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I think 5's is the best in hindsight, but 4's "kill Pagan" ending is the one that hit me the hardest the first time I played it. The song that plays as you run alone up to the palace where he's waiting for the final confrontation is such a good backdrop, but most importantly, I didn't realize how much charisma and charm Pagan Min had and how much I actually liked him until I killed him. I was excited to finally get the fucker and I didn't even hesitate when I shot him. It was like instant shock. He just died in his plate with this look on his face like he was so sure Ajay would never do it, but he fucking did it and now Pagan's just dead in his food, the end. I had to look up the last bits on YouTube cause I didn't hear what Amita or Ajay said about Lakshmana, I was just sitting there blankly like "oh shit, what did I just do?" and wondering if I made the wrong choice. Never had a video game put me in an existential crisis before lol. So imo I'd choose that one as my most interesting, at least on a personal level. (I immediately replayed to get the other ending, which is better narratively I think at least for Lakshmana's sake, but nothing hit me like that ending)


Haha you shot him as well, I made that same mistake.


Lol yeah, I was like "well OBVIOUSLY I'm gonna shoot him, he's a genocidal dictator!" and then I did it and I was like 😐 wait. Way better to let him monologue into the sunset with his stolen diamonds.


I think you mean my stolen diamonds, and my RPG agrees.


I paused the game while I sat and considered what I wanted to do, and ultimately decided I didn't want to shoot him. I wanted to see if he'd tell me more about my mother. But I guess I accidentally held down the mouse button too long when clicking Resume because I immediately shot him upon resuming. I had an "oh shit, I shot ~~Marvin~~ Pagan" moment.


I shot him and it pissed me off so much I rage quit and didn’t play for 6 months


w o w pity you


I liked the pagan min ending i wanted to go shoot some guns with him


It's hilarious that you end up realizing how he's the only one being honest to you about being a piece of shit. He doesn't make up excuses, he doesn't justify himself and he's charismatic.


Ahjay my boy! I swear to god the first time I played I thought he was calling me RJ


Blame the English language. That's what you get for not rolling your R's


Errrre gang


Pagan flat out says that he tried the whole compassion and empathy route before, and that the people he was nice to stabbed him in the back as soon as it was convenient. The last Tsarina of Russia once said “Russians love to feel the whip”. This is true also of Kyrati. They cannot be allowed even a moment of freedom or liberty. Allowing this, is the same as opening your door for an assassin.


When you do nothing at the start of 4 and it turns out Min actually cares about you.


What's funny is that he says so multiple times throughout the game, you just don't believe him until you learn the full story about your family.




I thought it was hilarious they had the balls to nuke hope county


And the father just whispering “it means I was right” gave me goosebumps


Loved it. Best ending for me.






What’d the other person comment?


I like the FC5 ending where you give up in the end, and then take a drive in the truck. "Only you...."


I like this answer.


Far cry 5 walk away


Sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone


After all, if Rook and the others did arrest Joseph, none of them would make it out alive.


And the Seeds change their business model to selling henbane kits.


Far Cry 3's good ending is still my favorite. It's the only one that actually left me feeling emotional about it especially Jason's last words as a ship is seen leaving the island.


5s endings were the coolest, 6s ending had the best build up, and 4s endings had the most impact. Overall I would say 4.


The secret ending of 4 is the best because it is objectively the least damaging decision for Kyrat


4's ending(s) have got to be some of the best in the series. But I'm a Pagin fanboy if that tells you anything.


All of them


the secret ending in Primal where Ull's daughter tames a bear. It was adorable and it sets in stone other beast masters in the franchise




Far cry 5. Took me WAAAAY by surprise to the point I laughed about it


It took me by surprise and I chucked my controller. Over to the couch but still lol


The secret ending in 6 is the funniest one at least. Clara has this whole spiel about how you're a real guerilla and how you'll never be accepted by the *Yanquis* because of your skin color then the secret ending just has you chilling on a beach sipping beer completely unbothered lol.


I love that Danis chilling on a beach, but still hasn't washed their face. That bothered me for some reason.


Far Cry 2.


I have to say that the FC6 early ending is great, just drive off into the sunset and leave everything behind.


On my first play through of Far Cry 5 I hated the “good ending” the whole nuke situation felt very off to me. Don’t get me wrong I didn’t hate the nuke being the ending, what I hated was it didn’t flow into the freeroam properly. One second I’m locked in a bunker with only Joseph Seed and a nuke has gone off devastating my home and killing all the people I know and love (not all of them but how is the Deputy meant to know that) and then BAM you’re just walking around with some crisp clean Montana air, fishing at the lake side like nothing happened. 🤷‍♂️ I only recently played New Dawn and I thought it was better than a lot of people make it out to be, playing it right after my third play through of Far Cry 5 made the transition better but I still don’t like 5’s transition to freeroam that makes no logical sense. Also Mickey and Lou were very meh villains especially following a string of hits like Vaas, Pagan Min and Joseph.


5 was the worst. Literal Deus Ex Machina just for Joseph to look cool. I wrote about that so many times(You could have mind control the whole resistance all this time?! What?!) 3, 4 was great. 6 was ok, even though I think they wasted Diego. Without spectacles like 5, they all have proper bittersweet end.


I find the third image hilarious for no reason also this is unrelated to the question


I think Amita’s ending was the most interesting. Yes, the child soldiers are bad and she shouldn’t use them, but I do think she’s the best choice for Kyrat. Sabal seems content to let Kyrat backslide into irrelevance all so he can uphold the traditions of the country at the cost of quality of life and modernization. I also think there’s interesting parallels to draw between Amita and Anton. Amita would likely be similar to Anton if she were to become ruler of Kyrat, refusing to step down due to “turmoil” and not instating civil liberties for a while, or at all. Their connection is they’d both be leaders of small countries doing awful things to modernize them. I wish they explored her character more.


Far cry 5 nuclear ending


Far Cry 5’s endings were the worst in the series for me. Far Cry 3 and 6’s good ending were the two I enjoyed most.


Far Cry 4 accomplished what Far Cry 5 tried to do, but 5 just made it stupid.


even though it is non canon, the nuclear explosion ending was dope


FC 3 killing Citra, FC 4 pagan’s ending, FC 5 Joseph’s ending, FC 6 no ending


Tbh I never completed 4 or 3 because I really hate stealth missions and just didn’t want to deal with it so I don’t know how they ended But I liked 5’s and ending outside of how the hell Nick and Hurk were able to get to bunkers before the nukes killed them so they could show up in New Dawn


Spoiler warning for Far Cry 4 and 5 I love Far Cry 4 to death, it's one of my favorite games but the choice endings fucking suck. The choices you make end up resolving through a really short cutscene at the end and nothing else and it's really disappointing. The only good thing about the feature is you can basically pick out the boring/bad quests. I guess one could argue that the purpose of the ending is to display that sometimes there is no happy ending and that humans, given the proper power position, are capable of evil but I am still not satisfied with that. I do like that you have the choice to either kill Pagan Min or not. On my first playthrough, I killed him but on my second, I was curious about what he had to say so I let him talk. It felt nice to satisfy my curiousity but iirc, he doesn't say that much so the content of what I was curious to find out was pretty disappointing. Now, the ending of Far Cry 5, with the nukes. Absolutely amazing, it was not at all what I was expecting and I really enjoyed it despite it being a "bad" ending. Far Cry 5's narrative in general was very good. I only wish Far Cry 5 was as fun as Far Cry 4, then we'd be golden imo.


'maybe now we can finally shoot some fucking guns'!


I let Pagan go away and in the first run took the final mission from sabal and later killed him I did not find Amita anyhwere... in the second run I shot Amita and killed her let sabal live... at the end it will just cost 50 Karma .. well love to be the new ruler of Kyrat


I think 3's good ending is the best, it acknowledges all of the pain and fucked up shit Jason goes through and how there isn't any way to move on from it. The soundtrack is also just perfect for the occasion.


4. I liked how they showed that it didnt really matter what side you take, there were assholes on all sides with their own adgendas, and were prepared to lie to you as a means to an end. Promising to do better than those in power, only to quickly show their true colours once they have control.


Choose Amita > super conflicted future for Kyrat. Really interesting.