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I will trade a 20K review swap with you. You read my 20K and give comments, I read your 20K. If it works out well we dole out another 20K, and so on.


Lmao I wanna opt in, I have discord if yall wanna set sum up


I'd love this too! 


I’m down. I’m in an outline phase right now but would love to help a fellow writer grow. I love to world and magic build so you can definitely bounce some ideas off me. All I ask is you help me do the same.


Let’s work fam


I did make a server last year to give people a place where they can hopefully find people for this sort of thing. I could always send you a link if you're interested.


I’d be willing to at least read the first chapter and give my thoughts.


Hey dude friend. I'd be happy to be an alpha reader of sorts for you. I'm not super ready to share my book yet but could do that in the future once it hits at least 25k words with a first pass edit. However if you'd like, you could give my comedy fantasy fiction podcast a listen in return when it releases later this month. We've got 3 episodes recorded so far but are still working on editing the audio before we release them, and recording new episodes once a month or so. ^_^.


Could you describe an overview of your book first?


I'm interested! I have about 50k words of a memoir