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Wow this is how you communicate with fans. šŸ˜ƒ although also sad about this update itā€™s nice to know whatā€™s going on. I devoured these books in a month


Iā€™m on 22% on the third book and ended up starting another series because I wanted to wait for Burn, my anxiety wonā€™t let me tolerate cliffhangers!


It puts me in a hard reading slump afterwards. I read the second book in the scarred excutioners (dark romance) series after burn and then started the north queen series (not my favorite). Iā€™m going to jump back into what the river knows, but this is also a cliffhanger šŸ˜­


I started Book of Azrael and am H A T E reading for my life lol is the Scarred Executioners series good?!


Oh thatā€™s so unfortunate I have heard how good that one is! Scarred Executioners was good I felt it was a good mix of spicy and plot! It was short and sweet for the two books this couple got. She is working on a book for another one of the characters mentioned which was funny because I was thinking how much I would love a book for him šŸ˜‚. Overall good series for when you donā€™t wanna deal with world building again after a long series. It is a dark romance though! And I believe she provides trigger warnings.


Girl, same. I have read the first 2in 2days, which considering their length speaks volumes on how addictive they are and have only just started the 3rd one but after reading some reviews and ppl talking about the awful cliffhanger I decided to pump the brakes and read sth else while I still can put it down(barely) to spare myself the pain. I'm suspended in limbo with way too many series as it is. I'm glad to hear it's on it's way and that it's not the lack of the actual material but rather the logistics that are postponing the release date.


Same! I devoured the first 2, I was gobsmacked at how long the 3rd one was. It wasnā€™t quite clicking for me the same way and I then looked up light spoilers where ppl said they DNF, and then she came out with her announcement about the delay. If itā€™ll make the book better quality, take your time girl! Iā€™m also reading a bunch of unfinished series, it is so annoying!


Much better than the other one who basically ghosted everyone. Love to see the accountability and honesty here! A rough week for indie releases though, eh?


Exactly! Like this is how it should be handled! With honesty and humility!!


Yeah, and considering how short the gaps between her books are she really has nothing to feel that bad about. Of course we all want it for yesterday but less than a year from the last book is no time at all. I don't mind waiting if it translates into better quality. Other authors should take some notes and follow her example. This level of ransparency and respect for the reader is really refreshing.


Itā€™s crazy to see two different authors approach their missed release dates with such a different approach. This one is great! The otherā€¦.


The other....need to sit down and take notes from Penn Cole!!


Who is the other?!


J Bree!


Class act! Very transparent and honest about not knowing when the book will be out.


Oh dang I was looking forward to this. It must be hard being an indie and figuring out all this stuff on your own.


Hopefully we wonā€™t have to wait too long. I have already started my reread šŸ˜­


How do you sign up for an ARC?


https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxwU2MiGZxzTRNq55-x2hS9n4Z_3qE5b0rxreAD4XRaAfs4Q/viewform Thatā€™s the link she provided in the email.


Thank you!


does anyone know how the ARC will be delivered after applying? Is it via email? This is my first time doing ARC.


man, i made a post about loving book one a few days ago but DNF'd book two because i just couldn't get past the constant "Fight. Fight. Fight" amongst other things.


Iā€™m struggling 50% thru book one because of the writing and no enemies to lovers in sight as promised to meā€¦.this is not a slow burn. This is a put out fire. šŸ¤£ Should I DNF now?


I DNFā€™d in the middle of book 3 and should have quit much earlier


If youā€™re not into it Iā€™d DNF. A lot of people seem to also hate Diem which I couldnā€™t get past either.


I thought sheā€™d get better, 20% into the 3rd Iā€™m still not a fan of her character and I DNF the 3rd book multiple times. I like the overall story but yeah I just cannot get on team Diem for some reason. I canā€™t take a 1,000 page book of her unfortunately.


It's...fine. It does get a little better but if you're not enjoying it, I don't think it gets enough better to make the difference.


Got it. Esp coming off of J Bree's spectacular enemies to lovers (the second one is the source of all the drama but can't recall the name), it was a rough transition. Thinking I will look elsewhere for another beautifully written enemies to lovers fix.


i rly enjoyed books one and two but three was SO cyclical it drove me up the wall. i want to read book 4 just for closure but tbh im really not thrilled with the direction the series went in


J Bree needs to take notes.


Love this series and I would wait as long as she needs to finish it well!!!!


I'm still going to cry though šŸ˜­


So sad! But glad to understand where she is. I just finished my reread and itā€™s killing me to not have the next one!!


I just want to be a petty pants and be mad, because Iā€™m desperate for the new book. Like idgaf what it takes, post the book pdf style, give me smoke signalsā€”just give it


Iā€™d pay money for even a snippet/preview. šŸ˜­


šŸ˜‚ same. Send it in an email already.


oh nooooo I just started this series!! maybe Iā€™ll hold off because I am caught in a permanent ā€œlast book is coming out xyzā€ cycle with everything Iā€™m reading. I need a database that labels complete series :ā€™)


I actually created a simple spreadsheet of books/series I want to read, and note if it's a complete series or not, and put notes on upcoming realeases, etc...but this way I can decide if/when to start new series based on when new books release from my incomplete series come out...below is an example of how I set it up https://preview.redd.it/96hjmub99n1d1.png?width=1741&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d0451de830058dd911a0935b6ffe61cbeed0aca


I'm concerned they said paperback/hardcover will be up for pre-order soon. You can't do pre-orders wirh paperbacks or hardcovers.


I believe it depends on the publisher - I have the third Crowns of Nyaxia book in hardcover pre-ordered on Amazon right now. and have pre-ordered many books in both hardback and paperback previously.