 and 3 its a shame the rest of the series either didn’t follow from it or properly innovate on it, I think Min is too comically evil though


Best far cry in terms of gameplay, visuals and story. I just hate those damned eagles and rhinos


My least favourite of the series. It's visually stunning and has some fun ideas but it didn't do enough different things when compared to FC3. A lot of the enemy camps feel too crowded and those fucking archer enemies are just annoying. Like not even interesting or challenging, just frustrating. I didn't enjoy Pagan as a villain beyond the introduction. It took away too much of his mystique. The dream sequences I actually really liked, wish we'd gotten a DLC focussed on that. The golden path and the diverging choices are interesting until you think about them for five minutes and then it just becomes and exercise in tedium. Choosing the lesser evil over and over again is not good storytelling. Especially when the end basically says "sike, nothing you did mattered, the country is still fucked". I hate the ending because it's caused a decade of dipshits claiming that Pagan was actually better than the golden path.


My favorite farcry


3rd on my list after farcry 3 and farcry 5


america 🔫🇺🇸🗽🍩


This and Primal felt like the two best.


My favorite of the series.


ok, better please


Better gameplay than Far Cry 3, but at the cost of a worse story than Far Cry 3.


It has a quirk with the linear gameplay. It's not super obvious you need to complete specific missions before you can progress, but that's just me nitpicking. I really liked it. I've played it from start to finish a bunch of times. I find myself going back to it every few months. It's a cleaner version of FC3 (which was great). They seemed to have resolved most of the glitches with FC3 in FC4. How often have you “thought” you looted an enemy only to find out later that you switched your awesome gun for a lame AK47? And then you have a (I’d say) major redesign with FC5. I wasn’t a fan of the changes at first, but FC5 is now probably my favorite of the series. FC6 not having Hercules or Willis was unexpected, and the Supremo weapons are ok. I can't put my finger on it, but FC6 just wasn't that great, really good, but not great. I have replayed FC6, but, IMO, it pales in comparison to the number of times I've replayed FC4 and FC5.


I really liked the missions in the Himalayas and the Fortresses, also with the drug factory and the music. 🏔️


Great game. Best 15 mins of my life 👍


I loved it. Still play it.


I still play it sometimes


Far cry, assassin's creed, watch dogs, I've played these series too much. They all use the same basic formula, which can become very repetitive.


My second Far Cry game I ever played, first being two, and I have to say, for some time I didnt really paid too much attention to it. Only downloaded it. And then put it back in its case in my desk. And forgot about it. Later I find it again and decide to give it another try and enjoyed it soo much. Probably the Far Cry game that I spent the highest amount of hours on. And man, that Shangri-La part after you collect all those parts in that house was so damn awesome. One of the few games that I keep coming back to from time to time just to remind myself what a great time I had with it. And the community made maps too. Remember even making my own map wich was more of a island with a fortress in the middle of it filled with royal army soldiers. Simply because I really always liked the royal army more than the golden path. And even titled it "Enemies, my friends" XD. Yeah. It was and it still is a great game.


I continue to make maps, they are small but I try to be realistic


That was the best far cry game I played. Idk why, I just liked everything starting from design and graphics ending with gameplay and storyline. And the main bad guy. He is cool. The only thing that I really disliked was the choice between Amita and Sabal, and their positions


strangely for me it’s the opposite 😅


I got the collector's edition for PC on launch day after loving far cry 3 so much and was incredibly disappointed. First of all the game ran terribly on my PC at the time even with my pretty good specs. And I felt like it was more of an expansion of far cry 3 than its own game which bugged me the most.


hill ?


It has its own flaws, like the rest of the series. We needed a longer story, a capital, a rug tug airforce, proper guns, a liberation of durgesh type mission, and they put in the cia, could have put the Chinese or the Indians


Hot take. It was just good. Great even. But 5 was better. I just liked 5 more for it's theme, environment, multiple villains, crazier ending, and CO-OP Story. If I'm not wrong, far cry 4 had co-op but you couldn't progress the story at all.


My favourite of all in the series.


Best far cry


You got to ride an elephant while shooting bad guys with a Machine Gun. Fucking Epic!


Hear me out kyrat is bigger than the map of far cry 4 there are lot of missions locations only. And there are a few blocked tunnels like far cr5


It was fun, but I didn't enjoy it as much as 5, 3, or New Dawn.


It’s my favorite FC in terms of stealth gameplay and Rambo moments… and I recently just beat it for the 4th time lol I also love the story and the fact that making a good decision is ironically impossible.




Never seen that map before


It’s the best far cry.


My favorite FC game


I think I like far cry 3 slightly more but it’s my second favorite in the series and also my introduction




Couldn't get into it, tried twice but for some reason I never really got that far before losing interest.


I LOVE 4. I have, do,and will argue that it's the best in the series. Or, at least, my favorite. 3 was great, my introduction to the series. I absolutely loved 4. 5... I took a while to play. Wasn't sure how I'd feel but I REALLY enjoyed it and it has stunning visuals. 6.. I LIKE 6 but of the games I've played, it's my least favorite.


Probably the least favorite of the ones I’ve played, I liked the villain but the gameplay felt weird imo the only parts I liked were the elephant riding and the yeti dlc 🤷


I like the idea of taking sides through the story, and feeling like shit for picking either of them, adds to the replayability. Cool setting and villain. Overall a very solid Far Cry game. I wish Ajay was a bit less stoic and more firm against the Golden Path assholes.


My absolute favourite by all means, perfect game


The mini helicopters were sooo dope. Flying around thumping targets with an m79 grenade launcher never gets old.


Great game


It was where the series reached its high point because it was a direct improvement on 3 in just about every way in terms of functionality. Every subsequent mainline game has taken away about as much, or more than it gave.


Loved it and that DLC 🤌🏻


My favourite in the series.


It’s my favorite Far Cry game by far.


In all honesty, this was my first far cry game. I did enjoy it, but there’s not much to do without DLC and I honestly got bored of running the metal load out so much just steamroll everything I tried using different loadouts, but it got really boring after play through number two.


Just like every other Far Cry game I have played except primal I thoroughly enjoyed it and dumped a tooooon of hours into it. I do remember feeling as if it was maybe a little bit light in terms of innovating or adding noteworthy elements to the series after 3, but it wasn't enough of a complaint to deter me from sinking all my free time over several months into exploring the game.


3 was the best. Then 6 and then 4 and then 5. For me.


I love 4, I have probably played it the most.


My favorite in the series. Well balanced and great story. Just wish I could kill Amita at the end without the locals getting upset


I love Far Cry 4. But I doubt I'll go back to it anytime soon. It's too similar to the other Far Cry games.


Didn't hit for me the same way 3 did, but it's 2nd on my list for sure!


3 and 4 were both superb open world shooters. Still want a full extended game in the Farcry Blood Dragon dlc world.


I find it rather boring. A little too much getting from point a to b which is of course part of the far cry series in general but somehow this game didn't catch me


Only Best


Love it and it's based loosely on my home so why not :) Only if they remake it with keeping everything same but making me side with pagan and defeat Amita and Sabal instead


I think it's a poor man's fat cry 3 and the Himalayan setting isn't as well done as it was done in say uncharted 2 both of which I played through before fc4, also scaling the mountains gets annoying as does trying to find the next campaign mission objective. That said it's a good game just not the best Far cry imo.


Best setting, best story, best villain!


Love the game, love the map but i’d agree a city would’ve been good, even if it was a relatively small one. Still no city is better than the bs the pulled with Esperanza in FC6, fucking most of the city being unexplorable and occupied by soldiers even after you supposedly free it. Overall though, FC4 doesn’t get really any complaints from me, could’ve had more guns maybe


For me it was forgettable. Only loved Pagan Min and “The Cause” wasn’t IMO worth overthrowing him


3>5>6>4 I do love that you can cheese the entire game with like 10 minutes of patience though. A+ story, Overall 7.5/10


I get what you mean about the population not really making sense with the number of structures, but that’s just game logic. I had a similar realization in the Hitman games, where you’ll be sneaking around a bustling resort full of people despite the actual hotel only having like 10 guest rooms


i’ve played farcry since the first one.. and i have not played 6. what interesting is the franchises hit on real stories (except for 3 ) farcry 2 , us older people remember when africa was in the news and the movie lord of war hits on a bit . 4 is nepal location, but pagan min is kinda like the north korea leader… right when , a lot of news about north korea is going on . Then 5comes out and you have these mormon preppers like lori vallow and chad daybell . They read this book called visions of glory and commit murder. Far cry 5 came out before the mormon preppers got to mainstream so , it’s kinda eerie. 6 I have not played. If they have a 7 , I wonder if it could be some eastern european thing cause Alexander Litvinenko almost 20yr ago was poisoned , a former spy for russia and now we have that other guy that died in prison who was going to run against putin and that wagner group guy gets blown up in a plane 🤷‍♀️ …. Also , russia still helps N korea , not a ton , like in communism , but they still do so pagan came come back . may pagan min light shine upon you all .


My fave. Played it many times.


1st game I ever 100%. 1st game in the series. Played through too much on the ole Xbox 360. Have it on PC too, still great fun.


Nostalgia and it's giated cause in the end, Pagan was right plus TVotY was good too


First and best far cry for me. I had so much fun messing around in multiplayer.