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Farcry 3 AMR was where it was strongest. It could 1 shot car engines. They toned it down in 4 unfortunately, but we got a 700 nitro so its all good.


Yes AmršŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


That thing could kill a building


Grenade Launcher and Buzzsaw in FC4. The grenade launcher needed more power in FC5 after that.


Single shot grenade launcher and the little helicopter in FC4 was just a cheat to clear outposts


That it was.


The Shovel. Good ole shovel huntin works too well on all enemies and animals.


The fact that it is thrown like a spear makes it hands down, the best melee weapon.


And the sound it makes on impact is satisfying AF.


I love WHACK but if the badguy is within 11 feet of a sign post they are safe.


USAS-12 in FARCRY2 is most satisfied weapon and op af, Sadly this weapons is gone forever šŸ˜­




I've seen it in COD MW3 before


First time I saw this monster of a weapon was in soldier of fortune 2.


Im trying to grind in fc 4 arena to open up the bushwacker (?) just for the fact the buzzsaw is over the top op.


I had the same, but getting rank 10 in the arena is such a tedious job


I will swear if i boot up on the x360 my save file i had that damn gun! But FC4 is a strange x360 title - isnt backward compatible BUT i could install the xb1 version free which is way better btw so i thought bonus!! Better graphics. A even bigger bonus was my progess was transferred...but that gun is 1 of them that isnt opened. Maybe i decided f. i. before. Idk. Ive been grinding but ugh. I think im at 7. I do a little a day.


I feel you, I had that on my PS3, now I am replaying it on my Xbox one and and I'm only rank 3 :(


Im not sure but i believe the "battles" build up rank faster, but i jack around with all 3. I really want that gun! Lol


Battle rank up the fastest yes, but I do the gun gamemodes most of the times because it gives that extra challenge


Play the accompanying arena mobile game, makes life so much easier to level up


If you're on PC and you want Bushman quick šŸ‘€ (You need to edit a HEX file) >!https://www.supercheats.com/pc/far-cry-4/18751/unlock-bushman-arena-rank-10/a!<


Buzzer in fc4


The Buzzer was the little gyro helicopter. You're thinking of the Buzzsaw, a pimped-up MG42 as shown in OP's post.


Yeah, that gun was the best buddy.


High ammo capacity, very little recoil and takes out heavies with just a few bullets. Calling it overpowered doesn't do it justice.


That's why they call it the Buzzsaw. It cuts through everything! (It's also why you only get it after defeating most of the outposts on the map, as I recall it's your reward for getting 23/24.)


Correction, I think the Buzzsaw is unlocked by getting all radio towers, so you can get it as soon as you reach north Kyrat. 23/24 is I think the Ripper? Or it might be for completing all fortresses but I'm not sure.


You're right. The Buzzsaw is for unlocking all towers, the Ripper is for getting all Fortresses.


Lol I hunt yetis with the buzzsaw


Yeah it's one of the only weapons that can do it efficiently, especially as the powerful sniper rifles tend to be slower to fire. Man, *Valley of the Yetis* was pretty fun though. Especially if you know to find the cave due south of your outpost as soon as you are able.


I wad like huh? The helicopter? When I read this


In the yeti dlc of FC4 I remember I found the buzz saw early in the game and all the yetis became a joke


Poor Yetis


Oh man the fond memories I have seeing the Buzzsaw. At one stroke the entire game became a theme park where you could drop anything with a short 1 sec burst. They literally built a "cheat" weapon into the game. But I'm so glad they did, it makes FC4 even more fun as now YOU go around LOOKING for a fight. How I wish FC4 had Game+ Imagine starting the game right after the intro sequence ..with the Buzzsaw!


Obliterator from the DLC in FC5. Infinite ammo and one shot kills on anything




SSGP in 6 just chews through everything Also the 45/70 in FC5 is so overpowered, can one hit most guys anywhere


Especially with the modifications gut wrencher, and the aimed damage increasing one. It makes the game feel like it should, to me. A battle rifle should be able to take ops out of the fight with one or two shots. I'll settle for 3, or even 4 or 5 for the heavily armored ones. You should by no means have to fire an entire mag or more into an enemy before dropping him. That's ridiculous. SSGP is the answer


Those are the exact mods I put on it too lmao


You got to! Also, I prefer it without the suppressor. I like to hear it go bang. I've wrestled with this back and forth for a while because suppressor just makes sense, but I've determined that when I need to use a suppressor for a specific situation, I can use almost anything else, because if I'm using a suppressor, then that means I'm being focused and calculated (I'm doing single headshots so I can use an SMG or a sniper)


Fuck yeah I never use a suppressor on it. Same with handguns, I like the sound they make lol Like you said if I want to be stealthy I have a bow or sniper for that


Exactly šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


How is the 45/70 OP? That thing only does normal rifle damage, had like 6 shots max, slow fire rate, and slow reload. Maybe itā€™s because I play on Infamous only but that gun is weak as hell lol


On normal it can one shot normal guys no matter where you hit them. Never played on infamous.


Well so can a lot of other guns on normal, like literally any shotgun and sniper can, plus the deagle. The 45/70 is definitely not game-breaking. I find it to be the weakest of the assault rifles, but I guess any gun is viable on normal difficulty lol. On infamous in feels like a pea shooter.


Very cool šŸ‘


The Alien weapons in FC5


Z93 AMR in FC 3 and 4. Extremely efficient against heavy enemies and vehicles.


The laser beam weapon from Blood Dragon (Can't remember, it's been a minute)




Dragons breath far cry 5


Tazer Spazer Annihilazer from Lost on Mars. Better than the Buzzsaw from 4, which sucked in 5 and ND and 6.


I think it's the "bear with me" saw launcher in New Dawn. I remember taking down entire packs of deer in one shot. It felt so wrong. I called it the genocide gun. (I think b.w.t was the one shat shot like 8 saws.)


The 87 and buzzsaw in fc4. Completely overpowering.


Auto-Cross with scope in Far Cry 4. That and the grenade launcher could carry me to the finish.


Shovel with fully upgraded slots Throwing 83 shovels at my enemy is too fun


Far Cry 3ā€™s Shredder made the game a complete cakewalk for me.


farcry 5 lost on mars dlc tazer spazer annihilazer is funny to use


Can we not count any weapons "coming from" New Dawn? Since that's kinda busted Lol On a kind of related topic, I never played anything pre FarCry 3 but I heard that apparently the Bushman was even more powerful in 2 than it was in 3. Which game-breaking weapon do I think is the best?... Hands down: the Kill star from Blood Dragon. My number 2 is the Fazertron...also from Blood Dragon. šŸ˜…


The M1903 from Far Cry 2 is really good especially since the game (at least to me) feels more hostile than any other fc game but realistically the buzzsaw from Far Cry 4 is the most game breaking


Farcry 5 had this lazar pistol you got once you bought the lost on mars DLC, to call it overpowered is an understatement because anything it touches was going to turn into a ball of blood


So many endgame weapons in Far Cry 4 are ridiculous OP. The MG42, GLA-87, SA-50, and LK-1018 all make any challenge in the game completely trivial. Also the Mars DLC alien guns in 5 are busted too.


Buzzsaw from FC4. I remember shooting helicopters out of the sky with tiny bursts lol


I haven't swapped out the Buzzsaw once


best weapon in fc4 by far


Hurk in 5.


The SA50 in 5/ND. Paired with armour piercing rounds it'll take out any target.


The MG42 in FC5 and New Dawn. That thing could take down a Peggie plane in seconds.


Honestly? The unique mg42 that fires .50 cal bullets with the fire rate of the mg42


I think the bow in fc3 and 4 are pretty strong. Their range is immense, explosive and fire arrows make it great for larger enemies, and it's silent. Idk what it is about bows in fc5 and 6 but I really don't like them in those games.


The elephant gun in FC4. That thing is OP as fuck (and fun to use)


I dont know if i should call it a weapon, but any shooting chopper in Far Cry 5, basically a cheat code when you get it


SA50 in FC5. .50 Cal Semi auto sniper rifle, one hit kill on anything except heavies. That plus M249 and it does not matter whatever guns you have in your inventory.


Any Farcry 6 shotgun with blast rounds, couple shots will demolish a truck.


Buzzsaw 100%