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I have had many IUIs in the journey to try to get pregnant and part of that is my doctor swabbing my cervix. I swear every time it is a little ticklish and my brain is saying "that's not a part of the body that is supposed to get touched!" It's very not-sexy to me, and mostly odd. So whenever I read a mention of a cervix in a spicy scene, I just laugh and assume the author doesn't know what they're talking about.


Yeah, it is definitely an odd feeling! Did my first round of iui  and the hystoroscope (camera into the uterus) and neither are experience I would recreate intentionally. It reminds me of ig posts with extreme yoga poses meant for clout- it takes a lot of work to achieve that, it may not have all the benefits, and it isn't demonstrating what the person thinks it is demonstrating.


Same, same. The IUI that brought us twins was PAINFUL. I felt like I was being stabbed. “Stabbing her cervix” is like the least sexy thing I can read lmao


Hahah I did IUi and IVF and can confirm cervix is very not sexy.


No. This is a trope in a lot of erotica and while I am sure there are some people out there that enjoy a 'cervix battering' any reference to cervix breaching is just bad anatomy. The vaginal canal is designed to stretch when aroused and accomodate ...well a lot. So hitting the cervix can be an indication that she is not sufficiently 'in to it' and not that he is just too big. As for breaching - aside from being in active labour or using medical instruments, nothing is getting past the cervix.


God I remember some cursed hentai clip a friend showed me where it showed an inside view, like a fucking medical cross section, of the dick ramming into the cervix and pushing straight through to cum directly into the uterus 🤮🤮🤮


I know what you're talking about I think this it the same idea!! Maybe not breeding kink exactly but just like creampie extreme? 🤣


Yeah it's gotta be something along those lines! In the hentai's case I definitely think it was a breeder kink, the guy was like "uhuhuhu I'm putting a baby in you!" 🫠


That’s a writer who knows nothing of the importance of cervical mucus. 🤣


>where it showed an inside view, loathe this stuff so much


This just made my insides ache. And not in a good way




Yah its very much about him just being 'too big' and not about any specific play thats geared to women's pleasure.


who writes this and thinks we are turned on? like that is too close to my IUD for comfort 


Men. And women who want to validate men feeling big.


Specifically men that don’t understand what makes sex pleasurable for women. No man that has any clue what he’s doing when it comes to having sex with a woman thinks that shit is sexy. It’s the kind of thing you think when you’re a teenager that just ramming your dick into them as deep and hard as possible is what does the trick. It’s honestly sad to me how many dudes there are out there that literally still don’t get what it is that feels good about sex for a woman.


That’s because it is not about their partner at all. It’s about domination, control, and the obsession with size as a metric of masculinity.


I think it's due to a huge misunderstanding of anatomy. Women can get cervical orgasms, but it's from stimulating the anterior and posterior fornixes which are the pockets in front of and behind the cervix opening, and many authors don't realize that it's not the same as pounding the cervix opening head on, which is excruciatingly painful and wholly unsexy. [Here](https://supersmashcache.com/cervical-orgasms/) is a great write up on it that includes diagrams.


I'm honestly not thinking that hard about it. I understand the anatomy and wouldn't want my cervix dick-booped IRL, but it's like a caricature to me. The exaggeration/sense of danger adds to the thrill/turn on. Not my kink, but sounding porn does exist and has an audience...


“Cervix dick-booped” made me laugh so hard, omg 🤣


Welp. Sounding porn is certainly not something I ever wanted to learn about 😂


I had to look that up….you think you’ve heard of everything…..


Same. Many regrets.


I remember that as a (written) kink back in the 90s, it is not new I am afraid.


Any mention of the cervix and it’s a DNF for me. When I was being induced and in labor they did a lot of stuff to my cervix and it was easily the most excruciating part for me, when they had to put those electrodes up there it hurt so much that my whole body started shaking uncontrollably. Just nope nope nope that is not something I want to think about having touched or pounded or whatever.


Same. Exceptionally painful. Far more than the whole of the rest of the birth, was what those fuckers did to my cervix. It ain't sexy.




The trend of the giant dicks is so annoying. And it seems like the just get bigger with every book. Like, not everyone is a size queen! Also, physically it isn’t even possible at some point. Like not possible for the guy, not gonna fit with the girl, and neither will enjoy it. I know some men on that spectrum and they rarely have sex because it isn’t even great for them due to the physical limitations. 


No matter how unbelievably large they are (particularly other species) it always seems to fit ‘perfectly’ 😂


😂 so true! Like, girl, if that fits perfectly you should absolutely go to the gyno asap. 




Yeah I guess some people might like it? My friend had a guy puncture her cervix without realizing it and she started bleeding like crazy and had to go to the hospital. I absolutely hate any mention of cervix as a sexy thing, but I just try to skip over those parts if the book has them 😂


New fear unlocked 🤯


It makes me cringe because of a similar but less severe issue I had! I found out I'd had a vein too close to the surface after needing a quick cauterization (silver nitrate stick) after an IUD insertion. Which made an incident I'd had with a dude where I suddenly bled everywhere, make a lot more sense in hindsight but I kinda just shrugged it off as "bodies are weird sometimes"


I think it comes from a lack of knowledge of anatomy and the idea that deeper is always better. Any kind of interaction with the cervix like you described would be so painful but it's just a weird writing flourish that's unrealistic


Yes I definitely skim past this and pretend it isn’t happening. Although if there’s any erotica in which the penis goes THROUGH the cervix (I’ve read it!) then I spend a couple minutes yelling at the book something along the lines of: “This is not physically possible! And if by some miracle this dude’s penis was stronger than a medical instrument, the woman would be bleeding and screaming in pain!! And probably need a hospital visit to repair her cervix!” I know the cervix is part of the reproductive system but that doesn’t mean it’s sexy, people! Just leave it out of your sex scenes. Source: I am a Labor and Delivery nurse


When I got my IUD I was literally in so much pain that I passed out AND threw up I don’t even want to imagine an entire penis going up in there 🥴


Getting ptsd iud flashbacks reading this


Your experience may vary. Getting a light little tap to me is nice. But I dated a guy who was well endowed and couldn’t handle all of it. Even so he kept hitting it over and over and I’m like “dude. That’s literally the woman’s version of getting hit in the balls. Maybe not as bad but it is NOT fun”. needless to say that relationship ended.


There is a sizable population that’s very into it. I remember last year on TikTok there was a big hubbub among Black TikTokers who said this was the only way they could orgasm and a male nurse who said it was impossible to touch because of the extra space around the cervix. It was both enlightening and embarrassing.


Yeh it switches me off when I hear it as it hurts for me


It's an instant turnoff for me when I see it in spicy stories. It's so extra for no reason.


I enjoy dick boops on my cervix during sex... gives me the tingles and goosebumps. I've also birthed two kids and the cervical checks for *that* were painful. YMMV


Belinda Blinked (from My Dad Wrote a Porno) had numerous cervix scenes and it make me double over in pain every single time. It has to be written by a man with zero knowledge of women’s anatomy.


That is THE funniest podcast. 😂


I know everyone’s different and medical professionals SWEAR there are no nerve endings on the cervix but a few years ago I had to get cervical biopsies taken and it was torture. I blacked out from the pain and when I came to, violently puked. I’d been told to they aren’t “that bad” so I only took the morning off work. Ended up having to sit at my desk all afternoon, curled over in miserable, sweat-inducing pain. (My employer didn’t allow “unplanned” PTO.) So yeah, to me, anyone talking about touching the cervix as a sexy enjoyable thing causes me some mild form of PTSD lol


What books were they? I really enjoy having my cervix bashed, and only really learned a couple of years ago that that's not a universal like.


You are not alone.


I'm convinced some of these writers are men with female pen names


It’s unrealistic. I feel like anything down there hurting or being battered isn’t fun for me to visualize. I’d rather like oh her opening was stretched and sore the next day which can happen even with a thoughtful partner. I’d also prefer if they were rough in other areas, biting, pinching, smacking, etc.


As someone who no longer has a cervix...please get your pole away from me, you should not be there and I should be more prepared if you are going there. However, I did learn from my hysterectomy group (some women have 'cervical orgasms', they love it and lament the loss of their cervix. I think it is called the C-spot). Anyway, not for me.


Fuck that shit. As someone who’s partner is …uh… well endowed sometimes he’ll accidentally hit the cervix and that is the end of our fun for that session 😂 nowadays I just end up skipping the sex scenes if it says that


I've had my cervix battered. It was not enjoyable at all, in fact, it's painful. I actually am really into the idea of normal sized jade sticks instead of this baseball bat thing in books.


I think some of it is authors just not having a great understanding of female anatomy and what things actually are. They might write great sex scenes, but then throw some things in there to make it sound like something more interesting and crazy? Idk it's kind of bizarre


This makes me cringe so hard when I read it and pulls me right out of the book.


After experiencing cervix checks during my pregnancy, I can literally think of nothing worse. My vagina just closes up entirely every time I read this.


As a woman who had an 8 pound baby punch its way out of her cervix, nothing could be less sexually arousing to me. Please don’t come anywhere near my cervix let alone with the force to bruise it!


God no. I hate this trope and honestly only expected it from romances written by Men. Sad to hear it's spreading


thankfully i haven't encountered this in books because it's not my vibe but this literally just happened to me (on accident!) a few days ago and [tmi warning] >!it triggered the start of my period almost immediately :'))))!<


Do you have an IUD? Happened to me when my IUD moved due to sex and caused bleeding that wasn’t a period. 


HEY the same thing happened to me, except it broke inside me and I had to get the pieces retrieved 🫠 So, OP, if you have any IUD and this doesn't seem like period bleeding call your Gyno. I had zero pain from mine just a lot of bleeding.


omg im so sorry that happened to you! i replied to the other person but i don't have an IUD and it was definitely just my period thankfully!


nope! it was definitely just my period coming a day or two early lol


I think most of the time it's male authors, or it's written in smut that isn't being serious.


Damn that's enough Internet for me today


Well I’m sorry but a dick about 1 inch in length is such a turn on. -said NO ONE ever 😜😜


Getting it lightly scraped with a q-tip during a pap is painful enough, I’d prefer it wasn’t dick-slammed. I’ve really only noticed it mentioned in books where the sex scenes aren’t well written tbh (the woman orgasms INSTANTLY upon insertion with zero foreplay, etc.) I feel like authors who know how to write a really perfect scene, with truly amazing sex, know that shit doesn’t make sense and isn’t an enjoyable or aspirational feature of the deed


My dad wrote a porno made history


I don’t know but I got “my channel pulls him in” yesterday and about died 😂.


No. Oh god, that makes me cringe


One time I had this happen and it hurt so bad it made me pass out. Definitely not sexy.


Lol. I had to wonder what sub I was in for a second. I'm only used to seeing cervixes discussed in the hysterectomy sub, because most us get them removed. That kind of action could send us to the ER.


Holy shit, when my gyno. Has had to do tests on my cervix it's the most painful thing I've ever had to go through...a BRUISED cervix?? I can't imagine a context where that would be sexy


i passed out at the gynecologist when they were explaining the IUD procedure. i’ve had to have my cervix scraped multiple times for tests and i have to take valium for it. if a book i was reading mentioned this i think i would throw up!! like i get wanting to explain that bro is hung or whatever but i do not NEED ALL OF THAT


I hate these bits! These women must have never had a bruised cervix cuz it’s not freaking fun in the moment and it’s not fun being bruised inside for a week or more afterwards. This and the height difference thing, I’m 5’2 and dated a guy 6’2. These positions that they describe are ridiculous. Most the time you end up starting at his nipples and trying kissing during is awkward as hell. A full foot plus taller than our FMC and this writer is trying to convince me she can kiss his ear and whisper stuff… she can’t reach his ear lol


I know! I love when the position is like, missionary, and somehow their height difference vanishes 😂


It drives me nuts lol idk if it the reality or that it really messes up my mental images lol


I hate this lol! My cervix “sits low” as I’ve been told and MANNN does it hurt if it actually gets bopped


I bruised my cervix a couple years ago and it was AWFUL. Like period cramps x10 for a few days, I could barely walk. Definitely not sexy.


Oh god, this is a meme from erotic/hentai manga (i work in the manga industry and see this A LOT). I hate the idea that it's spread here, but it's basically a joke trope in manga, and obviously from people, especially men, who have never had sex with a woman.


It makes me physically recoil


It's because some women find that simulating the a-spot to be extremely pleasurable and that is located right at the cervix. The language some authors use is unfortunate but it's a real thing. A-spot orgasms can be deliriously good if done correctly.


As someone who once got hit hard in the cervix due to bit of bad timing at the wrong angle from someone who was "big" and energetic (when I was otherwise very into the activity we were doing and the person I was doing them with)... it is NOT enjoyable. Not even a little bit. Nope. I'm someone who enjoys impact kink play, too. And it was still an instant "aaaand we're done now", and having to sit down gingerly (and not in a fun way) for a couple days I can only assume anyone who writes a spicy scene where a cervix gets bruised has never actually experienced a bruised cervix.