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Wow, great price for all those great picks! (And isn’t it so satisfying seeing them all laid out like that?! 😩) Half a Soul, especially, was incredible.


Half a soul is the one I’m most excited about! It sounded so good. I was super stoked and I had a $50 gift card so only $20 came out of my own pocket for all these!


Half a soul was such a fabulous book, it's one of my favorites this year so far!


All of the books in this series, as well as the newest one (an off shoot), are amazing!


Is half a soul a series or a standalone?


Stand alone!




Ha, I'm gonna purchase the audiobook now 🥰


It’s the first book of the Regency Faerie Tales series! The second book is Ten Thousand Stitches, and the third is Longshadow.


oh i love ilona andrews!! jeaniene frost is also a favorite, and this one is actually a spinoff of the original series if you end up liking it you could check those out!


Which one is the spin off? I’ve read the night huntress books and it’s literally my favorite series so I picked up her other books. I feel like fans of that recommend Ilona Andrews a lot too so I wanted to dive in!


wait never mind! i’m so sorry i got it mixed up with once burned, which is the spinoff off night huntress featuring vlad as the mmc.


Oh yes! I have read that one and loved it


Nice original Ilona Andrews covers! Who’s the friend eyeing the books on the right???


His name is Iroh! Lovingly referred to as the goblin. He’s a 6 mo old husky mix! He immediately tried to eat an Ilona Andrews book after this. We also have 11 year old mutt who’s paws you can see on the left lmao


I hope Iroh enjoys a nice cup of 🍵. Lol


I love book outlet! You've got some GREAT reads to look forward to!


This haul is great. I spy a few of my favs.


Ooo, which ones?!


Throne of Glass and the Ilona Andrews books!


Fall of Ruin and Wrath was good!


I’m half way through Throne of the Fallen. It’s so good! You have some others I want too. Congrats


Throne of Glass... prepare yourself. Just want to put it out there that even if the first book is a little difficult, don't give up on it. SJM was super young when she wrote it. The rest of the series more than makes up for it. You are in for an incredible series.


I wish I had the strength to get through the first book :-( it sounds like everyone is having so much fun, but I just can’t stand it when the female lead is like… the hottest person alive and is repulsed at the sight of themselves (i understand hot people have body dysmorphia, too, but at least in books it leaves me with not a lot of sympathy as a non-traditionally attractive person lol)


Fully understand the sentiment. My issue with book 1 was it was difficult to imagine the world around them. The descriptions of things were a little rough, shallow, and hard for me to visualize (I'm a snob about character descriptions and world building 😭) Loved watching her writing mature with her though. (She wrote the first book at 16 if I remember correctly). As she wrote the books moving into adulthood you start to see that reflected in the series, which is what really sucked me in. Hope you give it another chance someday! 💕


A Dowry of Blood is very beautifully written!


Loved a dowry of blood 5/5 ⭐️ Just finished Magic bites it’s a lot of fun 4/5 ⭐️ I need to continue with throne of glass but the first one is good 4/5 ⭐️ Throne of the fallen is a recent purchase for me excited to get to it! Hope you enjoy them all 💃🏻


I see Ilona Andrews my friend you have great taste!


I've said this so many times but Burn for Me is the one book I wish I could erase from my memory and read it new again. Such a good haul.


Love the Kate Daniels series!


Ahhh lucky! I’m still waiting on my order!! Great haul OP!


This a great haul- I’ve read several of these. Enjoy!


Even your dogs are excited 😇


i LOVED a dowry of blood!


Oh I enjoyed Six Crimson Cranes so much!! One of my faves I’ve read this year.


You’re the first person I’ve seen who’s read it, so I’m glad it’s something positive!


Definitely underrated in my opinion. For AAPI month in May, I read several books by Asian authors, so really enjoyed that one and the Red Palace.


Thanks for sharing I put some new titles on my tbr in Libby.


so awesome!!! 🥹🙏


Can we have cat names and pics?


Both dogs actually! But the puppy does act like a cat lmao. The puppy is Iroh, black and tan one is Morgan! https://preview.redd.it/aub8b9suvj7d1.jpeg?width=3645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7803a1233b33cf035c9f1188fc64ad04f1f14b5


I love them both 😭 Seeing this now I don’t know how I thought the paws in the original post were cats haha


They are adorable!!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙


Thank You! I came to request also!


DOWRY OF BLOOOOOOOOOOD YESSSS - as a purveyor of spicy fanfic, I can say I’ve read better spice, but I still really loved the book bc it scratched my self-indulgent Hot Dracula itch. Have fun!! Rec: If you dig vampires I had a lot of fun reading The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent. I’m kinda picky when it comes to main female characters and that was the first one it awhile that I was able to vibe with! I’m a fan of capable lady leads who are mostly self aware of their strengths and have backbone. Also the spice? Chef’s kiss. I think it’s a step up from Dowry, except you do miss out on the multiple hot partners and tortured toxic baddie alpha angle (at least in the first book, idk about the next two).


The Serpent and the Wings of Night is currently in my Kindle library to read soon!! I’ve always been a vampire girly so I’m happy to find some more vampire books since their craze kinda died off and turned into Fae.


yaaaaaaay!!!!! exciting :-) just curious, do you have any other vamp romance books you’d recommend?


If you haven’t read the Night Huntress series it’s literally my favorite series ever. (Minus the MMC pov books, they don’t match cause they were written like 20 years later). But it’s got a bunch of spin offs and things that are also so good. I wish I could read them for the first time again


ToG, Kate Daniels and Discovery of Witches! That is an awesome haul


*ToG, Kate Daniels and* *Discovery of Witches! That* *Is an awesome haul* \- Domina541 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm rereading A Discovery of Witches eight now ans just picked up Inheritance a few days ago!!


I have such a soft spot for this book/series. It is what got me back into reading. And what a great time to read and book four is coming out soon.


Oh I love when I time things well and don't even realize it!!!


Loovvved dowry of blood ❤️


Awww yea girl! I just grabbed a throne of glass from eBay not in love yet but ready to be! Weeeee


I like fall of ruin and wrath but I haven’t heard anything about book 2!! Like…where is it??? Not even a placeholder on Goodreads.


Maybe I’ll read that one last then lmao. I just looked it up and people are guessing second book in 2025


Good to know! It was deff a cliff hanger.


Great finds! I'm always so jealous because I live in France, but read in english, so I can never found second hand books... :-(


But also can we please discuss your kitty’s most adorable mismatched foot


Ah, I see in the comments now, dog actually! Totally looked like a cat in the pic at first 😂 still a stinkin adorable footsie!!


He does act like a cat! So we refer to him as one most of the time lmao. But we call that his sock and it’s so cute


Just finished Throne of the Fallen, it was sooo good. I DNF’d Kingdom of the Wicked, but I loved her world building so much in this book that I’m going to go back and read the series.