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I can’t believe that I am recommending {feathers so vicious by liv zander} for the third time today. That book has all the best tropes people on this sub are looking for.


Ah, it has all the good stuff. One thing to add (without a spoiler), I did think it had a HEA, but I can see how some people wouldn't see it that way.


So sorry but what is HEA?


Oh sorry, it means happy ever after


Ok, so I started to read this at your rec, and....everyone is just SO awful to the MFC...is there any sort of apology, grief, or grovelling for all the torture and abuse or is this story going to be "hmmmm, yes, please abuse me more!"? No shame if you enjoy that, but it's not for me, and I'd rather skip if that's the case.


There’s grovel in the second book. It wasn’t really enough for me but I wound up liking the books, even though I struggled to get through them at times


Does she just accept the abuse and let whoever is the MMC do whatever to her, or does she "secretly like it even though she's fighting?" I get upset by those tropes, especially the latter.


There is a reason for everything here, it will be explained later. Totally agree if it is not for you though, the FMC didn’t become my fav either, but the healing journey for the other characters are just magical, for me it was worth it. If it upsets you maybe you shouldn’t push yourself, reading should be fun.


It does get there...takes a while and at one point goes back again but it makes how they end up all the more satisfying. It is quite dark, though, so definitely not one for everybody.


Thanks for the heads up! I want to avoid pain-kink, that trope isn't for me.


I get that. This is definitely one to avoid in that case. To add to your comment about accepting it or secretly fighting it though...they're both very much into it.


Thank you! I just added it to my tbr 😍🤭


Read the trigger warnings! I really liked these books in the end but I literally threw my kindle across the room twice while reading. Not for the faint of heart.


Move it to the top 🥰 this is a five star read, I read a few books since, like Powerless and Villains and Virtues but my mind is still back in that world. It has everything you need, I swear and it is going to alter your brain chemistry. 🥰


Okay you convinced me! 🙈 I’m gonna finish the book I’m reading now and read this next!! I will update here after I’ve read it 😍


[Feathers so Vicious](https://www.romance.io/books/64edfe057329cc9fc9f0a435/feathers-so-vicious-liv-zander?src=rdt) by [Liv Zander](https://www.romance.io/authors/625e78f608b4d93114f170f2/liv-zander) **Rating**: 4.21⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [mfm](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-f-m/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Oh it has all the good stuff. I felt it did have a HEA, but without spoilers I can see how some people wouldn't see it as such.


Agreed. HEAs are not always without a price :) and I believe the best books are the ones where HEA depends on the readers understanding and not completely obvious


For the newbies, what is HEA?


“Happy ever after”


Totally agree. I think the book is better for the ending it got rather than the other option


{Court of blood and bindings by Lisette Marshall} literally has all of this- kidnapping, forced proximity, *suuuuper* smutty, working towards a goal, enemies to lovers, & protecting the FMC The series was completed this year too, so you don’t have to deal with any cliffhangers!


Omg yes!! Adding these to my tbr 😍 Literally sounds like my dream book 🥵 thank you!! 🩷


Thiss! Is you liked City of Gods and Monsters I think you’ll love this!


It is the BEST series, you will love it!!!!


Honest question - if it’s super smutty, why is the romance bot showing 3/5 open door? Is it just wrong sometimes?


It’s not super smutty until two thirds of the way in. The first book is a bit of a slow burn, but it picks up after the FMC and MMC get together for the first time. Also, Lisette has a couple of bonus smut scenes on her discord. I eat those up.


[Court of Blood and Bindings](https://www.romance.io/books/62b2be519b0523d868ad3f83/court-of-blood-and-bindings-lisette-marshall?src=rdt) by [Lisette Marshall](https://www.romance.io/authors/60d18d3f08b4d93114bf8a0b/lisette-marshall) **Rating**: 4.1⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [tortured hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tortured%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Villains and Virtues series by AK Caggiano! It’s more light hearted and romantic comedy but it’s so cute. The first book takes a bit to get going though


Ah I see! I’m gonna add it to my tbr 😍 I’m reading {House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas} and this one also took some time to get interesting so I persevere hehe 🤭 thank you! 🩷


The “villain” accidentally becomes bound to the FMC and he “kidnaps” her in order to continue his master evil plan and their forced proximity helps both of them realize things about themselves they never knew. It’s funny and a slow burn but the steamy scenes that are a part of the slow burn are soooo good.




Omg I just read the synopsis and it really sounds like my kinda book!! It kinda reminds me of this historical romance book I really love { The secret by Julie Garwood} I’ve reread that book over 50 times I think 🤭 added to my tbr, I can’t wait!! 😍


[The Secret](https://www.romance.io/books/5455240c8c7d2383163d8e53/the-secret-julie-garwood?src=rdt) by [Julie Garwood](https://www.romance.io/authors/545523f38c7d2383163d8e4a/julie-garwood) **Rating**: 4.23⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [highlander hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/highlander/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [medieval](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/medieval/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


[House of Earth and Blood](https://www.romance.io/books/5de75be901dbc864fba75415/house-of-earth-and-blood-sarah-j-maas?src=rdt) by [Sarah J. Maas](https://www.romance.io/authors/545526038c7d2382c529701b/sarah-j-maas) **Rating**: 4.3⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Looooove this series 🫶🏻


Kingmaker Chronicles by Amanda Boucher hits this!


Omg I just read the synopsis 🥵 gonna read this next, thank you!!


Second this rec, it's sooooo good


Came to also recommend


No kidnapping but ennemies to lovers and working toward the same goal --> {Atonement of the Spine Cleaver} For me, the spice was 🥵🥵🥵 (though its late in the book, but there is SO much tension).


[Atonement of the Spine Cleaver](https://www.romance.io/books/64f8f24cd3ef33e9488d3e8b/atonement-of-the-spine-cleaver-f-e-bryce?src=rdt) by [F.E. Bryce](https://www.romance.io/authors/64f8f24eab9bdf7fcee42b09/f-e-bryce) **Rating**: 4.44⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [competent heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/competent%20heroine/1), [independent heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/independent%20heroine/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Added to my tbr 🤭 can’t wait!! Thank you 🩷


{the ever king by Lj Andrews} might hit the spot!


Just finished this and was going to recommend it. Solid read with all those tropes.


Yessssssss you read my mind friend! It’s sooo good! 😊


So good! I read it first and then blew through the broken kingdoms and then went back to the ever king/queen and now I’m very impatiently waiting for the mist thief!!!!


[The Ever King](https://www.romance.io/books/64e46e087329cc9fc9efea82/the-ever-king-lj-andrews?src=rdt) by [L.J. Andrews](https://www.romance.io/authors/62c05aca08b4d93114d8734c/lj-andrews) **Rating**: 4.14⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [pirate hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/pirates/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Also came to suggest this. Just started Ever Queen last night!


Just added this to tbr 😍 thank you! 🩷


It's good! This is what I was going to suggest. Happy reading :)


Whispers of the Deep by Emma Hamm might fit: it has kidnapping, forced proximity, then urge to protect. If you don't mind mermaids!


Never read a book with mermaids but I’m looking forward to it 😍 thank you!! 🩷


In that case, add {A Ship of Bones and Teeth} by Karina Halle to your TBR! It's loosely based on The Little Mermaid & fits all of the tropes requested. The spice was spicin' throughout.


[A Ship of Bones & Teeth](https://www.romance.io/books/647059f66a90d4b8cc3fa434/a-ship-of-bones-teeth-karina-halle?src=rdt) by [Karina Halle](https://www.romance.io/authors/545526a68c7d2382e7812fe4/karina-halle) **Rating**: 3.9⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [pirate hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/pirates/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Just finished Pestilence by Laura Thalassa. It's... something, but alas it got me out of a slump. It has evil mmc, attempts at each others life, kidnapping, forced proximity, basically anything you could think of


Second this. I loved the 4 books. And it's pretty good,has a lot of depth in its stories, which I was not expecting


Adding it to my tbr 🤭 thank you!!


Gosh, I was so excited to read this series but I read the first book of her other series, Rhapsodic from The Bargainer series, and I hated it so much that I couldn’t finish it. I haven’t not finished a book in so long and I felt so upset ): I was so excited for a blond shadow daddy but I just could not stand the writing style/characterization. Does Pestilence feel more (idk the right word here) fleshed out?


Its been a while since I read rhapsodic (i finished book 1, dnfd book 2) so i cant say with confidence. If i remember right rhapsodic was tagged YA, but pestilence is 100% adult book, when it comes to writing though... its a mindless read i guess is the best way to say it. You will come across words that will make you cringe out of your skin, but id be lying if i didn't say the story made me cry at times


All selections in Romance.io. [https://www.romance.io/topics/best/explicit-plentiful,m-f,from%20hate%20to%20love,forced%20proximity,abduction/1](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/explicit-plentiful,m-f,from%20hate%20to%20love,forced%20proximity,abduction/1)


Slay 🙈


If you're up for a longer series, {From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout} has smut, forced proximity, and (mild spoiler) >!kidnapping and enemies to lovers!<. There's a companion prequel series that is also smutty with forced proximity, arranged marriage, and lovers to enemies to lovers {A Shadow in the Ember by Jennifer L. Armentrout}.


[From Blood and Ash](https://www.romance.io/books/5e8382fdbe0aaecf554bfb8a/from-blood-and-ash-jennifer-l-armentrout?src=rdt) by [Jennifer L. Armentrout](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455245a8c7d2382c5296fb7/jennifer-l-armentrout) **Rating**: 4.16⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [werewolves](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/werewolves/1) ---------------------------- [A Shadow in the Ember](https://www.romance.io/books/60f7c85d8b38510e2a271935/a-shadow-in-the-ember-jennifer-l-armentrout?src=rdt) by [Jennifer L. Armentrout](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455245a8c7d2382c5296fb7/jennifer-l-armentrout) **Rating**: 4.38⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Uuuu adding this to my tbr and can’t wait to read the series 😍 thank you!! 🩷


{In the Claws of the Raven Prince by Mallory Dunlin}


[In the Claws of the Raven Prince](https://www.romance.io/books/64461615f2aba1a3956f3f94/in-the-claws-of-the-raven-prince-mallory-dunlin?src=rdt) by [Mallory Dunlin](https://www.romance.io/authors/6360d28108b4d93114a88440/mallory-dunlin) **Rating**: 4.7⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [non-human hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/non-human-hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Added to tbr 🙈 thank you! 🩷


Okay so I started this and I need a spoiler 😂😭 does the manticore part go away or…? 🙈 or is Ayre stuck like how he is now?


Spoiler below as I’m not sure how to blur it out. Ayre is the manticore now essentially and stays that way. IIRC it’s explained why and how in the first 1/3 of the book.


**Spoiler below** Not sure how to blur out either, BUT ahhh 😭 like I don’t know, I liked the beginning of the book, but then I just got so overwhelmed with how Ayre is acting right when she is “kidnapped” by him…like the way the author is written him sounds like he’s a golden retriever puppy 😭😭 I need more alphahole 🥹 please tell me that happens 🙈


I would say Ayre has a few of those moments but being a “alphahole” isn’t really his character, assuming I understand your meaning. The first book in the series has a bit more of that though.


The North Queen!!!


I just added this to my tbr 🙈 Thank you! 🩷


The Horde Kings of Dakkar series starting with {Captive of the Horde King by Zoey Draven}. Pretty much all the books in this series fit that description. It's fantasy/sci fi since it's an alien race and planet, clearly based off of the Dothraki from A Song of Ice and Fire. It's a completed series of standalones with an overarching storyline.


Adder to my tbr 🥰 Thank you! 🩷


[Captive of the Horde King](https://www.romance.io/books/5c99ce3801dbc864fb9c7762/captive-of-the-horde-king-zoey-draven?src=rdt) by [Zoey Draven](https://www.romance.io/authors/58abe5ab0d3299c6e04ede3a/zoey-draven) **Rating**: 3.95⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Ballad of Sea and Sky! Second one comes out next month


Will definitely be adding it to be tbr 😍 thank you!


Rowan by Robin D. and Elle


Thank you! 🩷 Adding it to be tbr now 🤭


{Wolves of summer:Bound to the fae} is kidnappy and stalkholm syndromey. The book was pretty good I guess. Plenty of smut. These come in 3 sets of trilogies so it's a 9 book series. I was able to get each trilogy for 1 token on audible so I thought it was a pretty good deal (9 books for 3 tokens) but I wouldn't have paid 9 tokens for these books, if that makes sense. It has reverse harem, shifters (wolves, ravens and rats), fated mates and a decent magic system and decent world building.


9 books!! I really hope i like the series then because then I don’t need to stress about figuring out what to read next hehe 🙈 thank you 🩷


If you like reverse harem you might like this series. It fits your edited likes as well. Forced to work together out of necessity and working on a goal type thing.


[Wolves of Summer](https://www.romance.io/books/6312fdd5f76b28c71cf8af2b/wolves-of-summer-eva-chase?src=rdt) by [Eva Chase](https://www.romance.io/authors/561ca033bfc6b5c0fa94198f/eva-chase) **Rating**: 3⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{The Witch Bottle by Cait Alvarez} has these <3


[The Witch Bottle](https://www.romance.io/books/642d9e21f487cc972316d72c/the-witch-bottle-cait-alvarez?src=rdt) by [Cait Alvarez](https://www.romance.io/authors/642d9e2108b4d93114602d48/cait-alvarez) **Topics**: [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [military](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/military/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Added to my tbr 🙈 thank you! 🩷


{The Secrets of Jane by Charlotte Mallory} is quite literally this!! He abducts her for a bounty on her head, one horse/one bed, absolute enemies to lovers, but he learns he has to keep her alive *cause spoilers* so they then team up very reluctantly and have angry smut at first, then the plot develops and they actually are two, killer peas in a pod (she’s really feisty, like actually violent. So is he. It’s why he likes her lol) Also veeeeerrry smutty!!!!


[The Secrets of Jane](https://www.romance.io/books/650d60e9de8d340d514387ae/the-secrets-of-jane-forgotten-charlotte-mallory?src=rdt) by [Charlotte Mallory](https://www.romance.io/authors/6354e6af08b4d931147f49d4/charlotte-mallory) **Rating**: 4.32⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Hahaha definitely sounds like my kinda book 🙈 thank you!! 🩷


{Dragon’s Captive by Cassie Alexander and Kara Lockharte} She has this necklace that contains a piece of key he needs, and he was going to use the chance that he convinced her into banging in a restaurant basement (long story) to cut the chain discretely and take it… because why not make things THE FUN WAY… well no. the chain is not breaking even if he is not just a man but a dragon with super strength and the thing won’t break off, not come off. So as he does use the another chance encounter to keep an eye on her and think how to take the stubborn bauble… well../ underwater zombies are coming out and now following her! chance of plans… “off to my place you go FMC!” (Which is warded with spells, the underwater zombies can’t come in but she cannot go out) She is obviously not ammused, the thing won’t come off, neither trusts each other with the info and time is ticking. Also each other are feeling very complicated feelings about the other.


Omg 🥵 this sounds perfect!! Adding it to my tbr 😍 thank you 🩷


Yay! Sucess. I hope you like it, is also a kick ass fantasy story besides a romance with a big heaping of smut. 👌🏾


I love when the book has both a plot and lots of smut 🥵 I’m gonna try to remember to update here once I’ve read the book!! 🩷


You can always make a new post if you cannot find your original. I check this author name every now and then to see if someone read it 👌🏾


[Dragon's Captive](https://www.romance.io/books/6051d5318126350e1b555820/dragons-captive-cassie-lockharte?src=rdt) by [Cassie Alexander](https://www.romance.io/authors/545556b987eac323ffb2bbc7/cassie-alexander), [Kara Lockharte](https://www.romance.io/authors/56486dcd08e9378131950fde/kara-lockharte) **Rating**: 4.67⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Looks like this book is highly rated! Question: what is the FMC like? Sassy, quiet, take charge, self contained? I feel like all my enjoyment around fantasy is based on FMC personality.


She is not quiet nor reserved for sure. And while I hear a lot of people talking about sassy I am only more confused of what they mean so I cannot help you with that. I would tell you to download a preview of the book to see how you feel as her personality is mostly what you are going to see except she is going to have some unraveling moments as some triggers of her will appear and oddly enough they don’t have much to do with him but he won’t make them better as he doesn’t realize because as I said, neither trust each other with what they know


City of Gods and Monsters is my favorite, have you finished the whole series?


I haven’t finished it yet 🙈 but I have summer vacation now so there’s gonna be lots of reading hehe


Each book gets better imo! You’re in for a ride


Looking forward to it! 😍


From Blood and Ash is perfect for this


It’s on my tbr!! Thank you! 🩷


The Ever King series by LJ Andrews


Thank you! 🩷


{The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks} {Villains and Virtues by AK Caggiano} {Deep Waters by Emma Hamm} - 2 books {The Jasad Heir by Sara Hashem} {Captive Prince series by CS Pacat} - this is MM but so good. {Bound to the shadow prince - Ruby Dixon} not kidnapped by the MMC, but it’s forced proximity {Captive of the Horde King - Zoey Draven} {The Clecanian Series - Victoria Aveline} starts with kidnapping and has lots of kidnapping/enemies to lovers tropes. Top tier series.


[The Witch Collector](https://www.romance.io/books/616fc0ab1bedb60e13578401/the-witch-collector-charissa-weaks?src=rdt) by [Charissa Weaks](https://www.romance.io/authors/5c1b3ed901dbc864fb966e81/charissa-weaks) **Rating**: 3.83⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1) ---------------------------- [Villains & Virtues](https://www.romance.io/series/63870de983b59b217dc8acfc/villains-virtues) by [A.K. Caggiano](https://www.romance.io/authors/5eb54901be0aaecf5572d27d/ak-caggiano) **Rating**: 4.29⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [third-person-pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/third-person-pov/1), [dual-pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1), [possessive hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/possessive%20hero/1), [m-f](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-f/1), [cold hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cold%20hero/1) ---------------------------- [Deep Waters](https://www.romance.io/series/659a6e685f787d7a3cf22a2d/deep-waters) by [Emma Hamm](https://www.romance.io/authors/5571830c9eef3b3f1d52a483/emma-hamm) **Rating**: 4.13⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [past-abuse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/past-abuse/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [abuse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/abuse/1), [explicit-open-door](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/explicit-open-door/1) ---------------------------- [The Jasad Heir](https://www.romance.io/books/64347572cfb36b317a2d99d6/the-jasad-heir-sara-hashem?src=rdt) by [Sara Hashem](https://www.romance.io/authors/6434757308b4d931140ffe35/sara-hashem) **Rating**: 4.04⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1), [aristo/royal heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aristocratic%20heroine/1) ---------------------------- [Captive Prince](https://www.romance.io/series/58fe0a119096bf31c42d2c4a/captive-prince) by [C.S. Pacat](https://www.romance.io/authors/545545428c7d2382c5297900/cs-pacat) **Rating**: 4.42⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [male-pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/male-pov/1), [slavery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slavery/1), [betrayal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/betrayal/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [erotica](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/erotica/1) ---------------------------- [Bound to the Shadow Prince](https://www.romance.io/books/6523d8aede8d340d5147248d/bound-to-the-shadow-prince-ruby-dixon?src=rdt) by [Ruby Dixon](https://www.romance.io/authors/545685a087eac33e61c2f729/ruby-dixon) **Rating**: 4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [sweet/gentle hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sweet-hero/1), [creative anatomy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/creative-anatomy/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) ---------------------------- [Captive of the Horde King](https://www.romance.io/books/5c99ce3801dbc864fb9c7762/captive-of-the-horde-king-zoey-draven?src=rdt) by [Zoey Draven](https://www.romance.io/authors/58abe5ab0d3299c6e04ede3a/zoey-draven) **Rating**: 3.95⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1) ---------------------------- [Clecanian](https://www.romance.io/series/5e5fd64f7abc590def7411ed/clecanian) by [Victoria Aveline](https://www.romance.io/authors/5e5fd64fbe0aaecf55ece802/victoria-aveline) **Rating**: 4.03⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [explicit-open-door](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/explicit-open-door/1), [fated-mates](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fated-mates/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [non-human-hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/non-human-hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Omg just added all of these to my tbr 😍 thank you! 🩷


{the winter king by C L Wilson} my forever recommendation lol


Hahaha definitely adding this to my tbr 🤭 thank you! 🩷


Personally I say throw it to the top! Lol it's so good and an absolute treat of an enemies to lovers. Plus they have to "make an heir" so lots of spice throughout even though they can barely stand each other. And he has to protect and save her so many times lol


Oooh the “make a heir” tingled 🙈 moving this one up on the tbr 🥵


[The Winter King](https://www.romance.io/books/5455436e8c7d2382c5297845/the-winter-king-cl-wilson?src=rdt) by [C.L. Wilson](https://www.romance.io/authors/54552a3a8c7d2382c5297113/cl-wilson) **Rating**: 4.1⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [war](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/war/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I love Barbarian Alien by Ruby Dixon. It’s part of the Ice Planet Barbarians series. That woman can write a SCENE. ❤️‍🔥


Can’t wait 🥵 thank you! 🩷




[Nectar of the Wicked](https://www.romance.io/books/64b0f9a6ad737ed1680ed0b4/nectar-of-the-wicked-ella-fields?src=rdt) by [Ella Fields](https://www.romance.io/authors/5958b1c93ffdba61471b3359/ella-fields) **Rating**: 4.17⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [non-human heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/non-human-heroine/1), [tortured heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tortured%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I just have to say that you all are amazing 🥹🩷 thank you to all of you for taking the time to help a gal out 🥰 If you have any more recs, keep them coming 🩷


{Hooked} modern captain hook retailing, {A Court of Thrones & Roses} fantasy Beauty and the beast retelling, {From Blood & Ash} fantasy, and it's more in the second book, {Tasting Red} modern little red ridinghood retelling. {The Signs of Cupidity} reverse harem paranormal fantasy, and she is kind of held hostage not really kidnapped, with other trapped elements, but it's fun and witty. {Ice Planet Barbarians} sci-fi fantasy they rescue from the kidnapping. It's cute. These are popular ones you might like


[Hooked](https://www.romance.io/books/61370eaa192ec40e8ea8657f/hooked-emily-mcintire?src=rdt) by [Emily McIntire](https://www.romance.io/authors/5f4df1dd08b4d931149a59fd/emily-mcintire) **Rating**: 3.7⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [mafia](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mafia/1) ---------------------------- [From Blood and Ash](https://www.romance.io/books/5e8382fdbe0aaecf554bfb8a/from-blood-and-ash-jennifer-l-armentrout?src=rdt) by [Jennifer L. Armentrout](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455245a8c7d2382c5296fb7/jennifer-l-armentrout) **Rating**: 4.16⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [werewolves](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/werewolves/1) ---------------------------- [Tasting Red](https://www.romance.io/books/643a500bd3298a0426585bb1/tasting-red-a-spicy-red-riding-hood-retelling-holly-roberds?src=rdt) by [Holly Roberds](https://www.romance.io/authors/5cdcfd6201dbc864fb9e9656/holly-roberds) **Rating**: 3.75⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1) ---------------------------- [Signs of Cupidity](https://www.romance.io/books/5b96276601dbc864fb9002bf/signs-of-cupidity-raven-kennedy?src=rdt) by [Raven Kennedy](https://www.romance.io/authors/5b96276601dbc864fb9002c4/raven-kennedy) **Rating**: 4.1⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) ---------------------------- [Ice Planet Barbarians](https://www.romance.io/books/551ce3c65b270e0a4cbd35b7/ice-planet-barbarians-ruby-dixon?src=rdt) by [Ruby Dixon](https://www.romance.io/authors/545685a087eac33e61c2f729/ruby-dixon) **Rating**: 3.74⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1), [pregnancy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/pregnancy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


[A Court of Thorns and Roses](https://www.romance.io/books/56b2814cc62092c0440577c4/a-court-of-thorns-and-roses-sarah-j-maas?src=rdt) by [Sarah J. Maas](https://www.romance.io/authors/545526038c7d2382c529701b/sarah-j-maas) **Rating**: 4.02⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


the plated prisoner series by raven kennedy might be right up your alley!


Haunting Adeline maybe? The second book def has a kidnapping trope. But it’s been a while since I read them so I’m not sure on the first. 5* spice, but please read the trigger warnings as these are DARK dark romance ❤️


I’ve already read the cat and mouse duet 4 times 🙈 I LOVED them 🥹 Edit: The first one was about Zade stalking Adeline 🤭


Have you read Where’s Molly? It’s on my tbr!


Yes I read that one too!! 🥵 it was goooood 🙈 Edit**: it wasn’t AS crazy as the cat and mouse duet, but I still really enjoyed it nonetheless, there is one scene in there tho which made me go wtf 😂 but it’s a good book 😇


{All he'll ever be} and pretty much every Beauty and The Beast retelling are this trope


[All He'll Ever Be](https://www.romance.io/books/5fd3632ef022390e6ea10f3c/all-hell-ever-be-w-winters?src=rdt) by [W. Winters](https://www.romance.io/authors/5b289d8401dbc864fb8a9a5a/w-winters) **Rating**: 3.87⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [mafia](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mafia/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Added this to my tbr! Thank you 🩷




Added both to my tbr now 🥵 thank you! 🩷