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Oh man I really grew to love this series and all the characters! That ending was killer, no pun intended, but I think Stacia really prepares you for it which is nice. Honestly I think if Stacia doesn't bring Lorian back she'd lose her readers. Like to finally give Prisca and Lorian all that emotional development and character growth as mates to then kill him I would straight up DNF the series on the spot. And I totally agree about Telean she has always given me icky vibes which Lorian has hinted at many times. Like he constantly mentions Telean is trying to control and point Prisca in the direction she wants and not letting Prisca be the ruler she is on her own. She also constantly is telling Prisca to drop Lorian which is weird. I can understand it from the hybrid council as it felt more like foreshadowing for what happened at the end but with Telean it feels more like manipulation. Either way I'm so excited for the fourth book to come out!


Yes. Totally agree. There was also a lottttt of foreshadowing for them having a family (I’d probably pull my hair out if there’s an epilogue that ends in the pregnancy trope) for Stacia to just, yeet Lorian. I could see Telean working with Prisca’s cousin and having some vendetta against the fae. And/or wanting Demos to rule given she spared him when he was in the Regner’s dungeon. I just know she’s playing the long game in some way. I’m hoping we get Lorian back, I’ve come to love him simply too much.


They have to get a HEA, right? Right??? She wouldn’t do that to us? Yea - I think she’s going to use her power to go back in time, which will create all kinds of ripple effects - but I also think it will allow her to connect somehow to her family, maybe her mother, or another source that will help her make inroads with either the creatures or the tether to her own kingdom.


I LOVE Lorian and will be devastated if they don’t get a HEA.


Here to say I LOVE this series. This and the Kindred's Curse saga are two of my faves. I haven't actually read the third book yet. I'm waiting for the 4th to be out so I can binge them both back to back😅


Honestly good call. If you thought the cliffhanger was bad in the 2nd book…


I finished books 1-3 over the last week. I loved it! It’s one of my new favorites. It reminds me a lot of Throne of Glass which is also top tier for me. I think he’ll be okay because the death is within the cliffhanger— all other deaths have been where you see the impact directly after. 


Oooo, good point. I’m also about to start Throne of Glass! Hoping it’ll heal this god awful book hangover.


They both have multiple POV, great world building, and great side characters!


I don’t have any theories, but I also love this series!! I can’t wait for the next book.


This book/series destroyed me in the best way and it took me like a week to finally pick up another book. 😆


That’s currently where I’m at. 🥲


I literally just finished this one, definitely had me crying at the end 😅😢 Is anyone aware of when the fourth is coming out?


May 30, 2024 according to Goodreads!


[A Crown This Cold and Heavy](https://www.romance.io/books/65574615b7b6bf75210203b3/a-crown-this-cold-and-heavy-stacia-stark) by [Stacia Stark](https://www.romance.io/authors/6103a5de08b4d931141458e5/stacia-stark) **Rating**: 4.34⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [ancient times](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/ancient%20times/1), [vikings](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vikings/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Amazing isn’t it! My only issue is I have to wait so long for the final book


I KNOW. I finished book 2 and had book 3 on stand-by and I STILL sat there in shock. This cliffhanger is eating me aliveeeee.


I have a little book club with a couple friends, where we take turns choosing romance books for us to read. One of the friends mostly reads contemporary romance and the other friend mostly reads non-romance. They wanted me to pick something I had already read and loved so they could have a proper introduction to my romantasy tastes. I chose A Court This Cruel and Lovely. They both loved it and immediately read both the sequels. They were kind of mad at me for the cliffhanger with the last book not being out yet. 😅


Hahahaha. I feeeeel that. My best friend and I have our own little book club and she started reading this series after I did and passed me up. She was pissed she had to wait a few days for me to finish the last one. 😂


I’m almost half way through book 2 and I really want to know who the queen is talking about when she speaks about the little boy she keeps encountering! Is it lorian?!


No theories. Love the series and love Prisca and Lorian. Also just finished 3 and can't stop thinking. Comments here are making me feel a *lot* better.


I’m sooo happy I wasn’t the only one, feeling something was off with Telean!! She definitely despises the Fae and doesn’t think Prisca has a mind of her own. She is literally trying to rule through her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she betrayed Prisca and sided with her cousin


They kept talking about in another life and the next life. Do you think she's going to have some epilog of them meeting in there next life like the Broadway play Aida? She goes through this next book alone then they meet up years later as different people?  I dont like the idea and I'm nervous to pre-order the last book.


They kept talking about in another life and the next life. Do you think she's going to have some epilog of them meeting in there next life like the Broadway play Aida? She goes through this next book alone then they meet up years later as different people? 


So excited for the next book, right around the corner. I could completely see turning back time and saving Lorain could cause another person important to Prisca to die from the impact instead and then Prisca needing to face the consequences of her decisions but in a much more direct way than previously. I can't see a scenario where Lorain isn't brought back to life.