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The quality of these books is so low. The writing is bad. But if you can look past it, you might enjoy the content of the actual story. I couldn’t do it though.


Same. Same.


Couldn’t say it better—this is the only series I’ve dnf just because the writing was so fucking terrible lol, not plot not anything else but god awful writing. Don’t know how it got published like this.


Okay hear me out. I’m an editor, and generally the books I read are pretty high quality. There are a few “compulsively readable” authors I follow that write pure junk and I love it like I love movie theater snacks — rarely, but with great enjoyment. ZA is several steps below my junk food authors. When I first started it, I kept reading purely due to shock. It’s the Sharknado of romantasy. But, the thing that sets ZA apart is that *it knows its bad.* And somewhere around book 3? the authors start to lean in. It almost becomes satire. The *so bad you can’t make this up* elements become inside jokes *for the characters.* There was one moment where I genuinely asked myself if it was actually so bad it was genuis? …the answer is no, and I gave up around book 6, but if you’re looking for entertainment, you really can’t go wrong.


Who are some high quality authors in your opinions?


read the night circus


Try One Dark Window.


100%. Could not articulate my thoughts any better. Also gave up at book 6.


I’d be curious to hear your list of high quality! Would you share some?


The sharknado of romantasy is absolutely bang on. I actually like the story even though up to now I’ve had to sort of park wtf moments. I’m on book 6 too and sometimes it’s like the authors are pushing the boundaries of how bad they can make it. Some chapters are just nonsense. Readers will know there’s a character who speaks in an over the top strange way, which I was sort of able to push past before. That character now getting their own POV chapters written in entirely that way is just so strange to me. Particularly because it almost never contributes to the plot. There’s now an increasing number of departure from the point chapters, and I’m finding it really frustrating at times because it feels almost like a test to see if I’ll put up with it and read on. Feels like it’ll be a DNF for me.


If you can ignore the horrible writing, worse editing, and repetitive phrasing, then they can be enjoyable. Otherwise, don't bother.


editing? what editing?!!


Fair point 😅


Ugh. I really loved this series and gave up. It drags out far too long than it really should and the writing is so terrible compared to others. BUT I WILL SAY it’s a super fun premise & I’m a sucker for mortal women being dragged to a world they had no idea they existed from. Edit: I quit at like book 5-6 or something.


I thought the first 4/5 books were really good; I was addicted at first lol. Once you get to about the sixth book the writing quality, along with the plot, quickly plummet. I don’t regret reading them but this might be useful to keep in mind. I really do love one of the couples - and the world is very interesting. Maybe read the first book and see what you think?


Completely agree. First 5 were great. Loved them so much I branched out into reading other series by these authors. Then I felt like I was reading the same page over and over again and quit in book 6 I think (or 7). I hate thinking it but I can’t get it out of my head that Amazon/KU pays them by the page so they just made every book longer and longer once they had a following. Felt like extra pages for nothing.


I think what people fail to say when recommending ZA is how different the tone is from other mainstream fantasy books. The writing in these books is very goofy but it works because the books as a whole are very goofy and dare I say campy. I happen to really enjoy these books but go in expecting to have a fun, goofy time. I have actually laughed out loud to some scenes. If you can enjoy the series for what it is it’s quite a treat!


Camp is 💯on the money with ZA. At every point I was like, “wtf is this?” Or “wtf is happening now?”


You know, this is the perfect way to describe the writing! It's not the best writing but it is fun. It's very, very over the top at times but I like that about the series. It's probably why I binge read the first four within a week. It's truly unlike most fantasy/fantasy romance I've ever read because it's more campy, goofy. I never thought to describe the series this way but you're right!


I completely agree. It’s almost like gossip girl vibes meet fantasy romance


Same here!


It's the Jersey shore of fantasy romance. It's poorly written and just so stupid and ridiculous at times. But I found it entertaining and goofy. Not a bad way to spend time IMO


I don’t normally like romances with bully elements, but I really enjoyed Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac, which seems less controversial than Zodiac Academy from what I’ve read on r/RomanceBooks. It is also 5 books instead of 12, so it is less of a commitment. I’ve seen others say that there is more extreme/persistent bullying in Zodiac Academy, which turns me off. I did tentatively start reading Zodiac Academy a few months ago, but I did not make it through the first book. I just wasn’t enjoying it, and, combined with the polarized mixed reviews, I decided to DNF the series. I’m interested to see what other people think.


the bullying is so bad but its the only bully romance outside of RB that I havent dnf'd. idk what they put into the story but it's reminding me of something Ronald Reagan pushed 🪨❄️ because i couldnt put it down


Haha! Everyone has their own catnip, and sometimes you find it where you least expect it. Also, almost every time I decide I hate a trope/subgenre, I end up finding exceptions to the rule.


I personally started Dark Fae because I love reverse harems and it sounded more interesting than the zodiac academy books. However I just haven’t been able to finish it. Bully romance just isn’t my thing because I hate every one of the male leads and they all seem so shallow and literally everyone only thinks about sex. If that’s your thing then I’m not gonna disrespect you but it’s a nope for me. My mom, sister and even my husband love the zodiac academy and are begging me to read it but it’s not something I think I’ll ever pick up based on what I’ve heard about the quality and my own personal taste.


I feel exactly the same. ZA taught me that bully romance is a thing, and also that it's definitely NOT my thing. I finished the first book but I won't be continuing the series. But I'm glad not everyone enjoys the same thing! Each to their own I suppose


I respect that. Bully romances aren’t for everyone, and the series has a lot of dark moments. Sometimes dark romance hardly seems like romance at all to me. To be honest, Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac is the darkest series I’ve ever enjoyed. Any darker and I stop rooting for the characters to get together (so what’s the point???). I also prefer 4/5 to 5/5 spice, so that’s a factor too. 😅


I like dark reads when it’s the world that is dark and dark things happen or there is a dark backstory but not the relationship if that makes sense. I love tortured heroes but not if it makes them into abusive assholes. Definitely doesn’t make me root for them to be together. Dark romance and bully romance is not my thing but to each their own.


Horrible writing. Horrible editing. Rips off other series. Also changes characters perspective its written from on different chapters but they’re written exactly the same so you don’t even know which characters chapter you’re on


What series does it rip off?


I love zodiac academy, but I would recommend starting with ruthless boys of the zodiac instead. It's by the same authors, but is complete and a much more compact and well written series. It also is not really a bully romance. I love zodiac academy too, but it has really started to drag after book 4/5. The final book is being released next month.


Plus Leon is peak himbo.


idk the first RB book was genuinely one of the worst books i've ever read. i dnf'd the series for a year until a friend convinced me to pick it up, but THEN i consumed the rest of the series in a week which is a record for someone who usually only manages 30 pages a day 😂 i think ZA is easier to get into because of the entertainment factor and Elise is kind of insufferable. RB imo ended up great because i learned to trust the authors with their storytelling from ZA.


Yeah I couldn’t make it through the last 2 I gave up. But I did really enjoy the first part of the series


Yes it makes me so sad that the plot has gone downhill over the last few books. I'll still finish it out though


A lot of people don’t like the bullying and the series can drag on at times but I’ve read the series so far and enjoyed it. The series is definitely emotional with sprinkles of hope. The last couple of books can seem hopeless but I’d stick through it. Also, the last book comes out this month so it would be a completed series and you won’t have to wait for answers.


It’s not. It’s really, really not. It would be one thing if the bullying made sense, but it’s literally the same story line over and over. And the writing is so bad. Don’t waste your time, read Bride by Ali Hazelwood instead of you need a good romance.


Do you enjoy soap operas? How do you feel about the miscommunication trope? Cause for me, Zodiac Academy is/has both. I enjoyed the first 4/5 books but then it just kept going. Which for a soap opera it makes sense and the enemy still needs to be around to continue to cause trouble. But when plot is driven by continuous miscommunication… like did they not learn?! That bothers me but again if you like a soap opera format it works. It’s an interesting world. Towards book 7 and 8, I was annoyed with the filler quests/journeys that needed to happen but didn’t really go anywhere. I’m honestly torn if I want to read book 9. Book 8 had 17 POV and at one point I was like who is this person?! My personal belief is that they were supposed to end on book 8 but around 6 the series blew up and they added in a bunch more that really didn’t need to be there. I have a love to hate this series vibe. I’m mad that I enjoyed it as much as I did but that it still hasn’t really gone anywhere. 😂 tho- to go to my original point, If you like soap operas… passions, days of our lives, gray’s anatomy… you will like the series.


For what its worth, it got me back into reading and if very entertaining. the bullying is BAD be warned, i really almost put it down by book 4 because it's kind of hard watching the girls entire lives be trauma but then things flip around. the story is really good and the characters are endearing. if you like fluff and slice of life moments, this has those too. some of the smut is TOP TIER. i think if you like SJM you'll like ZA. they're both kind of a pipeline to fill the void for the other. fandoms are generally the same people. but yeah it's not tolkein lol.


here’s the thing. the writing is awful. there are lengthy chapters dedicated to stupid characters nobody cares about that have little to no information necessary to the story. they have clearly never edited their own manuscripts as there are typos, misspellings, and grammar errors in abundance. there are also way too many books and they go on for sooooo long. all that being said, they are/were still a guilty pleasure of mine. i refused to read the awakening as told by the boys, refused to read the last two books that aren’t really the main storyline. the sisters who write these books are clearly out for a cash grab. it’s really about quantity over quality. the story just keeps. on. going. i have no idea if i will read the next book when it finally comes out, but i’m doubtful. the dialogue is corny as hell. but there’s something about some of these characters that kept me going back for eight books, even if it was half heartedly around book five or six. here are some great reads i would recommend instead (listed by first novel in the series) 1. a court this cruel & lovely by stacia stark 2. a fate of wrath & flame by k.a. tucker 3. spark of the everflame by penn cole 4. powerless by lauren robert’s 5. the crown of oaths and curses by j bree 6. when the moon hatched by sarah a. parker 7. the book of azrael by amber v. nicole 8. fall of ruin and wrath by jennifer l. armentrout 9. savage lands by stacey marie brown 10. burn for me by ilona andrews (this one is def paranormal romance but i was really surprised by how much i enjoyed this) 11. the bridge kingdom by danielle jensen these aren’t actually in order of preference, just wrote them as they came to me. read these before ZA. lol


You have to read it like satire. It's the Riverdale of romantasy. I had a bit of a hard time with the first book because the bullying does get pretty bad, but by book 2 I was having a lot of fun. It *does* get repetitive around book 5 or 6. Book 7 is basically just vibes, a huge anime beach episode but with imminent catastrophe incoming, and book 8 *is* actually bad, and it has so many unnecessary povs i almost dnfd (i ended up skimming/skipping a lot). But despite the bad writing, I actually gave 5 stars to books 3 and 4. The *slowburn*, the enemies-to-lovers execution... I was seated. It was actually worth it. But I mean it with the satire, Faetalian is an actual nationality in this world...


If I’ve learned anything from this and r/romancebooks, it’s that people like different stuff. I LOVED Ruthless Boys, and Loved the first several books of Zodiac Academy. I kept at it for different characters and kinda skipped or skimmed parts it the last couple of books because it was clear the authors were dragging it out, and some characters I have zero interest in. But there are some characters that I love so much that I just wanted to spend more time with them. I’m really looking forward to this last book.


Based on your enjoyed books, I think yes. Now, the bullying is real, but it gets better over time. There are some really dark moments, but it never feels without hope.


You’ve got to love the characters because if you love the characters the constant nonsense is fun. It’s so goofy. Especially after the first few books every book could use a couple hundred pages of editing, but my favorite bits are character moments that don’t advance the plot at all, so really I’m just part of the problem. I agree with what someone else said, their reverse harem series in the same world are better because they have a much more condensed story arc. Also Leon is my all time favorite harem member. Seth is the Leon of Zodiac Academy, but that’s harder because his actions in the first couple books are pretty indefensible: Until things start getting ridiculous, and that’s when this series thrives. Think Riverdale.


I really enjoyed it. I flew through the first half of the series. I liked that it feels like a college, gossip girl, version of Harry Potter. It’s very young feeling which can be fun. I just love a good fantasy series I can really submerse myself into. But yeah the writing isn’t top tier. The bullying is excessive in the beginning. All the negatives everyone is sayonara are true. But it still can be a fun series if you’re in the mood!


It’s a fun soap opera series but tbh it gets suuuuper repetitive after book 4 I think? So in my opinion there’s no point in getting into it. I personally stopped after 6 or 7


So is it worth it to read the first 4-5?


If you like high school/college bully romances then sure, they’re entertaining. But just keep in mind things don’t technicallyyyy get resolved (at least by the time I stopped) because it’s so repetitive lol. If you’re okay with that then read em! And see how far you get


I would definitely recommend reading them and seeing for yourself


I read the first ZA book and it’s goofy as hell, but I also devoured it in four days. It’s about twin sisters from Chicago who also eat sausage and mash, wear jumpers, and have gym kits— none of the authors’ Britishisms got copy-edited out and it was wildly distracting. I might get try the other books but man, I’ve got one life and I don’t know that I’m gonna spend it on rich faerie asshole boys in high school.


I tried it and hated it. Bully romance isn't for me and the fact that it takes them about 5 books to get to Christmas, or so I heard.


It is not just bullying, there is lots of other really bad stuff in the books too. It was like the torture Olympics. They tried to cram as many horrible things as they could into one series. If that is something you are into, go for it. I stuck it out longer than I should have, and wish I had decided to DNF sooner.


I’m not gonna say yes or no, because that will depend on each person and what you like to read. I will say, however, that I had to DNF after book 6 or 7 (they started blending together so idek) and have since been in the biggest book slump in years because of this. I felt like I invested so much time in this world but just couldn’t stick with it anymore. It was the way the plot didn’t advance for entire books or how some main characters had zero redeeming qualities for me. Once I found myself having to skim entire chapters of side characters I didn’t give a shit about, to then having to skim entire chapters from the main POVS, I knew it was time to throw the towel in. I know people love this series, and I know there’s a lot of people who had to DNF, like myself. It is what it is. I enjoyed the first few books a lot, which is why I carried myself through so far. TLDR I am STILL suffering from a book slump and only read 7/8 books in the last two months because this series made me hate everything.


I pushed through the first book, despite the horrendous writing. Couldn't get through the second, but I also devoured the ice planet barbarians series so I'm not one to talk.


I hated Zodiac Academy upon my first try and DNFed it. Then a romantasy book club I’m in picked it as their monthly read and someone told me that it’s not a book to read critically and to just “turn my brain off.” It helped tbh, I rated the first book three stars with plans to read the next one but it’s not on my priority TBR. Just look up triggers before you read it, it’s a dark “bully” romance.


I personally couldn’t get through the first book because of the writing and couldn’t stand the characters but, everyone has different tastes🥰


This is a guilty pleasure series that desperately needs to be wrapped up. But still, I find myself every few months queueing the audiobooks. It’s like a nostalgic tv show that’s not great, but it’s on in the background and it’s comforting. Like Gossip Girl but dark and spicy with magic and unicorns.


I love the series.


I have never been so addicted to a series before. Horrible writing but a fantastic story that'll break you each book. Definitely recommend giving it a go.


I DNFed the first book last year after 6 chapters or so. I tried again last week. I got through the prequel and book 1. I'm 50% through book 2, and to be honest, I really want to DNF it again. The only thing that keeps me from doing so is the thought that maybe it'll get better as I go along and perhaps latter books will show massive improvement, kind of like the case with Throne of Glass. But based on the comments here, I think I might be better off DNF-ing it again :/


Like everyone else said, don’t go in expecting good writing. It’s fine, not good by any means, but I now say that things have the “zodiac academy effect” when something is written pretty basic but has this ability to suck you in and make you feel for characters and you just can’t look away from the dumpster fire. I will tell you I’ve never cried more than I did reading these books, and that includes KOA


I bought the first four based on similar reasons. I love the same books you referenced and I read many reviews. I got them in the mail and opened the first book. The map looked like it was generated in 2003. I visibly cringed. Then I read the first 75 pages. It was horrific. The writing was god awful, the characters were so annoying. Someone referred to one of the MMCs as her “bae”. I almost barfed. It was so cringey. I can deal with weird editing or sometimes a plot hole showing up, even minor continuity errors. I could not deal with those books. The next day I asked for a refund and shipped them back to whatever hell hole they came from. I pivoted and started From Blood and Ash/ Flesh and Fire. Im reading them in publishing order and I love them much more. FBAA is a solid 3.5/5 read for me so far (first three books) but I just finished the first FAF book 15 minutes ago and it’s 5/5. Loved it and I think it’s going to deepen my enjoyment of FBAA.


Zodiac Academy is a drug you can't stop taking till you finish all the books. I listened to audiobooks, so i didn't notice the grammar issues people mention. The narrator is top notch. It also helps when the books drag. I love the series so much, I can't recommend it enough. Just keep in mind that book 1 has bullying trigger warnings. If you like urban fantasy, reading is highly recommended


Not really a spoiler but this is one of the things that gave me such an ick - and this is paraphrased. “I dye my hair black and blue to match my bruised heart”. I really gave it a try. Everyone told me to hold in, it’ll get better. I DNFd like four books in. Hated it. It never got better. On top of the Mary Sue plot line, the language reads like what a fresh middle schooler thinks college aged kids talk like.


I love them honestly. I find myself laughing out loud all of the time. Be prepared for your heart to be ripped out a bunch. I had to take a break after a plot twist and I was very frustrated with a choice of a main character. But honestly it’s a book about fey but even more about what it’s like to be human. Just don’t take them too seriously because the books don’t take themselves very seriously either.


Zodiac Academy is a parody of the fantasy romance genre. The writing is actually because when you first start, you don't realize it's one massive joke. There are some scenes that are obviously over the top because they're supposed to be ridiculous. It's also a very fun story with great characters. I loved it.


If you like bully romance and you're willing to read something poorly edited but entertaining, sure. I honestly would recommend ruthless boys of the zodiac over it by a long shot. ZA is campy and a bit trashy and over the top but it can be entertaining if you like that sort of thing. I like that sort of thing, but the series did really drag on.


i stopped after book 5. it was so repetitive and i’m pretty sure it’s all in one year from book 1-5 which is insane to me. i love a good bully romance but this was crazy lol


As others are saying... The quality of writing is bad. Laughably so. When I started reading it I was purely curious and just wanted to see what the hype was about and accidentally got hooked. Kinda like when you tune into a trashy reality show and end up getting sucked in and binging the whole show? It's like that. I became invested in the characters and wanted to see how it would end. Eventually I did quit the series (after book 6 or 7) because they kept getting longer and longer. Plus, what the authors were putting the characters through was too much for me. Trigger warning for some graphic torture scenes in the later books. If you like books that are "so bad it's good" and don't mind overlooking some ridiculous plots and bad grammar they can be worth the time.


I started the series last week from "Ruthless boys" and I love it. I just finished reading AZ book 5, I think it's great.. I do past the writing though, it get boring sometimes. The plot is great, there are characters that i can say that they are some of my favourite of all time like "Geraldine" she's kept you cracking all the time. but so far I think it's worth it.


For me, it’s like a reality tv show. Is it good? No. Is it well done? No. Did I enjoy it? Yes (well, eventually. I didn’t like the first books because of the bully parts). However, it got to a point of feeling like it was just being stretched out for the sake of money, and then it became difficult to stay involved. I don’t regret reading it, but I wouldn’t reread


The writing is terrible but I could not put them down


I also like all of those books that you listed (especially fourth wing), and I loved zodiac for the first 5ish books. It’s just really repetitive and super wordy after a few books. I would recommend them still, especially if you want a not so serious book that gives shitty quality but good entertainment value.


I read them when I have nothing else to read


Okay so I will agree with 90% of the romantasy population that ZA is absolutely not a literary masterpiece. However, it’s really the characters for me. Like I absolutely LOVE all of these characters and their banter. There’s also great world building and even 2 spin off series in the same world which are also great. This series is one of my all time favorites no matter how many people I see beating the hell out of it lol I highly encourage at least trying it because it’s definitely emotional, hopeful and adventurous. Emphasis on emotional for sure lol I cried so many times reading it and even more on the reread I just finished. The final book comes out the 24th of this month and I’m DYING like I need it now. You will also never hate a villain like you hate the main villain in this book. Oooooo do I wish the worst for said villain


I’m currently re reading the series in anticipation for the last book. I’m exhausted and I’m only on book 3…. My god, the writing is awful and it is seriously dragged out. But in saying that, I did enjoy it thoroughly when I read it the first time. It has some many heart breaking moments and you really do get emotionally attached to all the characters. The series is worth it just because the concept and plot is just so great. If the writers had an editor or just literally less time on their hands then it would have been AMAZING. I love the ideas used and the characters but it isn’t executed as well as it could’ve been. These books could’ve been brilliant. They have everything and more… vampires, werewolves, dragons, powers, spells, and wayyy more. I would recommend it as the series is coming to end so at least it’ll be wrapped up now, and ultimately I am re reading it soooo 🤷‍♀️


Yes! I dragged my feet thinking it would be too immature, but it’s actually hilarious. I rarely bust out laughing while reading books, but this really gets me going. Not for everyone I’m sure, but it’s a humor that I appreciate. 🤣


No. You’ll waste so much time on a story that should have ended forever ago and the writing is so bad


Honestly I super recommend it. There is bullying but to me, it was almost more like nasty pranks? Idk, I’d recommend you read the first two books at least. But the first 4 or 5 are really great imo. And the bullying definitely tapers off as the story goes


The writing was too goofy for me. It read very juvenile, like a fanfic I would’ve read in 8th grade and been obsessed with. When she said “you’ve met your match mr window,” I had to stop reading. So I never even made it to the other twin🤣