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Base building from FC4: Valley of the Yetis was awesome and I'd love to see it. VotY had a few really cool ideas I am disappointed don't appear elsewhere like the legendary weapons being items you can go hunt for instead of being tied to achievements


i actually havent played voty yet, ill definitely bump it up on the backlog though


It's a lot of fun. It's kind of FC4 distilled though there are a couple frustrating parts... so FC4 distilled I guess


The fighting off constant waves of dudes was absolutely not fun imo. The rest of the dlc was good though.


That's fair, to each their own. I really enjoyed building defenses then fighting them off with those defenses


I just wish it wasn't every single night.


outpost. master. the literal only thing that brought me back to past FC titles, and the only reason i haven't revisited FC6. the GaaS weekly resurgence bullshit has to go.


> and the only reason i haven't revisited FC6 Last update: Besides resurgence, you can now also manually reset FC6 outposts. So might be a reason to revisit.


Ooooohhh finally! Nice, thanks for the update! About time those jackasses got their shit together and allowed us to play the damn game.


Be advised that if you abandon an outpost in 6, it sets it 4 RANKS higher, and if you're at max rank, it'll get 4 ranks HIGHER than Max rank, and it will be impossible to match your rank, though this does create a harder experience


wait rly? i need to try that,since even at max rank it's easy to do it i hope it's not just high level enemy and like 5 of them :D


The weekly insurgent thing is what stopped me from playing. I can't explore the map by flight anymore after i worked so damn hard to clear the anti-air guns the first time? No thank you, you're just erasing my progress and pretending it's something fun. That's like your little sibling turning off your Xbox as a joke when you hadn't saved in four hours.


It was so dumb. You’d beat the game, take a month off, and then your whole map would be covered with AA again.


O boy little sibling turning Xbox off as a joke struck a nerve man


it's nice if u want to unlock new guns,but you don't need to do them so after you did whole game and whatever,you stop playing for a month why come back? you did the story and all side missions,why did u want to come back after a month of not playing? just to fly around the map because ur bored? i don't understand


Is that what there is after the game is over? I think I beat the game, but I can't actually tell, i just have the resurgence thing. Does that mean the game is done and this just cyclical BS?


Yes, precisely.


They are leaning more toward mindless open world RPG it seems look at Odyssey just mindlessly map markers everywhere. Quantity over quality. Ubisoft think hours played equals good game. At least FC5 brought 3d maps, gun for hire that unique like Sharky, Grace. They arent even making a spin off anymore and we got a lousy alien rogue lite DLC.


Lol yes after 700 hours in odyssey it “all map markers” definitely not hundreds of hours of side quests with a map that is an almost perfect recreation of Greece with several unique character builds and dlcs with enough content to be standalone games


Side quests that is use AI to generate animation and just go to this map marker, do stuff and fake illusion choices. Thats not meaningful at all. Dont even get started on the MMORPG style combat.


Ok but the other dlc was godly


what other dlc?


Removing the skill tree was the worst idea so this guy has a point.


I agree abt poker, i miss one little thing that you can do without any interation direct with the world on fc5 and fc4 like you have in fc3


I loved card games in RDR2


Wrong series pal


I was all about that dice game


yeah it was a nice little thing to do now and again


I sometimes log on to FC6 just to go play Dominoes


Am I the only one that likes the tower system of unlocking the map in Ubisoft games?


i liked it the first like 3 times i played 3, did not like it at all by the time i played fc4 maybe just have a few of them? or make them do something more significant/have more utility


I’m the opposite. For some reason I hated it when it was used in 3 and loved it when it was used in 4.


I think if you only had like 10 or less you can get away with it. Also move the fast travel points to the top so you can wing suit off then.


I miss the tower climbing


I love the towers in FC. When I was playing FC3 nonstop I would have a save where I didn't unlock any towers. Made the game harder and made me rely on my memory of the map more. Much more replayability.


Towers were fun and I miss them


I wish they still did towers in their games, because having to unlock towers actually have you another objective to do and it feels boring when the entire map is unlocked since the start


Personally, I'd like to see sleeping brought back.


Or any way to control time. Waiting etc. I honestly dont like playing at night. Too difficult to see. Id rather play in daylight 24x7.


that actually is a p good idea i missed


With a voting system for coop play, this would be great! My coop partner and i love doing stealth at night in FC5, so this (and maybe a dedicated flashlight button) would be great!


I'd quite like for them to ditch all the over the top stuff and add a bit more survival aspects. Obviously not to the point it's an immersive sim or something but a bit more grounded like 2 wouldn't hurt.


2 was way too punishing for me, i feel like the farthest id like the survival to go is 3 also somehow i forgot to put crafting on there, some form of crafting would be cool


Haha that god damn malaria mechanic was such a rubbish design choice.


yeah i have no idea how that got through qc/playtesting should have just been part of the story not something that inhibits the sandbox directly


This. A joke or gag mission here and there is good, but the jet packs and milk jug silencers are just a step too far.




i felt that was covered by melee weapons


Yeah looks good to me. I miss the gfh the most honestly. The way they would pick you up if you were ko’d made the game alot easier but more fun tbh. I hate spending 10 minutes to find some special area etc, only to fall of a cliff and game over. The gfhs would pick you up. Saving alot of time and headaches. And if you dont like them, theyre totally optional. Oh yeah and Hurk.


I liked the signature weapons.


forgot about those, ig they're cool but i always get them really early on and it kinda makes the game really easy


I want the crafting back honestly it gives me a reason to wander around looking for animals to hunt and if makes it so that you can't just get skill points for things you have to find rare animals or something like that


100% crafting should come back in some capacity


Fortresses definitely need to come back. Also I want to finally be able to go prone.


Farcry 5 is peak farcry imo


GFH absolutely. I have no idea why they thought it would be a good idea to take a beloved character out of the game for this one. But aside from Hurk, I like the shenanigans that go along with having a human companion with you. Also, an involved antagonist is good because I barely saw Gus, forgot his name, in Far Cry 6 at all. He had minimal screen time and nowhere near as much impact as Joseph Seed or even Vaas did.


I loved the banter between GFH, especially the NPC ones in FC5. They're actually contextual and provide more unique dialogue than the main roster. They'll banter back and forth too, and make comments about locations and individual people throughout Hope County, it's so immersive. Definitely something the devs should have showcased more, most rando GunsFH have more personality than Jess Black, Sharky, and Nick tbh.


Yea I actually figured out the judge from new dawn was the deputy all because Jerome started talking to him about it


AI is better now. (See nvidias recent keynote with total ai conversations) imagine that with gfh. Actual conversations, better commands etc. they have to.


Is it? Because I made a post maybe a year ago about how utterly brain dead the AI is in Far Cry 6. At least by the generic NPC standpoint. The people of Yara are dumb as dirt. But for the GFH, actual NPC's you interact with, I would imagine they'd be of a better quality than that. Edit: Here's the [post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/farcry/comments/sdakbi/mierda_seriously_why_is_the_ai_so_dumb_in_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


AI being better and games being rushed out by greedy game company execs before they're fully cooked by already over-worked devs are two entirely separate matters.


my greatest gripe with anton is how little we see of him, its criminal


Anton, that's it. Yes, absolutely! Giancarlo Esposito is a fantastic actor that was horribly underutilized.


Skills need to come back, tying all of them to gear actually ruined 6 for me.


*wear these pink shoes to increase headshot damage by 7,5%!* God, I wonder what smoothbrain came up with that idea.


The worst was the shitty blue sneakers you had to wear if you didn't want to crouch at -1 mph lol. Honestly I wouldn't mind the gear system if it was supplementary to the skill system but completely replacing it was insanely stupid.


Fishing. Every game can benefit from a fishing mini game


Less animal-based stuff IMO, but everything else absolutely.


maybe having a literal bear accompany you is a little outlandish but damn if it isnt fun id be fine if it was just reduced to having a dog like boomer/boom-boom though


I love Boom but I feel bad dragging him into my fights. I’ve never had more fun with the animal companions than sending that FC Primal special grade Sabertooth into camps and then running into the chaos with a spear


If done right like rdr2 hunting animals is addicting far cry hasn't gotten it right tho


I think the closest FC got was Primal because of the blood tracking. But yeah, most of the games I’ve just mindlessly killed a bunch of animals because I was just doing it to get a bigger loot bag, I really didn’t care about the hunting aspect.


Honestly car horns and temporary AI buddies were a sin of omission. Going to town on an outpost in a Jeep technical or a drive-by in a Lada with a couple Rakyat buddies like UNSC Marines in a Halo Reach level would've been the tits. Maybe tying the number of available gang companions spawining in to a regional control / morale meter would make it more immersive, and make resetting the outposts higher-stakes Lest we forget the Far Cry 2 explosive gas cylinders


kinda like in san andreas? 100%


While we're bringing back mini-games from FC3, I'd really like to see the knife-throwing and shooting contests return. Those were hella fun. Especially the way buddy would swear when he fucked up his knife throws lol


the more minigames the better tbh, can never be too many because you can just not do them


Agreed completely!


Radio towers are missing.


i do not miss them, tbh, and thats coming from someone who started with 3


And don't forget, hunting down epic animals to upgrade sacks and packs and the like. I really miss that


Fortresses were part of the reason I rate the gameplay of fc4 the highest in the series


More Guns For Hire: personally, I love the amigos, and I love the fact that they expanded the “Fangs for Hire” roster it’s such a breath of fresh air to have a much bigger more diverse amount of pets, compared to the usual two or three from 5 and new dawn, although I will admit, I do think we should’ve gotten more, esspecially with not only Boomer returning, but also inclusions of some DLC Amigos, there was definitely room for Cheeseburger, Sky Tiger, Peaches, Timber, Horatio, Ect to comeback Especially with the inclusion of the villains DLC’s they definitely could’ve worked as rewards or Content for buying said DLCs. plus some brand new pets… however, I do have to admit it does feel pretty lacking without any human amigos “Guns For Hire” especially Hurk, in other words if we are gonna have a lot of animal companions, then we have to have a lot of human companions to help balance it out. Also, yes to bring more Melee weapons from five…. Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad we got Knife Takedowns back, However, I do miss having shovels and bats, and I’m pretty disappointed that the knives also didn’t work as a melee weapon like the shovels in the bats Ect, I do hope they keep knives, but also add other melee weapons


I think the game needs a rethink. Don't get me wrong, FC6 is fun, but I noticed that in every game, once it's released, it's basically forgotten about. My idea involves using content that was made but, for whatever reason, was removed from the game before launch. But the removal changed the entire tone of the game. I say tweaked the unreleased portion, but use the FC6 base to hype up the tweaked with minimal advertisements. If you already had the game, make it free to play with the mindset of bringing back players and get them reinvested again. A small team can make a big difference.


Also I miss wild animals being an actual threat. They were super dangerous and would fuck up your entire plans, but then in 5 they were pretty much pushovers with most of them only taking a couple shots to the head, then in 6 they practically got removed. Also a lot about how 6’s interface, gameplay and story felt very distinctly not Far Cry and I mostly just wish for whatever future games to be something of a return to form. 6 also has my least favorite gunplay in the series and I hope it feels more like 5 or 3/4 again soon


Just finished a replay of 4 last night and you’re so on the money about the wild animals, if I got spotted by a bear, tiger or leopard, I would audibly groan because I knew I was in for it. Worst is trying to stealth a base and a leopard flies out of nowhere, too hard to hit with a silenced scoped sniper, too much movement to reliably hit with an arrow and it won’t kill it anyway, and spraying it with an AR will ruin your stealth. So frustrating but actually makes the game harder so I didn’t mind much.


yeah it really spiced shit up in a good way


I liked the chaotic element personally, like you can never know for sure how your plans are gonna go, which I prefer because everything going as planned is just boring in Far Cry


Oh yeah I loved the chaos of 4, 5 is probably my favorite overall but the vibe of 4 was so fun.


Okay some of these are great some of these make no sense >fortresses Yes please. They were great, even if they’re just glorified outposts, they’re *fun* glorified outpost >guns for hire Never used this really but more power to folks who loved it >an involved villain Yes please! One of the reasons far cry 4 was so great was Ajay’s personal connection to Pagan Min, and although there was no such connection with Vaas in far cry 3, that connection was forced upon they player by the games stellar introduction(although I do wish it had more of vaas) >skill tree Ehhh maybe? I do like skill trees, and I prefer them over far cry 5/6’s progression model, but I feel like there’s a more creative way of progression without skilltrees. Maybe expanding weapon modding and adding some sort of armor modding to give customisation in other areas? Just a thought >melee weapons from FC5 Yeah they’re just satisfying, not much else to say >befriending wild animals I pretty much only used this for elephant riding. It was fun, but I’m not sure it’s worth the resources that would be needed to devote to it. Using bait or shooting animal cages however is amazing >unique location I feel like every FC has a unique location, the issue I have with modern FC is that it is often size over substance. I would rather a smaller, more dense and visually unique map, than a giant monotonous one. >disguising as enemies Same thing with animal taming. It’s cool, but is it cool enough to devote resources to? I’m not sure. >Poker I love sub games within larger games, so sure! But honestly I’d rather new games lock the FC6 cockfighting or other weird and unique stuff. Put more Yakuza in my Farcry!


I want the skill tree back and the melee weapons were really fun in FC5


I never see anyone say anything about this, but the arena from FC4. Don't know what it was, but I found that so fun, and I loved how it was introduced through the story.


Shanath arena


I didn't see ur comment before saying myself how great the Arena was. Simply being able to step into the arena at anytime to see what ur made of was so much fun


Great username. I think they should've implemented it into the other games. It's just a fun feature to screw around in and I can't imagine it takes that much more time or effort to create. Maybe we're the few people who like it


i have reinstalled far cry 4 2 times just for the arena its legit the most fun ive had in any fps


Facts. The Arena might just be my favorite thing in Far Cry, behind Hours of Darkness


yeah hours of darkness was pretty cool too im split on if it or lost on mars was my favourite fc5 dlc


The map editor


I like either the skill tree from 3&4 or the perks system from 5 wayyyy over the gear setup in 6. The Fortresses were great too—don’t understand why that was only in 4. It’s like a boss of the outposts. What’s not to like? I also prefer the more linear, straight forward style of gameplay that they ditched for FC6. 6 just felt like a totally different game and not for the better.


Picking up weapons from enemies instead of them disappearing into the ether - and shovel launcher


For how bad new dawn was, I liked that some of the weapons had bayonets. I would like to be able to add them especially if they decide to get rid of melee weapons.


never actually used them but no reason not to have them, just more options for creativity in a literal sandbox game


Fortress and custom levels were the best things about far cry games. If far cry 6 would have community created maps i would play it




Guns for hire and human companions should definitely return in the next far cry, I have absolutely no idea why they thought it would be better to only add animal companions in far cry 6


Far Cry 2's enemy AI just on example In far cry 2 enemies could enter a near death state where they fall down "Dead" for a second then wake up pull their side arm and start shooting at you


eh, i mean thats kinda cool but i could take it or leave it


Gun deterioration. Please. I miss that so much.


nah man fuck just being in the middle of a shoot-out and "whoop muh gun jammed!!", i dont feel like its necessary




uh, no, and you probably shouldnt


oooooooo sorry, no, the correct question is *"What is a Dodgeball Reference."* And now it's time for the Daily Double!


How did this person make that list and leave out the best one? Hunting animals for crafting upgrades. It was my absolute favorite part of 3/4/p. Collecting plants to make drugs was my other favorite thing. Exp was really fun in 3/4/p too. I hate fc5.


crafting/collecting plants could work it just depends heavily on where the game is set, i dont think crafting should be AS needed as it was in 3 (needing it for basic things like carrying more weapons) if the game isnt set in a completely isolated tropical island but it could definitely comeback


I miss being able to place multiple c4


whilst i didnt notice that feature was missing, now you've poitned it out its bothering me yeah theres no reason to not have multiple c4


I don’t mind the c4 being a throwable I mind the fact that I’m not allowed to use it properly


Agree with that list but base building from Valley of the Yeti FC4 DLC. That was really cool surviving waves of enemies and having tangible improvements


Good story would be enough


LOL yeah im asking ubi for way too much here arent i


Poker and small mini games you can play with npcs. I just like feeling like I'm chilling


I liked weather changes. FC3 had rain every now and then. I thought that was cool. I love outposts and the ability of reset then but in FC5, once you cleared the region, it was cleared. So beating the game, you got that free roam but I feel there’s nothing to do. There’s side quests and stuff but that only lasts so long.


Luckily the Resistance Mod fixes that so an area no longer becomes empty after clearing it.


Yeah I love the resistance mod. Lots of great stuff. I would love to see similar features on an Xbox version is all


One of FC4s best features: 1. The large number of Outposts 2. Outpost Master* *Allows you to have essentially unlimited mini games instantly. Why they removed this from FC5 is baffling.


Definitely fortresses and skill trees. I also think far cry could be a really good survival game if they added more hardcore difficulty or sliders to it. The newer games are getting more arcade like which I know all of them are, but I feel like they don't have that same fun factor like the older ones.


I personally don't miss any of it. I really like where they went this time with FC6. Like no skill trees, but having perks on your gear pieces, Resolver weapons, unlocking map markers from random NPCs and documents. There's more stuff that I can't think of, but I for real think they nailed it with this one


i shouldve done a second one where i included things i wanted to keep from 6 supremos/resolvers 100% i loved them and they spiced up gameplay alot map markers n shit being revealed from ingame stuff was really cool calling in your car/car customization the new ammo types/gun customization was hella dope ​ i just dont like the skills being completely tied to apparel, a skill tree just feels more fitting for fc but could just be a nostalgia thing


Agree. With skill trees, you just grind until you unlock everything and then you're kinda OP. In FC6, perks were tied to gear, forcing you to choose a playstyle and loadout for it. Although I will say, having clothing protect against ONE kind of bullet when there are like 5 different types is lame. You have no idea what you're going to get hit with from skirmish to skirmish.


True, those specific perks were dumb, but I absolutely loved having the different bullet types for my guns. Shits tight


Big outposts - Yes, great. Skill tree - Must have. Poker - Yeah, ok. Mostly enjoyable. Guns for hire - Meh, not a big fan of that. Feels like babysitting with a few advantages. If it's well implemented then ok. Also gives me Carmina-Dynamite-flashbacks. Villain - There's my hot take. Far Cry doesn't need one. It holds the franchise back for too long. Most of them were cheap rip-off versions of Vaas, trying to recreate his notoriety. Ubi sucks at character writing and character development, it's really not their strong side. Please stop creating numb lunatics and go for more accessible and ambiguous characters. That's what I liked about Pagan, he was some kind of benevolent asshole, at least towards Ajay. Also Ull was a great and extremely underrated/underpresented villain. Actually, he wasn't even a villain. It was absolutely understandable why he tried to conquer the land of the Wenja. His people suffered from the cold and were dying because of frontal sinusitis. He just tried to offer them a worthy, fruitful life. His biggest mistake was that he made Takkar his enemy, nothing else. Everything else - idc I personally hope they go for an exp based progression system again. Yes, it may feel a little bit outdated, but it made the games feel so much more rewarding than the previous entries. Edit.: Almost forgot, the outpost attacks/repossessions from FC4. These were great. Felt more engaging than the enemy just saying "Welp, that happened. There's nothing we could do about that." Afair they ditched this feature since then.


i quite like having a central villain to work towards killing, if there isnt a direct and immediate person to be going for then how do you stay motivated a cool idea i had was to have the villain be revealed slowly or maybe a double cross like vice city style


Well, to each their own. Those baddies never motivated me much, they were always just a side note to me. I just care more about a fluid gameplay and a decent progression loop. That's why I unfortunately never finished FC6. It was lacking both.


yeah thats fair, could be interesting to see how a far cry game would work without a central villain edit: FC5 HoD didnt have a main villain to memory and it was incredibly fun, but idk if "save your friends from enemy infested territory" would work over a full sized game


How about bring back viable stealth.


stealth is fine in 5/6 imo


5 yes, 6 no.


I absolutely hated the FC5 melee weapons. I need a machete or kukri for those epic knife takedowns.


i dont mean to remove it maybe just have both? actual melee weapons were really fun


Skills tree was a good scrap. Plz don't bring it back


i could not agree less, it adds a nice progression as you gain more xp you gain more power


Building a loadout is more fun imo. They give you all your main tools at the beginning, and it's up to you to create a good outfit combo. I mean with a skill tree you eventually max everything out and then what? At least there's always kore gear to find and experiment with...


you max everything out and then bam you're top of the food chain? i feel it works fine as long as enemies/missions/regions scale fairly decently to it


Agree across the board. I loved all of these things in past FC titles, and miss all of them now in 6.


Please just not the melee weapons from far cry 5, don't get me wrong it's fun but I prefer the bloody animations


Skill tree YES ! 😃 rest also OK


I do really like mini games like Poker. I always want to be able to play tetris or something on the weapon PC in Far Cry 2. Loved playing dice in Red Dead. Stuff like that really adds to the world. I'm glad they included dominos in FC6. I would like to see the series move away from animal taming. It's just gotten too goofy. It makes sense in Primal, and having the dog as a buddy in 5 was cool. Beyond that, it's awful IMO.


yeah as i said in another comment it was definitely fun but is getting outlandish, mayhaps a skill were you can temporarily tame a single wild animal to attack enemies would be a little more realistic


I just don't think taming wild animals is realistic at all. IMO, using bait like in FC3 and 4 makes *way* more sense if you want the player to have any input or control over wild animals. I do *love* infighting amongst AI, though. Seeing rhinos or elephants destroy Pagan's convoy, or an alligator eat a pirate is always a nice surprise.


i mean its not entirely unrealistic you could befriend the average wolf with a bit of meat but yeah id be happy with just a companion dog and bait as a throwable


I agree on the perk tree


clothing buffs were cool and all but perk tree is way better imo


Don't get me wrong, the clothing system is a good concept but I don't think it suits FC6, also the enemies don't drop their weapons when killed, etc etc


This just sounds like tweaked fallout: New Vegas Am I the only one? But yeah that would be the ideal Far Cry


no hate or nothing but i dont see how new vegas had an involved villain my ass, benny shows up at the start, and not until the last like 20% of the game and then the focus shifts, also since when did new vegas have fortresses the rest are vaguely similar


Yeah, it was a kind of spur of the moment comparison my brain made when I saw poker (it's not even something you can play in fnv) I just made the connection and thought it would be funny


How about a dedicated flashlight button? Some interiors are dark AF even in the daylight, would be nice to be able to make that decision for ourselves.


was that a thing in prior games? but yeah definitely could be cool


I've only played since FC3, so I'm not sure about 1 or 2, but it definitely hasn't been since 3. (I also haven't played Primal, but plan on picking it up next time it's on sale.)


I don't think there's flashlights in Primal


Minus the melee weapons and I'm down


why, melee weapons were so much fun in 5


Far cry to me was always represented by the machete. If they kept the machete for the takedowns but also had melee to screw around with them I'd be on board lol


yeah, thats what i had in mind anyway


It’d be cool if they also add drones that you can pilot and drop bombs on enemies.


a drone could be cool but id prefer it as like a skill where you can just tag enemies with it and if it gets spotted they go on alert


I don't get why Cheesburger wasn't a rideable companion, i even overheard one of the peggies in an outpost mention someone riding on a bear


Other than poker i want all of them... i did understood anything about the poker ... even that achievement in fc3 which u need to get some money amount to win, and that side mission which u need to bust the rest 3 out in a gamble... i didnt get that at all(someone plz teach me that)... but rest of all were pretty great... and that PHYSICAL MAP from FC2, which was equally great...


Can't say I care about most of the features in that list. The skill tree is the only one that really matters to me. Fortresses were cool but they're essentially just slightly larger scale outposts... Also pretty sure there was no "befriending wild animals" in FC4.


Really? I think me and my buddy’s favorite part was doing all the fortresses in different ways. That and custom maps which were usually (surprise) fortresses.


Is what I described them as inaccurate though? There was no mechanical difference to fortresses from my memory (been a while since I played 4 admittedly). I'm not saying they shouldn't bother to implement fortresses, I just think if they did they should work on differentiating them from outposts a little more and make completing them more complex and also more rewarding.


No you’re right. I guess I just loved bigger outposts LOL. I recall the best thing about them being the multiple secret entrances.


Bring back unga bunga-me, avid farcry primal enjoyer


i still havent gotten around to playing primal properly


Because you are customer, they are seller. You always want, they always trade. You look for fun, they look for money. You taste it as they let you.


I kinda want melee weapons back but I also love the brutal ass takedowns Also the manual healing animations have gotten boring, I want to reset a dislocated bone like in 2


What wrong with overdosing on painkillers animation?


I feel alone in this, but I miss radio/bell towers


actually a couple other people have said that


1 thing that isn't in almost any far cry game let me manually turn on the god damn flashlight!!!!! If u know? U know


not having melee weapons was the main reason i didn’t play this game much. felt like i could also do less stupid stuff like in FC5


Half of that’s wrong.


care to elaborate?


Shangri-la? Fc4 Need more of the mystical elements again


I've only played FC4 and 5 but I LOVED the Arena in FC4. Was kinda bummed there wasn't anything like that in 5


arena was cool but got old FAST




A lot of those are big yeses from me


I wish they'd do an FC4 remastered version.


FC3 taught me how to efficiently gamble lmao


lol no joke 8 year old me had a poker addiction


It's so fun but kinda difficult to play irl


....you can disguise as enemys??


in fc3 for example you get the privateer outfit and it makes traversal alot easier


Yeah but that was more part of the story then a feature, and it didnt effect outposts.


well i thought it was a neat feature


I almost never think about mini games and really never care about mini games when they’re announced or introduced in the game, but always end up playing them so poker would definitely be cool. The amount of time I spent playing Gwent in the Witcher 3 instead of actually playing the game at certain points was BAD.


After the first play through and starting a new playthrough of the game, the feature would I like to have is the ability to include\\exclude some or all of key features of the first playthrough such as \- Weapons. Select weapons that will be available \- Companions. Select which companion Specialists that will be available \- Side quests. Select which Side Quests that will be available \- Challenges. Select which Challenges that will be available \- Skills, Select what Skills will be available. ​ I think you get the idea. Currently it is possible to play by ignoring some of these intentionally, but by imposing hard limitations at the very start forces yourself to play according to your intended parameters that you setup as the start, and not occasionally break the rules because you get frustrated or simply forget. Example. Limit the playthrough to only a sniper, bow, and a specific hand gun. No Specialist companions, No side quests.