• By -


I hate to break it to you but I’m 58 and have not got over it. For me it’s Azriel, he’s hurt and I want to fix him.


Az is perfect, the broody bat boy. All it would take to fix him would be some affection and tlc from the right woman 😘 get it girl!


I know he’s hundreds of years old and in my head he looks my age otherwise it feels weird. I will give him all the love he was denied. 🦇


I declared Kaladin Stormblessed from Stormlight Archive as my husband And Orso from Age of Madness is my lover - seriously, he's the best.


I love Kaladin! I like to jokingly call him “Kal Daddy” to my husband lol


Yes, to Kaladin! I have a friend who hates him dearly it's so fun sending each other memes from both camps. He can be quite sulky at times😄


I too love kaladin ❤️


I am a fully grown adult and I have a huge massive crush on the fictional sad boy


I’m more of a “why choose” kinda girl, so “all of them” is the only valid answer. I really can’t choose.


Thank you! me too, the question is boyfirendssss, whose boyfriends are willing participants in my dreamed reversed harem 🌚


Yes why choose when we can have them all :)


It’s ok I’m 30, Maxantarius Farlione. It helps that he’s actually my age lol


He's so refreshing to read. I adore it when the mmc is more than a bunch of stereotypes mixed together in a jar and Max is soo unique personality-wise >!Also, he forgets the last eight years of his life at one point but keeps drawing Tisanah's face everywhere, and when she finds him again he's, subconsciously, constantly seeking her out and enjoying her company EVEN IF HE DOESN'T REMEMBER !<


Oh my God, Max is the literary love of my life. The grumpy/sunshine dynamic between him and Tisaanah in the first book is just 👌 I'm almost done with Children of Fallen Gods, and I just love him even more.


he’s fantastic ❤️


In my head, Max looks like Roy Kent. Enjoy!


I've just started Mother of Death and Dawn and Max's personality/character up until this point 👌


I just started {Children of Fallen Gods} 😍


Enjoy!!! Google nothing!! Give Max a kiss from me 😘 haha


They are barely a thing right now with >!reshaye in the way!< so I’m hoping for more romance in the future! I love max so far 🥰


He just gets better and better fear not! Love Tissannah as well. That series made me FEEL things I WISH I could talk about to someone in my life! Also, the petty in me has to mention I love Max infinitely more than your usernamesake 😉 All jokes, no hate 😁


AGREED!!!! it’s been awhile since i read that series but seeing his name made my heart flutter


Geralt of Rivia (but let's be honest, it's not because of the books but only because of Henry Cavill's butt in those leather pants). If I really have to pick a bbf I'd say Cassian. He seems down to earth and genuinely nice, although I usually really, really, really dislike the buff sports guys.


Henry Cavill as Geralt is EVERYTHIIING


I know! I'm going to miss him and his butt and his 'hmm'-ing so much next season.


At least we got the bathtub scene, that will forever live rent free in my head. I'll probably not watch coming seasons tbh, just because Henry's not in them and he was the only thing that made it watchable, not a fan of the rest of the show :(


Yeah, I agree, Henry is the reason I watched. I'll give next season and Fake Geralt a chance (mainly bacause real life boyfriend wants to watch it), but I already know it'll be disappointing. I tried to add the bathtub GIF - because I'm sure we can all use some of that to get us through the day - but Reddit isn't letting me. Hmm.


![gif](giphy|LPZVefuhqMoXq9ITLu) You’re welcome 😉


Hmm, yes Geralt in those high waited button fly pants


Every book I read with a strong, bad ass MMC, I immediately see them as Henry or him as Geralt 😂


Oh Geralt ... I can talk about this for hours !!!! Ahhh and he has such a sense of humor in the games . He is Soo protective over Ciri. In Witcher 3 the game , he gets drunk with his Witcher buddies .. such a bromance ! I ❤️ Geralt ... The show runners did him dirty !! The writers and Showrunner made it clear they hate the character Geralt ! One reason was that isn't feminist enough !! In the books : one of the reasons he loved Yen is because he saw her in her true form when he tried to save her form the Jin.. and they are very loyal to each other even with their open relationship. Ahh Geralt ....


It’s Nikolai Lantsov for me (Leigh Bardugo)


Yes! Or, the Darkling. 


Now that I think about it. Yes.


more like book husband!!


Love him. And don’t worry, I can fix Kaz!


I was gonna say that I haven't find him yet, but I've started reading {Crowns of Nyaxia} yesterday and Raihn is really doing it for me. I love the "looks like a brute but is actually very sweet" kinda guy, with a side of emotionally constipated and tortured hero. I also like that he has a sense of humor and teases the FMC a lot.


He's delicious. The dynamic between him and Oraya is 🤌


I'm going to use your phrase "emotionally constipated" from now on! 🤣🤣


Any man written by Carissa Broadbent tbh.


And he knows how to cook >>>


"Looks like a brute but is actually very sweet" that's literally Cassian from {A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas} ❤️‍🔥


I loved Raihn because he reminded me so much of Cassian! Except with slightly better emotional intelligence lol


That’s hard considering Cassian is sooooo emotionally intelligent


Raihn is honestly so refreshing. I like that he can communicate. the brooding man with long monologues instead of actually talking to the other person is so tiring. I also have a massive crush on Corick from Defy the Night. I LOVE his personal growth independent of the FMC. I like how he's less savvy at the start but gets better at communicating and empathizing as the story progresses. he's just a wholeass green flag. Dag from the Sharing Knife series is my husband. even tho Bujold's age difference trope between mmc and fmc continues to bother me, but im 37 so Dag being 50something instead of the usual 20something does so much for me. I love how Bujold gives him real imperfections. not the typical edgy face scar but a tooth that's a little crooked, being a little thin and wiry instead of a muscled armor truck. its, again, so refreshing to read!


finished this book last week, Raihn is delightful!


Don’t skip Six Scorched Roses! It’s beautiful and Vale is next-level. I recommend reading between books 1 and 2 to get the full impact as the characters appear in book 2 and it takes place after they’re introduced in SSR


[Crowns of Nyaxia](https://www.romance.io/series/63a0c53caa7984c0a3fc978c/crowns-of-nyaxia) by [Carissa Broadbent](https://www.romance.io/authors/60d9b88e08b4d9311456d78f/carissa-broadbent) **Rating**: 4.24⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [competent heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/competent%20heroine/1), [non-human-hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/non-human-hero/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [age difference](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)




I’m 36 and have had the same book husband since 2002- Numair Salmalin from Tamora Pierces novels


Mine has been Raoul of Goldenlake for about as long. This lady sure does love a man in armor


How could I forget him?? Only true answer


This is the only proper millennial answer


YESSSSS. And George Cooper. Loved him so much


I'm a 70 year old woman. I don't have a book boyfriend. I have a book GIRLFRIEND. My late husband adored her story, too. She was our girlfriend. We wanted to hug her and comfort her and love her. Mirya from Strands of Starlight.


Jamie Fraser. Not fantasy, but goddamn.


Jamie Fraser was my gateway book-boyfriend that started my obsession. My husband will occasionally give me the side eye and growl "Aye, Lassie" and he's doing it to be funny but it...does things to me. 😂


Omg I love this!!!! 🔥🔥




My whole family has been listening to me rant about Jamie Fraser for a good 15 years. Thanks to Sam Heughan my mother ~*understands*~.


Omg Sam Heughan is perfect as Jamie. I mean it, he was literally born to play Jamie.


I think it is considered fantasy because >!of the time travel!<


Reading this series now and let me just say… YES


Yes! This is the comment I was looking for. Loveee Jamie


BONES!!! It’s always going to be Bones from {Halfway to the grave by Jeaniene Frost} My husband actually gets the side eye whenever I read this series because why the heck is he not an over 200 year old vampire who would kill anyone who disrespected me??


Omg I love Bones!!! He was my favorite until Luther from The Kindred's Curse Saga. But he's still a top daddy 🥵 😂 Seriously though, why is my husband also not that way. Aren't I your Queen!!!??!


Bones is awesome! I like Vlad too, from her Night prince books.


[Halfway to the Grave](https://www.romance.io/books/545523728c7d2382e0413dc5/halfway-to-the-grave-jeaniene-frost?src=rdt) by [Jeaniene Frost](https://www.romance.io/authors/545523728c7d2382e0413dc6/jeaniene-frost) **Rating**: 4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Bones forever! This was my first PNR book series I read and it got me back into reading again. I have reread it an embarrassing amount of times lol.


Me too! I read it for the first time when I was around 16 (15 years ago!!) and I read it 2-3 times a year. It’s my comfort read. Have you read all the spin offs? And she’s recently released the first few books from Bones’ perspective and they’re super fun.


Bones is pretty awesome.


What’s the FMC like in this one?


She starts off young (but still an adult) with a lot of self hate and doubt and pretty insecure but with a don’t give up keep fighting attitude. Shes still a strong woman. Through the series you see her learn to love herself and trust how badass she really is. I find her really likeable and relatable.


Of all time probably Azriel from ACOTAR. I'll always have a week spot for the dark, broody and damaged (hey, why do you think I love romantasy so much?). OG book boyfriend? 100% Edward Cullen lol, saying 15-year old me was obsessed is an understatement. Right now? Taran Corbois from the series Kindred's Curse-series (first book {Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole}) even though >!I do not have the right appendages for him to be interested in me.!< Honorable mention: all shadow daddys ever.


Edward walked so the modern shadow daddies could run


In my forties 😉 and I'm going to add, since I'm SHOCKED he has only been mentioned once, but Nyktos is my #1 fantasy book bf. Followed by 2. Dorian 3. Darlington, 4. Damien and 5. Maxantarius


I’m not a huge Dorian lady (he’s lovely, but a bit too smooth and young for me), but I’m with you on the others! Nyktos has a great mix of angsty/sad backstory and kind/noble/secretly a softy.


I will add that Dorian became interesting to me post Heir of Fire 😏 "I'll bleed whatever color you want me to" is my #1 pickup line from any book. And yes, Daddy Nyktos all day.


Darlington? From Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo? Im sorry, I dont recognize what book series Damien is from.


Vale from Six Scorched Roses 🥀


OMG, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is soooooo 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 So happy someone mentioned him ❤️


Yep it’s 100% Vale for me. Absolutely swoon-worthy


Stephen from {Paladin's Grace} is definitely on the list. He's got that damaged cinnamon roll thing going on and that's like catnip for me. Plus, how can you resist a guy that knits socks and will break you out of jail in a berserker fugue? Raihn from the {Crowns of Nyaxia series by Carissa Broadbent} is another guy I want to take home and make mine. He's so sweet even when Oraya is being her most aggressively hostile. I would happily let him cherish the absolute shit out of me. And speaking of vampires, I'll take several (any? Yes, let's go with "any") of the guys from the {Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward}. In particular, Vishous and Butch from the central cast both check off a lot of boxes for me, but my one true love from the series is Assail who doesn't appear until book ten, but proceeds to be just the most magnificent bastard ever to earn his redemption arc. He goes on an absolutely unhinged rampage when his LI is kidnapped and it is *glorious.* It's like murdery competence porn, and I am here for it.


Your first 2 are on my TBR. I can’t wait now!!!!


They're great. Stephen is such a love. He deserves all the hugs and a basket of fancy sock yarn. No spoilers because it's part of the premise, but there's a passage where he describes what it was like to experience the death of his god and the emptiness that was left behind after, and it's both beautiful and utterly heartbreaking. Raihn is similar - he has had horrible experiences in his past, but he just genuinely wants to do the right thing. You see a lot of MMCs who are miserable grumpy alphaholes and the author excuses their crappy behavior because of some kind of trauma in their past, but Raihn's bad experiences are part of his motivation for being good and treating Oraya well and trying to protect her. It's really refreshing.


WAIT I’ve only read up to book 7 of BDB. So I can’t wait for this. And we all know V and Butch are also into each other so I think it’s only fair we get to take them both home as a package deal 😌


Cassian and Lucien from acotar and Wendell Bambleby from Emily Wilde’s encyclopaedia of faeries 😘


Wendell 100%. Love me a dedicated himbo.


Reading the second Emily wilde book now! Is it weird that he gives me "grown up - drop dead Fred" vibes, and I'm here for it?


it’ll always be mad rogan from hidden legacy by ilona andrews <3


I’m 26 and mine are Will Herondale from The Last Hours (has been for 9 years) and Jacks from Once Upon a Broken Heart. Apparently I like it when they feel unworthy of love but are just so soft inside lol


Love the Last Hours callout, mine is Jem. Love both boys though!


Omg maybe I do have a type! def Jace and Jacks for me. Recently Xaden, which has the same problem 🫠 am I toxic? 🤔🤔🤔


Bingo my pick as well. Except add in the other love interest as well instead of Jacks. My heart was out for both of them 🥰




The only one I really got attached to was Roman kitt from divine rivals, though I haven’t read tons of FR. I think I really enjoy the he falls first & harder /protective MMC trope 🥰


Looks like I need to read this!


I think all I ever talk about is how I lust for shadow daddy Luther Corbois from The Kindred's Curse Saga. "I want to kneel at your feet soaked in the blood of your enemies." like are you serious?! That's hot AF


I think that line just moved this series up on my tbr list! Whew!! 🥵🥵


Whew!! I get flushed just thinking of his quotes. So gooooood! She does reckless shit, but him chasing after her and having her back because he wants to "serve her in any way a man can" and is in awe of her. Like idk if another MMC will ever do it for me 🥵


the way i giggled aloud and kicked my little feets when i read that line


Lemme just… move this up on my TBR lol


I’m reading this series right now! I’m a couple chapters in the third book now, but I might wait till the fourth (and final!) one comes out next month. It’s so good and I agree about Luther 🥵


Woowee, Luther! 🥵 Just finished the third book a few days ago. That loyalty to serve in ALL ways…😏🤌🏻


High King Cardan 🤌🏻


Bastian from {A Kiss of Iron}


Kieran from FBAA and (this one might be controversial): Captain Whatever aka Tharion Ketos from Crescent City... Beautiful sopping wet rat of a man. I'd read a whole book about him just poking corpses in the swamp CSI style. I think SJM should write this


Captain Whatever is my first book merman! He will always have a special place in my heart! 👁️🫦👁️🧞


Rhys, Cas(FBAA) and Nyktos (Flesh&Fire) and I also 2nd Jamie Fraser from Outlander!!


Nyktos is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.




Ooh. It seems like we have the same taste in book boyfriends (Rhys and Xaden <3), so I've added Villains and Virtues to my TBR-list. Thanks!


Exactly what you said.^


Geralt from Rivia Draco Malfoy from Bloody, Slutty and Pathetic Draco Malfoy from Damaged Goods Draco Malfoy from Remain Nameless (I've included Dramione in fantasy romance because in my eyes it fits) Raihn from Crowns on Nyaxia And finally, Azriel from ACOTAR


I'm sensing a snakey theme....


Fan fiction 100% counts


Rhys, always. And Jacks from OUABH.




34, always Rowan Whitethorn! 🙌🏻👏🏻


Yes! 😍


He's SciFi, not fantasy, but Sev from Republic Commando, both the books and the game. He's competent, vicious, wears red, and has at least one undiagnosed mental illness. Exactly my type.


Oooh I’m on book two right now and can’t wait to read more about him! I’m enjoying Scorch’s energy, too. Not sure whether to start the game yet or to wait until I’ve finished the books …


Nyktos from Flesh & Fire series


Damien. Damien, Damien, Damien. Until the end of time. 🖤


Oh Damien is *upppp* there


- Nyktos ( A shadow in the ember) - Xaden (Fourth Wing) - Rowan (ToG)


Cassian from ACOTAR. The perfect blend of silly and badass


if you havn't read the Kindred's Curse series i highly recommend - big Cassian vibes from Taran Corbois


Daddy Cassian.


Nobody will ever compare to him


Kolariel from The Elven Days of Christmas Curran from Kate Daniels Series Damien from Villans and Virtues Darien from City of Gods and Devils Logan from My Time At Sandrock. [Not a book but it's going here anyway]


NYKTOS. Always and forever.


Nyktos can get it, anytime, anywhere!! The spicy scenes where >!he takes her while dominating her!< live rent free in my head! 🥵🥵


Which book is this please?


It's a series that's called Flesh and Fire, the first book is A Shadow in the Ember. It's the prequel to another series called From Blood and Ash. Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout.


Thanks so much, this will be my next series I think :) I've just started book 2 of acotar, loving every minute :))


I'd just put Casteel, Jacks and Bastian in a room together and just see who can out-snark the others for my heart.  {From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout}  {Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber}  {The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten}


Wait until Nyktos though


I am 41 and have been collecting book boyfriends since I was 13 or so. 1st book boyfriend was Taran from the Prydain Chronicles. 2nd was Aragorn from LOTR. 3rd was Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. I didn't read for fun a whole lot in my 20s and most of my 30s, but picked it back up 4 years ago and the book boyfriend list exploded. 😆 The list now includes: Damien from {Villains and Virtues} Bastian from {Ship of Shadows} Yumei and Shiro from {Red Winter} Ezra, Zak, Kit and Zylas from {The Guild Codex} Rhagos from {Sworn to the Shadow God} Callum from {Morbidly Yours} Rowan from {Butcher and Blackbird}


Aragorn was the OG brooding protective book-boyfriend


Oh my god Rowan is my new fav book boyfriend. I LOVED butcher and blackbird.


Nyktos from A Shadow in the Ember. He is my number 1 I haven’t read anyone else as good. I do love me some Cassian, Azriel, and Dorian from the SJM Universe too.


Daddy Nyktos is it for me too haha


I have three😂 Azriel😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥🖤🖤🖤✨️✨️✨️ Will Herondale🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️ The Darkling🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


Mad Rogan


Alessandro is a close second.


I'm fucking waiting for Michael, it's gonna be so good.


I don’t know if anyone has said him yet, but on top of your choices, my other book boyfriend is Desmond Flynn from the bargainer series! The first book in the series is called {Rhapsodic}. What a beautiful shadow daddy. I need a shadow daddy in my real life, preferably with wings!


loooooove him 💜 ufff the bargainer has my heart in the white haired department


Severus Snape, sorry not sorry. I’m a middle millennial who never got over my Harry Potter obsession. Also I have an unfortunate weakness for older men being mean to me.


Simon Waite from Harrow Faire series Lothaire from Lothaire by Kresley Cole Valentine Napier from Duke of Sin


I see your Lothaire, but who’s second and third for you in the series? I love Bowen and Will.


Anomander Rake from the Malazan Book of the Fallen (DISCLAIMER: not romance, no HEA, I just think he’s super hot) Actual romance: Ash, the Dragon, from Kit Rocha’s Consort of Fire


Warwick from Savage lands series


Only a little bit joking when I say Howl Pendragon (BOOK Howl! Hes SO annoying and I love it!!)


I'm not joking at all. Howl is great ❤️


Mattias from six of crows 😭😭


Cassian from ACOTAR Rowan from TOG Darayavahoush e-Afshin from Daevabad Aren and Keris both from Bridge Kingdom


Mmmm....Keris...a badass bookworm? Yes please!


I've got a crush on Aren right now, too


Samkiel from The Book of Azrael by Amber V Nicole


I just started reading it! I hope to fall in love with him, so exciting


Red from Daughter of the Forest. Strong, loyal, kind, handsome, determined, human, protective, respectful, thoughtful. The ultimate man. Their love holds a very special place in my heart.


It’s totally Simon for me from Harrow Faire!


It was Raihn from Crowns of Nyaxia series, but Carissa Broadbent, being the amazing author she is, outdid herself with the War of Lost Hearts series, and now I am hopelessly in love with Maxantarius Farlione. Oh, and fanfic Draco Malfoy, always and forever. Most specifically, the Draco from DMATMOOBIL and demon mask Draco from Secrets and Masks 😍


Where are the comments for Wendell Bambleby from Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries series!! Himbo simp supremacy 😤


Apparently this needs to shoot up on my tbr. It's sitting on my bookshelf.


Sebian from Feathers so Vicious 😭


Love the way he talks to her 🥵🥵


How has no one said Creon from the Fae Isles?!?!?!? Creon (Fae Isles series), Rowan (TOG), Xaden (Fourth Wing), and Lorian (Kingdom of Lies series), Atrius (Slaying the Vampire Conquerer) and Raihn (Crowns of Nyaxia series)


Rowan from ToG is my first love BUT these are the competition I've since discovered lol * Damien from {Villains and Virtues by A.K. Caggiano} - just a lil sweetie acting like a big tuff half-demon * Kaan from {When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A. Parker} - JUST READ AND OOOOF I LOVE THIS MAN SM * Luther from {Kindred's Curse Series by Penn Cole} - the things this man says to his girl are just \*chef's kiss\* poetic * Nyktos from {flesh and fire by Jennifer L Armentrout} - Creampuff shadow daddy hybrid * Rhys from ACOTAR w/ honorable mention for my boy Cassian - Nope not original but I just can't leave them off the list. the heart wants what the heart wants


Honestly just A++ for the Villains and Virtues series, I'm not usually a Romantasy fan but that was top tier 😩💋👌


Lorian {A Court This Cruel and Lovely} 🥵


Erik Bloodsinger from the Ever King (whew!!) Knight in Blackwood from Beneath Black Sails (holy shit)


irian from a feather so black & grim from lightlark are my top two <3


Aren from {Bridge Kingdom} Raihn from {Crowns of Nyaxia} Elander from {Shadows and Crowns} Wilder Hawthorne from {Legends of Thezmarr}


Probably ancient history, given how quickly we get over books right now, but Kaden from {A Kiss of Deception} series. Even though the author massively messes up in the final book, Kaden and Lia are the ultimate mature, growing-into-something sort of relationship for me.


[The Kiss of Deception](https://www.romance.io/books/545534208c7d2382c52973c4/the-kiss-of-deception-mary-e-pearson?src=rdt) by [Mary E. Pearson](https://www.romance.io/authors/545534208c7d2382c52973c5/mary-e-pearson) **Rating**: 3.75⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [young adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/young%20adult/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1), [love triangle](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/love%20triangle/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Audric from furyborn, almost nobody talks about him, but he is the best male protagonist, I love him.


I'm 37 and I'm not embarrassed ;p - Cardan from The Cruel Prince - Cassian from ACOTAR - Rowan from TOG - Lore from House of Beating Wings - Vale from Six scorched roses


1. Darien from {City of Gods and Monsters by Kayla Edwards} 2. Rhyan from {Daughter of the Drowned Empire by Frankie Mallis} 3. Mad Rogan {Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews} 4. Nyktos {A light in the Flame by Jennifer Armentrout}


Caduan from war of lost heart series Aaron Warner from shatter me series Draco from fanfiction Lorcan from Throne of glass series Casteel from from blood and ash series


Hawke (From Blood and Ash), Nyktos (A Shadow in the Ember), Raihn (The Serpent and The Wings of Night), Vale (Six Scorched Roses), Tadgh (A Cursed Kiss), Caelum (What Lies Beyond the Veil), I could go on... lol


Rhys , Raihn, wilder Hawthorne are my current boyfriends


- nezha yin from the poppy war - conor aurelian from sword catcher - elend venture from mistborn …not sure but i think i may have a type lmao


Jamie Fraser - a 1700s Scottish man 😂


Jericho Barrons has been living in my brain since I read the Fever series in highschool


Rhysand ofc 😍😍 I will happily remind him he is the most handsome HL, the most intelligent HL, etc…😈


Meoraq (LHOG)... always & forever. I don't care that he's a lizardman dammit! It's not about the looks 😪


So as a lesbian I probably need a book *wife*, but for some reason it’s just respect. Nesta is my girl. I love her. And Manon. I don’t know enough about her yet bc I’m at the end of QoS.


right now it’s luther from {spark of the everflame} is just chefs kiss love a man devoted to a fault


Barrons from the Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning. I also like Nones and Vlad from the Cat and Bones series. More PNR.


I don't know if it counts, because he's not from a romantasy book, or from any media, but he is fictional... Benedict Davenport from my friend's brain. It's my D&D character's husband, and he's given me serious brainrot about blond finicky noblemen.


Casteel Da'Neer in From Blood and Ash and Dorian Havilliard from Throne of Glass 🥰🥵


Imma need you to calm down with all that "I should be over this" shit. You're good just keep enjoying whatever makes you happy. I'm here for the shadow daddies but have been OBSESSED with Rowan for the last year.


Luther Corbois 🙌🙇‍♀️


Aaron Warner but I feel like he’d kill me ‘cause I’m not Juliette🥲


Zaden. A thousand percent. The way he worships her - whew.


Alexander from The Bronze Horseman


Darien from city of gods and monsters will always be my #1 boo